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6 Figure OnlyFans - 2022

2022 edition
In this guide you will find 99% of the tips and trick I’ve used to grow my
OnlyFans page to well over 6 figures per year and make over $27,900 in my
first month on the platform.
I have over 7 years of experience in the fashion modelling and sex work
industries in NYC, LA, and Miami, and I’m glad I could finally sit down in my
beautiful waterfront condo to write this guide for everyone new to the OnlyFans
Now, this guide is comprehensive. I suggest sitting down and taking dedicated
time to read it. After you’ve internalized it, go over it a second time and take
notes on what you’ll begin implementing for your OnlyFans page.
Let’s jump right in!
1) Your header, profile photo, and username. You’re not allowed to have
nudity in your header, but you should have something that’s attractive and
inviting and will make somebody want to subscribe. Don’t put some funky art
that has nothing to do with you, unless your page is about art. Instead, put a
little bit of what they might see if they continue to subscribe.
For your profile photo, match it to your header as much as possible, and keep it
light. Dark photos have a hard time showing up.
For your username, make it memorable. This means no random numbers after
the name. I see way too many “cyberkitty4873” usernames. People will forget it
instantly. Inject your personality into your username and make it stand out. It
could have a risqué/fantasy undertone, or you could keep it PG to match your
social media, or it could be your stage name.
2) Your bio. What you want to put here is some of what they’ll get if they
subscribe to your page, like chatting with you, daily messages, weekly uploads
to your feed, and the types of content you put out (solo content, girl/girl content,
boy/girl content). They need to know what they’re getting in order to want to
subscribe. Be as descriptive as possible without being confusing.
Some creators put their height, weight, favourite colors, what they’re into, and
other things in their bio. Emojis like
are common.
3) Your monthly subscription price. Standard prices are $5-$25, but feel free
to mix it up.
As an example, to go with the $15 price, a 50% sale price would be $7. You’ll
likely end up getting more subscriptions when it’s on sale, but you want to use
the sale only on special occasions like Valentine’s Day, Christmas, and others
you deem fit. This way you create ‘scarcity’ in it being only available at that price
on rare days.
Depending on your goals and existing audience, you may want more
subscribers at a lower price ($10 x 1000 = $10,000), or less subscribers at a
higher price ($30 x 333 = $10,000). It’s up to you.
Obviously, that doesn’t make up your entire income - you’re doing PPV as well.
A typical sub income/PPV income split is approximately 50% of each.
Offer promotions to specific people, at specific times, and for any occasion you
want, but remember the rule of scarcity. If its always on sale, it’s never on
You may also decide to offer subscription bundles. This creates longevity with
your supporters by letting them buy in bulk. When you turn on the ‘bundle’
option subs can subscribe to your page for 3 or 6 months at a time at a
discounted price, and you won’t have to worry about the possibility of them
cancelling each month.
4) Set a custom welcome message. This is a fantastic feature of the platform.
If you think of your profile like your store, when someone walks into a store,
they’re greeted with a “Hello! How can I help you?” This puts a face to the
transaction and creates a personal touch, which subs yearn for.
To take advantage of it, go into your settings and click the ‘mail’ tab. You’ll be
able to enter a custom welcome message that every new subscriber will get
once they subscribe to your page.
The goal of this message is obviously to make your new subscriber feel
welcome, but it should also be a little bit of a guide in case they’ve never used
OnlyFans before and aren’t quite sure how it works. It also encourages them to
stat chatting with you right away, since sometimes they don’t know they can.
A great way to do this is to record a short 1-minute video saying something
“Hi! Thank you for so much for subscribing. If you want to talk to me, please do.
If you want anything special from me please let me know. If you want to send
me pictures, go ahead and do that…”, and let them know how much it costs for
you to rate their photos or whatever kinds of messages you tend to get.
Personalize that message to your liking.
Once you’ve got some experience and subscribers you can tailor the message
to encapsulate all the typical questions and requests you’ll get, saving you a ton
of time and building your sub loyalty.
5) Keep track of the types of questions you get. Setup a document
somewhere and every time you get a question, paste it in there in addition to
your answer to it. This way the next time that it’s asked, you can skip the
‘thinking’ phase, paste the answer and get on with more important work and
your subs don’t have to wait long periods of time for answers.
