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ASME B30.20 Lifting Device Safety Standard

ASME B30.20-2018
Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices
Safety Standard for Cableways, Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings
Chapter 20-1
Structural and Mechanical Lifting Devices
ASME BTH-1–2017
Design of Below-the-Hook
Lifting Devices
Design Category A
Design Category B
Design Category C
We Inspection company has nothing to do with design
category as its clients thing to decide.
We need to know the service class or need to
understand the service class to look out for the type of
defect and its allowable limits.
AWS D14.1/D14.1M:2005
Specification for Welding of
Industrial and Mill Cranes and
Other Material Handling Equipment
NDT acceptance can be simiply kept as
No cracks
Porosity > 1.5 mm ( in-service inspection we will
see porosity sometimes we need to ignore it as it
was accepted during fabrication until unless no
other indications are found due to continued
usage of the item)