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Health 7: Nutrition During Adolescence Worksheet

Second Quarter
This section aims to:
Pre test
Choose the best answer by encircling its letter.
1. Caused by eating too much sugar.
a. Heart disease
b. diabetes.
c. calcium
d. iron
2. It is the most abundant nutrient in the body.
a. water
b. mineral
c. calcium
d. iron
3. Kind of nutrient which is the main source of energy.
a. protein
b. carbohydrates
c. fat
d. vitamins
4. Nutrients that is essential for growth and repair of body cell
a. protein
b. carbohydrates
c. fat
d. vitamins
5. Deficiency disease caused by lack of calcium in the body.
a. beriberi
b. scurvy
c. rickets
d. pellagra
6. It is the list of food and drink that we regularly eat.
a. nutrients
b. snacks
c. diet
d. lunch
7. Substances in foods that your body need.
a. nutrients
b. carbohydrates
d. water
c. protein
8. Eating the foods, the body needs to grow, develop, and work properly is called ___.
a. nutrition
b. balanced diet
c. food pyramid
d. nutrients
9. It is caused by eating fatty foods.
a. cavities
b. stomach cancer
c. heart disease
d. cancer
10. The amount of iron needed by females compared with males.
a. less iron
b. more iron
c. low blood pressure d. cavities
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11. These are the starches and sugar that provided the body with most of its energy.
a. minerals
b. sugar
c. carbohydrates
d. fats
12. These are the elements needed in small quantities for sturdy bones and teeth, health blood, and
regulation of daily eliminations.
a. minerals
b. sugar
c. carbohydrates
d. fats
13. The following are the sources of vitamin A except…
a. carrots
b. eggs
c. liver
d. oranges
14. _______ are a source of energy and are essential for vital body function.
a. carbohydrates
b. fats
c. minerals
d. sugar
15. ________ is the fruit, vegetables, grains, and beans that your body cannot digest. Fiber is not a nutrient,
but it is important for digestion.
a. caffeine
b. fiber
c. sodium
d. cholesterol
16. It is a chemical found in some plants that can make your heart beat faster.
a. caffeine
b. fiber
c. sodium
d. cholesterol
17. It is a disordered nutrition which is due to lack of sufficient food or excessive intake of food.
a. Malnutrition
b. Undernutrition
c. Overnutrition
d. beriberi
18. Intake of insufficient food is called ________. Very common among the poorer section of the society.
a. Malnutrition
b. Undernutrition
c. Overnutrition
d. Obese
19. It is a disease caused by the deficiency in vitamin B1.
a. scurvy
b. beriberi
c. rickets
d. pellagra
20. It is a deficiency disease cause by a deficiency of vitamin C or ascorbic acid in the diet.
a. scurvy
b. beriberi
c. rickets
d. pellagra
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Engage yourself
Below are some jumbled words which is related to the nutrients needed by our body, can you
arrange them and give some examples?
Let’s dig deeper
A healthy diet provides the nutrients needed for growth and development. A nutrient are
substances in foods the body need. There are fifty nutrients, which can be grouped into six main types. They are
as follows:
1. Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are the starches and sugar that provided the body with most of its energy. There are
two kinds of carbohydrates: simple carbohydrates and complex. Both are important sources of energy
for the body. Simple carbohydrates are found in fruit, sugar, milk. Complex carbohydrates are found in
breads, cereals, dry beans, potatoes, and other starchy vegetables.
2. Protein
Protein is needed to build, repair, and maintain body cells and tissues particularly in the muscles.
They also provide energy. Proteins are especially important during childhood, adolescence, and other
period of growth, meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, nuts, and dry beans are sources of protein.
3. Vitamins
Vitamins are substances needed in small quantities that help regular body functions, including helping
the body process other nutrients and fight infections.
4. Minerals
Minerals are elements needed in small quantities for sturdy bones and teeth, health blood, and
regulation of daily eliminations. Whole grains, fruits, peas, spinach, and milk are good source of minerals.
