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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации
Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение
высшего профессионального образования
«Российский государственный профессионально-педагогический
Институт лингвистики
Кафедра германской филологии
по дисциплине
для студентов заочной формы обучения
направления подготовки 050100.62 Педагогическое образование
профиля подготовки «Образование в области иностранного языка
Екатеринбург 2014
Задания и методические указания для выполнения контрольной работы по
дисциплине «Лексикология». Екатеринбург, ФГАОУ ВПО «Рос. гос. проф.–
пед. университет», 2014. 46 с.
Составитель: профессор кафедры германской филологии Е.В. Шустрова
Одобрены на заседании кафедры германской филологии Института
лингвистики РГППУ. Протокол от «12» сентября 2013 г. № 1.
Заведующий кафедрой
Рекомендованы к печати методической комиссией Института
лингвистики РГППУ. Протокол от «18» ноября 2013 г. №3.
Председатель методической комиссии
© ФГАОУ ВПО «Российский
университет, 2014
Раздел 1. Значение слова. Семантическая структура и
изменения семантики……………………………………………..
Раздел 2. Структурная группировка лексики. Основные
способы английского словообразования………………………
Раздел 3. Семантическая группировка лексики……………….
Раздел 4. Синтагматические связи английского слова.
Список рекомендованной литературы…………………………..
Список использованной литературы……………………………
Приложение 1
Образец оформления титульного листа контрольной работы…
Данные контрольные задания и методические рекомендации
составлены в соответствии с рабочей учебной программой по дисциплине
предметной подготовки «Лексикология» для студентов Российского
направления подготовки 050100.62 Педагогическое образование профиля
подготовки «Образование в области иностранного языка (английского)»
Пособие отражает комплекс знаний и умений студента в соответствии с
Федеральным государственным образовательным стандартом 2010 г. и
квалификационной характеристикой бакалавра.
Контрольная работа – одна из форм проверки и оценки усвоенных
знаний, получения информации о характере познавательной деятельности и
активности студентов в учебном процессе, эффективности методов форм и
способов учебной деятельности.
Контрольная работа по данной дисциплине предназначена для развития
навыков научно-исследовательской работы студентов.
Ее цель – управление процессом обучения на основе оценки
эффективности усвоения программного материала дисциплины и качества
знаний студентов.
Система заданий контрольной работы разработана с тем, чтобы
выявить как знания студентов по определенной теме (разделу), так и
понимание сущности изучаемых предметов и явлений, их закономерностей и
взаимосвязей, умение самостоятельно делать вывод и обобщения, творчески
использовать знания и навыки.
Данная контрольная работа является индивидуальным письменным
домашним заданием, которое выполняется и сдается для проверки в срок,
определенный учебным планом.
Контрольная работа имеет титульный лист, перечень вопросов,
заданий, и список использованной литературы.
В соответствии с учебным планом предусмотрено выполнение
контрольной работы, в конце курса сдается экзамен. ВНИМАНИЕ: без
зачета по контрольной работе студенты к итоговому экзамену не
До экзамена студент должен выполнить контрольную работу, которая
сдается в распечатанном виде в папке со скоросшивателем.
Студент самостоятельно выбирает любые три задания по любой из тем
курса. Набор заданий у разных студентов в группе не должен повторяться.
Контрольные работы предусматривают выполнение заданий с опорой
на теоретическую часть курса. Поэтому выполнение контрольной работы
рекомендуется начинать с изучения теоретической литературы и только
потом переходить к выполнению заданий.
Список рекомендуемой литературы приведен в конце данного пособия.
Раздел 1. Значение слова. Семантическая структура и изменения
Упр. 1. Познакомьтесь со структурой полисемантичного слова,
данного ниже. Пользуясь словарями разных типов, сделайте сводную
статью для любого другого полисемантичного слова.
Love (noun / сущ.)
1. a strong feeling of affection: babies fill parents with intense feelings of love
their love for their country.
2. A very strong feeling of affection towards someone who you are romantically or
sexually attracted to: They fell in love at once; everlasting love they were both in
love with her; we were slowly falling in love.
3. affectionate greetings conveyed to someone on one’s behalf: give her my love
4. a formula for ending an affectionate letter: take care, lots of love, Judy.
5. A great interest and pleasure in sth.: We share a love of music, his love
for football.
6. [count noun] a person or thing that one loves: she was the love of his life their
two great loves are tobacco and whisky.
7. a beloved person : DARLING – often used as a term of endearment.
British – used as an informal term of address: [Br. Inf] a friendly form of address:
it’s all right, love;
(a love) informal used in affectionate requests: don’t fret, there’s a love.
8. unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another: as (1) : the
fatherly concern of God for humankind(2): brotherly concern for others;
b : a person's adoration of God.
9. romantic – preoccupied with idealized lovemaking.
10. (in tennis, squash, and some other sports) a score of zero; nil: love fifteen.
[apparently from the phrase play for love (i.e. the love of the game, not for money);
folk etymology has connected the word with French l'oeuf 'egg', from the
resemblance in shape between an egg and a zero].
Упр. 2. Ниже приведена схема компонентного анализа,
выполненного на основе сводной статьи. Используя приведенный
алгоритм, выполните компонентный анализ для любой другой лексемы.
Компонентный анализ лексемы «love»
Лексическая реализация
явление универсума / сущ.
ДС1 – объект
человек, животное, вещь
ДС2 – субъект
ДС3 – тематическая конкретизация
крепкая привязанность
ДС4 – общие характеристики
интенсивность, длительность, глубина
чувств, удовольствие, радость
ДС5 – видовая характеристика
ДС6 – разновидность чувства
дружба, страсть
КК1 – принадлежность к
не представлен
терминологической лексике
КК2 – эмоциональная маркированность
не представлен
ПС1 – олицетворение
Cupid, Venus, Eros
ПС2 – метафорический перенос
For the love of God, get me out of here!
«дополнение к настоятельной просьбе
или выражение раздражения/
used to accompany an urgent request or
to express annoyance or surprise
ПС3 – метафорический перенос
Not for love or money – [inf] not in any
«категорический отказ, несогласие»
ГС – грамматическая сема, определяющая частеречную принадлежность
КЛС – классема, позволяющая отнести слово к конкретной понятийной
группе, лексико-семантическому полю.
ДС – дифференциальная сема, позволяющая выделить индивидуальные
смыслы и оттенки значения.
КК 1 – коннотативный компонент, определяющий стилистическую
маркированность слова; выделяется на основе словарных помет.
КК 2 – коннотативный компонент, определяющий эмоциональную
маркированность слова; выделяется на основе словарных помет.
ПС – потенциальная сема, позволяющая выделить дополнительные
значения; выделяется на основе основной словарной статьи, словарей
комбинаторики, фразеологических словарей, корпусов текстов.
