Uploaded by Stephen Quansah

Global Crisis: Ukraine War & Energy Policy

Global Crisis Presentation
War in Ukraine Policy Analysis
- Energy Independence of the West
- European Reliance on Russian Oil
- The ongoing power of various petrol states
- How Climate Change initiatives undermine
short-term strategic initiatives
- Natural Resource Vulnerability of Non-Nuclear,
Developing Nations
- Game Theory
- Gloabalist Issues concerning Conventional
Proxy Wars
- Energy Independence
- Petrol states (Saudis, Russia, Venezuela,
- Western reliance on authoritarian regime energy
production creates bad incentive structures that
lead said states to create potential f
Bad Incentive
- EU Presidents/Chairperson
- President of Germany
Background (situation)
- How Developed nations exploit the natural
resources of developing nations
- Western nations tend to utilize financial power to
forego domestic extraction
- these have created bad incentive structures that
can and have lead to geopolitical crisis
- By buying into the resources that make
authoritarian states powerful, the west undermines
its own security and props up belligerent nations?
- War
- Europe: climate initiatives (putting money into
authoritarian regimes)
- Give the power to destabilize the global economy
with price hikes
- Threatening to freeze out Europe this
- How is energy held in Russia?
- Oligarchs
- EU leader
- Oil Corps (GAZPROM, etc.)
What do we do?
- maintain initiative in ukraine, the west needs to
prove to such nations that we will no longer tolerate
the bad actions that result from toxic incentives
- alliance building
- energy argument
- funding oil producing regions
- creates jobs
- nuclear energy
- security
- America’s strategic reserves
- European vulnerability
- Western consumption of energy, how much
money spent on energy imports
- undermine bad incentives, motivate authoritarian
nations to pursue new energy ecosystem
- summary