6) Create a tip menu. Type out a list of items that you offer and how much they
cost so that your subs can see it before sending direct messages that’ll waste
both your time.
Think of it like a restaurant menu. Panties cost X. Dick rating costs Y. Video
costs Z. Pin this tip menu to your feed or use the ‘highlight’ function of your
stories so subs can see it any time they need.
The menu also serves to let subs know of things they might not know you offer.
You want to make it as easy as possible to buy from you. No confusion, no
mental math, just straight, simple pricing that anyone can understand.
7) Show that you’re active. This goes with being consistent. Update your feed,
even if it’s simply a photo or status update at a minimum once every two days.
People are in the habit of checking their Instagram, Twitter every day (and it’s a
given that you should be extremely active on these platforms - they should be
your main source of traffic!), but they aren’t in the habit of checking their
OnlyFans every day.
You want to get your subscribers in the habit of checking their OnlyFans every
day so when there’s something that you do want to promote or sell in your
messages you want to make sure they’re checking their messages.
Get your subscribers in the habit of coming back to your page by offering
something on your feed every day or every second day, so that you’re more
likely to sell things in the direct messages.
Consistency wins on every social platform, and OnlyFans is no exception.
8) Private video messages. A great way to make extra is to send out PPV
videos and photos. This can be a mass send with a price of $3.00, or a very
personalized video sent with a $50 unlock price.
The big mistake creators make is writing terrible captions to locked content
(more on this later on). Subs obviously cannot see the content until it’s unlocked,
and terrible captions make it impossible to know what’s in it, so they don’t buy.
An example of a bad caption: “Walking around my room”. Instead, be
descriptive. What are you doing? How much nudity is there? Is there anything
kinky? What’s your mood like?
Not only do you want to be descriptive to paint a mental image, but you want to
incite curiosity in their minds. Write captions that make them go “huh?”, “what is
it?”, “really?”, and others.
9) If you use Twitter as your main source of traffic, don’t link things
excessively. I have a separate Twitter Growth Guide that came with this guide,
so I won’t go into too much detail, but following accounts similar to your niche,
interacting with their followers, hopping on hashtags, branding yourself with a
‘theme’, writing tweets that create emotion, are all highly relevant here.
When you promote your OnlyFans, don’t put your actual link in the main tweets
with your photo or video. Guide people to the link in the tweet directly below it
(a reply) or the one in your bio. This is because Twitter gives less reach to
tweets with links in them. Twitter technically doesn’t want people clicking
outside the platform to leave.
On Twitter, don’t worry about or mind the “haters”. Ever heard the phrase “no
such thing as bad press”? They will drive traffic just as much as anyone else and
people will flock to you out of sheer curiosity.
10) Run giveaways on Twitter. Every so often run a giveaway on Twitter. These
are great for growth. Here’s an example tweet:
When this gets retweeted 500 times I will be doing a raffle! Prizes:
1st place
- Free month to my Onlyfans
2nd place
- Free 7 day trial to my Onlyfans
3rd place
- Naughty inbox pic and vid!
All you have to do to enter is RT, LIKE, COMMENT!
Customize it to your liking. Pin it to your profile while the giveaway is running for
extra exposure.
11) Use Reddit properly. Reddit can be finicky and very nuanced. However,
because it is, like Twitter, SW-friendly, it’s a fantastic place to promote.
The great thing about Reddit is they have what are called ‘subreddits’, which are
sub-communities. Each is focused on its own topic, and you can find literally
any topic on there.
This includes every single sex-related topic known to man. Whether you’re tall,
short, thin, plus-size, vintage, modern, luxurious, rugged, there is a subreddit for
you to promote to your target audience specifically.
I’d recommend writing down your personal body highlights and kinks you think
would fit your style, and find those subreddits!
Some other tips for Reddit:
- Get verified on big subreddits
- Write clever, enticing captions
- Post slight variations of content to a lot of different platforms
I wrote an entire full-length guide on Reddit, so if you’re interested in mastering
that platform, go pick it up!
