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Learning Skills Amidst Pandemic: A Comparative Analysis

A Research Paper Presented to
The Faculty of the Yu An Log College of Business and Accountancy
University of St. La Salle
Bacolod City
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
May 2022
Background of the Study
The learning environment has brought changes as the COVID-19 arises in the world.
According to the study conducted by Foo, Cheung, and Chu (2021), the educational system has taken
into consideration the use of the internet as a tool for learning. During COVID-19, distance learning
has been the safest option for all students and teachers. This study will focus on the comparable
performances and behaviors of students who have experienced the previous normal and the new
normal learning environment.
According to the study by Amir et al (2020) of one of the universities in Indonesia, students
were able to adapt to internet-based learning and the majority thought that the current blended
learning can be a possible learning option in the future.
In a study conducted by Butnaru et al (2021) All through the Health crisis, and the effects
of virtual education, the research looked into the students' impressions of online learning as it is
the only choice. Although multiple research has demonstrated that online education can be as
successful as the conventional teaching method since few studies have looked at learner
contentment with virtual education, especially when making its shift away from standard
learning methods to virtual classrooms. Students' involvement in online education depends on
their competency in the availability of their online tools.
Understanding the present situation as we are trying to adapt to the changes in these
trying times, we also consider the contributing factors that will affect each aspect and the people
that rely on this current situation. Thus, this study will look into how it will bring changes to the
adaptability and the coping mechanisms of each individual amidst the current pandemic.
In the current situation that we are facing, we need to realize and determine how changes in
the learning setup affect the learning skills of students. Engaging in this topic gives us an idea of
how effective online learning is in the lives of every student locally, nationally, and globally.
Statement of the Problem
The purpose of this study is to determine the differences in learning abilities among
students in the midst of the pandemic. Particularly, the questions raised are the focus of this
1) What is the participant's demographic profile in terms of?
a. age;
b. sex;
c. location;
d. internet connectivity;
e. year level?
2) What is the level of the students' learning perception in terms of:
a. face-to-face classes;
b. online distance learning?
3) What is the extent of learning skills achieve by students amidst pandemic
in terms of;
a. skills acquisition;
b. knowledge;
c. digital expertise;
d. industry updates?
4. What are the learning challenges experienced by the students in the
5. What are the learning opportunities experienced by the students in the
6. Is there a significant difference between the level of students’ learning
perception when taken as a whole?
7. Is there a significant difference between extent of learning skills achieved by
the students amidst pandemic when taken as a whole?
In this section, the following variables are shown in which no significant difference exists
between the elements of resorts and profile of the participants.
1. There is no significant difference between the level of students’ learning
perception when taken as a whole.
2. There is no significant difference between extent of learning skills
achieved by the students amidst pandemic when taken as a whole.
Theoretical Framework
Terry Anderson's (2011) Theory and Practice of Online Learning has served as the
foundation for this study. Which investigated if it was possible to build a common theory for
online education. Even though he understands that this is a difficult and possibly hopeless task
undertaking, he investigated the options and offered his suggestion. It began with a look at
several learning theories. Before focusing on their application to online education. It finished
with a suggestion for a pedagogical purpose-based integrated approach to online education.
Moreover, in a study conducted by Elshami et al., (2020) about Online learning satisfaction in
the New Normal due to COVID-19, online education is now the new normal in numerous
medical and health-related colleges worldwide. The level of satisfaction with online learning is
crucial for effective academic procedures. The aim of this research is to determine what factors
affect teachers' and students' happiness with online learning in the modern day. Students are less
satisfied due to technical issues, while teachers are impeded by a heavier workload, and creating
teaching and assessment resources, takes time. The themes that will emerge as the impact of the
theme analysis on student and teacher satisfaction are study load and workload, enhancing
engagement, and technological problems (SWEET). Student satisfaction may improve by fusing
synchronous and asynchronous methods, and incorporating new apps, while faculty satisfaction
can be increased through institutional support and organizational policies, students, and giving
fast feedback.
Conceptual Framework
This component investigated and appraised the participant's demographic profile in order
to address the initial problem analysis. From these participants, Student’s comparative data in
learning skills amidst the pandemic has been gathered in an online survey form and face-to-face
survey. The gathered data was processed to distinguish the behavior of students within the online
learning setup.
Figure 1: Schematic Diagram of the Conceptual Framework
Scope and Limitations
The scope of this research focuses only on the comparative learning skills of students
amidst pandemic.
Purposive sampling was used to choose 367 students studying in tertiary education. All of
whom are at least 18 years old, to complete an online and face-to-face self-made questionnaire
after obtaining informed permission.
The research will take place from January to December 2022. Data collection began in
mid-August to mid-September of this year. The data collection technique was done online, and
face-to-face. Likewise, only the official students enrolled in the target university or specific
university have been chosen as part of the participants.
The extent of result of this study focused on the comparative learning skills of students
amidst the pandemic.
Significance of the Study
The results of this analysis and outcomes may be pertinent to the following:
Students. This study will aid students in comprehending what the online study
framework implies for their study proclivities and persistence with all of the duties that will be
assigned to them by their teachers.
Teachers. This study will help the teachers strengthen their decision-making analysis and
efficiently think of ways to promote a good learning environment amidst the pandemic and help
their students cope with the current situation.
Academic Institution. This study will help the institution to think of possible activities
and programs to help the student in their holistic development despite the shift to online learning.
School Administrators. The data and result of this study will benefit school
administrators as they can think of possible ways how to adapt and deal with the
learning experiences of the students and can find solutions to whatever changes brought
about by the pandemic.
The Researchers. This study will help the researchers to be able to identify and compare
the learning skills of students amidst the pandemic.
The Future Researchers. This ponder will serve as a reference to future researchers who
will have a related study on the difference and comparison of the online learning setup to face-toface classes.
Definition of Terms
Relevant terms are conceptually and/or operationally defined to aid comprehension of the
Comparative. Conceptually, it compares two groups in order to arrive at a decision via
assessment. Researchers seek to identify and evaluate the similarities and differences of groups,
and frequently, this research is international, evaluating two distinct groups. (Richardson, 2018).
Operationally, it is a comparison of pupils' abilities to study in the face of the epidemic.
Digital Knowledge. Conceptually, it refers to having the abilities necessary to function in
a society where information is increasingly communicated and accessed via digital platforms
including internet platforms, social media, and mobile devices. (West Sydney University, 2020).
Operationally, it operates as a set of lists of tasks and actions that a person should be able to do
using computers and the internet.
Face-to-face Classes. Conceptually, it contains common lessons taught in classrooms.
Everyday attendance is expected of students who enroll in face-to-face learning institutions.
Early morning to late afternoon classes is offered. (College SA, 2017). Operationally, it is a
classic learning environment where instructors and students interact physically to discuss topics.
Learning Skills. Conceptually, these are traits that may help students throughout their
lives to work efficiently and interact successfully. It may be created and refined over time to help
students carry out everyday tasks or reach professional goals. (Indeed Editorial Team, 2021).
Operationally, this relates to the ability of the student to adjust to the online learning
environment and how he or she manages all of the academic obligations.
Knowledge. Conceptually, knowing the connections and/or functions between the little
parts and components that make up a bigger structure may be seen as knowledge. Understanding
the classification and categorization of information, generalizations, and principles, as well as
theories, models, and architectures (Tapia, 2018). Operationally, it refers to the fact or state of
being acquainted with something thanks to experience or association.
Online Learning. Conceptually, it uses the internet as a transmission medium to offer
carefully prepared, somewhat more challenging, student-centered educational experiences that
are based on recognized quality criteria for fruitful interaction between students, teachers, and
subject matter (Mathes, 2020). Operationally, it is the transition away from in-person learning
toward a web-based or electronic learning environment as a result of the pandemic.
Pandemic. Conceptually, compared to a disease outbreak that spreads across several
regions, this epidemic has a more devastating impact, and it claims the lives of a higher number
of individuals. (Robinson, 2020). Operationally, due to the global spread of illnesses, this
circumstance leads to changes in lifestyle and culture.