Упр. 3. Ниже приведена таблица с глаголами, входящими в лексикосемантическую группу (ЛСГ) глаголов движения/перемещения в
пространстве. Вверху расположены ключевые (ядерные) лексемы. На
основе толковых словарей выполните подобный дефиниционный анализ
для одной из следующих ЛСГ «предметы верхней одежды», «предметы
сервировки», «приподнятое эмоциональное состояние», «погодные
move or pass from
place to place
change position, put or cause to move along at a moderate pace by
be in a different place, be on
lifting up and putting down each
foot in turn, so that being always
on the ground, move at slow pace
Boat – travel or go Amble – move along without
Hobble – walk in an awkward
in a boat, esp. as a
hurrying, lifting the two feet on way, usually because the feet or
form of recreation
one side together
legs are injured
Climb – go up, esp. Canter – move at quite a fast
Limp – walk lamely as when one
by using both hands but easy and comfortable
leg or foot is stiff or injured, walk
and feet
unevenly, awkwardly, painfully
Crawl – go or move Carry – move a thing from one or with difficulty.
along slowly with
place to another
March – walk with an even, firm
the body close to
Clamber – climb or move in an stride, to walk like a soldier with
the ground
awkward and laborious way,
regular steps of equal length, walk
Flee – quickly go to using the hands and the feet
solemnly, proudly, to walk
another country in
Creep – move slowly, quietly
quickly being angry, indignant,
order to escape
and carefully, usually in order
from something or
to avoid being noticed
Pace – walk with slow, regular,
Drag – move or pass slowly
steady step, usually backwards
Hike – go for a
Drive – cause to move or work, and forwards, usually being
walk of this kind
cause to move in some
nervous, indignant, etc. or waiting
Travel – go from
direction by using cries, shouts, for somebody, something; to
place to place
blows, violence, force or other measure by counting the paces
needed to walk the length
Edge – move or cause to move Ramble – walk for pleasure,
slowly and carefully in a
especially in the countryside
confined or awkward place
Saunter – walk in a slow,
Float – move about freely or
unhurried way that makes you
look confident or proud, to walk
Fly – move through the air as a without no particular aim in view.
bird does or in an aeroplane
Shamble – walk slowly and
Glide – move smoothly, easily awkwardly, without lifting your
and without effort or as if
feet correctly
without effort
Shuffle – walk or dance without
Go – move or pass from place
raising the feet properly, walk
to place
Grope – move towards
something when you cannot see
Hover – move to and fro, not
going far away
Hurry – move or do things
more quickly than normal or to
make someone do this
Lollop – move in an awkward,
rolling way
Paddle – move (a boat) with a
Pass – move or go forward
Put – place, move a thing into a
specified position
Ride – to sit on and control the
movements of
Roll – move or cause to move
in some direction by turning
over and over
Rove – move, travel or look
around especially a large area
Run – move with quick steps
Scurry – move quickly, with
small short steps
Scuttle – move quickly, with
small short steps, especially in
order to escape
Shin – to climb something such
as a tree, using your hands and
legs to move along quickly
Soar – rise high in the air while
flying without moving the
wings or using power
Swim – move through, on or in
water by using arms, legs, fins
Swoop – move very quickly
and easily through the air,
especially down from a height
in order to attack
Transport – carry from one
place to another
with difficulty being tired or
unwilling to proceed.
Sidle – walk towards or away
from someone, trying not to be
Stagger – walk or move
unsteadily, almost falling over
(from carrying something heavy,
being weak, tired or drunk); to
walk with uncertain, uneven
steps, continually veering in
direction and keeping a
precautious balance.
Step – walk by performing a step
or steps, to lift and put down the
foot or one foot or another; to
walk a short distance in some
way, in the direction specified,
Stride – walk quickly with long
steps, in the specified direction, to
walk over, through, along up and
down, etc. To hurry somewhere,
to walk confidently or with
Stroll – walk somewhere (along
or through) in slow, relaxed way,
to walk leisurely for pleasure
motion, entertainment
Trudge – walk with slow heavy
steps, especially because you are
tired, to walk with difficulty, to
walk doggedly under fatiguing
conditions, to walk with
difficulty, though keeping going
having a certain aim to achieve.
Waddle – walk with short steps,
like a duck or a short, fat person
Wade – walk through water, mud,
wet snow or anything else that
makes progress difficult
Walk – move along at a
moderate pace by lifting up and
putting down each foot in turn,
so that being always on the
ground, move at slow pace
Come – move nearer or
Wander – move or go about
from place to place without any
special purpose or destination
Worm – succeed in moving
along in a difficult or crowded
situation, by moving your body
slowly and carefully
Упр. 4. Ниже приведена сводная схема компонентного анализа,
пространстве». На основе дефиниционного анализа (см. упр. 3) сделайте
подобную схему и компонентный анализ для одной из ЛСГ указанных
Интегральная сема – сема, которая передает индивидуальные смыслы и
является общей для всех лексем, входящих в ЛСГ.
Семантическая структура глаголов движения в английском языке
Семантическое поле глаголов движения
Категориальные семы
Интегральные семы
-«перемещение в пространстве»
- «среда перемещения»
- «средство перемещения»
- «характер перемещения»
- «интенсивность перемещения»
Дифференциальные семы
Потенциальные семы
Интегральные семы:
Дифференциальные семы:
по твёрдой
run, step, shuffle,
2). Перемещение
по воде
swim, boat, paddle
3). Перемещение
по воде
по твёрдой
4). Перемещение
по воздуху
fly, glide, float
Перемещение с
помощью ног
limp, stride, rove,
Перемещение с
помощью рук,
ног и
climb, clamber,
creep, crawl
Перемещение с
hover, soar,
чего-либо с
помощью рук,
drag, edge, put,
1). Не
соприкасаясь с
fly, hover, soar
2). Соприкасаясь с
walk, waddle,
trudge, saunter,
- перемещение,
ступая ногами
hobble, ramble,
sidle, march, pace,
stagger, wander
- перемещение,
соприкасаясь всем
телом с твёрдой
поверхностью или
swim, creep, worm
- перемещение
вверх, вниз,
хватаясь руками
climb, shin
- перемещение,
соприкасающееся с
ride, amble, canter,
3). Перемещение
1). Быстрое
scuttle, scurry,
flee, hurry
2). Медленное
trudge, shamble,
lollop, stroll
из одного пункта в
другой любым
Потенциальные семы:
1. In an inmoderate pace,
2. with quick steps
3. without any special purpose or
4. by using cries, shouts, blows,
violence, force or other means
5. by using both hands and feet
6. with long steps
7. with pleasure
8. with slow, regular, steady steps
like a soldier
9. with an even, firm stride
10.in slow, relaxed way
11.without no particular aim in view
12.with difficulty
13.with slow heavy steps
15.at a moderate pace
17.with uneven steps
18.for exercise
19.for pleasure
20.in the direction specified
21.a short, long distance
22.as if measuring something
24.in unhurried way
25.confidently and proudly
28.cautiously or stealthily
29.in a confined or awkward pace
30.with one leg hurt or injured
33.under fatiguing conditions
34.in uncertain way
35.keeping a precautions balance
36.being weak or drunk.
37.nearer of forward
39.along up and down
40.without hurrying
41.in a confined place
42.with a paddle
43.with small short steps
44.to and fro, towards and away
Упр. 5.
А) В приведенных ниже контекстах найдите слова с переносным
метафорическим значением. На основе словарных данных сопоставьте
прямое и переносное значение данных лексем. Оформите словарную
информацию в виде таблиц.
Пример выполнения:
The girl still held Oliver fast by the hand and continued to pour into his ears the
warnings and assurances she had already imparted (Ch. Dickens).
pour, verb
Прямое значение
Метафорическое значение
1) flow rapidly in a steady stream
1) express one's feelings
2) cause (a liquid) to flow from a unrestrained way
container in a steady stream
В) В приведенных ниже контекстах найдите примеры зооморфных
метафор. Определите, какой семантический компонент (сема) лег в
основу переноса.
