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Lab Apparatus Calibration SOP

Objective: To calibrate lab apparatus and learn to handle them.
Scope: This Standard Operating Procedure is applicable for calibration and Handling
of Glassware (Class A and Class B).
Which are Class A and Class B apparatus used in laboratory?
Class ‘A’ glass apparatus:
These are directly used for analysis purpose and are received with calibration
Class ‘B’ glass apparatus:
Volumetric Flasks, Transfer pipettes, burettes etc
All the Class ‘B’ apparatus must be calibrated before being used in experiments; the
water used for calibration must be at 25 degree centigrade.
Calibration procedure:
Take all volumetric flasks up to 1000 mL, transfer pipettes, Burettes for calibration.
Calibration of Volumetric flasks:
 Weigh accurately previously dried volumetric flask of any volume (250ml,
500ml, 1000ml) .
 Make up the volumetric flask up to the mark with purified water.
 Wipe dry the outside of the volumetric flask and then weigh.
 Find out the weight of water by subtracting the empty weight of volumetric
flask from total weight (empty vol. flask weight and water weight).
 Calculate the volume by taking correction factor 0.99602gm (i.e, 1ml of purified
water at 25c = 0.99602g) Record the observations in Calibration format as per
Calibration of pipette and Burette:
 Weigh accurately previously dried empty beaker.
 Fill the pipette and burette with purified water up to the mark with the help of
 Wipe dry the outside of the transfer pipette and burette and then transfer the
water in pre-weighed beaker and
 Find out the weight of water by subtracted the empty beaker weight from total
weight (empty beaker weight and water weight) .
 Calculate the volume by taking correction factor