Skills Acquisition. Conceptually, the science of skill acquisition is a broad discipline that
focuses on the study and knowledge of conscious control over movements of joints and body
parts to acquire motor competence. (Bhasin, 2021). Operationally, it is a method of promoting
learning and a learning process.
Review of Related Literature
Presented is various authors' academic works that have been published in different
reliable sources that were evaluated and used as a foundation for studying and comprehending
the key variables of this study.
Behaviors of Students in the Online Learning Set-up
According to Thompson (2017)'s study, “Experiences of Online University Instructors
Concerning Students' Ethical Conduct in Online Courses”, academic dishonesty is a sign of
immoral conduct in online classes. The opinions of online educators on the issue of academic
misconduct in distance learning needed to be clarified, and this was the study's special focus. The
goal of this qualitative phenomenology research was to analyze eight online professors'
experiences at a school in the Midwest of the United States in regard to ethical student behavior
in distance learning. The interviews were conducted in person or through Skype using a
structured interview instrument with pre-designed questions. Instructors were interrogated
extensively for feedback on how they communicated expectations and controlled behavior.
Topics were created based on the participants' experiences with unethical behavior,
communication of expectations, and monitoring processes as online teachers. Among the
important subjects discussed were various types of plagiarism observed by teachers, behavior
monitoring with the aid of tracking software, and expressing pupils' expectations in a variety of
options. The results of the study can be used to incorporate in the curriculum, there is a
plagiarism policy and expectations for pupils, as well as fairness and consistency, really reading
the papers handed in, and demonstrating ethical behavior. Interviewing a larger sample size or
recruiting professors from various colleges could be part of future research. Professors from a
wider diversity of geographical and institutional backgrounds may create more generalizable
The goal of Alvarez-Risco et al (2020) study “The case of university students in Ecuador
during Multitasking Behavior in Online and Academic Performance in the COVID-19 Outbreak"
is to examine student multitasking habits at universities’ distance learning and how it affects
academic achievement. The investigation also included the perspectives of students.
Design/methodology/approach: A web-based survey was completed by 302 university students.
There were ten demographic questions, five about student behavior in online classrooms, nine
about self-efficacy, and four academic concepts achievement. Observations: Multitasking had a 0.332 negative effect on self-efficacy, but a 0.325 positive effect on educational attainment.
Cronbach's retrieved values for average variance and alpha for multitasking behavior were 0.780
and 0.527, for self-efficacy 0.875 and 0.503, and for academic performance 0.781 and 0.601,
respectively (educational achievement). Route coefficients are significant, according to the
results of the bootstrapping test. Originality/value: The findings of this research may assist
university administrators in better comprehending undergraduate conduct both online and in
person, as well as strategies for changing practices to guarantee the excellent educational results.
A novel method, partial least square structural equation modeling, is used.
According to Aleksandra et al., (2021) in their study during the COVID-19 Pandemic, the
article intends to investigate the relationship between ADHD symptoms in older elementary
school students, their severity pupils, online before and after sessions began and ended. The
study included 52 children with ADHD in grade schools. The ADHD Index Rating Scales were
used to assess ADHD-related symptoms and employed faculties to assess social conduct. Peer
relations, self-management, and general social skills were statistically significantly poorer after
performing online classes, according to the data. Students with ADHD who took online classes
showed a significant reduction in antisocial behavior of all sorts. Students with ADHD who took
online classes showed a significant reduction in antisocial behavior of all sorts. According to
mediation research, antisocial behavior before online classes had no effect on the link among
social competency results considering the degree to which symptoms of ADHD [= 1.01, % 95 CI
(0.0034, 1.9989)]. After online lessons, antisocial behavior was revealed to serve as a mediator
in the above-mentioned association [= 1.42, percent 95 CI (0.6124, 2.5768)].
Decisions in Enrolling Amidst Pandemic
While the COVID-19 pandemic is ongoing, online distance learning is becoming more
and more popular among university students:
The severe acute respiratory illness coronavirus 2 is to blame for the virus outbreak,
which was announced by the World Health Organization (WHO) last March 12, 2020, according
to Faizal et al., (2020). As a result, Malaysia has issued a movement control order that will take
effect on March 18, 2020, effectively shutting down educational facilities in the country.
University School closures have far-reaching economic and societal implications, not just for
students, staff, and their families. Teachers at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) have been
educated to take advantage of online distance learning as a result, and also open educational
resources and portals that can be used by pupils remotely while keeping interruptions to a
minimum. Despite the fact that UiTM has been used in the classroom setting for a number of
years, teachers have blended in-person and online distance learning strategies; nevertheless, in
the unavailability of face-to-face education, pupils are progressively turning to digital learning
platforms. Sessions are tough. It is also worth noting that there's a scarcity of studies on the
factors that determine the intention and effectiveness of online distance learning. The purpose of
this research is to determine if there is a relationship between students' aspirations and their
ability to use an ODL efficiently. Four of the five elements are important According to the
findings of this study, (performance expectation, an expectation of effort, impact in the social
realm, enabling circumstance, and essential worth) were discovered to be substantially linked to
students' behavioral intention to take advantage of online distance learning. Intentional behavior
was also demonstrated to influence make use of behavior. Despite the fact that essential worth
(additional determinants) has aided the concept, the same research should be conducted across
the whole educational establishment, whether public or private.
As stated by Chapman, (2018), we all experience difficulties in learning at some point.
This could occur for a variety of reasons, such as stress, workload, family demands, or academic
preparation. A lesser grade than anticipated is disappointing. You can realign your approach to
studying and research with your objectives for the following time by comprehending the why
and how of the situation (in the most objective way feasible). Our largest challenges can
occasionally be brought on by our own assumptions about learning. Unimaginable disruptions
were caused by the COVID-19 epidemic. When we consider the previous two years and the
devastating consequences of the outbreak, which are still being felt today, it is evident that
education was one of the most negatively impacted sectors. The rapid transition to online
platforms caught neither the world nor educational institutions off guard (Carberry, 2020).
CoronaVirus, also known as COVID-19, posed a serious threat to the economy, the
tourism sectors, and medical industries but also to the global educational institutions, according
to a study conducted by Alvarez (2020) titled "The Phenomenon of Learning at a Distance
through Emergency Remote Teaching amidst the Pandemic Crisis." The need for continuing
learning in spite of the world health commination prompted the Philippine higher education
establishments to suddenly turn to emergency distance learning. This study uses a qualitative
phenomenological research methodology to examine the lived experiences of five students
whom were unintentionally enrolled in a distance learning program despite the risk of COVID19. Financial constraints, a lack of technology resources, poor or nonexistent internet
connectivity, and lack of affective or emotional support were all mentioned as issues in this
study. Surprisingly, research has found that it is difficult to study online in these difficult times
because, in addition to earlier challenges with access and cost, more recent issues with financial
sustainability and emotional support also disrupted student participation. Additionally, face-toface cultural exposure for students to ERT may increase their learning stress. A pedagogy of
understanding regarding students' learning journeys will be developed, nonetheless, by giving a
sympathetic ear to and voice to students' actual experiences in ERT during this pandemic
The implementation of several athletic training programs (ATP’s) has been prompted by
the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in virtual learning environments (VLEs),
on-essential workers, such as sports training students, were denied access to clinical education
settings, according to the study initiated by Greicar et al., (2021) entitled "Developing a Virtual
Learning Environment for Clinical Education amidst a Pandemic" (ATSs). The purpose of this
research is to show how a VLE model was utilized to create a clinical education program for all
ATSs. Background: Using a virtual learning paradigm, athletic training programs were tasked
with offering clinical instruction to all students. The lack of a template for a VLE for sports only
contributed to the situation's complexity.
The ATP set clear, measurable goals for a 6-week VLE, but left it up to each trial site to
decide how best to meet the VLE's objectives based on its own strengths and limits. Among the
advantages cited by students were a deeper understanding and confidence in areas relating to
organization and administration. Additional benefits included a greater understanding and
implementation of substantial proof approach, enhanced self-motivation, language expertise,
flexibility, professional development, and the capacity to be optimistic and focused in the face of
difficulty. When ATSs are unable to complete clinical education due to extenuating
circumstances like a pandemic, virtual learning environments give an alternative. For a more
thorough learning experience, the face-to-face clinical education plan can be adjusted to include
the aims and execution tactics of the VLE.