12) Don’t use shadow banned Instagram hashtags, but do use engagement
pods. Google ‘Flick Tech’ or other Instagram hashtag analysis tools to find
hashtags you can compete on that are fully open and not shadowbanned. Too
many models for some reason get on Instagram and gravitate to
shadowbanned hashtags simply because they’re popular. Be vigilant and do
your research on what hashtags to use in your specific niche.
In general, don’t mention OnlyFans at all on Instagram. If you want to reference
it, just say “come see my exclusive content here” and link to your Linktree.
For engagement pods, DM models in your niche and ask them if they’d like to
form a group chat. In that group chat, when someone posts, you can all agree to
like/comment on their photo to increase engagement and reach, letting the
Instagram algorithm know “this is popular”.
13) Don’t link to OnlyFans on Snapchat. It’s against the terms of service. I’ve
seen this happen way too many times. Also do not use your custom domain if it
redirects to your OnlyFans link - this will also be flagged. A good way is to either
use a Linktree, or have your custom domain have a Linktree-like setup on it.
14) Take advantage of TikTok. You already know TikTok is huge. But you
probably don’t know that it can be a fantastic traffic source for your page.
The key right now is just to post, a lot. Like, a lot. You can post 5-6 times per
day without the algorithm penalizing you for spam, and they’re making nearly
anyone go viral. It’s a bit like a slot machine.
Create SFW content around anything from flirty dances to copying the latest
scripted meme trend.
15) Setup an Amazon wishlist and PO Box. Put the link to your Amazon
wishlist with certain outfits or gear that you want in your bio. This way if anyone
wants you to wear or use anything specific, they can get it on your wishlist and it
will send directly to your private PO Box (just make sure it is a PO, not your
home address)!
16) Tease on your timeline. Warm your audience up by telling them what you’re
selling, what’s in your pay per view. Before you drop a mass private message,
say things like:
“Who wants to see?”
“Who wants it now?”
“Who can’t wait?”
It gets them hyped up and salivating at what you’re about to drop, and a hyped
up sub is a buyer.
This works especially well if you do something like:
“Exclusive video for subs tonight - won’t repost it, get in now while you can!”
17) Increase your content quality. This affects every aspect of your business more traffic, more subs, and more higher sub satisfaction.
I don’t care if you’re a new model or an advanced one, your content can always
be improved.
There’s tons of ways to improve, and it does not just mean ‘buy a more
expensive camera’. I’m not telling you to go buy a RED Komodo ($6k camera).
I’m telling you to think long and hard about your audience and what they best
respond to.
This could be things like:
- Niching down more into a kink
- Re-positioning your environment to maximize natural light
- Creating more enticing shots through carefully placed teases
- Increasing the number of POV and angles you shoot with
- Shuffling your outfits
Study other models similar to you. Check out what they’re doing, take notes,
The higher-quality your content, the more you can charge, and the more you
1) First off, don’t even start if you won’t be dedicated. The reality of OnlyFans
is unless you already have a following of 30,000 people, 9/10 of you will struggle
at least the first few months getting your feet wet. You have to be consistent. If
you offer daily messages, do the daily messages. This is not a get-rich-quick
scheme, and shouldn’t be painted as one.
2) Second, understand the risks. You WILL be recorded. Your videos WILL be
saved. You MIGHT have someone you love find out. It depends on how big you
get, but you WILL be recognized. I’ve heard of people saying models’ stage
name at their regular day job.
If you’re nervous about someone finding out, I suggest you don’t engage in this
line of work. It’ll haunt you and hold you back. You won’t reach your fullest
potential if you’re scared of your parents finding out.
Sit yourself down and really think if this is what you want to do. It might take you
a while before you’re comfortable enough to not give a damn about who finds
out in the future. Or you might decide you’re uncomfortable with the thought of
your parents, friends, future partner, coworkers, future employers, or even
current or future children seeing your content. Don’t rush the decision and think
about your long term career plans!
But, once you get the ball rolling (and trust me, if you put the work in, you will),
it’s a creative and fun way to create an income for yourself.
Now that we got that out of the way, let’s get into the more juicy tips.
3) Advertise, advertise, advertise. Everywhere. Instagram, Twitter, Reddit,
everywhere. Everyday. It takes a minute per platform.
