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PBL Skills & Attitude Change: Self-Reflection Report

Anne-Victoria Heijenrath
Student number: 637989
This document contains the self-reflection assignment and the final report about attitude
Tutor: Marit Lute
Table of Contents
Reflection assignment ...................................................................................................... 2
Step 1 define your reflection question ..................................................................................... 2
Step 2 describe the experience (STAR) ................................................................................... 2
Step 3 execute a point of reflection .......................................................................................... 3
Report about attitude change ............................................................................................ 5
References ....................................................................................................................... 7
Reflection assignment
Step 1 define your reflection question
in the third and fourth tutorial meetings, I noticed I got very quiet because I was very
overwhelmed by what everyone was saying.
so, my question is, how did it come that I became quiet during the third and fourth tutorial
what did I do?
In the third and fourth tutorial meetings, I got quiet, usually, I am very outspoken especially
school-wise. I think that this was because everyone had a lot to share and was very well
prepared. Whilst I am used to being one of a few that is prepared. So, I think that is why I
became quite
what do I think of it?
I understand it, but I also think that it is an improvement point. So, I don't want to label it as
bad, but more as an improvement point
what I want
not being overwhelmed during the tutorial meetings, so that it doesn't stop me to share the
things I want to share.
Step 2 describe the experience (STAR)
What were the circumstances of the chosen situation?
The situation took place in class, during the third and the fourth tutorial group meeting. Like
all tutorial group meetings, we were sitting with the tables in an 'u' form, so that you can face
almost everyone.
Who were involved?
the people that were involved were the people in my tutorial group, myself, and the tutor.
During the tutorial meetings, it is expected to actively participate and share your findings
from the literature. But also, to discuss those findings and apply them to a given problem.
What were ethical boundaries or organisational rules/ guidelines that were applicable to this
There are quite a lot of rules and guidelines surrounding the tutorial group meetings. The
most noticeable and important ones are being on time, being present, being prepared and
speaking politely in a non-judgmental way. Being late during the meeting is only tolerated
twice, when it is the third time you will be noted absent and if you are more than 15 minutes
late you will also be noted absent. For absence applies; you can only be two times absent,
otherwise you will do the group meetings again next year.
What was the task/role and objective?
During the tutorial meetings, the goal is to discuss together with your group the literature that
you all have found on your own. Thru discussing the literature, finding a solution for a given
problem. So, my role and task here were to contribute in the discussion with my findings and
also to join in on the discussion here and there and ask a question so that the conversation
keeps going.
What did you think was important for this task/role
I think that it was important for me to actively join the conversation and share my thoughts
and findings from the literature.
How did you act?
During the third and fourth tutorial group meetings, I stayed mostly quiet. I only shared my
thoughts when I was really sure about something, but besides that, I didn't speak much.
What did you feel and think?
I was constantly feeling overwhelmed by all the things that were mentioned. I felt kind of
insecure and began doubting the things I said and wrote down. I also wondered if I found the
right literature or if I interpreted the literature right. Because I am usually quite outspoken, I
also felt very confused because this doesn't happen to me often.
What was the result of your action(s)
The result was that I stayed quiet for most of the discussion, which left me feeling bad about
How did others react to that?
The others didn't say anything about it directly, but I guess that if I said more the
conversation would have gone more smoothly so they would have had profited from that.
Step 3 execute a point of reflection
Analyzing the experience
are you satisfied with the result and the reactions of others given the task you had and why?
I am definitely not satisfied with the result of my actions because after I left those two tutorial
meetings, I felt bad. This is because I know I could have shared and indicated so much more
during those discussions. I did not really get a reaction from the others; I think this is because
they do not know me well enough to know that I am usually more talkative than I was in
those meetings. So, I think I cannot be unsatisfied with their reaction because I would not
have expected something else.
Describe the most important actions, thoughts and feelings that contributed to the
I think the main factor that mostly contributed to my result was me feeling overwhelmed and
insecure. Because this lies at the root of my reaction. So, me being insecure and overwhelmed
led to me wondering if I found the right literature, interpreted everything right and being
intimated by everyone else.
Did what you think was important about the task/role fit the expectations and interests of the
others involved
My behaviour was definitely a mismatch for the situation and negatively for the others.