Changes in Experiences from Face-to-Face Classes to Online Set-up
The goal of this multi-case study, according to Daugvilaite (2021), was to look into how
students' knowledge changes when they go from face-to-face to one-on-one online constructive
sessions. The researchers were specifically looking to see if there was any association between
the two sorts of sessions. The students' visual and aural abilities, involvement in class, and
motivation to practice were all assessed because this was only a preliminary study. Ten young
Londoners who were either beginners or intermediates in the language were interviewed for the
study's purposes. They had been receiving online piano instruction from the same teacher who
had guided them during their prior in-person seminars. Four months have passed since the
classes began. In order to understand more about their opinions on the teaching and learning
process as well as their online educational experiences, five important academics from the
United Kingdom's region have also been interviewed. This has been done in an effort to gain
more knowledge about the educational and learning process. The majority of kids have claimed
greater autonomy as a direct result of the findings; nonetheless, students and their parents have
reported that the teacher's actual absence has affected the student's capacity to learn. The absence
of nonverbal cues, behaviors, rules and a discernible perspective in the classroom had a negative
impact on the student's learning as well as their engagement and motivation to learn. However,
students and their parents or guardians preferred in-person classes because they thought they
were more productive and efficient. The vast majority of teachers were happy to deliver their
lessons via the internet.
Face-to-face instruction has been the preeminent educational approach throughout human
history, claims Bagheri (2021). The environment is typically a classroom, and the instructor who
is presenting the content is nearly always the center of attention. There are, of course, many ways
to set up the classroom, such as learning in groups, with a partner, or under the supervision of a
more senior student. You must physically be present at a prearranged place and time in order to
take part in face-to-face education. The majority of the time, participation or engagement is also
necessary at specific stages. Most people find that going somewhere at a given time makes it
easier for them to focus and puts them in a mentality that is more receptive to learning. For the
reasons outlined above, students typically favour traditional classroom education over online
learning. Face-to-face learning has become increasingly popular in recent years because of this.
There are several valid reasons why it is still the primary form of instruction in the majority of
educational institutions. Face-to-face instruction offers a variety of advantages, such as the
chance to talk about and share notes with classmates, the ability to get immediate feedback and
answers, and the removal of scheduling-related worries.
As a result of the Coronavirus Pandemic, according to Reseinwitz and colleagues'
research (2021), this study assesses students' opinions, notably their mental stability, about their
transition from face-to-face to virtual classes starting with the spring 2020 semester. Virtual
classrooms will gradually replace traditional ones starting in the spring of the 2020 semester. An
online survey was carried out at the conclusion of the academic semester in the Spring of 2020.
In this study, the psychographics and demographics of the subjects were assessed. According to
studies, students who have a more positive attitude toward the usage of virtual classrooms have
more transitional interactions with the school and their teachers. According to studies, children
who experience more adaptation anxiety are less satisfied with their educational environment and
professors. However, the study found no discernible gender discrepancy in the participants'
ratings of satisfaction with the school system and their teachers during the shift. Making
judgments at universities and colleges that will enable them to successfully react to upcoming
environmental upheavals that were not anticipated requires consideration of the findings.
The results of a study with the catchy title "Face-to-Face health and disease experiences
collected online: Davies et al., (2021) mentioned briefly that some people think that online
alternatives to face-to-face interviews save money and time, while others are concerned about the
data's content and quality that is produced. The difficulties affect researchers when it comes to
planning and pricing investigations as well as the evaluations of research and applications made
by funders. The researchers conducted a paper exam that was written in English and listed
several internet usage tactics. Additionally, we carried out a thorough search for studies that
directly contrasted the options for in-person and online learning. 565 participants and 11
synthesis papers led to the conclusion that online alternatives should not be used as a
replacement for in-person interactions. This is especially important in light of the tremendous
advancements in communication that the COVID-19 epidemic has caused. Online methods may
increase the probability of gathering the required samples when utilized with consideration of the
growing body of research on their advantages and disadvantages. On the other hand, responses
with less were received with shorter amounts of contextual information, relationship satisfaction,
and lower levels of consensus development.
The "Summer session" investigation by Fischer et al., (2020) came to some interesting
conclusions. To ascertain the consequences of various modes of course delivery, patterns of
student enrollment and performance in traditional classroom settings, as well as online settings,
are analyzed. By enrolling in online summer seminars, students who are unable to attend
conventional in-person summer programmes may be able to make up lost time or continue their
existing rate of progress toward finishing course requirements. The advantages of taking summer
courses online, including the student's level of engagement and achievement, are not yet clear.
For a period of four years, data from a facility well-known for its public research were examined
in this quarantine investigation. As a result, out of the 23,610 total students enrolled in 433
classes, 72,441 people were enrolled in courses for the summer semester. When assessing the
effect of course modality on student enrolment using multilevel logistic regression models,
several parameters such as gender, in-state residency, evaluation of admission examinations, and
course size are taken into account. The grades that students obtain in online courses are a little bit
lower than the marks that they receive in face-to-face courses, according to the multi-way fixed
effects in the model's linear regression models. However, it was found that attending online
courses did not have a material impact on course performance for college students who belong to
the risk group. This group of kids includes first-generation, low-income, and academically
underachieving students. Data from more than 72,000 students enrolled in 433 different classes
were collected for a large-scale study. Enrollment in an online course may be influenced by the
features of the student's current course level. Students who attend virtual lectures perform
slightly worse than those who attend regular lectures. Risky students don't experience any
disadvantages from taking online programmes.
Students Attitude in Times of Crisis
During the COVID-19 outbreak, the preponderance of pupils in numerous academic
establishments throughout the globe have acclimated to the digital learning platform of study.
Because it is the safest route for them to continue their academic path, their desire to learn has
had a significant impact on how they use technology. This study attempted to ascertain whether
teaching interns assessments of their technological competence may predict their academic
motivation (AMOTV) in connection to their fear of obtaining COVID-19 (CoVFC) (CSE).
Educators' AMOTV was predicted by a statistical model using their CSE in order to investigate
the moderating and mediating impacts of practices toward virtual education and the inclusive
strategy. 522 aspiring teachers from 21 different places participated in this study. The study
found that preservice teachers' CSE accurately and favorably predicted their AMOTV. The
increase in CoVFC was observed to negatively moderate the AMOTV prediction with preservice
teachers' CSE. Additionally, it was found that the link between preservice teachers' CSE and
AMOTV was somewhat mediated by ATEL.
Throughout history, families, employers, and communities have pondered what skills
children need to fit into society and how to effectively foster those skills. Our current
environment and future changes require schooling to prepare children for rapid technological
change, growing interconnection, and new employment opportunities. Work, family/friends,
eating, sleeping, and repeat consume our days, weeks, and months. Personal and professional
development are scarce. Keeping current with your industry is essential. Our world is always
changing as new innovations and technologies create new trends across all industries. Keeping
your knowledge current will boost your growth, experience, and competitiveness (Wolf, 2019).
Online schooling is popular worldwide because pupils fear catching COVID-19. The
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is a useful paradigm for studying how people perceive
the usefulness and usability of technologies like COVID-19-inspired distance learning (Davis et
al., 1989) created the TAM in 1989. By analyzing the perceived advantage and ease of use after
becoming more familiar with the system, the TAM forecasts and explains IT adoption (KaşmerErdem, 2011). It improves perceived usability, which elevates technology's worth. This study,
based on Davis' (1989) technology acceptance model, compared preservice teachers' behaviors in
virtual learning in anticipating academic motivation (AMOTV) with computer self-efficacy
perceptions (CSE). The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) says a person's advantages and
perceptions affect their attitude toward online learning. "Academically motivating" is a plus, but
"computer self-efficacy" is a plus (Chow et al., 2012). Plain judgments of usefulness and usage
impact a person's behavioral purpose and predisposition toward practical reality. It was also
determined if preservice teachers' computer self-efficacy judgments of COVID-19 (CoVFC)
influenced their academic motivation in light of the SDT (AMOTV).