The fastest way to get your first subs on the platform, if you don’t have many
already, is to look for someone in the industry who looks similar to you on
Twitter and Instagram and start connecting with the people they’re not
connecting with on their feeds. Popular models are swamped and aren’t able
to get to everyone. Feed the people who aren’t being fed, but who are already
looking for your type.
4) Pump out content - work smart, not hard. On certain days, dedicate the
day to making content. This is especially useful if you have a regular day job.
Here’s a trick. Pick a day of the week. Make that your ‘content day’. Setup your
creation setup, gear, etcetera. Change outfits, change positions, change lighting,
and get to work.
Then, take the rest of that day to relax.
Set aside all the content, edit it, and schedule it to slowly publish it throughout
the month.
This way, you don’t feel burned out by having to remember to shoot each day.
5) Set goals. A good milestone is to double your income you made the previous
month. Alternatively (or in conjunction), try to add twenty more followers each
month than you had the previous month. Another good way is to set a weekly
quota - think of yourself as a sales rep for a company.
Setting these tangible goals gives you control over what to work towards.
Encourage your subs to help you attain your goals and more than often they’ll
be happy to support you!
6) Sell a fantasy. Subs to OnlyFans creators usually unsubscribe if all they see
are mirror selfies of your tits and occasionally your asshole. Create a fantasy
around yourself and page beyond just the visuals.
This fantasy could be about who you are. Examples;
- An international super-spy named 0069
- A flirtatious secretary at a big bank
- A professional gamer
Incorporate these themes into your shoots and vocals, your subs will love it.
Creating the fantasy will help you stay motivated to keep at #1 and #2 tips in this
7) Don’t show ALL the goods. Upsell. This one is important. Why would a sub
buy your video if they saw most of the clip on their feed already?
A good way to work this is to go to the Instagram camera and put icons on your
nipples and/or pussy. Always cover pussy. Men pay for pussy. Pussy is power.
Dick is power too.
Here’s an example: Make a 4-10 second clip of the video, covering the goods,
and show the (covered) good part (squirting, saying “fuck me daddy”, the part
where you can hear how wet you are) and post it onto your feed. Then,
encourage subs to buy it if they tip or purchase in your messages.
8) NEVER take outside payment. Many models learn this the hard way, but
luckily you bought this guide, and will be able to avoid this inevitable scenario.
DO NOT listen to the guy who says, “Hey I’ll CashApp/PayPal/Venmo you if you
just send me the video.”
If you break this rule, and they chargeback the payment (which is possible on
any of those three platforms listed), you’ll be forced to give the sub their money
back PLUS a charge back fee because they file a claim.
ONLY ever use the OnlyFans payment gateway.
9) You come first. Don’t feel pressured into doing something you don’t want to
do. If you don’t show yourself nude, then don’t, unless YOU ARE
COMFORTABLE. If you’re having a bad day, it’s 100% OK to take a day off.
Of course I encourage you advertise every day but even the top models aren’t
superhuman. Some days they’ll crawl in bed and watch the sun rise and set and
only move to pee. It’s totally fine. You’re important. If your subs love you like you
love you, they’ll understand.
10) Don’t be a bore. The worst thing you can do on this platform is do the same
thing over and over again - for the love of God have some fun! Be creative.
Here are some ideas for you to do:
Patio/garden scenes
Shower scenes
‘Office scenes’
Window scenes
Switch positions
Toy reviews
POV scenes (e.i., watch me ride you)
Scenes where you’re cooking or doing laundry naked
The point is, think outside the box and stop doing the same old overdone,
“oooo daddi yeAh I’m sewwwwww wet fur yew” in the stereotypical squeaky
pornstar voice on top of a bed.
11) Remake rushed content. Subs can tell when you’re trying to sell a crappy
video you took ten minutes to film with no enjoyment at all. This is not mass
production, it’s personal and artistic. Take your time or don’t do it at all.
12) Use your real, sensual voice in video. The human voice is one of the most
erotic parts of the experience. Video and voice widely outperform other
mediums in the advertising industry, and for a good reason.