Vitamin A
Carrots, eggs, liver
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Oranges, tomatoes, green leafy
Fortified milk, oily fish, egg yolk
Vitamin K
Cabbage, spinach, cereals
Promotes healthy skin, normal
Helps muscles and heart
function well
Promotes strong bones and
Help blood clot
Milk, cheese, shellfish, spinach
Minerals are elements needed
in small quantities for sturdy
bones and teeth, health blood,
and regulation of daily
Needed to build bones and
3 || Health 7
Fluoridated water, fish
Red meat, nuts, dried fruits
Oranges, bananas, dry beans,
Promotes strong bones and
Needed for hemoglobin in red
blood cells
Helps regulate water balance
in tissues
5. Fats
Fats are a source of energy and are essential for vital body function. They insulate the body from
temperature changes, cushion body organs, carry fat-soluble vitamins, and promote healthy skin and
normal growth. Excess fat is stored in the body as extra weight. Fat can be found in butter and margarine,
whole milk, egg yolks, most cheese, and salad dressing.
6. Water
Water is the most common nutrient, making up about 60 percent of the body. It carries nutrients and
oxygen through the body, help digestion, removes wastes from the body, lubricates the joints, and keep
the body from overheating. You must constantly replace the water your body lose.
Keep this in Mind
A healthy diet provides the nutrients needed for growth and development.
Nutrients needed by our body:
1. Carbohydrates are the starches and sugar that provided the body with most of its energy
2. Protein is needed to build, repair, and maintain body cells and tissues particularly in the muscles.
3. Vitamins are substances needed in small quantities that help regular body functions, including helping
the body process other nutrients and fight infections.
4. Minerals are elements needed in small quantities for sturdy bones and teeth, health blood, and
regulation of daily eliminations.
5. Fats are a source of energy and are essential for vital body function. They insulate the body from
temperature changes, cushion body organs, carry fat-soluble vitamins, and promote healthy skin and
normal growth.
6. Water is the most common nutrient, making up about 60 percent of the body.
Think about this
A.Complete the following sentences.
The most important meal of the day for me is ____________________________
Eating a good breakfast __________________________
My favorite food is ______________________________
Eating right means ______________________________
I think that my present diet __________________________
Between-meal snacks should be ______________________
I don’t have and appetite when ________________________
One problem about nutrition for me ____________________
Food served in the school cafeteria _______________________
Foods sold by ambulant vendors are ________________________________
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B. Complete the graphic organizer below by putting the 6 main types of nutrients needed by our
6 Main Types of
Extend your understanding
Activity 1
Answer the following question.
What are the three benefits of good nutrition?
What six group of nutrients do you need to be healthy?
5 || Health 7
This section aims to:
follows the appropriate nutritional guidelines for adolescents for healthful eating.
explains the need to select food based on the nutritional needs during adolescence.
follows the Food Pyramid guide for adolescents and nutritional guidelines for
Filipinos in choosing foods to eat.
Engage yourself
Word Search: Find and encircle the words listed in the box in the word search below. Words listed are
related to the nutrition guidelines needed by our body. Can you find them?
1. Poultry
2. Fats
3. Milk
4. Yogurt
5. Bread
6. Cereals
7. Fruits
8. Vegetables
9. Fish
10. eggs
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Let’s dig deeper
The Food Guide Pyramid is a guideline to help in choosing what and how much food to eat in
each group in order to get nutrients a person needs. By choosing your wisely, the right amount of calories,
fat, cholesterol, sugar, or sodium is taken.
The food groups that constitute the Food Guide Pyramid are the following.
1. The Bread, Cereal, Rice, and Pasta Group
These foods make up the bread and cereal group. Food choice from this group should be whole
grain or enrich products.
2. The Vegetables Group and the Fruit Group.
The vegetables group and fruit group indicate a separation of the fruits and vegetables groups of the
basic food groups.