1. He is a chameleon himself [Vanity Fair, 2005: 48].
2. They are as keen as jungle cats [Vanity Fair, 2005: 71].
3. Actual producers of coffee have always been the donkey in the chain
[Vanity Fair, 2005: 141].
4. Be an in-Flight Fox (how to look hot after sitting on a plane for hours)
[Cosmopolitan, 2006: 137].
5. He is a stallion! [Cosmopolitan, 2006: 240].
6. It creates the illusion that the person’s a party animal [Cosmopolitan, 2006:
7. Sharon Bush: spiritual mother hen or vindictive divorcee [Vanity Fair, 2004:
8. As Lieutenant Colonel Vincent Montera told Newsday “We’re kind of
sitting ducks in the vehicles we have” [Vanity Fair, 2004: 20].
9. I like the sensitive nightingale that you are [Vanity Fair, 2005: 56].
10.Movie stars were swiveling their necks like spotted owls [Vanity Fair, 2005:
11.There was something in his head besides pigeon dust [Vanity Fair, 2005:
12.John reveals the kind of chick he is after [Cosmopolitan, 2006: 27].
13.The guest comic is just another fish tossed to the trained seals [Vanity Fair,
2005: 68].
14.It will give you a lush, not spidery, look [Cosmopolitan, 2006: 27].
15.The intense butterfly feelings will probably never be as strong as they were
[Cosmopolitan, 2006: 162].
16.He makes my heart flutter like a butterfly [Cosmopolitan, 2006: 190].
17.Most men will respond by putting their tails between their legs
[Cosmopolitan, 2006: 174].
18.Girlish and playful, with big puppy eyes, Hatcher is the show’s star among
stars [Vanity Fair, 2005: 110].
19.The children here have clean hair, as downy as baby-duck feathers [Vanity
Fair, 2005: 180].
20.Carmen Electra’s pussycat-eye lashes are longer at the other corners
[Cosmopolitan, 2006: 272].
21.Photographers like to rule the roost [Vanity Fair, 2005: 183].
22.He had a shape leaning more to avocado than an Adonis [Vanity Fair, 2006:
23.He was comedy’s blue diamond [Vanity Fair, 2005: 66].
24.You sit nervously in your car waiting for the guy to do his slow-cop-walk to
your window [Cosmopolitan, 2006: 193].
25.A new character could enter the soap opera of your life, and bring the taste
of honey you’ve been dying for [Vanity Fair, 2004: 54].
26.Her name sounds like a German metal band [Vanity Fair, 2005: 48].
27.Your life is already one big soapy reality show [Cosmopolitan, 2006: 237].
28.She is the class clown, the hair twirler [Vanity Fair, 2005: 114].
29.A parent’s return from assignment overseas was a little bit like a parachute
drop into unknown territory [Vanity Fair, 2005: 150].
30.The yachts with endless lines of “trolley dollies”, those loose young women
forever eager to roll their suitcases down gang-planks [Vanity Fair, 2005:
31.With a voice like hot syrup running through a pipe [Vanity Fair, 2005: 18].
32.She is a thinking machine [Vanity Fair, 2005: 44].
33.Men don’t want brainless automatons who agree with them [Cosmopolitan,
2006: 44].
34.Yes, even mechanical morons think they are natural-born handymen
[Cosmopolitan, 2006: 78].
35.All those setbacks from your broken hearts, lousy jobs, money problems –
give you a sort of Teflon coat [Cosmopolitan, 2006: 225].
36.These columns shows how the media just lay down like a carpet for the
Bush administration [Vanity Fair, 2004: 28].
37.Hawking is Cambridge University’s biggest ornament [Vanity Fair, 2004:
38.If it tastes good and it’s easy going down, then it’s probably chocolate
(about the film “Desperate Housewives”) [Vanity Fair, 2005: 114].
39.You have really tangled life. It’s like a bowl of spaghetti that’s been drying
out [Vanity Fair, 2005: 196].
40.We like a little spice with our sugar (about relationships between men and
women) [Cosmopolitan, 2006: 186].
Упр. 6. Определите типы семантических изменений и тропы.
1. “You had better step in the marquee, I think, sir”, said one very stout
gentleman, whose body and legs looked like half a gigantic roll of flannel,
elevated on a couple of inflated pillow-cases) (Ch. Dickens).
2. There they both stood, gentlemen, jerking their arms and legs about, in
agony, like the toy shop figures that are moved by a piece of packthread
(Ch. Dickens).
3. He was awakened by the morning sun darting his bright beams reproachfully
into the apartment (Ch. Dickens).
4. The green ivy clung mournfully round the dark and ruined battlements
(Ch. Dickens).
5. But the strong building mocked his feeble efforts, and he beat his hands
together and wept like a child (Ch. Dickens).
6. The old picturesque town slept heavily on, in gloom and darkness bellow
(Ch. Dickens).
7. He looked like a German wooden toy (Ch. Dickens).
8. Nor did she feel safe until she had set a mile or two off by-road between
herself and the marketplace, and had crept into a copse, like a hunted animal,
to hide and recover breath (Ch. Dickens).
9. For when a man with a wooden leg lies prone on his stomach to peep under
bedsteads and hops up ladders, like some extinct bird, to survey the tops of
presses and cupboards, the probability is that he expects to find something
(Ch. Dickens).
10.It came out in Miss Peecher the schoolmistress, watering the flowers in the
little dusty bit of garden attached to her small official residence, with little
windows like the eyes in needles, and little doors like the covers of schoolbook (Ch. Dickens).
11.Reflects Mrs. Podsnap; fine woman for Professor Owen, quantity of bone,
neck and nostrils like a rocking horse, hard features, majestic head-dress
(Ch. Dickens).
12.Mr. Boffin arrived at the Bower and gave Mrs. Boffin (in a walking dress of
black velvet and feathers, like a mourning-coach horse) an account of all he
hed said and done since breakfast (Ch. Dickens).
13.widow who opens the pews, and whose left hand appears to be in a state of
acute rheumatism, but is in fact voluntarily doubled up to act as a moneybox (Ch. Dickens).
14.And after that comes Mrs. Veneering in a pervadingly aquiline state of
figure, and with transparent little knobs on her temper, like the little
transparent knob on the bridge of her nose (Ch. Dickens).
15.The drawing-room door bounced open as if it were a cannon-ball
(Ch. Dickens).
16.Sloppy knew his ground well. To conceal herself in sickness, like a lower
animal; to creep out of sight and coil herself away and die, had become this
woman’s instinct (Ch. Dickens).
17.As the early bird catches the worm, so the early purl catches the customer
(Ch. Dickens).
18.The white face of the winter day came sluggishly on, veiled in a frosty mist;
and the shadowy ships in the river slowly changed to black substances
(Ch. Dickens).
19.There was now a tender yellow moonlight on the river, and the newcomer,
keeping half his boat’s length astern to the other boat, looked hard at its
track (Ch. Dickens).
20.But in lieu of coming directly, he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of
an hour more (Ch. Dickens).
21.Both as to his dress and to himself he was of an overlapping rhinoceros
build, with folds in his cheeks, and his forehead, and his eyelids, and his
lips, and his ears; but with bright eager, childishly-inquiring grey ones,
under his ragged eyebrows, and broad-brimmed hat (Ch. Dickens).