Virtual education is "the way of engaging in particularly prepared educational projects
throughout diverse channels," according to the National Council on Learning Disabilities (Kaya,
2002). Toplu and Gökçearslan, (2012), say remote education now includes virtual instruction and
e-learning. Electronic learning uses rich course materials and synchronous or asynchronous
instructional activities. Electronic learning is furthermore called computer-assisted, web-based,
network-based, and virtual learning (Kesim, 2011). Electronic learning allows students to do
coursework at their own pace and edit it whenever they want (Dikbaş, 2006).
Online learning amid the COVID-19 pandemic: Students' perspectives
Based on the study of Mailizar, Almanthari, Maulina, & Bruce, (2020), COVID-19,
much like many other areas of day-to-day living, has had a significant impact on the pupils.
educators across the globe, educators, and educational institutions. The pandemic forced
educational institutions to close their doors so that students might follow social distancing
policies throughout the world (Toquero, 2020). However, a seamless transition from a traditional
educational environment to remote and virtual learning could not be made overnight. This rapid
change is being accompanied by numerous challenges and setbacks (Crawford, ButlerHenderson, Rudolph, & Glowatz, 2020). However, because it is impossible to predict when this
pandemic would stop fully, Worldwide educational institutions have opted to make use of the
technology resources at their disposal to offer all academic course students online learning
materials (Kaur, 2020).
According to Bock, (2021), one innovative approach to education, known as online
learning, has become more common as a result of the emergence of new technologies. E-learning
has supplanted traditional classroom instruction as the method of choice for furthering one's
education and expanding one's horizons as a result of the proliferation of personal computer
usage and the hectic lifestyles of the majority of today's population. Many people are still
dubious, though, about whether you can learn the same things on a computer that can be used in
an educational setting. Learning online may actually happen just much anywhere and at any
time, if someone is interested in learning how to use a computer and there is a computer, an
internet connection, and someone who is motivated to learn how to use the computer. The data
required for the course may be provided in a broad range of different types of multimedia via the
use of a learning management system. The transmission of information might take the form of
either interactive activities or traditional lectures. The malleability of online learning allows it to
cater to the preferences of a diverse group of people.
In the study of McPherson & Bacow, (2015), online courses were offered by many
colleges, however, there are two fundamental problems. First off, there is a paucity of
information regarding the advantages and efficacy of online learning in general. Second, the
range of learning objectives that affect our instructional as well as educational priorities will
probably affect our capacity to educate effectively online (Liguori & Winkler, 2020).
Unexpectedly, the move to online learning evolved into a gauge for organizational agility (Wu,
2020). Rather than focusing entirely on online teaching and delivery methods, a number of
educational institutions are principally concerned with the transition of educational content to the
digital world. On the other hand, it served as a timely reminder of the insufficient resources
provided to educational institutions as well as the students' increasing social marginalization.
where both the organization's response and the students' capacity to participate in digital learning
were hindered by a lack of internet connectivity and availability, and also by an absence of
cutting-edge technology. Another key drawback of online education is the limited opportunity
for students to communicate effectively with their teachers. In addition, queries concerning any
of the content of the course are frequently posed through email to the relevant instructor, who is
then required to provide a response to the student (Zhong, 2020).
According to Britt, (2006), Virtual education is not beneficial for students who learn best
through tactile experiences. One of the most essential components of educational success is
exercise in a conventional classroom that cannot be replicated through online education is
socialization as a result of students only ever interacting with one another digitally, The real-time
exchange of ideas, information, and expertise is not as prevalent in the context of digital learning
as it is in traditional classroom settings. In addition, educational institutions act as the hubs of
social activity and relationships in their respective communities. If educational activities were to
stop, many children and adolescents would likely miss out on opportunities for activities that
include social interaction, which are essential for learning and growth. When schools are closed,
it is a huge issue that needs to be addressed since it is important for students to keep on learning,
particularly disadvantaged children and young adults who are both affected by this (McCarthy,
2020). The researchers are working hard to study the benefits and challenges of contemporary
initiatives in e-learning from the perspectives of a variety of stakeholders. The study conducted
by Mailizar et al., (2020), stressed how important students' points of view are on this topic, and
how future research should investigate what students think about online learning in order to
comprehend the challenges that students face. There is a need for additional research to
investigate the challenges that come along with using e-learning that inhibit students from
achieving their educational goals.
Effects of Emergency Online Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic on Student
Performance and Connectedness
Lack of motivation on the part of the students may prevent them from understanding the
material completely or at all. Month 2021 was significantly affected by enrollment motivation
for unpopular courses, the majority of exciting or fundamental courses that won't be expanded
upon in the future. However, motivation is not the only potential drawback. Additionally, the
technological requirements of attending an online course might intimidate students. of course,
particularly if they lack experience and prior knowledge using internet resources (Holley and
Oliver, 2010).
The goal of Rozano, (2020), every student, from every area and situation, must be given
the opportunity to study in face-to-face in a secure environment. Students' academic ability and
interpersonal, emotional, and mental health have suffered as a result of rapid changes to remote
learning over the past two academic years. Furthermore, they have widened gaps in education,
socioeconomic status, and race. Prior to a course's start, teachers must make sure that their
students are familiar with how to utilize the technology required for the course. For example,
Evans et al., (2004), demonstrated that students performed better when online course material
was accessible in an immersive, traversable manner rather than as a collection of browsable
internet content. Additionally, it could promote a sense of teamwork or camaraderie with a
lecturer. According to studies, using educational technology can boost learning and engagement
(Chen et al., 2010).
According to Rudd, (2020), nowadays, skill development among young people is valued
and has increased in importance along with learning. People are generally recommended to gain
abilities that are properly required after, whether they be technical or social skills. The art of skill
acquisition has been actively pursued thanks to numerous platforms that are eager to provide free
knowledge on some technical skills and soft skills. Developing your skills might provide you an
advantage in the fiercely competitive job market more than anything else. Most of the time,
practicing, being determined, being completely committed, studying and learning from the works
of others, taking a course, and being skilled just require these things.
However, there is no certainty that either in-person or online classes will help or impede
students' learning. Although the size of these impacts may be slight, traditionally taught courses
are often connected with student involvement and academic achievement (Carini et al., 2006).
No certainty exists whether pupils would do well whether they are taking an online or face-toface course (Magalhes et al., 2020). Students whom chatted and engaged in online conversation
did not, according to Davies and Graff's 2005 research, fare any better academically than those
who participated less. According to Phillips, (2015), the majority of students preferred online
education but believed that part-time courses would be a better fit. Similar to this, Nenagh and
Rachel, (2014) discovered that students strongly preferred in-person discussions as they were
much involved, also appreciated prompt response. Interestingly, many such students favored
virtual tasks, particularly literary projects, because it gave them the freedom to finish their work
when it was convenient for them.
Nevertheless, taking online classes has benefited students. At the start of the year,
professors frequently upload their syllabus, along with all of the required readings and tasks.
During their free time, this offers students schedules to do their homework. The extra time
provided for online exercises could help pupils to think more objectively and consciously about
the topics, which will lead to a greater mastery of the subject (Ramsden, 1992); (Robinson and
Hullinger, 2008). Reading the research literature from cognitive research, information actually
aids learning rather than just aiding in students' ability to think critically. Knowledge not only
grows cumulatively but also rapidly. Rich people continue to get richer, and those who have a
solid background in factual knowledge find learning to be easier. Furthermore, factual
information improves cognitive functions like reasoning and critical thinking These cognitive
processes, the same ones that instructors aim for and work with, go more smoothly and
efficiently the more comprehensive the information base. Therefore, pupils get wiser as they gain
more knowledge. We'll start by looking at how knowledge increases knowledge, then move on to
how it enhances the caliber and speed of thinking (Willingham, 2020). The advantages of online
learning with a framework which permits for students to value their schedules to delve into
subjects also to draw their own conclusions. Since taking notes during lectures in face-to-face
sessions is frequently required, some students who like to think things through prior to inquiring
or who needs more time to absorb these content may find it difficult to ask questions.