3. Milk, Yogart, and Cheese Group.
This group includes milk and dairy products. Children should have a total of three cups of milk or
the equivalent from this group daily. The serving may be divided into one-half cup portions in
consideration of children’s smaller appetites and capacity. Adults needed two cup of milk or the
equivalent a day.
4. Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs, and Nuts Group.
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The recommended daily amount from this food group is two or more servings. The amount of food
in a serving varies with the age of the individual. Small children need and often will eat only one and onehalf in a serving, while the adult serving consists of two to three ounces of meat or equivalent.
5. Fat, Oils, and Sweet Group.
The tip of the pyramid is called fats, oils, and sweets group. Most items in the tip are condiments
or contribute no important nutrients. The purpose of the symbols is to teach that fat and sugar are found
in all food group. In general, the nutrient control of this group is low and the calorie content is high.
Dietary Guidelines
The Dietary Guidelines have come to serve as the basis for all nutrition information in the Philippines. The
Dietary Guidelines relate the food and behavior and their impact of health.
1. Eat variety foods.
Includes the selection from fruits, vegetables, milk, cheese, poultry, fish, eggs and legumes, whole
–grain and enriched bread, cereals, and grain products.
2. Balance the food eaten with physical activity.
 To improve eating habits, eat slowly, prepare smaller portion and avoid seconds.
 To maintain ideal weight, increase physical activity, eat less fat and fewer fatty foods, eat less
sugar and fewer sweets, and avoid too much alcohol.
3. Choose a diet low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol.
 Choose lean meat, fish, poultry, dry beans, and peas as the protein sources.
 Moderate the use of eggs and organ meat such as liver.
 Limit your intake of butter, cream, margarines, coconut oil, and foods made from such
4. Eat foods with adequate starch and fiber.
 Substitute starches for fat and sugar. Selects foods that are good sources of fiber and starch
such as whole grain breads and cereals, fruits and vegetables, beans, peas, and nuts.
5. Choose a diet moderate in sugar.
 Use less of all sugars, including white sugar, brown sugar, raw sugar, honey, and syrups.
 Choose fresh fruits or fruits canned without sugar or light syrup rather than heavy syrup.
6. Choose a diet moderate in salt and sodium.
 Learn to enjoy the unsalted flavor foods.
 Cook with only small amounts of added salt.
 Add little or no salt to food at the table.
 Limit your intake of salty foods.
Right Food for Adolescents
In choosing food, we should pay attention to certain substances in the food we eat and drink. These
substances are fiber, fat, cholesterol, sugar, salt, and caffeine.
1. Fiber is the fruit, vegetables, grains, and beans that your body cannot digest. Fiber is not a nutrient, but
it is important for digestion. Fiber helps keep your digestive system healthy.
2. Fats are needed in the diet for good health. But too much fat can lead to heart disease and other health
problems. Avoid fried foods that have a high fat content.
3. Cholesterol is fatly, was-like substances that helps your body produce the substances it needs. But large
amount of cholesterol in your body can build up blood vessels walls, which make it more difficult for blood
to flow can eventually lead to heart disease.
4. Sodium is a mineral found in salt. It is often added with prepared food, but eating too much sodium or
salty food can be unhealthy and may lead to high blood pressure.
5. Sugar includes white or brown sugar, raw sugar, corn syrup, honey, and molasses.
6. Caffeine is a chemical found in some plants that can make your heart beat faster. Many people drink
beverages with caffeine to help them remain alert. The amount of caffeine in coffee is greater than in tea
or soft drink.
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Keep this in Mind
The food guide Pyramid is a guideline to help in choosing what and how much food to eat in
each group in order to get nutrients a person needs
The food groups that constitute the Food Guide Pyramid are the following.
The bread, cereal, rice, and pasta group
The vegetables group and the fruit group
Milk, yogurt, and cheese group
Meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts group
Fat, oils, and sweet group
Dietary Guidelines
Eat variety foods.
Balance the food eaten with physical activity.
Choose a diet low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol.
Eat foods with adequate starts fiber.
Choose a diet moderate in sugar.
Choose a diet moderate in salt and sodium.
