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European Exploration & Colonization Study Guide (SS8H1)

GSE SS8H1 - European Exploration and Colonization Study Guide (KEY)
1. There were four American Indian Periods (Paleo, Archaic, Woodland, and Mississippian).
During the Mississippian Period, what term is associated with the governmental structure that
consisted of chiefs and or elites within the tribe that held the chief and elites?
2. What was the major difference in the Mississippian Indians compared to the other time
They were more advanced with weapons and their society. Mounds had been adapted
for ceremonial purposes and food storage. Although most mounds were burial
3. Give four descriptions of the Mississippian time period.
Of the four prehistoric American Indian time periods the Mississippian was the most
advanced occurring from about 1000 AD - 1600 AD. Their culture was organized into
Chiefdoms with large scale trading networks. They were also know for their mound
building and their ability to do large scale farming to support large societies.
These societies came to an abrupt end with the arrival of diseases brought on by the
4. The Mississippians were known as large scale farmers. What were the types of crops they might
have grown.
Corn, beans, squash … (3 Sisters)
These three crops were given the name the 3 sisters because they worked in unison with
each other. Gourds (Squash) have large leaves that shade out weeds, beans climb as
they grow and they would climb the corn stalks that grow upright.
5. The Mississippian Indians were the first group of American Indians to come in contact with
which group?
Spanish (Hernando De Soto). There were multiple expeditions of Spanish explorers
who explored all over North and South America in the 1600s. De Soto was the first
European (Spaniard) to travel through present day GA with approximately 700 men.
6. How were the Mississippians impacted by the arrival of the Spanish and Hernando de Soto?
Their period ended from death and disease.
7. What was the purpose of the mounds during this time period?
Hollow mounds - Food Storage
GSE SS8H1 - European Exploration and Colonization Study Guide (KEY)
Rock piles and earthen mounds - burial mounds
8. How did the Mississippian tribes evolve over time from earlier Indian Periods?
Each society developed new tools and weapons. Also each society developed new
farming techniques and ideas.
The Mississippian was the most complex society of all of the prehistoric time periods
because they had the most tools, complex farms that could feed thousands of members
of their tribe. They had Chiefdoms which would be comparable to Kingdoms in Europe.
The Chiefdoms were large societies in which a Chief was in charge and a group of elites
surrounded him.
9. What was the main reason the Spanish were exploring the New World?
God, Gold, Glory Did they achieve this?
A large portion of Latin America is Catholic today, they took massive amounts of gold
back to Spain. Glory? We are still talking about them 500 years later.
10. There were three countries vying for the New World, France, England and Spain. Which
country was the first to settle in America?
11. What is the biggest reason that England wanted to start colonies in the New World?
Mercantilism (Importing and Exporting raw goods back to the motherland)
- Religious freedom and to start a new life
12. What was the main purpose of the Spanish Missions?
Convert the American Indians to Catholicism.
13. Define and explain Mercantilism.
Mercantilism (Importing and Exporting raw goods back to the motherland)
14. Where in Georgia did the majority of the Spanish friars (priests) start their missions?
Barrier Islands
15. Where in the New World did England control the land? (What part / region?)
GSE SS8H1 - European Exploration and Colonization Study Guide (KEY)
East Coast. During the 1600s England controlled what today would be from Georgia to
north of Maine into present day Canada.
16. Spanish influence and colonization had more of presence in which part of the New World?
South west of the current United States and Mexico and further South to the southern
tip of South America. They also controlled Florida and most of the Caribbean Islands.
17. Why did England want to settle in the New World?
Mercantilism (Importing and Exporting raw goods back to the motherland)
- Religious freedom and to start a new life
18. What was the two main focuses of the Spanish when they came to the New World?
To find gold and spread the Catholic faith.
19. Describe the exploration of Hernando de Soto.
He had been on previous expeditions to the New World and had been successful in
finding gold. When he explored the present day southeastern United States he did not
find any gold. His contingent of 700 men spread disease to many American Indians. He
also captured American Indians, made them be tour guides, while he explored looking
for gold. De Soto died and was buried by his men in the Mississippi River.
20. Describe what the three main reasons for Spanish exploration were in the New world.
Gold, God and Glory. Often called the 3 G’s
21. What was the major reason that the population of the Mississippian Indians began to
Disease from the Spanish.
22. How did the Spanish Friars try to change the American Indians in the missions?
Convert them to Catholicism.
23. What was the ultimate outcome of European colonization on the American Indians?
The American Indians were kicked out of their land and taken over by the Europeans.
Large numbers of American Indians died from the diseases brought on by the arrival of
24. How do we know what happened during De Soto’s exploration of Georgia and the Southeast?
GSE SS8H1 - European Exploration and Colonization Study Guide (KEY)
They kept great journals.
25. What was the ultimate goal of Hernando de Soto?
His ultimate goal was to find gold. He did not find any in present day southeastern
United States.
26. How did Great Britain stop claims of Spain in the New World?
GB destroyed the Spanish Missions on the Barrier Islands, and eventually kicked them
out of FL. Britain also defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588 establishing themselves as
a new world power.
27. What was the major difference in the motives for the New World between Spain and Great
Spain - Gold, God, Glory
GB - Wanted to colonize for mercantilism
28. How did advances in technology influence other situations/outcomes during the Age of
Exploration? (Think of positives and negative influences)
Advances in technology made long ocean voyages possible for the Europeans. They
began to travel and explore the world starting in the 1400s. With the discovery of new
lands to the Europeans, they would often try and colonize those new lands. This most
often did not work out well for the native peoples of the new lands.
29. What was the final outcome of Hernando de Soto’s expedition throughout the Southeast?
Many American Indians died as a result of his expedition. His expedition did not find
any gold in the American Southeast and De Soto died during the expedition. De Soto
and his men are credited with being the first Europeans to see the Mississippi River.
30. How did the missions affect the American Indians? (negatively or positively)
Many Natives were forced to convert to Catholicism. The missions in the GA Barrier
islands failed. The ruins are still there today.