22.But the hard wrathful and sordid nature that has wrung as mush work out of
them, as could be got in their bets days (Ch. Dickens).
23.Mr. Podsnap could tolerate taste in a mushroom man who stood in need in
that sort of thing, but was far above it himself (Ch. Dickens).
24.To use the cold language of the world Mrs. Alfred Lammle rapidly
improved the acquaintance of Miss Podsnap (Ch. Dickens).
25.To use the warm language of Mrs. Lammle, she and her sweet Georgiana
soon became one: in heart, in mind, in sentiment, in soul (Ch. Dickens).
26.“Why, if I felt less like a walking brandy bottle, I shouldn’t be quite so
staggery this mornin”, replied Sam (Ch. Dickens).
27.Nathaniel Pipkin could hear him growling away like an old mastiff with a
sore throat (Ch. Dickens).
28.«What evil wind has blown you here?», he asked of Fagin (Ch. Dickens).
29.He was preparing to ascend a steep staircase, or rather ladder, leading to
another floor of warehouses above; when a bright flash of lightening
streamed down the aperture, and a peal of thunder followed, which shook
the crazy building to its centre (Ch. Dickens).
30.The small teapot and the single cup had awakened in her mind sad
recollections of Mr. Corney; and she was overpowered (Ch. Dickens).
31.«She was hanging about me all day, and night too, when I was stretched on
my back, and you like a black-hearted wolf as you are, kept yourself aloof»,
said Sikes (Ch. Dickens).
32.«What about the other fortnight that you’ve left me lying here, like a sick rat
in this hole?» (Ch. Dickens).
33.As glided stealthily alone, creeping beneath the shelter of the walls and
doorways the hideous old man seemed like some loathsome reptile,
engendered in the smile and darkness through which he moved, crawling
forth, by night, in search of some rich offal for a meal (Ch. Dickens).
A Madrigal
Crabbed Age and Youth
Cannot live together:
Youth is full of pleasance,
Age is full of care;
Youth like summer morn,
Age like winter weather,
Youth like summer brave,
Age like winter bare:
Youth is full of sport,
Age's breath is short,
Youth is nimble, Age is lame:
Youth is hot and bold,
Age is weak and cold,
Youth is wild, and Age is tame:
Age, I do abhor thee,
Youth, I do adore thee;
O! my Love, my Love is young!
Age, I do defy thee
O sweet shepherd, hie thee,
For methinks thou stay'st too long.
W. Shakespeare
Упр. 7.
метонимических переносов разных типов.
1. He had a great admiration for bright eyes, and sweet faces, and pretty legs
and feet; in short, he was fond of the whole sex (Ch. Dickens).
2. Gay and merry was the time, and gay and merry were at least four of the
numerous hearts that were gladdened by its coming (Ch. Dickens).
3. For Bella is ambitious, Mr. Rokesmith, and I think I may predict will marry
fortune (Ch. Dickens).
4. Mr. Wegg nods to the face “Good evening.” The face looking up is a sallow
face with weak eyes surmounted by a tangle of reddish-dusty hair
(Ch. Dickens).
5. I can discern for myself what the general tongue says of you (Ch. Dickens).
6. Mr. and Mrs. Boffin complying, and pausing in the little hall until Miss
Lavinia came up to show them where to go next, perceived three pairs of
listening legs upon the stairs above (Ch. Dickens).
7. Beginning with a good inheritance, he had married a good inheritance and
had thriven exceedingly in the Marine insurance way, and was quite satisfied
(Ch. Dickens).
8. An active old woman, with a bright dark eye and a resolute face, yet quite a
tender creature too; not a logically-reasoning woman, but God is good and
hearts may count in Heaven as high as heads (Ch. Dickens).
Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea,
But sad mortality o'ersways their power,
How with this rage shall beauty hold a plea,
Whose action is no stronger than a flower?
O how shall summer's honey breath hold out
Against the wreckful siege of battering days,
When rocks impregnable are not so stout
Nor gates of steel so strong, but time decays?
O fearful meditation! where, alack!
Shall Time's best jewel from Time's chest lie hid?
Or what strong hand can hold his swift foot back,
Or who his spoil of beauty can forbid?
O! none, unless this miracle have might,
That in black ink my love may still shine bright.
W. Shakespeare
Раздел 2. Структурная группировка лексики. Основные способы
английского словообразования
Упр. 1. Определите морфологическую структуру выделенных слов.
1. As glided stealthily alone, creeping beneath the shelter of the walls and
doorways the hideous old man seemed like some loathsome reptile,
engendered in the smile and darkness through which he moved, crawling
forth, by night, in search of some rich offal for a meal (Ch. Dickens).
2. «This is port wine, ma’am, that the board ordered for the infirmary; real,
fresh, genuine port wine; only out of the cask this afternoon; clear as a bell,
and no sediment» (Ch. Dickens).
3. But they had recognized him, and he them; and their look was as firmly
impressed upon his memory as if it had been deeply carved in stone, and set
before him from his birth (Ch. Dickens).
4. «She was hanging about me all day, and night too, when I was stretched on
my back, and you like a black-hearted wolf as you are, kept yourself aloof»,
said Sikes (Ch. Dickens).
5. Hunger and recent ill-usage are assistants if you want to cry, and Oliver
cried very naturally indeed (Ch. Dickens).
6. The small teapot and the single cup had awakened in her mind sad
recollections of Mr. Corney; and she was overpowered (Ch. Dickens).
7. Such was the aspect of out-of-door affairs, when Mrs. Corney sat herself
down before a cheerful fire in her own little room (Ch. Dickens).
8. «What have you got to say for yourself, you withered old fence, eh?»
(Ch. Dickens).
9. «Open the door of some place where I can lock this screaming Hell-babe!»
(Ch. Dickens).
Упр. 2. Определите способ словообразования выделенных слов.
1. A little winding through some muddy alleys that might have been deposited
by the last ill-savoured tide brought them to the wicket gate and bright lamp
of a Police Station (Ch. Dickens).
2. “I hate to be poor and we are degradingly poor, offensively poor, miserably
poor, deadly poor.” (Ch. Dickens).
3. A bottle-nosed person in a glazed hat had after some considerable hesitation
ordered another glass of gin and water of the attendant potboy
(Ch. Dickens).
4. These two ignorant and unpolished people had guided themselves so far on
in their journey of life by a religious sense of duty and desire to do right
(Ch. Dickens).
5. This consisted of a long hammer-headed old horse formerly used in the
business (Ch. Dickens).
6. Her glance shaded off into a cool smile, as she said with her eyes upon her
lunch, and her eyebrows raised (Ch. Dickens).
7. Young Fledgeby had a peachy cheek or a cheek compounded of the peach
anв the red red red wall on which it grows (Ch. Dickens).
8. There is a shade of sadness upon her that is quite touching (Ch. Dickens).
Раздел 3. Семантическая группировка лексики
Синонимы, антонимы, омонимы
Упр. 1.
А) Ниже приведены синонимический и антонимический ряды для
полисемантичного слова. Пользуясь словарями разных типов, выпишите
синонимы и антонимы для любой другой полисемантичной единицы.