Sound funny, sound sexy, sound interesting. Show your personality through it
and don’t be afraid to talk. This could mean the difference between making a bit
of money (using only photos) and making a lot of money (using all content
13) Don’t be pushy. Don’t send out messages every single day begging for a
Here’s an example: When you walk in Victoria’s Secret store, a sales rep comes
up to you and asks for help. If you’re like most normal people, you say no. Then,
another sales rep comes up and asks. You say no. Then another comes up and
asks. Finally, you walk out of the store out of sheer annoyance.
Don’t do what Victoria Secret does. Send out messages a few times a week. If
you send one out Monday, send another out on Thursday. Space it out like
clothing or song drops.
14) Don’t engage in ‘like for like’ schemes, but do take advantage of free
trials. You want to focus on actual people who will spend actual money, not low
quality followers.
Giving another OnlyFans model a free trial doesn’t benefit you. Putting in the
effort to gain high quality followers who will subscribe for long periods of time
and spend money on your exclusive content is worth so much more than
numbers and ‘tricks’.
Having said that, a common method that can work is setting a ‘Free Trial’ to a
100% discount for 1-2 weeks to draw people in. After, cease the free content
and ‘convert’ a percentage (likely 1-10%) of the free subs to paid subs.
If your content is of good enough quality, your subs should be addicted and will
hop on the paid subscription. Again, this might be for models with prior
marketing knowledge, but test it out if you’d like to.
15) Give people value for their money. So many models are treating OnlyFans
like a money grab. They spam sub’s inboxes all day and all night, charging $50
for thirty-second clips.
Others simply couldn’t be bothered to post anything, and when they do post, it’s
the exact same content that exists for free on their social media profiles.
This is a reiteration of some of the previous tips, because I want it to get into
your head. Bring value, and people will bring money. Value comes from being
consistent, creative, and catering to your sub’s ‘wants'.
16) Differentiate yourself by showing subs a glimpse in your life. Allow them
to feel like they know you on a personal level, because you are an actual person
and not a mindless robot. In a sea of hundreds of thousands of creators, subs
connect with creators based on who they are on a deeper level.
How you differentiate yourself can be creating art, gardening, cooking,
exercising, or even praying. Be creative and show different sides of your
personality, and you’ll have subs for life.
17) Use a CRM. For models especially with big tippers, using a CRM (Customer
Relationship Manager) is highly useful. This helps you keep track of what you’ve
sold to who, who tips the most, who to pay attention to, and helps organize in
Here is my own personal template for you to use - do not share this with
A few records don't summarize without manual entry - e.g., total number of
customers - since I'm not an Airtable wizard (if I was, I'd be in finance), but feel
free to use it as a template and edit to your liking!
To copy the CRM to your own account, click the 'Copy Base' in the top right
18) Integrate Drips. Many models make their money on free pages with what is
called “drips”. This is essentially a different way of sexting, where instead of per
minute, you create a ton of short videos.
All these videos are from the same set, so the subs have no idea it's not being
done live.
What you would do, is send a mass DM to start a conversation. You then flirt/
hint at sending the content.
The drip itself is sending these short teases and clips in a certain order,
mimicking a conversation, so that they keep buying until they finish the drip
sequences, or run out of money.
You would charge approximately $5-$20 or more for the 30-60 second videos,
and you could make up to 15 of them.
There are ways to automate it, and essentially you would label different subs to
indicate where they are in the sequence, such as ‘B-2’. Then you would know
after that sub buys the next one, or replies, you would send them ‘B-3’.
The great thing about drips is they can function at any time whatsoever, without
you having to actually film yourself at that moment, and since subs don’t know
it’s not live-texting/shooting, they feel engrossed in it even more than regular
19) Create your own site/buy a domain. At lower income levels, you could buy
a domain name and have it redirect to your OnlyFans account so it’s easier to
remember. A domain name or URL is simply a web address that people use to
access a site.
You’d essentially buy a domain and edit the settings (different for different
hosting platforms) to redirect bigbootygal dot com to OnlyFans dot com slash
bigbootygal. Makes it look more professional!
At higher income levels, you could consider creating a dedicated website with
your links, portfolio, and anything else you sell
Carrd is a great one to use for this. Squarespace is a good one too.
The key is to have your copywriting on point. Which leads us into captions.