Because I was less outspoken and kept things mostly for myself, the group missed my input
which made the discussions harder to maintain.
Were you accountable?
I am guessing that now I am accountable. By admitting that it was wrong and wanting to
improve my past actions is showing accountability in my opinion. Maybe not so in the
moment itself, because when it happened, I did not really try to change it. But afterwards, I
noticed that I was wrong and wanting to change it.
What made you do it this way?
The feeling of being overwhelmed and the feeling of being somewhat insecure, made me act
in this particular way. Because these emotions ultimately led to me not contributing and
being quiet. Furthermore, I think that my feeling of being overwhelmed was partly based on
the presence of the others which also is a factor for why I acted this way.
Making personal learning objectives & plans
What would you do differently and what would you keep?
To start positive, one thing I would like to keep is coming prepared to the tutorial meetings. I
had a lot of things written down, so I was not speaking because I did not have anything to
share. But more so because I felt overwhelmed and insecure.
The thing I would like to change in the future is setting the bar lower for me to speak.
Because I am constantly stressed about saying the right things, how to translate them to
English and if I have found the right things, this results in me not speaking at all. So, I need
to overthink less before I speak. This can be done by just learning myself, to start speaking as
soon as I think that I have something to say. So that I don't sit on it for too long. Another
approach is to reread my notes before the lecture because if I reread my notes, I know better
what is in them and I can speak with more confidence.
What is your personal learning objective for the coming period?
Having more confidence in myself, so that I can speak with more confidence during the
tutorial group meetings but also so that I have more confidence in the things I write down in
my summary's so that I don't end up reading and stressing myself too much.
Who or what do you need to achieve this personal learning objective?
1. During the tutorial meetings, I will ask one of the members of my group to hold me
accountable. So, asking them if they want to watch me, to see if I speak enough and if
I don't say something afterwards about it to me. Because I think that the pressure of
someone watching me will encourage me to speak more. And after a while when I get
used to speaking and sharing more, it will eventually become normal, and I will feel
comfortable with it hopefully.
For the part of having more confidence in the things, I write down, maybe just
highlighting everything from my notes that are discussed during the meeting. So that I
can visually see that a lot of the things I write down are indeed useful.
2. If I ask someone to keep an eye on me during the meetings then I will more likely
contribute, to make sure I have spoken more at the end of the next block.
If I highlight the subjects in my highlights that were discussed, then I am more like to
have more confidence in knowing that I wrote the right things down. I can try to do
this for the first 4 tutorial meetings to gain more confidence.
Report about attitude change
Influencing people to correctly wear face masks according to the
elaboration-likelihood model
On January 30, 2020, the WHO announced that the COVID-19 outbreak was considered a
global health emergency (Cennimo, 2022). From here on, the virus was being spread around
the globe and countries began to take measures against this unknown virus. One of the first
and most noticeable measures against COVID is the usage of face masks. Because the virus
was spread so quickly around the world and nobody was prepared for something like this to
happen, face masks were a quick solution to slow down the distribution of the virus. At first,
because the COVID situation was so ambiguous and grisly, there rapidly was an increase in
seeing people wearing face masks in the streets. After a while, also different countries
announced that wearing face masks would become mandatory amongst side other measures
to stagnate and even reduce the increase in COVID cases that were being reported. But of
course, this also came with a lot of disagreement and resistance. Especially after being in the
pandemic for a while, there was a decrease in people wearing their masks properly or even
wearing their masks at all. This is because people thought that because they were already
vaccinated, they did not need to wear their masks anymore, or because they did not think that
it would help anymore (RTL Nieuws, 2021). Besides this, there are a lot of other reasons
possible why people did not wear their face masks anymore (or wore them incorrectly).
Important for now, and what this report will get into is; how can an individual be influenced
into wearing their face masks correctly and how will their behaviour change according to the
elaboration-likelihood model?
The elaboration-likelihood model states that when people encounter a message with a
persuasive component. they consider the arguments, but they do not always do this with full
attention or carefully, because that requires quite some effort. So according to this model
persuasion can take two routes: the central route or the peripheral route. The central route of
persuasion is used when we are motivated to listen to the argument. So, when we find
something interesting, it is important to the person or other reasons there might be for people
to be motivated to listen to an argument. When we use the central route, we listen closely and
really focus on all the aspects of the argument. When we do not really care about the
arguments we are listening to, we use the peripheral route. When the peripheral route is used,
there is not much attention for the arguments and so the argument is not being listened to
carefully. In this case, if an attitude change happens, it mainly depends on superficial factors
(Vaughan & Hogg, 2017).
