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Grade 3 English Lesson Plan: Be Verbs

Republic of the Philippines
Tiniguiban Heights, Puerto Princesa City
Roxas Campus
National Highway, Brgy. New Barbacan, Roxas, Palawan
Date and
Andres Soriano Memorial Elementary School
Freah Pauline B Martinez
Grade level:
Learning area
Grade 3
2nd Quarter
A. Content
B. Performance
C. Learning
Write the LC
code for each
Demonstrates understanding of grammatical structures of English to be
able to communicate effectively in oral and written forms.
Shows proficiency in constructing grammatically correct sentences in
varied theme-based oral and written activities.
Use the Be- verb (am, is, are, was, were) correctly in sentence.
Learning Objectives:
1. Teacher’s Guide
Identify the be- verbs and its correct usage
Complete sentences using the correct form of be-verb
Appreciate the use of be- verb in a situation
Be- verb (am, is, are, was, were)
K to 12 English Curriculum Guide May 2016 Page 90 of 247 Learning Materials
are uploaded at http://lrmds.deped.gov.ph/.
2. Learner Material
English 3 (Quarter 2- Module 1).
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning
C. Value Focus
BEAM-DLP3 Module 44 – Using Am, Is, and Are.
2. BEAM-DLP3 Module 44 – Using Was and Were.
3. Let’s Begin in English 2. 2013. pp 313-314, 315, 317.
4. *Unionbank Student’s Work Text 2. 2013. pp 167.
Marker, Cartolina, Power point, Projector and Flashcards
Respect and Love Animals
Teacher’s Activity
Learner’s Activity
Good morning class!
How are you today?
Good morning, ma’am!
We are fine ma’am.
Everybody please stands, Ellen can you
please lead the prayer?
Yes, we are!
Let’s close our eyes and bow our
head and pray.
Angel of God my Guardian dear,
to whom God’s love, commits me
here, ever this day, be at my side,
to light and guard to rule and guide
You may now take your seats.
Thank you, ma’am.
Checking of attendance:
Now, let me know first who are absent
for today?
None ma’am
Very good, I am so glad that there is no
absent in our class today and I expect
you all to participate in our class
discussion, okay?
Yes ma’am
Classroom Rules:
So, before we start in our lesson, let me
ask you what are the things we should
remember inside the classroom?
Thank you, children, let me see if
everybody’s in a proper sit?
1. Keep quiet!
2. Sit properly
3. Raise your hand if you want to answer
the Questions.
Let me see, Raise, your right hands if
you want to answer the question?
(Students raise their right hands)
Very good, please do not talk to your
seatmates, okay?
A. Reviewing
Lesson or
new Lesson
yes ma’am
Do you still remember our last lesson
What is all about?
Yes, ma’am!
About Verb ma’am!
Very Good!
So, what is Verb class?
Verb is an action word ma’am
Very good class!
Now, I have a picture in my laptop and
let us study the pictures, what are they
Okay, what they are doing?
Dance ma’am!
Yes, dance or they are dancing.
0Okay, the next is?
Cry, Ma’am!
That’s right, cry or he is crying.
Okay, the next is?
Very good! Sleep or he is sleeping.
The next is?
Sleep po ma’am!
Yes, eat or He is eating.
And the last one is?
Eat po ma’am!
Very good! Playing or there are playing.
I’m glad that you still remember the
previous lesson, Give yourself a good
job clap!
Playing po ma’am!
1 2 3, 1 2 3 Good Job!
B. Establish the
Purpose for
the Lesson
Class, before we proceed to our new
lesson, let's first find the meaning of
the following words that I posted in the
1. Bend
2. Modules
3. Virus
4. Dreaming
You can open dictionary to search the
meaning of each word.
Bend- shape or force something
straight into a curve or angle
Modules- is a unit, chapter, topic or
segment of instruction.
Virus- is an infectious agent of small
and simple composition that can multiply
only in living cell of animal, plants or
Very good!
Dream- is a series of imagination
occurring in a person’s mind during
Now who will go to the board, and use
this word and make a sentence?
First number is, Angelica
No. 2, May
1. I bend my knees when I exercise.
No. 3, Ann
2. Nina is done answering her modules
And last number, Rica
3. The old man is infected by the virus
4. I sometimes have a bad dream.
Very good, Class You already knows the
meaning of each word Later on, we will
encounter these words in the poem that
we will read.
C. Presenting
of new lesson
Are you ready for our new lesson?
Class, do you have Pet in your house?
Or If you don’t have pet, what is your
Favorite animal?
Yes, ma’am
Yes, Sonny Boy
My favorite animal is dog
How about you, Nickson?
I have a pet cat in our house ma’am
Wow, nice
Yes, Marion
My favorite animal is bird.
Do you like to play with your pets?
Yes Ma’am
What do you feel when you’re playing
with your pets?
Happy ma’am.
Okay very good, it’s nice to hear that you
like different kinds of animals In relation
to that, we will have an activity.
Are you ready?
Direction: In a bond paper. Draw and
imagine what your favorite animal and
write at least 3 sentences of your
Yes ma’am
Are you done?
Pass it to the front.
Yes, ma’am
Now let’s have one example of your
drawings Let’s see the work of Sasha
Please read the sentences you make.
The puppy is color
The puppy is cute.
Very good!
All of your works are very nice.
What have you notice the words that I
Please read it altogether!
Is the word (is) a verb? Very Good!
What do we call that kind of verb?
Anyone in the class?
It is called Be verbs or helping verb.
D. Discussing
new Concept
and practicing
new skill #1
Class, Let have first know what is a Be
The Verb “to be” are verbs that are used
together with the main verb of the
sentence to express the action or state
of being.