Comparative Study of The Effect of Face-to-Face and Computer Mediated Conversation
Modalities on Student Engagement: Speaking Skill in Focus
Considered necessary, particularly for individuals aiming to develop in certain fields of
human activity. In today's worldwide culture, differences in scientific and technical advancement
are increasingly vanishing. However, the method for developing and implementing computermediated learning is still insufficient. (Lin, 2020; Mohamadi, 2018). Social platforms are often
used to communicate with loved ones and peers, share pictures, and discover new information.
The popularity of social networks among the general population should be used for educational
purposes and to motivate pupils. Contrary to popular belief, computer-mediated communication
(CMC) devices are actually the most widely used method of accessing social platforms. This is
because, despite their shortcomings (small screens), they are used to display educational content
and are valued for their advantages (lightweight, small size). (Jiang & Zhang, 2020).
According to Clement, (2017), With technology steadily being utilized to impart
academics, learning, and skills in new and inventive solutions, the digital world is rapidly
permeating the academics and skills sector. Future modifications to the way and pattern of labor
will be made in conjunction with this penetration, and these modifications will be influenced by
the present state of economic unpredictability as well as by political developments. New skill
requirements have evolved as a result of the growing usage of rapidly evolving digital
technology in the workplace. Utilizing these tools has helped to make learning and skill
development a continuous proceeding. People today need to keep expanding and updating their
knowledge and skills in order to keep up with the constant changes and new technological
advancements in the digital age. It is recommended that technology skills be updated every three
years in order to stay current. This is true for the workforce in general, where the focus is more
on knowing where to obtain information and having the skills to evaluate its validity and
dependability than it is on actually understanding the content. After understanding the potential
of technology-mediated learning to increase pupils' learning, we used face-to-face instruction as
a reference point to examine how it might affect students' learning effectiveness and
contentment. In line with Clark's (1994) analysis, We contend that a student's learning efficiency
or enjoyment cannot be solely determined by the learning medium used. Instead, the disparities
in results between technology-mediated learning and face-to-face learning may have an influence
on the effectiveness and enjoyment of students' learning in this setting (Piccoli, Ahmad, & Ives,
2001). Method, the channel or medium used to convey communication goals and encode
information, therefore, is essential to effective communication (Pereira, 2010). Language
learning may be facilitated by using digital computer-mediated communications (CMC) tools
like Facebook, Skype, instant messaging, blogs, and other online diaries. CMC is the process of
creating and disseminating information via social networking systems using various internet
resources, whether on a text or audio basis (Bataineh & Hani, 2011). Important concerns
concerning how networked technology influences interaction and learning processes have been
brought to light with the development of these interactive environments for language learning.
(Batianeh, 2014; Mohammadi, 2017).
Natriello, (1984), by a pupil's willing engagement in tasks created as a component of the
educational curriculum is referred to as their level of learning engagement, he builds on the
conceptual analysis. This definition states that learning engagement is the desire of students to
engage in the (planned) academic projects in order to more fully gain the necessary information
or abilities. Learning engagement, which frequently has a beneficial relationship with learning
curiosity as a sign of emotional involvement or pleasure, highlights the significance of
behavioral involvement in learning (such as participation) (Fredricks, Blumenfeld, & Paris,
2004); (Mohamadi, 2017). The fact that the measures were created for and, in some cases, can
only be utilized in face-to-face learning scenarios is one of these studies' limitations. The
professor report system would likely be worthless in an online classroom where instructors
cannot see student conduct in person. The methods examined also fail to address the special
difficulties associated with gauging students' participation in technology-mediated learning
activities. Measures of engagement must be suitable for multiple learning contexts as more
students study online and outside of traditional classrooms (Henrie, Halverson, & Graham,
2015). The increased availability of modern technologies in training provides L2 students with
more choices. Today, L2 learners have a ton of internet resources at their disposal to help them
improve their language skills. There seems to be an increase in digital technologies that
encourage knowledge and skill sharing, cooperative practice, and L2 learning. Computer
Supported Collaborative Learning is a branch of science and technology. (CSCL) (Lee, 2012;
Lund, 2008) is believed to maintain several knowledge-gaining advantages, including a boost in
educational contentment and the development of sharper reasoning (Resta & Laferrière, 2007).
According to Hilliges et al., (2007), verbal interaction in the synchronous or asynchronous
conversation has been the focus of several research in the area of CSCL. Less focus has been
placed on in-class engagement. Face-to-face verbal contact is essential for ESP (English for
Special Purposes) students. As opposed to that, mobile-assisted language and knowledge
acquisition enhance classroom engagement. It may be argued that maintains chances for L2
learners greater.
The following are the synthesis and ideas in the literature that the researchers will use in
the study:
The occurrence of the pandemic caught the entire world off-guard and affected a lot of
people, businesses, livelihoods, and of course the educational system. The sudden shift to an
online learning setup makes the situation of the students hard as they need to cope with this new
learning environment. However, the school administrators with the help of the local government
units and other organizations of the institution ensure in delivering quality education in ensuring
that no students are left behind. Despite the fact that the school administration is doing its best to
deliver the right amount of education to the students, there are still a lot of factors that are needed
to be reconsidered as to how students adapt to these changes since all of them are not used to this
kind of setup.
Study shows that students are really having a hard time coping with this new learning
environment. As they just see their classmates on screen and face their computers all day. It
somehow affects their focus to listen and sometimes leads them to quit schooling. This has also
been hard for the parents to evaluate what solution they can have in order to boost the morale of
their children. Faculty and staff are also affected by this situation since the changes brought by
the pandemic also change their teaching techniques to the students. None of us are ready but
everyone should be adaptable to the change.
This chapter covers the study's research methodology components, such as the
research design, participants of the study, sampling design, research instrument, validity
and reliability of the instrument, data collection procedure, statistical treatment, and
ethical considerations.
Research Design
Given that the study's major goal is to identify a comparative comparison of
students' learning skills in the face of the pandemic, It was conducted using a descriptive
research design to evaluate the comparison of the learning skills of the students amidst the
pandemic. A population, circumstance, or phenomenon is intended to be precisely and
methodically documented through descriptive research. Questions regarding what, where,
when, and how can be answered, but inquiries into why are not amenable to such answers.
A descriptive research strategy can investigate one or more variables using a number of
research techniques (McCombes, 2019). This assisted the researchers in comprehending and
understanding the level of students learning perception, as well as the need of obtaining
insights from students in order to develop a full analysis and propose long-term solutions or
recommendations. Good and Scates’ Criteria for Validating Research Instruments was used
as a pre-survey to validate the questionnaires that have been given out. Likewise, this study
has also explored the different comparisons as to how they affected the respondents.
Participants of the Study
The participants of the study were chosen based on certain criteria. First, the participants
should be enrolled in the ongoing academic year where the online class is being implemented.
Likewise, the target participants were determined through the official website of the specific
university where the study has been conducted. The researchers conducted a preliminary data
gathering and determined the exact number of third-year and fourth-year students to which
approximately 367 are currently enrolled and was represented as population size. With the use of
Slovin’s Formula, 192 students served as the sample participants. An official letter was sent to
the target university to inform and secure approval for the conduct of the study. The participants
of this study answered the survey through Google Forms, and face-to-face surveys after the
informed consent was signed and approved.
Research Instrument
The main tool for acquiring data was a self-made questionnaire to further understand
the comparison of students' learning skills in an online setting against a face-to-face setting.
This set of questions is inspired by various books, journals, and other references. The
instrument was supplied per question in a tabular format. Participants have checked the
options that correspond to their perception of their learning skills amidst the global
pandemic. The researchers used the Likert Scale to gauge the comparative analysis of the
learning skills of the students amidst the pandemic for the second, third, fourth, and fifth
objectives. The Likert Scale is a four-point scale with four options: Very Useful/Very
Effective, Useful/Effective, Quite Useful/Ineffective, and Not Useful/Not Effective at All for
the second question. As per the third, fourth, and fifth questions, the five-point Likert Scale
was used with 5 options: Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree.
These were used as follow-up questions to allow for a complete examination of the
comparison of the experiences of the students toward their learning skills. Before proceeding
to the validity and reliability testing, the researchers prepared sets of questions and handed
them to the research adviser for feedback and adjustments. The Good and Scates Survey
Instrument Validation Rating Scale, administered by the panelists, was used to validate the
Self-Made Questionnaire. The instrument was prepared to run a pilot test or a reliability test
to check the quality and efficacy of the data in addressing the objectives after passing the
required rating in the validation. Ten students were chosen as respondents for dependability
testing or analysis. The researchers inquired about their experiences, thoughts, and
observations in the comparison of their learning skills in the face-to-face setup to the online
setup, which was used as support material in solving the problem statement. In this study,
the participants' consent or opinions were taken into account and respected. For reasons of
confidentiality, the researchers did not reveal the student's name and will remain
anonymous. Participant's participation and candid responses are critical to the study's
effectiveness and the researchers' ability to generate a reliable research article. The questions
to the survey were based on the demographic profile of the respondents, second the learning
perception of the respondents, third is the extent of learning skills of the students, and lastly
the learning challenges, opportunities, and experiences of the students in the online learning
Validity and Reliability of the Instrument
As stated by Middleton, (2019), The term "validity" refers to how exactly a method
measures the variable that it is intended to evaluate. When research is deemed to have a high
level of validity, this suggests that it gives results that are in line with the actual features,
attributes, and variations that exist in the social or physical world. This can be a good
indicator of whether or not the research was conducted correctly. A measurement's validity
can be inferred, at least in part, from its high degree of dependability. The likelihood that a
method is invalid increases if it is not reliable. To ensure the research validity the researcher
formulated an instrument that was provided to at least three panels of experts who are
master's degree holders to perform the validation. The Carter V Good and Scates criteria for
validity were used to measure the quality of the instrument. An ideal score of at least 4.0 was
achieved to establish the validity of the instrument. Lastly, the validator's comments and
suggestions were used to enhance to quality of the instrument.
Reliability measures the consistency of the instrument as elaborated by Middleton,
(2019), This is the extent to which a procedure is capable of measuring something, in the
same way, every time. If the same result can be reached consistently by employing the same
methodologies under the same conditions, then the measurement is said to have a high
degree of reliability. The responses of the first 30 participants were treated using the
Cronbach Alpha to which an ideal score of .70 and above was achieved. As emphasized by
Tavakol, M., & Dennick, R. (2011), The Cronbach Alpha provides a measurement of the
degree to which a test or scale is consistent with itself; the number that indicates it can range
anywhere from 0 to 1. The term "internal consistency" refers to the degree to which all of the
items on the test assess the same idea or concept. Because of this connection, it is also
related to the degree to which the items on the test are related to one another. It is required to
first determine whether or not a test satisfies the requirements for its own internal
consistency in order to guarantee that a test is valid for use in either the studying for or the
actual examination of a topic.
Data-Gathering Procedure
The researchers looked for suitable students and were chosen as study participants
after determining how data was collected and designing the questionnaires that were used.
The researchers inquired through the official website of the target/specfiic university and
have determined the exact population size of third-year and fourth-year students. Secondly,
an official letter was sent to the school administrator to seek approval for the conduct of the
data-gathering activity. Once administrative and ethical approval was secured, the actual
data-gathering activity shall commence.
A measurement is consistent when it is called reliability (if the results can be
replicated under the same conditions) (whether the results can be reproduced under the same
conditions). How accurate a measurement is (the outcome truly represented as what they are
attempting to measure) is referred to as validity. First, inquiries were made to check if the
volunteers are competent and that they can be able to accommodate the researchers while
the study is being conducted. Calls, chats, and emails were used to inquire about every
student. The research participants accepted to be the subject of the study, an informed
consent form (ICF) with information on why the study will be undertaken was delivered and
given, along with a consent form to be signed if the research participant agrees to be the
subject of the study.
Researchers have scheduled a data collection appointment after the subject signs the
consent form. Participants were also asked about their preferred survey methods. The
survey took place on the specified date and location, or in the manner specified by the
participants. During the survey, the researchers advised them and answered their questions
if they had any, ensuring that all of the information needed was captured.
After participants have completed the survey questionnaire, the researchers
collected all of the data and compiled it into an excel sheet. The researchers kept all data
and information about the participants confidential. To arrive at the outcomes, the data
were evaluated and interpreted.
Statistical Treatment
To interpret the data gathered effectively, the statistical methods that the researchers used
are the Frequency Percentile and Mean. This was used to determine the level of effectiveness of
the online class and how it affected students in their learning skills. It has also determined the
different factors which affected the current setup in the learning environment and the people that
are affected by it. Furthermore, this was used to determine the percentage of questions asked
answerable by yes or no. The formula is: % = fNx100 wherein; % is the percentage, f is the
frequency, N is the total number of participants, and 100 is a constant value.
The data that was gathered from the interview was processed using Excel. First, the
researchers sorted the obtained data coming from the survey and wrote down important
information, details, and observations. After that, the researchers decided which certain
information possessed great value. Second, the researchers determined the relative
importance of data sets and define relationships between them. Lastly, the researchers
interpreted the data, draw conclusions, and suggested recommendations.
Frequency and percentage were used in the statement of the
problem one. While mean was used in the statement of the problems,
two, three four, and five and verbal interpretation was used in getting
the mean. Mean was used to determine the comparison of their learning
skills from the face-to-face setup to the online setup. The formula is X =
∑xN wherein; X is the mean, ∑x is the sum of all scores, and N is the
number of cases. On the other hand, statement six used a t-test, and
seven used ANOVA.
First, identify the inferential queries by looking for terms like 'why,' 'how,' 'provide a
rationale,' or 'explain.' Second, search the paragraph for proof. To support the answer, look
for relevant cues in the paragraph. Because this part is meant to assess the student's
comprehension of the chapter, their response should contain information from the reading to
back up their conclusion. Third, rewrite the response/answer if necessary. True or false
questions might cause students to make mistakes. This is due to the statements' unclear
wording. If the statement is unclear, go through it again and break down the question's
keywords. This will assist the students in gaining a better understanding of the question.
TWC's in-house curriculum specialists will strengthen our tried-and-true MOE-style
examination procedures for all of our programs, particularly the English Tuition program,
with the support of our highly experienced ex-MOE instructors. In order to succeed in their
teaching, our instructors will be regularly educated in the newest MOE requirements.
Mean scores in face-to-face and online learning will be interpreted using the guide
Mean Score Range
Verbal Interpretation
1.00 – 1.74
Not Effective
1.75 – 2.49
2.50 – 3.24
3.25 – 4.00
Very Effective
Mean scores for learning perception will be interpreted using the following guide:
Mean Score Range
Verbal Interpretation
1.00 – 1.79
Strongly Disagree
1.80 – 2.59
2.60 – 3.39
3.40 – 4.19
4.20 – 5.00
Strongly Agree
Ethical Considerations
The researchers assured that the data results, methods, and procedures be reported
with honesty and objectivity. Since the researchers gathered data from students, it is
expected that the researchers practiced great caution and have been very aware of the ethical
considerations at all stages of the study’s execution.
First, the researchers must have full consent obtained from the participants before
the study. According to the Informed Consent Form (ICF) principle, participants must
receive enough information and assurances about the study's risks before they decide
whether or not to participate. This decision must be made voluntarily, without undue
pressure, and should be based on a thorough understanding of the risks involved. The
study's participants' openness to taking part is crucial. However, if they so choose,
participants will always have the option to withdraw from the study at any moment. The
researchers will send a letter to the participants before surveying to assure approval from
them and to also give them time for their preparations to ensure availability.
Second, it is important to ensure that the privacy of participants is secured and that
their reputation should also be a top priority. Students who will participate in the study will
be reflected as anonymous as they request it to be. To make this possible, the researchers
will make use of naming the participants as participant 1, participant 2, and so on. This is to
ensure that their image will be protected and that the data they provided will not be used
against them to cause harm or damage. The researchers will only be allowed to discuss the
information gathered between the involved parties.
Third, the confidentiality of the collected data will be maintained to an adequate
degree. It is the responsibility of the researchers to be accountable for handling whatever
information the participants will provide. Hence, the researchers will save and compile the
data that will be collected in a specific folder encoded with a password to secure protection.
Lastly, any deceptive details and an inaccurate representation of primary data results
must be avoided. The researchers must be fair in concluding by properly analyzing the valid
and accurate information gathered from the participants. This is to ensure the reliability of
the study.
