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PMO Roles & Team-Based Structures

Answer 1
A project management office (PMO) is a group or department within a business, or enterprise that lays
down and maintains standards for project management within the organization. The Project
Management Office provides guidance and standards in the execution of projects. They create tangible
goals, aligned with the overall vision of the organisation, and ensure that all targets are met. PMO acts
as a project support offering project structure and assistance. If an organization runs multiple crossfunctional projects (for example, several projects with interdependencies or projects involving different
departments) at the same time, then implementing the role of PMO is essential in the business.
Here are 5 key roles a successful PMO plays:
1. Standardization of the Project Management Process
The PMO's main objective lies within the creation and standardization of methods, processes and
tools. They're responsible for creating templates and processes and making people learn how to
use them.
2. Support Project Implementation
A Project Management Office will:
Assist with and solve specific issues, such as planning or allocating resources.
Help project managers choose the right methodology for their project or help them to build a
business case.
Facilitate communication and collaboration throughout the project team and stakeholders,
ensuring everyone's on the same page.
Provide accurate and reliable information to allow stakeholders to make the best possible
decisions when circumstances change dramatically.
3. Provide a Consolidated View of All Projects
PMO Consolidates all information and documents correctly and build a project dashboard
specifically for stakeholders. If necessary ,and with the right tool - a PMO may build reports
tailored for each category of stakeholder.
4. Plan and Schedule Resources Efficiently
PMOs distribute resources based on project priority and, ideally, it impacts the overall business.
They have the ability to anticipate the resources needed for a project and, in turn, optimize the
use of the most viable resources.
5. Strategic Portfolio Management
By scoring projects using predetermined criteria, a PMO narrows down their projects, and selects
the best initiatives according to the goals of their organization.
Answer 2
The organizational structure my organization has is team based structure. A team organizational
structure disrupts the traditional hierarchy, focusing more on problem-solving, cooperation, and giving
employees more control. A team-based structure is an organizational structure where several teams work
toward a common goal while performing their own specialized tasks. They encourage less hierarchy in
their structure, allowing organizations more flexibility. The team-based organization structure includes
a CEO, several department leaders such as human resources, project management, marketing, IT and
finances. Within those departments, there are team leaders and team members who complete tasks based
on their job duties and the overall role of their team within a project. Team based organizational
structures offer some unique advantages including rapid flow of information and stronger
communication. The needs of organizations are changing with changing market dynamics. The same
traditional approach or a functional structure does not afford the same flexibility and agility as the
modern team-based approach.
Below are the advantages my businesses experience by adopting a team-based structure:
Increases productivity, performance, and transparency
Promotes a growth mindset
Changes the traditional career models by getting people to move flexibly
Values experience rather than seniority
Requires minimal management
Better communication
Empowered professionals
Encourages innovation
More constructive competition
Larger sense of community