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Water Crisis: Privatization, Consumption, and Pollution

Reading 1: Water Privatization
There will be clean water crisis by 2025.
- massive industrialization using the water instead of agriculture
- millions of Chinese found their walls dry
- 80% of rivers are also dry - no fish
Maude Barlow, Water as a Commodity – The Wrong Prescription, Institute for Food and Development
Policy Backgrounder, Summer 2001.
Reading 2: Crisis Challenge
Fresh water is constantly being replenished.
- Using freshwater beyond the rate is endangered
- California has 560,000 swimming pools; the Colorado River is starting to dry
- overconsumption is the best word to describe you as water use
Dinar Godrej – 2003
Reading 3: Water: The facts
- 97.5% of water is saltwater
- 0.01% of earth water is ending is usable (fresh water)
- mid 1990s 40% of world population encountered water so shortage
Thurman (we don’t know the gender) – 2003
Reading 4: Water Pollution
Water pollution affects ocean streams rivers and so on.
- caused by natural impurities: suspended particles, colloidal particles and
dissolved matter
- Also caused by human activities: sewage, oil, landfill and chemical spills
Patricia Barnes-Svarney, in “The New York public library science desk reference”. 1996
Reading 5: Water Consumption
- Global consumption is doubling every 20 years
- by 2025 more population can cause less water usage
John Vidal, The Guardian, August 2002
Reading 6: Water and Poverty
In poor countries, they do not have access to clean water.
- Children die from diarrhea
- no basic sanitisation
- no school due to illness from not having clean water
James Milner: State of the World’s Children, 2005, (UNICEF)
Reading 7: Coca-Cola: Drinking the world dry
Coca-Cola giving water shortage to Kaladera in India
negative impact on farmers and local communities
unable to irrigate their land
unable to sustain their crops
at risk to lose their livelihood
might become a “dark zone”
Udisha Saklani (women) - 2017