Sinonyms: adulation, admiration, admire, affection, allegiance, amity,
amorousness, amour, appreciation, ardency, adoration, attachment, benevolence,
fondness, liking, inclination (desire), regard, fancy, sympathy, fellow-feeling,
tenderness, attachment, flame, devotion, fervor, enthusiasm, rapture, enchantment,
flirt, cherishing, delight, devotedness, emotion, enchantment, enjoy, enjoyment,
idolatry, friendship, like, lust, mad for, piety, infatuation, rapture, regard, relish,
respect, sentiment, taste, tender, weakness, worship, yearning, zeal, true love, love
affair, swain, leman, follower, admirer, lover, attractiveness, sweetheart.
Antonyms: abomination, aversion, hate, hatred, loathe, loathing, abhor, detest,
unpleasant, dislike.
В) На основе единого синонимического ряда, который вы получили
(см. А), распределите синонимы по семемам (отдельным значениям
полисемантичного слова). Пример приведен ниже.
Tender and passionate affection for another person. Syn.: adoration.
Similar words: infatuation, crush, affection, passion, adore, adultation (adulate),
puppy love, devotion.
Deep and strong affection for a friend or relative. Syn.: fondness,
affection. Similar words: friendship, attachment, adultation (adulate), tenderness
(tender), affinity, adoration, devotion.
Strong interest or enjoyment, as for an activity. Syn.: devotion,
passion, fondness, like, worship, happiness, enjoyment. Similar words: mania,
weakness, taste, ardor, relish, fervor, penchant, dedication.
A person, activity, or object for which one has intense affection or
strong liking. Syn.: passion, enthusiasm, enjoyment. Similar words: sweetie, flame,
honey, inamorata, desire, sweet, beloved, dear, like, devotion, fancy, infatuation,
boyfriend, lover, girlfriend, truelove, heartthrob, sweetheart.
A sacrificial commitment, esp. in religious experience. Similar words:
charity, adoration, devotion, agape, sacrifice. Related words: partiality, fondness,
worship, lass, heart, liking, enjoyment, grace, darling, beau.
лексикосемантического поля. На основе словарной информации и предыдущих
этапов анализа постройте подобное поле, включающее выбранную вами
единицу и ее синонимы.
Условные обозначения:
– лексические компоненты;
1. - - - - 2. – первое является видом второго.
– глагол
Упр. 2 На основе словарных статей опишите смыслы и оттенки
значения, которые придают контекстам выделенные единицы.
Подберите контекстуальные синонимы и антонимы для данных единиц.
1. Go from daytime darling to dramatic diva with new lipcolor [Cosmopolitan,
2006: 32]. – Превратись из дневной милашки в драматическую диву с
новой губной помадой.
2. Standing up in her black leather jacket and a rakish cap, she is transformed
into a towering beauty [Vanity Fair, 2005: 134]. – Поднимаясь в своем
черном кожаном жилете и щегольской кепке, она превратилась в
возвышающуюся красотку.
3. Kate Winslet is like a white burgundy – full-bodied and naturally beautiful
бургундскому вину – пышнотелая и прекрасная от природы.
4. You are as yummy as chocolate [Cosmopolitan, 2006: 312]. – Ты такой
аппетитный, как шоколад.
Упр. 3. Сопоставьте отрывки оригинальных произведений и их
переводы на русский язык. Определите, являются ли выделенные лексемы
контекстуальными синонимами. Приведите точные словарные данные
для подтверждения своей гипотезы.
1. There sat Auld Nick, in shape o' beast, a tousie tyke, black, grim, and
large (R. Burns, «Tam O'Shanter») – он с виду был как зверь
лохматый: огромный, черный, злой, горбатый… (Ю. Князев, «Тэм
2. But he fled frae his nest like an ill scar'd bird (R. Burns, «John Cope») но все ж трусливым воробьем взметнулся… (Ю. Князев, «Джон Коп»)
3. Through and through the inspired leaves, ye maggots, make your
windings (R. Burns, «The book-worms») – пусть книжный червь –
жилец резного шкафа в поэзии узоры прогрызает… (С. Маршак,
«Книжный червь»)
4. Then Rachel calm, as ony lamb (R. Burns, «The Patriarch») – она как
кроткая овечка… (Ю. Князев, «Патриарх»)
5. You never barked when out of season (R. Burns, «To Lord Eglintom») –
ты не лаял за оградой… (Ю. Князев, «Лорду Элингтону»)
6. It is Maria's voice I hear; so calls the woodlark in the grove (R. Burns,
«The banks of Cree») – Марии шелестит голос, как в роще жаворонка
зов… (Ю. Князев, «Берега реки Кри»)
7. Johnie he took wing in the morning (R. Burns, «John Cope») – и
упорхнул он утром… (Ю. Князев, «Джон Коп»)
8. As flies the partridge from the brake, on fear-inspired wings, so Nelly,
starting, half-awake, away affrighted springs (R. Burns, «On a bank of
flowers») – как куропатка от орла, вспорхнув, что было силы, вскочила
Нелли, как могла, и к лесу припустила… (Ю. Князев, «На цветущем
9. Whiles, ranging like a roarin lion for prey, a' holes and corners tryin
(R. Burns, «Adress to the deil») – то бродишь ты как лев могучий, и
жертву ищет взор твой жгучий… (Ю. Князев, «Обращение к Дьяволу»)
10.There dwells old Colin's lovely girl, a lily in the wilderness (R. Burns,
«My Lord A-Hunting») – там девушка живет в тиши; цветок,
раскрывшийся в глуши… (C. Маршак, «Милорд спешит в поля, в
11.She's stately, like yon youthful ash (R. Burns, «On Cessnock banks a lassie
dwells») – стройна, как ясень молодой… (Ю. Князев, «Живет девчонка
за рекой»)
12.I am a bending aged tree (R. Burns, «Lament for James, Earl of
Glencairn») – и я, как этот дуб столетний… (Ю. Князев, «Элегия
Джеймсу, графу Гленкерну»)
13.She's spotless, like the flow'ring thorn (R. Burns, « ON Cessnock banks a
lassie dwells ») – она невинна, как бутон… (Ю. Князев, «Живет
девчонка за рекой»)
14.So you, sweet rose-bud, young and gay (R. Burns, «A Rose-Bud By My
Early Walk») – ты, нераскрывшийся цветок, расправишь каждый
лепесток… (С. Маршак, «За полем ржи кустарник рос»)
15.Your Beauty's a flower in the morning that blows, and withers the faster,
the faster it grows… (R. Burns, «A Lass Wi' A Tocher») – Как хрупкая
роза, девичья краса увянет быстрей, чем на солнце роса… (С. Маршак,
«За девку с хорошим приданным»)
16.Young Peggy blooms our boniest lass (R. Burns, «Song-Young Peggy
Blooms») – прекрасен юной Пэгги цвет… (Ю. Князев, «Мисс Пэгги
17.Her breath is like the fragrant breeze (R. Burns, «On Cessnock banks a
lassie dwells»)– ее дыханье – легкий бриз… (Ю. Князев, «Живет
девчонка за рекой»).
18.RAGING Fortune's withering blast (R. Burns, «O, raging Fortune's
withering blast») – безжалостный порыв судьбы… (Ю. Князев,
«Безжалостный порыв судьбы»)
19.But luckless Fortune's northern storms (R. Burns, «O, raging Fortune's
«Безжалостный порыв судьбы»)
Упр. 4. Выполните литературный перевод приведенных ниже
фрагментов, обращая особое внимание на подбор синонимов.
Пользуйтесь словарями разных типов.
1. During Marilla’s speech a sunrise had been dawning on Anne’s face. First
the look of despair faded out; then came a faint flush of hope; her eyes grew
deep and bright as morning stars (L. Montgomery).
