Teacher: Harriet Sibley Grade and School: Felicita; English Language Development 3rd Grade Group Discipline Area(s): math science social science language arts arts Project Title: Zomo the Rabbit, A Trickster Tale from West Africa Project Goal(s): English Language development - dramatization using masks Process and Steps: 1. Read and discuss the story 1. I used overheads of the pictures to have the children retell the story as a group 1. I made a flannel board so that each child could retell the entire story 1. There are 5 characters: Skygod, Zomo, Fish, Cow and Leopard. The children chose 1 character to become 1. They began their masks by folding a 9 x 12 piece of construction paper and cutting the head shape 1. Noses, horns, or mouths were added for 3-dimensions 1. Masks were decorated and mounted on paper plates 1. Eye holes were cut 1. The masks were put on the sticks and the sticks were painted Materials Needed: Construction paper squares - black and bright colors Heavy paper plates Paint stir sticks - Tempera paints Essential Questions: 1 What skills, elements, vocabulary were taught? folding paper to get 1 or 2 pieces, symmetry, vocabulary to sequence and retell the story 2. How did you assess the children’s understanding? We made the masks and then retold the story using the masks 3. Where could you go from here? I would like to use the same methods and techniques to work on another Gerald McDermott Story - maybe Arrow To the Sun. 4. Other comments: