REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Online Learning has made given us great opportunities and intuitiveness to adapt to new things. Online learning has improved learning outcomes. It has already become the new trend since the COVID-19 pandemic has started, it gave us the opportunity to try and know the effects of changing from standard face to face classes to digital/online classes. Online learning provides access to time and access to a time and location for education, meaning it can also reduce the chances of missing out classes. All in all, teachers can help students progress in different subjects through the use of various online tools like Google Drive or educational websites, etc. Through this, teachers can communicate more to students without the variable of geographical boundaries. This helps us more since we can be more knowlegdeable towards the use of devices, as it can help develop a sense of logic and common sense for students, sparking the creativity of the masses both students and teachers alike. This also helps us lessen the risk of getting infected by the virus, keeping distance to others by learning at home where as face to face classes are dangerous with the risk of the pandemic still in it's high/lows. Online learning improves the students self-morale, by building self-discipline, motivation, and self-esteem. By helping provide high quality knowledge to students and enabling the students to discover and improve their personal interest. Online learning helps the student build their self-assurance. Through this form of schooling, they develop a sense of responsibility, self-discipline, and time management. Several students stated that they were unable to care to their ailing parents, grandparents, or family members and were forced to transport them to hospitals. When they return home in the evening, it becomes increasingly difficult for them to stay up with the lessons. Parents of children in lower grades believe it is preferable to allow their children to repeat the academic year. Majority of students do not have access to smartphones or TV at home in addition to poor Internet connectivity. There is no or less income for huge population due to closure of business and offices. The data package (costs) is comparatively high against average income earned, and continuous access to Internet is a costly business for the farming community. Online face-to-face classes (video) is encouraged by most; however, some students (economically disadvantaged) have expressed that the face-to-face online class consumes more data packages. The teachers are in dilemma as to whom to listen to and which tools to adopt. Some think pre-recorded videos could help; however, this would restrict interactions. It is difficult to design a proper system to fit the learning needs and convenience of all students. The interactionbetween technology and learning is inseparable in the 21st century. It is critical to understand the impact of technology in education which leads to interest in school attendance and subsequently to learning and creativity. Children can help one another in use of technology as well as taught learn in universities (Shafieiosgouei, Nourdad, Hassantofighi & Shafieioskouei, 2018) Social interactive education and e-learning are used as modes of education. Social interactive education is known as traditional method of learning where student and teacher have face to face interaction whereas e-learning or open learning is contrary to traditional education as it has some distance between learner and teacher. Students who belong to remote areas or have jobs can get education at their door step through elearning education and enhance their qualification at any time and at any stage of age (Ansari, 2014). Technology rapidly evolve and its innovations have had a positive impact on our daily lives. It also brings revolution in the field of education and research. E-learning can refer to the situation where the interaction between the students and the teacher is done through online system. Students are received training and taught through online system and teacher may also in the same building with them (Ajadi, Salawu, & Adeoye, 2008). Creativity and innovation skill brings changes in teaching and learning due to technology. From different virtual channels students can see the real world through their own online experience as videos can be effective means to observe real life problems and come up with solutions. Through multimedia tool to increase student performance and motivation to learn by encouraging discussion, collaboration, problem solving, innovation, promoting cognitive processes and constructing knowledge (Mueller 2006). Many students at home/living space have undergone psychological and emotional distress and have been unable to engage productively. The best practices for online homeschooling are yet to be explored (Petrie, 2020). The level of academic performance of the students is likely to drop for the classes held for both year-end examination and internal examination due to reduced contact hour for learners and lack of consultation with teachers when facing difficulties in learning/understanding (Sintema, 2020).