2. She found Anne standing motionless before a picture hanging on the wall
(L. Montgomery).
3. She was looking at Diana Wright with gray eyes that were like a morning
sky Captain Jim fairly scorched the wretched fellow with the lightning of his
eyes Sometimes I feel as if those terrible, kind brown eyes of hers read my
very soul (L. Montgomery).
4. His face just looks like one of those long, narrow stones in the graveyard,
doesn’t it? “Sacred to the memory” ought to be written on his forehead
(L. Montgomery).
5. She was hatless, but heavy braids of burnished hair, the hue of ripe wheat,
were twisted about her like a coronet; her eyes were blue and star-like; her
figure, in its plain print gown, was magnificent; and her lips were as crimson
as the bunch of blood-red poppies she wore t her belt (L. Montgomery).
6. But flowing over his breast nearly to his knees, was a river of crinkly brown
beard (L. Montgomery).
7. Anne has as many shades as a rainbow and every shade is the prettiest while
it lasts (L. Montgomery).
8. I feel that she possesses a rich nature, into which a friend might enter as into
a kingdom (L. Montgomery).
Упр. 5. Подберите синонимы к выделенным лексемам. Опишите,
как повлияет на смысл и колорит произведения синонимическая замена.
Для синонимических замен используйте свои синонимические ряды.
Sweet Highland Girl, a very shower
Of beauty is thy earthly dower!
Twice seven consenting years have shed
Their utmost bounty on thy head:
And these gray rocks, this household lawn,
These trees a veil just half withdrawn,
This fall of water that doth make
A murmur near the silent lake,
This little bay, a quiet road
That holds in shelter thy abode;
In truth together ye do seem
Like something fashion'd in a dream;
Such forms as from their covert peep
When earthly cares are laid asleep!
But O fair Creature! in the light
Of common day, so heavenly bright
I bless Thee, Vision as thou art,
I bless thee with a human heart:
God shield thee to thy latest years!
I neither know thee nor thy peers:
And yet my eyes are fill'd with tears.
With earnest feeling I shall pray
For thee when I am far away;
For never saw I mien or face
In which more plainly I could trace
Benignity and home-bred sense
Ripening in perfect innocence.
Here scatter'd, like a random seed,
Remote from men, Thou dost not need
The embarrass'd look of shy distress,
And maidenly shamefacedness:
Thou wear'st upon thy forehead clear
The freedom of a mountaineer:
A face with gladness overspread,
Soft smiles, by human kindness bred;
And seemliness complete, that sways
Thy courtesies, about thee plays;
With no restraint, but such as springs
From quick and eager visitings
Of thoughts that lie beyond the reach
Of thy few words of English speech:
A bondage sweetly brook'd, a strife
That gives thy gestures grace and life!
So have I, not unmoved in mind,
Seen birds of tempest-loving kind,
Thus beating up against the wind.
What hand but would a garland cull
For thee who art so beautiful?
O happy pleasure! here to dwell
Beside thee in some heathy dell;
Adopt your homely ways, and dress,
A shepherd, thou a shepherdess!
W. Wordsworth
Упр. 6. Прочитайте тексты песен, приведенные ниже. При
помощи подбора синонимических средств измените стилистическую
маркированность на более поэтичную и возвышенную или, напротив,
сниженную. Запишите свой новый англоязычный вариант прозой.
«Lady Jane» (1965):
My sweet Lady Jane
When I see you again
Your servant am I
And will humbly remain
Just heed this plea, my love
On bended knees, my love
I pledge myself to Lady Jane
My dear Lady Anne
I've done what I can
I must take my leave
For promised I am
This play is run, my love
Your time has come, my love
I've pledged my troth to Lady Jane
Oh my sweet Marie
I wait at your ease
The sands have run out
For your lady and me
Wedlock is nigh, my love
Her station's right, my love
Life is secure with Lady Jane
Rolling Stones
«Love in vain» (1969)
Well the train come in the station
And I looked her in the eye
I felt so sad so lonesome
That I could not help but cry
When the train left the station
It had two lights on behind
When the train left the station
It had two lights on behind the blue light was my baby
And the red light was my mind
All my love was in vain
All my love's in vain
Rolling Stones
Раздел 4. Синтагматические связи английского слова. Фразеология.
Упр. 1. Ниже приведены варианты сочетаемости лексемы «love» и
дополнительные потенциальные семы, выделенные на этой основе. На
основе такой схемы выполните свой собственный анализ любой лексемы
с разветвленной комбинаторикой. При анализе используйте данные
словарей комбинаторики и корпусы английского языка.
1. puppy love
2. courtly love
3. free love
4. light-o’-love
5. love affair
6. love beads
7. love child
8. love bite
9. cupboard love
12.love making
15.love triangle
16.though love
18.fall in love
19.head over heels in love
20.labour of love
21.love smb. to bits
22.be in love (with)
23.make love (to smb.)
24.be no / little love lost between
25.for love nor / or money
26.young love
27.love life
33.love potion
34.love seat
35.love set
38.to give / to send one’s love to
39.the love of my life
40.for the love of
41.play for love
42.love in a cottage
43.my love
58.love at first sight
59.love’s young dream
60.smb. you love to hate
62.love-hate relationship
64.love nest
Из полученных словарных данных мы можем выделить следующие
дополнительные семантические признаки:
любовь может быть наивной и незрелой (puppy love, cupboard love,
young love, love’s young dream);
любовь может быть настоящей и бескорыстной (truelove, love in a
cottage, love-match, for love nor / or money, labour of love, loving-kindness);
любовь может быть обострённой и приближаться к страсти (love-
struck, head over heels in love, love smb. to bits, the love of my life, love-shaft);
влюблённые обычно очень счастливы, особенно сначала (love nest,
love birds, lovey-dovey, love-spring);
люди, состоящие в браке, могут снова влюбиться (love affair, love
triangle, love-rat, love-begotten, lovers);
любовь может быть близка к ненависти (love-hate, be no / little love
lost between, smb. you love to hate, love-hate relationship);
влюблённый стремится даровать что-либо объекту любви (for the
love of, love-song, love-token, love-letter / love-line);
любовь обладает некой таинственностью (love-juice, love potion,
lovе-drink, love-philter).
Упр. 2
А) На основании приведенных ниже контекстов определите модели
комбинаторики для лексемы icon и ее производных.
Linda Evangelista is an icon in the modeling industry [Vanity Fair, 2004:
30]. – Линда Евангелиста является символом модельного бизнеса.
The final days of the most iconic First Lady are captured by Kennedy
hagiographer [Vanity Fair, 2004: 46]. – Последние дни самой знаковой первой
леди зафиксированы агиографом Кеннеди. (Агиограф – составитель житий
George Wayne presses fashion icon Pierre Cardin [Vanity Fair, 2004: 57]. –
Джордж Уейн берет интервью у знатока моды, Пьера Кардена. (fashion icon –
символ модельного бизнеса)
Our correspondent asks about the fashion icon’s feelings toward other
legendary designers [Vanity Fair, 2004: 60]. – Наш корреспондент спрашивает
об отношении знатока моды к другим легендарным дизайнерам.
Henry was a journalistic icon [Vanity Fair, 2005: 18]. – Генри был
образцом подражания в журналистике.