Read the following sentences:
1. Friend are sad
2. Home is the safest place for
3. I am hiding and praying
4. He was studying last night
5. They were teaching their
younger brother.
The underline words are called be –
verbs. These are am, is, are, was
and were. The “be” indicates the
state of being.
Use is or was if the subject is
Use are or were if the subject is
Use the be- verb are if the
subject is you and use the beverb am if the subject is I.
1. You are performing well in the
2. I am reading.
Use the be- verb were if the
subject is you and use the beverb was if the subject is I.
You were painting when your
friends arrived.
2. I was studying all day yesterday.
Ok, class let’s try first if you
really understand our discussion.
Choose the correct be- verb in the box
and complete each sentence.
Are you Done?
Yes, ma’am
Ok let’s check your answer.
Who will answer number 1?
Yes, Michael
1. I am ready to start my day.
Yes, Lemar
2. She was waiting for me at the lobby
last Friday.
Another one, Necavil
3. Sir Ramon is teaching an English
lesson today.
Then, Aiza
4. The children were happy when they
got high scores in the test.
And last number, Jeffrey
5. My parents are going to the market
this weekend.
Very good, all of you got the correct
E. Discussing
new Concept
and practicing
new skill #2
Now, Class as I have said earlier that we
are going to read a poem and let’s read
it altogether and determine the be- verbs
Let’s read.
Do you understand the poem?
Very good!
Now, Let’s identify the be verbs use in
every line and stanza of the poem Give
the line that used be verb in the poem?
Yes, ma’am
Yes, Jomarie
Yes, James
Another one, Mia
Books are closing The be- verb is
Yes, Mike
Another, Nash
Very Good, everyone!
You already know how to identify the beverbs Back to the poem let us
answer some question regarding to the
story of the poem.
And school is waiting. The beverb is is
Friends are sad The be- verb is
Where I listen to my parents
when they are teaching The beverb is are
I am hiding and praying The beverb is am
Are you ready?
Class take note that you should answer
in a complete sentence.
Who will answer number 1?
1. What is the safest place for
Yes, Jeremy
1. The safest place for learning is home
2. How did the kid learn without
going to school?
Yes, Jessa
2. The kid learns without going to school
by answering the modules
3. Why can't he go to school?
Another, Adela
3. He can’t go to school because of the
spread of the virus.
4. What do you think did he feel
when he couldn't play with his
Last number, Jose
Very Good everyone, you really
understand the poem that we read.
F. Developing
mastery/ leads
to formative
Since you already done with the first
activity. Let’s have a group activity.
4. He feels sad when he couldn't play
with his friends
Group Activity:
Divide the class into two groups and
each group will
identify the be- verb use in the poem.
Directions: Encircled the be- verbs
used in the poem
that you read:
Group 1: Poem Title: Miguel’s Birthday
Very Good!
Group 1, You identify the be- verbs
used in the poem.
Let’s come to Group 2
Group 2: Poem Title: “Animal Lover”
Very Good!
Group , you also identify the beverbs used in the poem.
Good Job, Class!
Let’s Have Barangay claps for all!
G. Finding
application of
concept and
skills in daily
Since you already master our lesson
let’s have a short quiz.
Get your notebook and we will try if
you really understand our discussion for
today. Are you ready?
Yes, ma’am
Directions: Fill in the blank with the
correct answers.
Do this in your notebook
1. The be- verbs___ and ___ are
used with singular subject.
2. The be- verbs___ and ___ are
used with plural subject.
3. If the subject is you, use the be-verbs
___and ____.
4. If the subject is I, use the be-verbs
___and ____.
Are you done?
Yes, Ma’am
Let’s check your answers.
Who will answer number 1?
Yes, Danica
Number 2, Ivana
Yes, Ma’am
1. The be- verbs is and was are used
with singular subject
2. The be- verbs are and were are used
with plural subject.
Number 3, James
3. If the subject is you, use the be-verbs
are and were.
Number 4, Johnny
4. If the subject is I, use the be-verbs am
and was.
H. Making
about the
Okay, class does you learned from our
topic for today?
Yes, ma’am!
Do you enjoy our lesson?
Yes, ma’am!
Very good.
Again, class what is the use of Beverbs?
Yes, Adela
The Verb “to be” are verbs that are used
together with the main verb of the
sentence to express the action or state of
Give the examples of Be- verbs?
Yes, Carlo
The examples of be- verbs are am,
is, are, was, and were
Very good! If the subject is singular,
what do we use?
Is and was, Ma’am
If the subject is plural?
are and were, Ma’am
How about if the subject is you?
And lastly if the subject is I, what do we
Very Good!
You already master the usage of each
be- verbs.
V. Evaluating
Now, we have a short quiz. Get your
pencil and paper and answer the given
task. Read the direction carefully.
You may start now.
Direction: Complete the Sentence!
Complete each sentence by writing the
correct form of the be-verbs
1. Our teacher, Mrs. Semora _____
absent last Monday.
2. Uncle Joe ____ not feeling well
3. Jaylor and Jhandy ___my friends
4. I _____ doing my homework now
5. You _____ hiding at the corridor.
6. Last month, you ______ in the
hospital for check-up.
7. The weather _____ a bit warmer
8. We _____ eating dinner last night
when the telephone rang. 9. Green
_____ between the yellow and blue
VI. Aditional
activity for
Direction: Encircle the correct be- verb.
are and were, Ma’am
am and was, Ma’am
1. I_____ glad to be here
a. Am
b. Is
2. Michelle _____ my friend
a. Are
b. Is
3. She ____ sick last night.
a. Is
b. Was
4. Ron and Bon _____ playing.
a. Is
b. Are
5. Yesterday, Elsa ______ walking
a. Were
b. Was.
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