Thus, according to this model people use the central route of information when something is
important to them. Wearing facemasks is a health issue, in most cases people find their health
an important matter. Having good health is important for several reasons: improving
longevity, preventing diseases, improving mental health, leads to a productive life and it has
financial benefits (Star Health, n.d.). and besides this in a study about American's view about
public health 47% of people aged 65 and older said that adult health is worse than 20 years
ago, besides this American in younger groups were even more likely to say that adult health
is worse today (Funk, Kennedy, & Hefferon, 2017). So, in influencing people to wear their
facial masks in the correct way according to the elaboration-likelihood model the central
route to persuasion must be taken.
The only way the use of the central route leads to persuasion is when strong arguments with
valid points are being presented. So, the strength of the arguments is where the main focus
lies. to put this route into practice people could be persuaded to wear their masks properly by
using a commercial that will be spread thru television and social media. In this commercial
topics regarding the usage of facial masks should be discussed, such as the importance and
benefits of wearing masks, emphasizing the importance of the other covid measures while
wearing your mask and how to wear your mask the right way. Because this commercial will
be broadcasted on television and will be spread thru social media it will reach a lot of people
from different target audiences. Because most people will come across the commercial
multiple times, it will become familiar to people. So, it is more likely that they will remember
the information from the commercial.
Thus, the campaign should contain information-based arguments. That is regarding the
importance of wearing masks, the campaign could for example explain that an observational
study has been done about the reduction of secondary transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in
Beijing. In this study has been found that masks were 79% effective in preventing
transmission. But only if all the household members wore their masks prior to the symptoms
occurring (Huang et al., 2021). Other factors the campaign should be emphasizing is still
maintaining physical distance, hand washing and staying at home when you feel ill. Because
these measures go hand- in hand with the usage of facial masks and should also be mentioned
to make the campaign look stronger, whole, and thus more convincing. Besides this, there
also should be told how to properly wear your mask and how you should be handling your
facial mask. So, when you use fabric ones, washing them daily. And regarding the medical
masks, only using them one time and then dispose them (Madyun, n.d.).
So, to sum up, to convince people to wear their face masks the correct way, according to the
elaboration-likelihood model people need to be convinced thru the central route of
persuasion. Wearing facial masks is a health issue because it prevents catching and
distributing COVID. this route is used when people find the matter important, and most
people do find their health important. This is because good health is beneficial for several
reasons: improves longevity, prevents diseases, improves mental health, leads to a productive
life and it has financial benefits. Besides this, a large group of Americans view their health as
worse than 20 years ago. So, people must be persuaded on an informational basis, this can be
done through a commercial where people are confronted with the importance of wearing
facial masks. In this commercial different things need to be discussed: the importance of
wearing a face mask, the importance of the other COVID masseurs and how a face mask is
properly used. This so people are most likely to be influenced in wearing their face masks the
correct way.
Cennimo, D. J., MD. (2022, September 15). Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Practice
Essentials, Background, Route of Transmission. Retrieved October 4, 2022, from
Funk, C., Kennedy, B., & Hefferon, M. (2017, February). Americans’ views about public
health and health studies in the news. Retrieved October 6, 2022, from
Huang, A., Li, Z., Tufekci, Z., Zdimal, V., van der Westhuizen, H. M., von Delft, A., . . .
Rimoin, A. W. (2021). An evidence review of face masks against COVID-19.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(4).
Madyun, A. (n.d.). Everything you need to know about face masks. Retrieved October 6,
2022, from https://www.unicef.org/sudan/everything-you-need-know-about-facemasks
RTL nieuws. (2021, June 18). Weerstand tegen mondkapjes groeit, naleving steeds lastiger:
“Boa’s kijken soms weg.” RTL Nieuws. Retrieved from https://www.rtlnieuws.nl
Star Health. (n.d.). Health and its importance. Retrieved October 6, 2022, from
Vaughan, G., & Hogg, M. (2017). Social Psychology (8th ed.). Pearson Education UK.