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Visual Literacy: Understanding Images & Meaning

Visual Literacy
What do you think of
the following images
what is the main idea or
message behind them.
Some useful sentence starters to express your
Can you think of any examples
of how we judge something
based on how it looks
• Example our novel cover
Common features and effects of some
What do you think
visual literacy means
• Visual literacy is the ability to get a sense
of the meaning behind something just by
looking at it.
• The idea that a picture paints a thousand
words is true in visual literacy.
• It’s most talked about in design, and not
without good reason - it’s a big part of
what designers do - but it’s an important
skill for the rest of us as well. After all,
visual literacy helps us to communicate
(just think about emoji!), exchange ideas,
and find our way in the modern world.
• In fact, visual literacy is probably as big
as it ever has been. We’re often
surrounded by screens and digital devices,
which means that images are abundant.
From advertising, to art and just about
everything else, they seem to be wherever
we look, yet visual literacy is still
something we take for granted. In other
words, we’re immersed in images, but we
rarely stop to think about how we might
use and understand them better.
Visual texts are
Key words
related to
• Pick 5 new or unfamiliar
words and try to put them in
a sentence.
• Related to one of the
following images.
Go to page 55
Look at the 2 book covers
and answer the turn up
the heat questions.