Drink alcohol in moderation
Right Food for Adolescents
Think about this
A. Write true if the statement is correct, write false it not.
_____1. Eating too much sugar can cause diabetes.
_____2. Fiber can make your heart beat faster.
_____3. Balance the food eaten with physical activity.
_____4. The bread, cereal, rice, and pasta group belong to the Food Pyramid.
_____5. Eating too much food can make you healthy.
_____6. Eating variety of fruits and vegetables can make you healthy.
_____7. Sodium helps keep your digestive system healthy.
_____8. Always choose fried foods that have a high fat content.
_____9. Choose lean meat, fish, poultry, dry beans, and peas as the protein sources.
_____10. Drink alcohol in moderation.
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Extend your understanding
Analyze your eating habits by answering the following questions.
Did I over eat?
Did I make poor foods choice?
In what situation did I eat more/Less?
What will I do to Improve my eating habits?
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Nutrition Problems of
This section aims to:
identifies the nutritional problems of adolescents
describes the characteristics, signs and symptoms of malnutrition and
micronutrient deficiencies
discusses ways of preventing and controlling malnutrition and micronutrient
Engage yourself
Below are pictures of people who are malnourished, identify if it is undernutrition and over
nutrition, can you identify where they belong?
________________ _______________
Let’s dig deeper
Scientists have developed guidelines for the amount of nutrients to be eaten each day. These are called
the Recommendation Dietary Allowances (RDA)
No two people need exactly the same amount of nutrients. For examples, teens need more calcium than
adults for building growing bones. In addition to age, several other factors affect the amount needed of each type
of nutrients. A person should get enough of the nutrients he/she needs.
Nutrients need change throughout a lifetime. Four factors affect an individual’s nutrients needs.
Age – teens need more nutrients than adults do for growth and activity.
Body size – Large people need more nutrients than smaller people do.
General health – Illness increases the amount needed of many nutrients.
Exercise – the more active one is, the more nutrients he/she needs
Nutritional Deficiency Diseases
If the body is not supplied by the recommended dietary allowances or the nutrients needed, it may lead
to deficiency diseases such as the following.
A. Malnutrition
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Malnutrition means disordered nutrition which is due to lack of sufficient food or excessive intake of
food. It affects the physical and physiological well being of an individual. The physical, mental, and social
performance of a malnourished individuals becomes prone to diseases like marasmus, rickets, and
B. Undernutrition
Intake of insufficient food is called undernutrition. Very common among the poorer section of the
society. Undernourished people are prone to disease like rickets, anemia, cold, cough, and fever.
Reasons for malnourishment or undernutrition are the following.
Ignorance about foods
Environmental factors
Faulty food processing practices
Natural calamities
Faulty distribution of food and traditions
C. Overnutrition
Intake of excessive food is called overnutrition. Seen among the richer section of the society. Over
nourished people become obese and overweight. They come prone to disease like diabetes, arthritis,
hypertension, and other cardiovascular diseases.
1. Beriberi is a disease caused by the deficiency in vitamin B1. Beriberi is observed mainly among
people who eat polished rice for polished rice lacks B1. Symptoms of beriberi are the following.
a. Loss of appetite.
b. Muscle weakness.
c. Mental alertness decrease.
d. Memory may become faulty.
e. Concentration becomes poor.
f. Person becomes unstable emotionally.
2. Rickets is a deficiency disease caused by the deficiency of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D.
Symptoms are the following.
a. Faulty mineralization of bones and teeth.
b. Skeletal malformation resulting to twisted bones.
c. Late eruption of teeth.
3. Scurvy is a deficiency disease cause by a deficiency of vitamin C or ascorbic acid in the diet.
Symptoms are the following.
a. Swelling and bleeding the gums.
b. Reduction in resistance of the body to infections.
c. Poor healing of wounds.
d. Subcutaneous hemorrhage.
e. Irritability.