20) Us curiosity-invoking, emotional and clever captions. Here are a few
caption templates that have made me $500k+ of my income through drips and
PPV in general. Deceptively simple, but dangerously effective. Take notes on
the psychological reactions they create:
“Literally never done this before…”
“Picked a sub at random. This is for your eyes only.”
“Was so scared to upload this…”
“This might get me banned.”
“I was told not to share this… but fuck it, here”
“Drunk sex during a rainstorm hits different…”
“The image that made 57 men immediately cum”
“You won’t believe how wet this shirt is”
These are some that are specific to my own audience:
“First investment secured. Time to celebrate with you…”
“Sneaking one in backroom - nearly got caught”
“My last BF was one of my OF subs. Reply and maybe you’re next?”
“Just got heartbroken. I don’t care anymore.”
Exclusivity, scarcity, emotion, etc. Incentive opening it. Pique their curiosity.
21) Properly store your data. It’s important to not solely store content on your
phone. I see a lot of models do this.
Phones can get lost, damaged, or have their data corrupted. I’d recommend
using USBs, HDDs, SD Cards, and others to store them, because you can make
money of one piece of content for a long time.
Naming and filing your content for long-term use is key here. Create a
nomenclature system so a file would be seen under a file path like:
content > to_post > videos > full_length > stripteases > jan_3_robe_1
This way, you know exactly where content is in the system.
22) Advanced - outsource the menial tasks. I don’t expect anyone but more
advanced models to need this, but outsourcing some tasks can be hugely
beneficial to your business.
The less time you spend doing menial tasks, the more time you have for highROI (return-on-investment) tasks, such as content quality and social media
Fiverr and Upwork are good places to look.
Services you find on Fiverr that you can use for OF:
- Photo retouching
- Profile photo/banner editing
- Video editing
- Social media management
- Virtual assistants
- Website design
Here’s a protip: when you publish a job listing, put something in the middle of
the description like, “To be considered for this position, please type “banana”
somewhere in your reply to confirm you’re not a bot.”
This filters out all the auto-reply spams you may get.
The best way to train assistants, if they aren’t local, is via Loom video
recordings. Just record yourself going through the motions, and send it to them
to study.
23) Don’t get caught up with just being an OnlyFans model. Brand yourself
well enough so that when or if you decide to not do OnlyFans anymore you can
branch off to another field and retain a dedicated following.
Invest in professional photos or even skills such as social media marketing,
fashion modelling, mentoring, because you always want more than one stream
of income.
OnlyFans can shut down today or tomorrow just like the strip clubs had to shut
down in the Covid-19 pandemic, and you’ll be stuck without an income.
I won’t go into too much detail on this, but feel free to contact me if you’re
venturing down the path of more advanced marketing techniques to keep sub
contacts and build out a bonafide business.
24) Be safe, be smart and have fun!
There are some golden rules to follow to make sure you’re keeping your account
in good standing.
If you want to keep your OnlyFans account DO NOT:
Talk about doing in-person work
Give people another way to contact you
Get payment and deliver ANYTHING off site
Get payment off site and deliver ANYTHING on site
In the rare occurrence that you do get into a sticky situation, I recommend you
use a ‘legalese’ (legal speak) block of text to completely cut off anyone who tries
to talk to you about risky business propositions or anything outside OnlyFans’
terms of service.
Sample Warning (personalize it to your liking):
“Please keep in mind OnlyFans allows only discussion of digital content, so
please don't message me about in-person work, or sales of physical objects on
OnlyFans. They are quite strict and regularly delete accounts. I am only able to
sternly word you about it. Thanks for your understanding!”
If they keep pressing, repeat it exactly the same until they understand the
message. If they still don’t get it, you’ll have to block them to protect the
integrity of your account.
If you do happen to offer certain services, it’s not exactly against the OnlyFans
terms to tell people to contact you on another site, but because it’s kind of up to
the individual moderator to interpret that, it sets up a possible issue in general.
Essentially, they don’t want you to take a payment on their site for services or
content elsewhere. Conversely, they don’t want you to do services on the site
and take a payment for it elsewhere.
But cross promoting is important, so a good way to handle this is by periodically
sharing something to OnlyFans that you’ve done on another platform.
