Case Analysis Assignment Management Information System

Agile Case: Barclays
[Name Removed for Peer Review]
Department of Business Administration, University of the People
BUS 5114: Management Information System and Technology
Mr. Oleg Kachirski
August 3, 2022
Case Background and Facts
Barclays, financial services organization based in London, had increasing regulatory
pressure and market demands orchestrated by industry competitors offering modern, digital
services to customers (Red Hat Inc., n.d.). Barclays was forced to search for increased innovation
and productivity in its service delivery, and it set out to build an Application Platform-as-aService (aPaaS) as part of its cloud initiatives (Red Hat Inc., n.d.). The bank used Red
Hat® OpenShift Container Platform, as well as other Red Hat solutions to update the
organization’s IT infrastructure and to adopt an agile approach to developing its applications
thereby giving its developers on-demand and self-service capabilities (Red Hat Inc., n.d.). This
helped the bank to significantly improve its efficiency and agility to innovate and remain
Barclays is over 325 years old, haven had its own innovations over the years, but the
recognized that an agile and lean approach is certainly better than its historical waterfall
approach, as many large organizations gained excellence by adopting the agile approach
(Linders, 2016). The agile transformation at Barclays is holistic, and not just technology
centered, but everything involved in its value stream, from concepts to cash, and the bank is
focused on creating value for customers as its topmost priority (Linders, 2016).
Main Issues in the Case
Barclays bank was faced with increasing regulatory pressure and increasing market
demands caused by industry competitors who offered modern and digital services to the banking
public The bank could not sustain its competitiveness and profitability by reaming with its
waterfall model, and was forced to seek increased innovation and creativity in its services to the
banking public. This led to the commencement and the development of an Application Platform-
as-a-Service (aPaaS), with its other cloud initiatives. It also led to the adopting of the agile
approach and lean approach in its application development initiatives.
Strategies Adopted for Sustainable Competitive Advantage
As the company began its agile transformation, it maintained scattered teams using an
agile approach, and it sought to grow by integrating its agile efforts into a more effective unit
(Null, n.d.). It chose the learning-oriented Disciplined Agile Delivery approach and provided
agile coaching while ensuring that the company's workspaces are more collaborative (Null, n.d.).
In a year’s time, more than 800 teams in the bank had converted to agile approach, and the bank
saw a 300% increase in results, while code complexity reduced by 50% on average on more than
80 applications, and its test code coverage increased by 50% (Null, n.d.). Agile teams reported
greater satisfaction, and they were often leading in marketing new products, and they were able
to adjust in response to feedback from users (Null, n.d.). The change in technology strategy by
the company from its use of waterfall models, to agile and lean models helped the company to
innovatively position itself for competitive advantage in its markets.
The Company’s Information Systems and Technology Strategy
Information systems and technology play a vital role in today's global economy, and
Barclays innovative use of agile has enabled the bank to harness the power of information
systems and technology to attain growth and maintain competitiveness in its fast-changing
financial services industry. The change in technology strategy by the company from its use of
waterfall models, to agile and lean models helped the company to innovatively position itself for
competitive advantage in its markets. The company’s adoption of agile information systems have
positioned it and enabled it to provide greater satisfaction and service delivery to the banking
Recommendations for Future Sustainability
The company should ensure to maintaining the innovativeness and efficiency of its
current agile based application systems, to sustain its superior customer relationship management
system for an increased brand loyalty, and to attain its future growth plans. This main strategy
will help the company to maintain its competitive advantage, in the midst of fierce competition
and constant innovative disruptions in the financial market.
Technology plays essential roles in maintaining competitive advantage in today’s
information economy and companies cannot depend on old systems to stay competitive. Barclays
should ensure to maintain the information system infrastructure and to stay at the fore front of
innovation and creativity.
Idowu, M. O. (2022, August 2). System Development Lifecycle and Agile Development
Unpublished Discussion Assignment, University of the People.
Null, C. (n.d.). 10 companies killing it at scaling agile. TechBeacon. https://techbeacon.com/appdev-testing/10-companies-killing-it-scaling-agile
Linders, B. (2016, September 8). Benefits of Agile Transformation at Barclays
Red Hat Inc. (n.d.). Barclays adopts agile DevOps culture to stay competitive.