4. Pellagra is a disease caused by a deficiency of Vitamin B3 or niacin in the diet. Symptoms are the
a. Rough, scaly, and ulcerated skin.
b. Darkening of complexion due to hyperpigmentation.
c. Soreness of mouth.
d. Depression.
e. Headache and backache.
5. Marasmus is a malnutrition disease characterized by the stunted growth of a child. Marasmus occurs
due to the deficiency of protein, carbohydrates, and fats in the diet of infants. Symptoms are the
a. The child is reduced to skin and bones owing to wasting muscles.
b. The skin becomes shrunken.
c. Eyes become large in size.
d. The ribs of marasmus child look very prominent.
e. Dehydration occurs in the body due to watery diarrhea and vomiting.
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6. Anemia is a disease by the deficiency of iron in the diet. In anemia, the hemoglobin content of the
blood goes down. Symptoms are the following.
a. Pale appearance of the skin, finger nails, and mucous membrane.
b. Frequent headache.
c. Breathlessness and palpitation.
d. Constant feeling of tiredness and giddiness.
e. Insomnia.
7. Kwashiorkor is a disease caused by the deficiency of protein. It occurs when babies are taken away
from protein-rich breast milk to other foods, which are not rich in proteins and energy. Symptoms are
the following:
a. The child becomes listless and miserable.
b. Child becomes apathetic with no interest in his/her surroundings.
c. Cheerless with no appetite.
d. Height and weight are below normal.
e. Abdomen swells and liver enlarges causing potbelly.
f. Skin cracks and becomes scaly. Inflamed, and reddish.
Meal planning
A key to having a balanced diet is to plan your meal in advanced. Think ahead what you are eating daily
so that you can eat foods from all five foods groups each day. In the morning ask the person who does the
cooking in your family what the dinner will be. Then, plan to get the additional servings you need during breakfast
and lunch. By thinking ahead, you can make sure that you don’t miss any food groups. You can also be sure not
to eat too much. Remember that how foods are prepared daily makes a difference.
Keep this in Mind
Nutritional Deficiency Diseases
 Malnutrition means disordered nutrition which is due to lack of sufficient food or excessive intake
of food.
 Intake of insufficient food is called undernutrition.
 Intake of excessive food is called overnutrition.
There are some diseases that can occur on people in terms of vitamin and nutrients deficiency.
 Beriberi is a disease caused by the deficiency in vitamin B1.
 Rickets is a deficiency disease caused by the deficiency of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D.
 Scurvy is a deficiency disease cause by a deficiency of vitamin C or ascorbic acid in the diet.
 Pellagra is a disease caused by a deficiency of Vitamin B3 or niacin in the diet.
 Marasmus is a malnutrition disease characterized by the stunted growth of a child.
 Anemia is a disease by the deficiency of iron in the diet. In anemia, the hemoglobin content of the
blood goes down.
 Kwashiorkor is a disease caused by the deficiency of protein.
Think about this
Match the items in Column A with the correct answer in Column B. Write the letter of your answer on the
blank provided.
________ 1. Deficiency in Vitamin B1.
a. beriberi
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________ 2. Deficiency in calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D.
b. scurvy
________ 3. Deficiency of iron.
c. rickets
________ 4. Deficiency of protein.
d. malnutrition
________ 5. Insufficient intake of food.
e. kwashiorkor
________ 6. Excessive intake of food.
f. pellagra
________ 7. Deficiency of vitamin C.
g. undernutrition
________ 8. Deficiency of vitamin B3 or niacin.
h. marasmus
________ 9. malnutrition disease characterized by the
i. overnutrition
stunted growth of a child
j. anemia
________ 10. means disordered nutrition which is due to
lack of sufficient food or excessive intake of food.
Extend your understanding
Inside the plate, draw a well-balanced meal that could be served during lunch break of a
student. Then, explain your work.
14 || Health 7
Extend your understanding
Answer the following question
1. Mention the hazard of malnutrition. What are the general effects of physical and physiological wellbeing of an undernourished and over nourished person?