В) Ниже приведен пример сопоставительного анализа моделей
авторской и словарной комбинаторики. Выполните подобный вид
анализа на материале любого художественного произведения в
сопоставлении со словарными данными. В качестве материала могут
использоваться любые тематические группы, например «названия
природных объектов», «обозначение эмоциональных состояний»,
«обозначения артефактов», «обозначение внешних характеристик
человека или объектов» и т.д.
N+V abundance weakens, abundance lies
Preposition+N in abundance
Со словом abundance в сонетах У. Шекспира сочетаются глаголы и
Сопоставим данные, полученные в результате нашего анализа, с
источниках существительное abundance дано в таких сочетаниях: to
be+Preposition+N (to be in abundance), N+Preposition+Article+N (abundance of
the heart), V+Preposition+N (to love in abundance), N+N (abundance ratio).
Представим полученные данные в следующей сопоставительной
У. Шекспир
Словарные данные
N+V abundance weakens, abundance
to be+Preposition+N (to be in
abundance), N+Preposition+Article+N
Preposition+N in abundance
(abundance of the heart),
V+Preposition+N (to love in abundance),
N+N (abundance ratio)
Упр. 3.
А) В приведенных ниже фрагментах художественных произведений
содержатся фразеологизмы. Найдите их и переведите контексты.
1. …I am sure that the widow and the child whom you have ever protected and
loved will always have a corner in your heart.
2. I have met such a duck of a man. You’ll never believe! I’ve quite a pash for
3. But it’s a bit thick when they can’t make too much of you one week and then
a fortnight after, they don’t even want to listen to you.
4. It was a large party and she was being made much of.
5. Studies show that working women still wind up doing the lion’s share of
household duties.
В) В приведенных ниже фрагментах содержатся фразеологизмы,
которые были изменены авторами. Найдите эти трансформированные
единицы и определите, от какого фразеологизма они были образованы.
1. Like Leonard, he believed that Claude had made a bad bargain in
matrimony… (Willa Cather).
2. He was so astonished at finding himself on easy, confidential terms with
Erlich that he scarcely gave a thought to his second-day shirt & his collar
with a broken edge,… (Willa Cather).
3. the world had come to avaricious old age (Willa Cather).
4. The giant baby of a long family, he had never slept away from home a night
in his life before he enlisted (Willa Cather).
5. To shed bright blood, to wear the red badge of courage – that was one thing;
but to be reduced to this was quite another (Willa Cather).
6. You were brought up to work – not especially to marry. Now you’ve found
your first nut to crack and it’s a good nut – go ahead and put whatever
happens down to experience’ (F.Scott Fitzgerald).
7. ‘She doesn’t care – neither does he. It was that sacred dog’ (F.Scott
8. ‘Of course I must ask you to keep my name out of it. I don’t want any
French red tape just because I discovered the man’ (F.Scott Fitzgerald).
9. It’s a case of hare and tortoise – and in my opinion the hare’s race is almost
done’ (F.Scott Fitzgerald).
10.My God, I’ve stirred up a nest!’ and trying to recollect the man’s name
(F.Scott Fitzgerald).
11.Then, with a comfortable air of duty well done, she passed impressively…
(Dorothy Parker).
12.All was well in his inner kingdom (Dorothy Parker).
Упр. 4.
A) Найдите русские эквиваленты для фразеологизмов, которые
приведены ниже. На основании классификации Ш. Балли –
В. В. Виноградова определите тип фразеологизма (фразеологическое
сочетание, единство, сращение).
to have one’s cake baked
to have jam on it
a lean purse
to outrun the constable
to make money
to make capital by smb
to coin money
to make ducks and drakes of money
money makes the mare go
to have death adders in one’s pocket
to be in low water
to be in good way
to live in a great way
to pay one’s way
to put up the shutters
B) Найдите английские эквиваленты для фразеологизмов, которые
приведены ниже.
Беден как церковная мышь/крыса
Денег куры не клюют
Зашибать/набивать копейку
Бешеные деньги
Шальные деньги
Бросать деньги на ветер
Вылететь в трубу
Оставаться на бобах
Упр. 5.
А) Ниже приведены примеры синонимичных паремий (пословиц и
поговорок). Найдите русские эквиваленты. Подберите любые две группы
синонимичных паремий.
Feather by feather a goose is plucked.
Everything comes to him who waits.
Constant dropping wears away a stone.
В) Ниже приведены варианты фразеологизмов. Используя
иллюстрирующих вариативные возможности фразеологизмов в
английском и русском языке.
think a lot/highly/much/well of smb
think no end of smb
think the world of smb
быть высокого мнения о ком-л., высоко ценить кого-л.; любить, души не
чаять в ком-л.
have a soft/warm corner/place/spot in one’s heart for smb
испытывать душевное влечение, теплое чувство к кому-л., иметь слабость,
быть неравнодушным к кому-л., (от души) сочувствовать кому-л.
place/put/set smb upon a pedestal
возводить кого-л. на пьедестал, превозносить, возвеличивать кого-л.
Упр. 6. Ниже приведены примеры нарушений сочетаемости лексем.
Объясните, что неправильно и как нужно было сказать в подобной
1. Caption in a Chinese in-flight magazine, underneath a picture of a kiltwearing bagpipe player: A man dressed in a Scottish woolen skirt blowing
air whistle.
2. Job recruitment advert in Thailand: If you are energetic, living, friendly…
3. Hotel in France: Please leave your values at the front desk.
4. Hotel in Kyrgyzstan: No entries in upper clothes.
5. Hotel in Zurich: We have nice bath and are very good in bed.
6. Prague: Take one of our horse-driven city tours. We guarantee no
7. Hotel in Bucharest: The lift is being fixed for the next day. During that time
we regret that you will be unbearable.
8. Thailand (offering donkey rides): Would you like to ride on your own ass?
9. Africa: You may choose between a room with a view on the sea or the
backside of the country.
10.Italy: Suggestive views from every window.
11.In a hotel cloakroom, Berlin: Please hang yourself here.
12.In an Italian hotel, signs by the bell:
If service is required, give two strokes to the maid and three to the waiter.
It is kindly requested from our guests that they avoid dirting and doing rumours
in the rooms. Hot and cold water running up and down the stairs.
13.Canary Islands: If you telephone for room service you will get the answer
you deserve.
14.Italy: Unfortunately the hotel is not endowed with restaurant.
15.Hamburg: It is our intention to pleasure you every day.
16.Tokyo: Guests are requested not to smoke or do other disgusting behaviours
in bed.
17.Hotel in Madrid: If you wish disinfection enacted in your presence, cry out
for the chambermaid.
18.Switzerland: It is defended to promenade the corridors in the boots of the
mountain in front of six hours.
19.Copenhagen: Take care of burglars.
20.Austria: Not to perambulate the corridors in the hours of repose in the boots
of ascension.
21.Acapulco, Mexico: The manager has personally passed all the water served
22.Serbia: The flattening of underwear with pleasure is the job of the
chambermaid. Turn to her straightaway.
23.Hotel in Moscow: The passenger must get free the room before 2 o’clock of
the day they are abandoning in other case, as the passenger fracture the day
and must the administration pay for full.
24.Tokyo: Keep your hands away from unnecessary buttons for you.
25.Japan: You are invited to take advantage of the chambermaid.
26.Hotel on the Ionian Sea: In order to prevent shoes from mislaying, please
don’t corridor them.
