Uploaded by thugiangtrinh73


Module Number:
Module Name:
Submission Deadline:
Module Lecturer
Assessment Weighting:
Marking and feedback deadline
Money, Banking and Risk
50% per cent of total module mark
20 working days
Assessment Instructions
Write a 2000-word essay according to the following requirements:
During the recent global financial crisis, systemic vulnerabilities in commercial banks were
especially visible. Financial crises have a systemic influence on the financial system and alter
it, necessitating the identification of new methods to the study of the theoretical and practical
challenges of systemic risk management in commercial banks in order to assure their
sustainability. Therefore, the ability to foresee, mitigate, and manage systemic risk is a crucial
and necessary condition for the regular functioning and development of the economy
(Rosemberg, 2008).
Critically evaluate the causes, effects and suggested solutions to mitigate systematic risk in the
commercial banking system in Vietnam.
Learning outcomes and expected content
The question is designed to assess your ability to apply the theories covered by the course to:
- Clarify the concept of systematic risk.
- Explain the causes and effects of systematic risk in the banking system
- Suggest solutions to mitigate the problem of systematic risk in the commercial banking
system in Vietnam
Therefore, your essay should demonstrate:
(i) A relevant use, description and critical discussion of the appropriate theories;
(ii) A relevant use of the reading list and the library resources to identify and describe the
relevant characteristics of the case study (including, for instance, appropriate data and
Please note the following:
1. Word limit: Maximum word count is 2000 words. Beyond this limit, nothing will be marked.
Word count includes everything in the main body of the text but NOT the list of references and
2. Referencing: Please refer to external sources (articles, books, data etc.) when appropriate.
You should make sure all sources are properly cited and referenced. Failing in doing so will
reduce your mark. The Harvard Referencing system should be used.
3. Individual work: This is an individual work. Please be aware that the paper will be checked
for plagiarism. You are required to add the following declaration on page 2 of your assignment:
“I ………… [name] declare that I am the sole author of this assignment and the work is a result
of my own investigations, except where otherwise stated. All references have been duly cited”.
Penalties will be applied where a student is found guilty of academic misconduct, including
termination of program.
Marking Criteria
The following criteria will be used in evaluating this assessment:
70% and above
develops a sophisticated and clear argument, balancing appropriately between factual
detail and key theoretical issues;
shows strong evidence of critical engagement with the theories (relevant challenge or
discussion of key issue);
shows clear evidence of wide and relevant reading;
shows a rigorous use and an autonomous understanding of relevant source materials;
follows perfectly referencing standards;
develops a well-written and well-structured essay.
develops a clear argument, providing some link between theoretical issues and the case
shows clear ability to describe the major factual and theoretical issues;
shows some evidence of critical engagement with the theories;
shows evidence of engagement with the relevant literature;
referencing standards are overall respected;
the essay is reasonably written and structured.
shows, in places, examples of a clear line of reasoning but fails in developing an
encompassing argument;
shows some understanding of the major factual and/or theoretical issues involved;
shows evidence of engaging with the appropriate sources, and demonstrates some knowledge
of the literature;
referencing standards are not respected;
the essay is reasonably written and structured.
fails to develop a clear argument;
shows some awareness and understanding of the factual or theoretical issues, but with
little development;
contains some conceptual or factual errors misunderstandings;
shows some evidence of engagement with the source materials, although irrelevant/unrelated
material or arguments are included
poorly organized and/or poorly written.
Less than 40% (fail)
fails to develop a clear argument;
does not engage with the relevant theories and literature or demonstrate little knowledge of
the key issues;
contains a significant amount of conceptual or factual errors or misunderstandings;
poorly organized written.
Please use the following file format: Word (.doc or .docx). All work should be word processed in
13-point font Times New Roman or 12-point font Arial and single spaced.
The first page of your coursework must include:
Your student number
The module name and number
Your word count
The references, bibliography and footnotes (provided footnotes only include references)
are NOT included in this word count.
There is no direct penalty for exceeding the word count, but the marker WILL stop reading
once the maximum word limit has been reached and nothing further will be taken into
account in the allocation of marks.
Please adhere to the principles of good academic practice and ensure you reference all sources
used when developing your assessment, for example using the
http://study.cardiffmet.ac.uk/Library/Pages/Home.aspx Failure to properly reference your work to
original source material can be grounds for the assessment offence of plagiarism and may result
in failure of the assessment or have more serious implications.
Instructions for submission
You must submit your assignment on Moodle before the date ….. TBD
Before submitting your work, please ensure that:
 You have proof-read you work thoroughly to ensure your work is presented appropriately
 You have addressed all the required elements of the assessment
 You have referenced in accordance with the guidance provided
 You have addressed each of the marking criterion
 The submission is in the correct format
Final feedback and marks release
Students will normally receive marks and feedback on their submission within 20 working days
of the submission deadline (not including any public holidays or university closure days). Any
delay in returning students’ work will be announced by the module leader.
Personal Circumstances
If you are experiencing difficulties in completing a piece of assessment on time due to
unexpected circumstances (for example illness, accident, bereavement), you should seek
advice from a Student Support Adviser at the earliest opportunity.
Please note the module leader cannot grant personal circumstances or extensions.