2. What is beriberi? What are the symptoms?
3. What is scurvy? List down its symptoms.
4. What is anemia? What are its causes?
5. What is pellagra? Give its symptoms.
15 || Health 7
Eating Disorder
This section aims to:
explains the characteristics, signs and symptoms of eating disorders
discusses ways of preventing and controlling eating disorders
applies decision-making and critical thinking skills to prevent nutritional
problems of adolescents
Engage yourself
Below are some pictures related to eating disorders, can you describe each picture?
Let’s dig deeper
Eating disorder are serious problems that can lead to sickness or death.
A. Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by self-starvation leading to extreme weight
loss. Anorexia means “Without appetite” and nervosa means “of nervous origin”. Most people suffering
from anorexia nervosa are female. It’s particularly common among teenage girls and young women.
However, men and boys can also suffer this disorder. There are many theories about the specific causes
of anorexia nervosa, but experts agree that the disorder is related to how an individual’s sees
himself/herself mad to his/her ability to cope with stresses of everyday life.
People with anorexia nervosa eat so little that they develop malnutrition, the condition in which the
body doesn’t get the nutrients it needs to grow and function properly. Treatment of anorexia nervosa may
include a stay in the hospital where the patient is fed nutrients and receives counseling. Untreated
anorexia nervosa may lead to serious illness and even death.
People who suffer anorexia nervosa experience the following.
1. Refusal to maintain the minimum body weight for one’s height and age.
2. Intense fear of gaining weight even though underweight
3. Disturbed perception of one’s body weight or size.
B. Bulimia
Bulimia is a condition in which people repeatedly eat large amount of food and then try to get rid of
the food they have eaten. People with bulimia are extremely concerned about being thin and beautiful.
People with bulimia experience the following.
1. Recurrent episode of consuming a much larger amount of food than most people would during a
similar time period, and a sense of lose of control overeating during each episode.
2. Accompanying attempts to compensate for eating binge are by vomiting.
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3. A negative perception of one’s shape and weight.
C. Binge Eating Disorder (BED)
Binge eating disorder is characterized by recurrent binge eating. However, BED suffers do not take
excessive measures to lose the weight gained during binges. Often, they are clinically obese, and they
tend to binge much more often than typical obese person who may consume too many calories but
spaces his/her eating over more and more normally daily eating pattern.
D. Treatment
Therapy focuses on the psychological, social, environmental, and physiological factors that have
led to the problems. Finding therapist who really understands the multidimensional aspects to the
problem is a must. Therapist to focus on building new eating behavior, recognizing, threats, building selfconfidence, and finding other outlets for life’s problems.
To help a person with eating disorder, follow the following steps.
1. Convince the person to get help. A person with an eating disorder may not be aware of the
seriousness of the condition.
2. Tell an adult. The school nurse, a counselor, parents, or another adult must know about the problem
so that the person will get the help he/she needed.
3. Get professional help.
4. Encourage the person to join a support group.
5. Recommend a follow-up. People who are treated for an eating disorder may need to return for followup visit to be sure that the problems does not occur again.
Keep this in Mind
Eating disorder are serious problems that can lead to sickness or death.
Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by self-starvation leading to extreme weight loss.
Bulimia is a condition in which people repeatedly eat large amount of food and then try to get rid of the
food they have eaten.
Binge eating disorder is characterized by recurrent binge eating. However, BED suffers do not take
excessive measures to lose the weight gained during binges.
There is some treatment to help people with eating disorder.
Convince the person to get help.
Tell an adult.
Get professional help.
Encourage the person to join a support group.
Recommend a follow-up.
Think about this
Color the star yellow if you agree and green if you disagree.
1. Do you overeat every meal?
2. Are you afraid of getting fat?
3. Do you always feel hungry?
4. Do you always check the calories content of the food that you eat?
5. Are you constantly monitoring your weight?
6. Do you spend too much time in eating your meals?
7. Do you love eating alone?
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8. Do you feel guilty when you eat so much sweets or fettering foods?