This chapter presents, analyses, and interprets the data of the study. The presentation
follows the order of the objectives of the study.
The demographic profile of the respondents is shown in Table 1. The vast majority of
respondents are older, 106 or 55% and the younger are 86 or 45%. The male respondents are 95
or 49% and the female is 97 or 51%. Mostly, the respondents are residing outside Bacolod City,
103 or 54%, and 89 or 46% are in Bacolod City. In terms of internet connectivity, 107, or 56%
have limited connectivity and 85, or 44% have strong connectivity. As to year level, 91, or 47%
are in the third year, and 101, or 53% are in the fourth year.
Table 1 Demographic Profile of Respondents
Younger (Ages 20-21)
Older (Ages 22-24)
Bacolod City
Outside Bacolod City
Internet Connectivity
Strong Connectivity
Limited Connectivity
Year Level
3rd Year
4th Year
Determining the level of learning perception is the second objective of this study in terms
of face-to-face and online distance learning.
Table 2 presents the level of students’ learning perception on face to face. The highest
mean score was obtained by item 3, “Output and requirements are able to help students in
developing their learning skills.” with a mean score of 3.49 interpreted as very effective. The
lowest mean of 3.42 was obtained by item 1, “Teacher’s discussions are able to assist the
students in grasping the necessary information.”, interpreted as very effective. The overall mean
score obtained was 3.45 which was interpreted as very effective.
In order to participate in face-to-face education, you are required to be physically present
at a predetermined location and hour. Most often, participation or engagement is needed at
specific times. Most people discover that going somewhere at a given time makes it easier for
them to focus and puts them in a mentality that is more receptive to learning. For the reasons
outlined above, students typically favor traditional classroom education over online learning.
Face-to-face learning has become increasingly popular in recent years because of this. There are
several strong reasons why the bulk of educational institutions continue to employ it as their
primary method of instruction (Bagheri, 2021).
Learning has always taken place through person-to-person interactions between teachers
and students. The setting is typically a classroom, and the focus is almost always directed toward
the instructor delivering the material. There are various methods to organize the classroom,
including learning in groups, learning with a partner, and/or studying under the guidance of a
more experienced student. Face-to-face learning provides students with a number of benefits,
including the ability to discuss insights and share notes with other students in the class, the
receipt of answers and comments in real-time directly from the teachers, and the elimination of
concerns around the class schedule.
Table 2 Level of Students’ Perception on Face to Face
Teacher’s Discussions are able to assist the
Very Effective
Very Effective
Very Effective
Very Effective
students in grasping the necessary information.
Learning Materials are successful in helping
students in developing the required learning skills.
Output and Requirements are able to help
students in developing their learning skills
Weighted Mean
The level of students’ learning perception on online distance learning is reflected in table
3. The highest mean score of 3.38 was obtained by item 2, “Learning materials are successful in
helping students in developing the required learning skills.”, interpreted as very effective. The
lowest mean score was obtained by item 3, “Output and requirements are able to help students in
developing their learning skills.” with a mean of 3.32 interpreted as very effective. The overall
mean score obtained was 3.35 which was interpreted as very effective.
The rise of online learning as a new way of instruction is a result of technological
advancement. E-learning has replaced traditional classroom learning as the preferred way to
attend classes and advance one's knowledge due to the widespread use of personal computers
and the hectic schedules of most people. Many people are still dubious, though, about whether
you can learn the same things on a computer that you can in a classroom.
Online learning may be done anywhere, at any time, as long as there is a computer, an
internet connection, and someone who is driven to learn. The course materials can be made
available in a wide range of multimedia formats through a learning management system. To
communicate knowledge, lectures may be interactive or straightforward. Online education is
adaptable to many people's preferences. (Bock, 2021).
It may seem complicated for other students to adapt to the Online Distance Learning Setup in terms of access to gadgets and internet connectivity at first. But, overall as time goes by it
has improved the learning situation and the performance of students, with proper assistance from
the academic institution and the teachers.
Table 3 Students’ Learning Perception on Online Distance Learning
Teacher’s Discussions are able to assist the
Very Effective
Very Effective
students in grasping the necessary information.
Learning Materials are successful in
helping students in developing the required
learning skills.
Output and Requirements are able to help
Very Effective
Very Effective
students in developing their learning skills.
Weighted Mean
The third objective of this investigation is to determine the extent of learning skills
achieved by students amidst the pandemic in terms of skills acquisition, knowledge, digital
expertise, and industry updates.
Table 4 reveals the extent of learning skills achieved by the students in terms of skills
acquisition. The highest mean score of 4.05 was obtained by item 3, “Students are more inclined
with skillful activities.” with an interpretation of agree. The lowest mean was obtained by item 1,
“Students are able to maximize their skills.” With a mean score of 3.95 justified as agree. The
overall mean score obtained was 4.01 which was interpreted as agree.
Today's youth are being encouraged to place a greater emphasis on the development of
skills because doing so has become increasingly lucrative in tandem with education. Individuals
are strongly encouraged to learn a skill that is in demand, whether it be technical or soft abilities,
as this is the most common piece of advice given. The practice of skill acquisition has been
increasingly popular in recent years thanks to the proliferation of online resources that are happy
to disseminate free information on a variety of hard and soft skills.
When it comes to seeking employment in the very competitive job market of today,
having additional skills gives you a significant advantage over other candidates. When it comes
to acquiring new skills, the only things that are required the majority of the time are discipline,
devotion, willpower, total dedication, research, learning from the works of everybody else, and
enrolling in a class (Rudd, 2020).
Students would perform skillful activities to be able to maximize their skills and acquire
additional necessary skills which are expected from them to perform during their class activities.
These skills that have been acquired during their learning process are also necessary for them to
do well after they have finished their courses, it is essential for them to use it in their field of
work in the future.
Table 4 Extent of Learning Skills in Terms of Skills Acquisition
Students are able to maximize their skills.
Students are able to grasp and turn
knowledge into skills.
Students are more inclined with skillful
Weighted Mean
Table 5 reflects the extent of learning skills achieved by the students in terms of
knowledge. The highest mean score of 3.96 was obtained by item 2, “Students are able to grasp
knowledge attentively.”, interpreted as agree. The lowest mean score was obtained by item 3,
“Students are more diligent and able to cope with the lessons.” with a mean score of 3.82,
justified as agree. The overall mean score obtained was 3.89 which was justified as agree.
While knowledge gives students something to consider, a review of the cognitive science
research literature shows that knowledge actually helps learning much more than only helping
students sharpen their thinking skills.
Knowledge not only grows cumulatively but also rapidly. Rich people continue to get
richer, and those who have a solid background in factual knowledge find learning to be easier.
Furthermore, factual information improves cognitive functions like reasoning and critical
These cognitive processes, the same ones that instructors aim for and work with, go more
smoothly and efficiently the more comprehensive the information base. Therefore, pupils get
wiser as they gain more knowledge. We'll start by looking at how knowledge increases
knowledge, then move on to how it enhances the caliber and speed of thinking (Willingham,
The students, in terms of knowledge, can grasp more ideas attentively and are able to
cope with the lessons covered in the discussion. It is expected of them to take initiative on
focusing in their lessons and improve their study habits, also with the assistance of their teachers,
in order for them to gain more knowledge in the subjects or courses that they are taking up. The
knowledge that they have gained during their educational period can be very beneficial for them
in the future.
Table 5 Extent of Learning Skills in Terms of Knowledge
Students are able to listen well in the
Students are able to grasp knowledge
Students are more diligent and able to cope
with the lessons.
Weighted Mean
Table 6 presents the extent of learning skills achieved by students amidst the pandemic in
terms of digital expertise. The highest mean score of 4.16 was obtained by item 1, “Students are
more technologically inclined.” which marked an interpretation of agree. The lowest mean score
was obtained by item 3, “Students are able to submit output effectively.” with a mean score of
4.03 justified as agree. The overall mean score obtained was 4.09 which was interpreted as agree.
With technology continuosly being used to convey education, knowledge, skills, and
inventive strategies, the digital world is gradually permeating the education and skills sector.