27.Finland: If you cannot reach the fire exit, close the door and expose yourself
at the window.
28.Copenhagen: In the event of fire, open the window and announce your
presence in a seemly manner.
Основная литература
1. Знаменская Т. А. Стилистика английского языка. Основы курса:
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Дополнительная литература
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2-е изд., стер. – М.: Дрофа, 2000. – 288 с.
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4. Борискина О. О. Криптоклассы английского языка. – Воронеж: Истоки,
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7. Блэк М. Метафора // Теория метафоры. – М.: Прогресс, 1990. – C. 153–
8. Васильев Л. М. Современная лингвистическая семантика. – М.: Высшая
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9. Вежбицка А. Из книги «Семантические примитивы» // Семиотика:
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10.Гинзбург Р. С. Значение слова и методика компонентного анализа //
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12.Дударева З. М. Контрастивное исследование концептуальной сферы
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13.Дэвидсон Д. Что означают метафоры // Теория метафоры. – М.:
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14.Зыкова И. В. Практический курс английской лексикологии: учебное
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18.Кретов А. А. Основы лексико-семантической прогностики. – Воронеж:
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Информационное обеспечение дисциплины
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33.eWAVE – the electronic World Atlas of Varieties of English, ed. by
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35.WordNet: An Electronic Lexical Database / Fellbaum C. (ed.). Cam-bridge,
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Лексикографические источники
1. Апресян Ю. Д., Ботякова В. В., Латышева Т. Э. Англо-русский
синонимический словарь / под ред. Розенмана А. И., Апресяна Ю. Д. –
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Лань, 1997. – 464 с.
6. Спиерс А. Р. Словарь американских идиом. – М. : Рус. яз., 1991. – 464 с.
7. Collins Concise Thesaurus. – Harper Collins Publishers, 2001. – 824 p.
8. Cowie A. P., Mackin R. Oxford dictionary of English idioms. – Oxford : Oxford
University Press, 1993. – 685 p.
9. Crabb’s English Synonyms. – London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. London,
1982. – 716 p.
10.Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. – Harlow: Longman Group UK
Limited, 1987. – 1229 p.
11.Longman Dictionary of English Idioms. – Longman Group UK Ltd., 1996. –
387 p.
12.Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English / Ed. by
A. S. Hornby. – Fourth edition. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989. –
1580 p.
13.Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English. – Oxford University
Press, 1999. – 1430 p.
14.Oxford Guide to British and American Culture. – Oxford: OUP, 2005. – 533 p.
15.Roget’s Thesaurus of English words and Phrases / Ed. by R. A. Dutch. –
Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979. – 712 p.
16.The Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English / Ed. by A.S. Hornby,
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17.The BBI Combinatory Dictionary of English. / Ed. by M. Benson, E. Benson,
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18.The Doubleday Roget’s Thesaurus in Dictionary Form. – N.Y.: Doubleday,
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19.The Everyman Roget’s Thesaurus of English words and phrases. – London:
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20.The Merriam-Webster Thesaurus. – Merriam-Webster Inc., Publishers, 1989. –
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21.The Oxford Dictionary of Slang / Ed. by J. Ayto. – Oxford: OUP, 2003. –
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22.The Pan Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms / Ed. by L. Urdang, M. Manser.
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24.The Random House Thesaurus. – N.Y.: Random House, 1984. – 887 p.
25.Webster’s New International Dictionary of the English Language / Ed. by
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Список источников языкового материала
1. Бернс Р. Песни и стихи / Пер. В.М. Федотова. – М. : Сов. Россия, 1963. –
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2. Бернс Р. Собрание поэтических произведений / Пер. с англ. – М. : Рипол
Классик. 1999. – 704 с.
3. Бернс Р. Стихотворения, поэмы, баллады / Пер. Ю. Князева. – Режим
доступа: http://robertburns.narod.ru/transl.htm
4. Бернс Р. Стихотворения / Пер. А. Кузнецова. – Режим доступа:
5. Бернс Р. Стихотворения / Пер. Е. Никитиной. – Режим доступа: http://l-ts.chat.ru/index.htm
6. Бернс Р. Былые времена / Пер. Е. Фельдмана. – Харьков : Фолио, 2009. –
320 с.
7. Бернс Р. Стихотворения, поэмы, баллады / Пер. С. Маршака,
Е. Фельдмана, М. Михайловым, М. Бородицкой. – Режим доступа:
8. Бернс Р. Стихотворения; Поэмы; Шотландские баллады / Пер.
С.Я. Маршака. – М. : Худож. лит., 1976. – 254 с.
9. Бернс Р. Всемирная библиотека поэзии. Избранное / Пер. с англ.
С. Маршака. – М. : Феникс, 1997. – 320 с.
10.Бёрнс Р. Лирика: Стихотворения в пер. С.Маршака – М. : Астрель, 2000. –
304 c.
11.Бернс Р. Стихотворения / Пер. Е. Корюкина. – Режим доступа:
12.Коллекция песен [Online]. – Режим доступа: http://megalyrics.ru
13.Народные сказки Британских островов. / Сост. Дж. Риордан. – М.: Радуга,
1987. – 368 с.
14.Официальный сайт The Rolling Stones [Online]. – Режим доступа:
http://www.thebyrds.com/ –
16.Cather W. One of ours. – СПб. : Антология, 2004. – 384 с.
17.Dickens Ch. The Adventures of Oliver Twist. – Dover Publications, 2002. –
362 p.
18.Dickens Ch. Our Mutual Friend. – Wordsworth Editions Ltd., 1998. – 832 p.
19.Dickens Ch. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. – UK, Kent:
Wordsworth Editions Ltd., 1993. – 701 p.
20. Croker Ch. Lost in Translation: Misadventures in English Abroad. – UK:
Michael O’Mara Books Ltd., 2006 – 176 p.
21.Faulkner W. Absalom, Absalom! – М. : Прогресс, 1982. – 416 с.
22. Fitzgerald Scott F. Tender is the night. – L. : Penguin books, 1997. – 392 p.
23. Leacock S. Perfect Lover’s Guide and Other Stories. – Moscow: Foreighn
Languages Publishing House, 1963. – 343 p.
24.Maugham S. Theatre. – М. : АСТ : АСТ МОСКВА, 2008. — 384 с.
25.Montgomery L.M. Anne of Green Gables. – Dover, 2005. – Режим доступа :
26.Montgomery L.M. Anne’s House of Dreams. – Dover, 2005. – Режим доступа
: http://lib.luksian.com/texte/fict_fr/047/
27.Montgomery L.M. The Rainbow Valley. – Dover, 2005. – Режим доступа :
28.Palgrave’s Golden Treasury, Poetry and The Drama / Ed. by Er. Rhys. – 2005.
– 358 p.
29.Parker D. Short stories – М. : Радуга, 2004. – 160 р.
Американские журналы
Cosmopolitan. – New York. – September 2006.
USA Today: http://www.usatoday.com/
The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/
The Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/
The Wall Street Journal: http://europe.wsj.com/home-page/
Британские журналы
The Economist: http://www.economist.com/ (27.04.2012 г.)
The Guardian: http://www.guardian.co.uk/ (21.04.2012 г.)
The Times: http://www.thetimes.co.uk/ (22.04.2012 г.)
The Telegraph: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ (24.04.2012 г.)
Vanity Fair. – London. – June 2004.
Vanity Fair. – London. – May 2005.
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Екатеринбург 2014