Portuguese Military University Institute The challenges that a Multi-Domain Operating Environment poses to military infrastructures International Society of Military Sciences António Carlos dos Santos Ferreira | LCol ferreira.acs@ium.pt SUMMARY 1. Introduction 2. Conceptual Framework 3. Methodology 4. Submission and discussion of results 5. Conclusions THE CHALLENGES THAT A MULTI-DOMAIN OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT POSES TO MILITARY INFRASTRUCTURES | LCOL SANTOS FERREIRA | 2 Protection 1. Introduction Technical Attack effects Range Penetration Third Dimension Destruction Disruption The challenges that a Multi-Domain Operational Environment poses to military infrastructures | LCOL Santos Ferreira | 3 1. Introduction Middle Age 17th – 19th Centuries 21st Century 20th Century Bambadinca, Guiné-Bissau (1969/1971) Shama, Líbano (2006/2012) Territorial Defence| Tatical employment Readiness| Regeneration | Sustainment The challenges that a Multi-Domain Operational Environment poses to military infrastructures | LCOL Santos Ferreira | 4 1. Introduction Research problem In a theater of operations characterized by a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous environment, where military operations are carried out in a multidimensional spectrum, military infrastructures assume an increasingly fundamental role in protecting, deploying and sustaining the combat power as well as in the ability to command and control the military forces. Multi-Domain Operational Environment Military Infrastructures Research Question: What challenges does a Multi-Domain Operating Environment poses to military infrastructures ? The challenges that a Multi-Domain Operational Environment poses to military infrastructures | LCOL Santos Ferreira | 5 2. Conceptual Framework (DCDC, 2012) Military Infrastructures Employment System (Egli, 2013) Physical Cognitive Elements Resilience Informational Social (Eisenberg, Seager & Bates, 2014) “the set of buildings and other permanent facilities necessary to support military capabilities” The challenges that a Multi-Domain Operational Environment poses to military infrastructures | LCOL Santos Ferreira | 6 2. Conceptual Framework Multi-Domain Operations “how the U.S. Army, as part of the joint force can counter and Ambiente defeat a near-peer adversary capable of contesting the U.S. in all Operacional Multi-Domínio domains [air, land, maritime, space, and cyberspace] in both competition and armed conflict”. (US Army TRADOC, 2018) The challenges that a Multi-Domain Operational Environment poses to military infrastructures | LCOL Santos Ferreira | 7 Effects Time Multi-Domain Operating Environment Space 3. Methodology Research Question: What challenges does a Multi-Domain Operating Environment poses to military infrastructures? Military Infrastructures Co-relate External Factors Internal Factors CHALLENGES The challenges that a Multi-Domain Operational Environment poses to military infrastructures | LCOL Santos Ferreira | 8 4. Submission and discussion of results S1. Adaptability O1. Increase military presence and posture in the battlespace O2. Use of existing local infrastructures T1. Tecnological evolution T2. Volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity of the MDOE T3. Treath persistence S2. Flexibility S3. Access to emerging technologies S4. Use of civilian market W1. Construction and maintenance costs W2. Logistic support W3. Tactical mobility T4. Destruction or disruption level The challenges that a Multi-Domain Operational Environment poses to military infrastructures | LCOL Santos Ferreira | 9 S W O 4. Submission and discussion of results T # Formula Description 1 (S1+S2) x O1 Increasing the adaptability and flexibility of military infrastructures will allow an increasing in military presence and posture in the battlespace. 2 S4 x O2 3 (S2+S3) x T1 Establish a relationship with the civilian market for the use of existing local infrastructures. Exploit access to new emerging technologies in order to increase flexibility and thus minimize the effects resulting from technological parity achieved by adversaries. 4 (S1+S2+S3) x (T2+T3+T4) Reinforce the adaptability and flexibility of infrastructure through new technologies in order to minimize the effects of a VUCA environment and of a persistent threat and to reduce the degree of destruction/disruption. 5 (W2+W3) x O1 Prevent reduced logistical support and tactical mobility from affecting the opportunity to increase military presence and posture in the battlespace. 6 (W1+W2) x O2 Prevent the costs of construction and maintenance of military infrastructures and the lack of logistical support from reducing the opportunity to use existing local infrastructure. 7 W1 x T1 Prevent construction and maintenance costs from reducing access to new technologies, thus reducing the resilience of military infrastructures and thus increasing the differential in combat power obtained by the technological evolution of the military capabilities of adversaries. 8 (W2+W3) x (T2+T3+T4) Prevent the lack of logistical support and the reduction of tactical mobility of military infrastructures from increasing the effects of a VUCA environment, a persistent threat and increasing the degree of destruction/disruption. The challenges that a Multi-Domain Operational Environment poses to military infrastructures | LCOL Santos Ferreira |10 5. Conclusions “CHEAPER” “TATICAL” “SMARTER” Integrate new technologies Reduce logistical footprint Wide land implementation more resilient, operational and sustainable existing local infrastructures physical presence and posture windows of opportunity systems that combine modularity, comfort, functionality and resistance protect, regenerate, sustain and project the combat power The challenges that a Multi-Domain Operational Environment poses to military infrastructures | LCOL Santos Ferreira |11 Bibliography Alves, A. A. V. (2015). Planeamento e organização espacial de um Aquartelamento Militar de Campanha face à ameaça terrorista – contributos metodológicos. (Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Militar). Academia Militar, Lisboa. Carlisle, H. (2019). The Complexity of Multi-Domain Operations. Em: Hargrave, B. (Ed.) 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