Future modifications to the way and pattern of labor will be made in conjunction with this penetr
ation, and these modifications will be influenced by the current state of economic unpredictabilit
y as well as by political developments. The rising usage of fast-emerging digital technology in
the workplace has resulted in new skill needs.
Utilizing these tools has helped to make learning and skill development a continuous
proceeding. People today need to continue expanding and updating their knowledge and skills in
order to stay up with the constant changes and new developments in the digital age. It is
recommended that technology skills be updated every three years in order to stay current. This
holds true for the workforce in general, where the focus is more on knowing where to obtain
information and having the skills to evaluate its validity and reliability than it is on actually
knowing the content (Clement, 2017).
Since technology is now being utilized, students are more technologically inclined. They
can submit their requirements and learning tasks on time. There is no doubt that students these
days are experts and up-to-date in the technological or digital world. Students can be more
creative with the use of technology, they are able to engage in online activities, students are fast
learners, and are able to apply these skills in their education.
Table 6 Extent of Learning Skills in terms of Digital Expertise
Students are more technologically
Students can maximize the use of
Students are able to submit output
Overall Mean
The extent of learning skills achieved by students amidst the pandemic in terms of
industry updates is shown in table 7. The highest mean score was obtained by item 1, “Students
are more aware of the current situation in the industry.” with a mean of 4.21 justified as strongly
agree. The lowest mean score of 3.84 was obtained by item 3, “Students are job-ready after they
graduate.”, interpreted as agree. The overall mean score obtained was 4.04 which was interpreted
as agree.
Families, companies, and communities have questioned what abilities and competencies
children need to function in society at large throughout history, as well as how to best develop
those very abilities. Education is necessary to prepare kids for the world of rapid technological
development, growing interconnection, and new types of employment in our current and future
worlds (Winthrop, 2020). Life is hectic. As everyday routines get consumed with jobs, family,
and friends, eating, sleeping, and repeating, days elapse into weeks and weeks into months.
There isn't much time left to concentrate on your career and personal development. But these
days, it's crucial to remain current in your field. Our world is always changing because of the
latest innovations and technologies that build new trends in all sectors of the economy.
Maintaining your expertise will give you a competitive advantage, advancement, and assurance
that you are relevant for the position (Wolf, 2019).
The students are very much aware of the current conditions of the industry and as results
revealed, they are job-ready when they graduate. Students now are very competitive, equipped,
and well-trained as they feel confident that they have grasped the necessary skills and knowledge
from the academic institution.
Table 7 Extent of Learning Skills in Terms of Industry Updates
Students are more aware of the current
Strongly Agree
situation in the industry.
Students can be more competitive when they
Students are job-ready after they graduate.
Overall Mean
The fourth objective of this study is to identify the learning challenges that the students
encountered throughout the pandemic.
Table 8 reflects the learning challenges encountered by the students throughout the
pandemic. The highest mean score of 4.05 was obtained by items 1, “Tuition Fees” and item 4,
“Finances” with an interpretation of agree. The lowest mean score was obtained by item 3,
“Family Issues” with a mean score of 3.55 justified as agree. The overall mean score obtained
was 3.92 which was interpreted as agree.
At some point, all of us experience learning difficulties. This may occur for a variety of
reasons, such as stress, workload, family demands, or academic preparation (Chapman, 2018).
Being given a lower grade than expected is upsetting. By comprehending the why and the how of
the circumstance, you can re-align your study/research technique with your aims for the
subsequent instance (in the most objective way possible). The biggest obstacles to learning may
occasionally be those we have with regard to learning.
Unimaginable disruptions were caused by the COVID-19 epidemic. Whenever we
contemplate the past two years and the severe effects of the pandemic, which are still being felt
today, it is very obvious that one of the most impacted sectors was education. The transition to
internet platforms came about at lightning speed, and neither the world nor educational
institutions were prepared to embrace it (Carberry, 2020).
The respondents find tuition fees and finances of great challenge to them. Family issues
and social interaction are the least challenging. The students received all the support they needed
from their families. Nevertheless, during the pandemic lockdown, it was a very hard time to cope
not just for the students but also for the parents or families that are supporting them in terms of
Table 8 Learning Challenges Experienced by the Students
Tuition Fees
Number of Requirements Omit to Comply
Family Issues
Social Interaction
Overall Mean
The fifth objective of this study is to identify the learning opportunities experienced by
the students throughout the pandemic.
Table 9 reveals the learning opportunities experienced by the students in the pandemic.
The highest mean score obtained was 3.95 for item 2, “Students are given enough learning
awareness.”, interpreted as agree. The lowest mean score was obtained by item 5, “Students are
able to cope-up with stress due to academic workload.” with a mean score of 3.58, justified as
agree. The overall mean score obtained was 3.79 which was interpreted as agree.
Every student, from every area and situation, must be given the opportunity to study in
face-to-face in a secure environment. Students' academic ability and interpersonal, emotional,
and mental health have suffered as a result of rapid changes to remote learning over the past two
academic years. Furthermore, they have widened gaps in education, socioeconomic status, and
race. (Rozano, 2020).
During the pandemic, the teachers and the academic institution provided the students
with enough learning opportunities, especially in learning awareness in order for them to cope-up
with stress due to academic workload.
Table 9 Learning Opportunities Experienced by the Students
Students are able to grasp their lessons very
Students are given enough learning
Students are able to comply with
requirements on time.
Students are able to interact with their
classmates and share knowledge with them.
Students are able to cope up with stress due
to academic workload.
Overall Mean
The sixth objective of this study is to determine whether significant differences exist
between the levels of students’ learning perception exist when taken as a whole.
Table 10 shows the statistics for the significant difference in students’ learning perception
when taken as a whole. No significant difference is noted, and the p-value is greater than 0.05
alpha. In this regard, the hypothesis implies there is no significant difference between the levels
of students’ learning perception when as a whole is accepted.
Both face-to-face and online distance learning set-ups are very effective to use for the
learning of the students. The perception is just the same for the difference which is not
Table 10 Significant Difference in Learning Perception
Learning Perception
Not Significant
Significant at p≤0.05.
The seventh objective of this investigation is to determine whether significant differences
exist between the extent of learning skills achieved by the students amidst the pandemic when
taken as a whole.
Statistics for the significant differences in learning skills achieved by the students amidst
the pandemic when taken as a whole are presented in table 11. No significant difference existed
in the learning skills achieved by the students. P-value is higher than 0.05 alpha. Consequently,
the hypothesis that there is no significant difference between the extent of learning skills
achieved by the students amidst the pandemic when taken as a whole is accepted.
The learning skills achieved by the students in terms of skills acquisition, knowledge,
digital expertise, and industry updates are of the equal extent to the students.
Table 11 Significant Difference in Learning Skills Achieved
Learning Skills Achieved
Not Significant
Significant at p≤0.05.
This chapter discusses the conclusion and recommendations based on the findings of the
According to the study's findings, the following conclusions are drawn:
1. Majority of the respondents are older female fourth-year students staying outside
Bacolod City with limited internet connectivity.
2. The students perceive both face-to-face and online distance learning as very effective
in learning.
3. In all aspects of learning skills achieved, all students are in agreement except for one
issue in industry updates that they strongly agree.
4. They find tuition fees, the number of requirements omit to comply, family issues,
finances, and social interaction a challenge to them.
5. For the learning opportunities experienced all students are in agreement on all issues.
6. Students have a common perception for face-to-face and online distance learning.
7. The students experienced the same learning opportunities.
Knowledge is the main driving force of society, a source of power and competitive
advantages in work and in life. The school should strive in improving the learning skill of the
students. To do as such, the school must emphasize the proper mindset to the students to keep
their enthusiasm and desire to learn.
The school should create a program to keep the students focused on working tasks. Make
the students learn the importance of time management and make them organized in their work.
According to the results, the following actions are recommended:
1. Teachers must provide the students with the topics that will be covered for the entire
semester to make them study in advance to prepare themselves.
2. The school must create more programs to keep students motivated.
3. The school curriculum should have a skill training program to develop the student's
sense of responsibility.
4. Further research similar to this study that covers a wider scope and includes variables
not covered in this study is also recommended.