Here’s a sample message:
Sub: “Hey, can I pay you for a cam show right now?”
You: “Unfortunately that’s something they don’t offer yet on OnlyFans! I’ll
probably do streams to the whole feed here periodically and I’ll share my
recorded cam shows back here if people are interested!”
If they push to get a link, try to avoid doing that or even explicitly say you’re not
allowed to directly advertise your services on other sites.
If you’d, you can share recordings to promote what you offer, like “Here’s a
private from [website you’re advertising here] that I got permission to share with
you guys!”
They’ll figure it out where it is and that way you don’t have to worry about
getting in trouble for directing clients to do anything an individual moderator at
OnlyFans may decide sounds problematic
As a side note, OnlyFans uses a very well-established mainstream porn
payment processor that has been around for 22 years. If in dire circumstances
they are forced to delete your account, the money is completely refunded there isn't any sort of 'keeping or 'stealing' going on.
If you're interested in hardening your security and lowering the amount of
trackers and data the big companies are making without your consent (or at
least with your passive consent!) then here are just a few recommendations:
1) First and foremost, use two-step authentication on OnlyFans. If your
OnlyFans is a significant part of your livelihood, the thought that someone could
break in and mess around with your account is a nightmare.
Connect the Authenticator App to your OnlyFans profile by going to your
Advanced Settings page. After you do this, it’ll only be possible to login to your
account by confirming the secret code from the app or a confirmation email,
making it that much more difficult for someone to break into your account.
2) Blocking subscribers. Though it pays to build strong relationships with your
subs, occasionally they will cross the line from dedication into harassment. If a
subscriber is making you feel unsafe or uncomfortable, you have the right to
block them. There are three ways you can block users on OnlyFans: by
username, IP address and by country.
The easiest way to block a sub is by username. From your dashboard click on
your profile and then on your subs. If you click on the three vertical dots on the
right of a sub’s profile, you will see the option to block that user.
Another way to block is by IP address, generally if someone keeps making new
accounts to harass you, which is rare, but can also be used to block your own
household’s WiFi from accessing it.
You can also Geo Block, which might be appropriate in some situations, such as
blocking your hometown (or that of your employer) from subscribing.
To block IP and Geo, go to settings, and then to security. You will see a dropdown menu of countries you can choose to block, and a field to enter an IP
3) For messaging outside of OnlyFans, use the app Signal. Hands-down and
bar none it is the best secure messaging app out there.
4) For email, use ProtonMail which is equally as secure as Signal. No
records, no privacy issues. The best of the best use it.
5) For your phone apps, download F-Droid. It’s an app store for free open
source apps which (generally) are much more user-safe than their Android or
Apple alternatives.
6) For your browser, use Firefox or Brave Browser instead of Chrome/Edge/
anything else. Firefox or Brave are 100% the browsers to use if you are wanting
to protect your own data. Use the add-ons Decentraleyes, HTTPS Everywhere,
uBlock Origin and Privacy Badger.
7) Change your keyboard. Stock keyboards and keyboards like SwiftKey
usually 'check in' with servers every minute or so. All data is tracked, logged,
compiled and analysed: your emails, passwords, sites, chats, it's all there.
Using an alternative from F-Droid such as AnySoftKeyboard or Simple Keyboard
is a little more cumbersome (they have no predictive text, because they're not
tracking your typing patterns or behavior to learn from it - a good thing!), but so
much more worth it to know you're safe.
That’s a great start, and if you’re really serious about protecting your privacy
online, definitely get my Security/Privacy Guide!
If you found this guide useful, or if you’ve started implementing it and are seeing
results (which you will, if you put it to work) add a 5-star rating to the guide on
Gumroad, or post a Tweet tagging me about how it’s impacted your OnlyFans
growth and I’ll retweet it!
But most of all, thank yourself for investing the time and effort into perfecting
your craft. Modelling and/or sec work are not an easy line of work, but if you’re
reading this, you’re a step above and beyond the rest out there.
As always, send me a DM on Twitter for any questions you may have on your
Stay safe and healthy out there.
Very best,
Your friendly Twitter-hood professional model @ROSEDOLLARZ
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