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Blood Donor Management System Methodology

Blood Donor Management System is a web based system that implemented using html, PHP,
CSS and JavaScript for web development and MySQL for database design. blood donor will
register on the system and it'll give with a donor an ID. Blood campaign organizers will
organize a campaign through online. The request is sent to the actual system and admin will
approve or reject the request. Once the campaign has approved, donors could get notification
to their mobile regarding the campaign. Patients will request blood via online by registering
to the system. Then system will inform to all or any the relevant donors with the request. The
system will manage blood stock on a daily basis. blood bank admin will add or remove a donor
to the system and from the system. Additionally, he can add blood stock to the relevant bank.
Blood Donor Management system has separate Admin panel. Administrator can view the
blood stock either as blood group. Administrator also can add a new bank and a new user to
the system