9. Do you feel like vomiting after eating?
10. Do you feel that your life is controlled by food and eating?
Extend your understanding
A. Answer the following questions.
1. What is eating disorder?
2. What is the difference between bulimia and anorexia nervosa?
3. What are some characteristics of people with anorexia nervosa?
4. Why are people who suffer from an eating disorder at risk of dying from these disorders?
5. What are the steps in overcoming an eating disorder?
Extend your understanding
As a nutritionist, you were asked to do a journal for the youth/ adolescent and their families
where in you can give them some advice and guidelines on what food do they need to take in order for
them to become healthy.
Infromation and ideas
Presents accurate
information and
insightful ideas
Journal entry is
thoughtful, carefully
written and
demonstrate selfreflection with regards
to the topic
Entries are detailed
and it’s helpful to
Present some accurate
information and ideas
Journal entry is mostly
clear and logical
Most entries are
Presents incomplete/
inaccurate information
and ideas
Journal entry in unclear
Entries were lack in
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Extend your understanding
Choose the best answer by encircling its letter.
1. It is the list of food and drink that we regularly eat.
a. nutrients
b. snacks
c. diet
d. lunch
c. protein
d. water
2. Substances in foods that your body need.
a. nutrients
b. carbohydrates
3. Eating the foods, the body needs to grow, develop, and work properly is called ___.
a. nutrition
b. balanced diet
c. food pyramid
d. nutrients
b. stomach cancer
c. heart disease
d. cancer
4. Caused by eating fatty foods.
a. cavities
5. Amount of iron needed by females compared with males.
a. less iron
b. more iron
c. low blood pressure d. cavities
6. Caused by eating too much sugar.
a. heart disease
b. diabetes.
c. calcium
d. iron
c. calcium
d. iron
c. fat
d. vitamins
c. fat
d. vitamins
7. It is the most abundant nutrient in the body.
a. water
b. mineral
8. Nutrient which is the main source of energy.
a. protein
b. carbohydrates
9. Nutrient that is essential for growth and repair of body cell
a. protein
b. carbohydrates
10. Deficiency disease caused by lack of calcium in the body.
a. beriberi
b. scurvy
c. rickets
d. pellagra
11. These are the starches and sugar that provided the body with most of it energy.
a. Minerals
b. sugar
c. carbohydrates
d. Fats
12. These are the elements needed in small quantities for sturdy bones and teeth, health blood, and
regulation of daily eliminations.
a. minerals
b. sugar
c. carbohydrates
d. fats
13. The following are the sources of vitamin A except…
a. carrots
b. eggs
c. liver
d. oranges
14. _______ are a source of energy and are essential for vital body function.
a. carbohydrates
b. fats
c. minerals
d. sugar
15. ________ is the fruit, vegetables, grains, and beans that your body cannot digest. Fiber is not a nutrient,
but it is important for digestion.
a. caffeine
b. fiber
c. sodium
d. cholesterol
16. It is a chemical found in some plants that can make your heart beat faster.
a. caffeine
b. fiber
c. sodium
d. cholesterol
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17. It is a disordered nutrition which is due to lack of sufficient food or excessive intake of food.
a. Malnutrition
b. Undernutrition
c. Overnutrition
d. beriberi
18. Intake of insufficient food is called ________. Very common among the poorer section of the society.
a. Malnutrition
b. Undernutrition
c. Overnutrition
d. Obese
19. It is a disease caused by the deficiency in vitamin B1.
a. scurvy
b. beriberi
c. rickets
d. pellagra
20. It is a deficiency disease cause by a deficiency of vitamin C or ascorbic acid in the diet.
a. scurvy
b. beriberi
c. rickets
d. pellagra
malnourished clipart black and white - Bing images
malnourished-child-clipart-5.jpg (215×200) (clipartstation.com)
full-lady-and-her-slim-reflection-vector-id148281649 (445×612) (istockphoto.com)
lady-terrified-of-her-fat-reflection-vector-id148281650 (522×612) (istockphoto.com)
20 || Health 7