HINF -411 CODING AND REIMBURSEMENT INTRODUCTION Dr. Thamer AL-Edresee. MBBS, PhD. About this course ■ This course complements the course HINF-313 to completely cover the healthcare coding of diseases and procedures. Course requirements and activities ■ Attendance. ■ Lecture times @?@ ■ Quizzes, and Pop-Quizzes ■ Exams. ■ Assignments. ■ Study materials ■ Extra. Syllabus Session Topics 1 Introduction, course opening and Course syllabus: quick review of the course HINF-313 and the relation of this course to it. Importance of this course to the HI and HIM professional. Explanation of the CPT and ACHI. Main differences between ICD-10 CD and CPT. 2 ICD-10-PCS Coding – Medical and Surgical Section: Understand the code parts and how to navigate the medical and surgical intervention sections. 3 ICD-10-PCS Coding- Other Sections of ICD-10-PCS and Selected Case Studies, and exercises + Quiz 1 4 ICD-10-PCS Coding- Other Sections of ICD-10-PCS and Selected Case Studies, and exercises. 5 6 7 HCPCS/CPT Coding, Into Modifiers, and Evaluation and Management (E&M) codes Mid-Term HCPCS/CPT Coding, Surgery Section. 9 HCPCS/CPT Coding, Medicine and Other Sections and Outpatient Reimbursement + quiz-2 10 11 12 13 Compliance and Data Quality Management Course review Final exam Final exam ICD-10 CM/AM ■ ICD10 and snomed: Numerical & alphabetical digits – ICD10 is codes are made from :…………… and are used mainly Reimbursement for :………… Numbers & Vocabulary – Snomed codes are made from :…………….. And used mainly for 1. Standardizing the vocabulary used in healthcare :……………. 2. Utilized in research papers & used also for statistics Remember how to code? CD-10-CM code for chronic gout due to renal impairment, left shoulder, without tophus. The cause, set of causes, or manner of causation of a disease or condition https://www.aapc.com/codes/ Differences between ICD and CPT/ ACHI Current Procedural Terminology Australian Classification of Health Interventions ■ ICD is for coding:…………… / Codes are formed of: ……………. Procedures (outpatient & inpatient) ■ CPT is for coding: ………….. Codes are formed of: Numbers! ……………. Procedures In ....... And ………./ ■ ACHI is for coding :………… Numbers! Codes are formed of:……………. ■ Other differences: modifiers and routes. ICD 11 is coming! ■ Expect to see the ICD 11 in the kingdom soon. ■ Know what’s new in the 11th release of the ICD. What are the major changes Between ICD10 & ICD11 Codes look different – Alzheimer disease – ICD-10 G30 – ICD-11 8A20 ■ Simplified code structureExtension codes (e.g., temporality, severity, dimensions of injury and external causes) ■ Clustering of codes –combining 2 or more codes to describe a diagnostic entity What are the major changes ■ Some diseases have changed location – E.g., Cerebrovascular diseases moved from circulatory to nervous system chapter 6 new chapters ■ Diseases of blood and blood forming organs ■ Disorders of the immune system ■ Conditions related to sexual health ■ Sleep-wake disorders ■ Extension codes ■ Traditional medicine These chapters and categories expand the variability & specificity of the codes Browse ICD11 ■https://icd.who.int/browse11/l-m/en ACHI • Same system for inpatient and outpatient. • Do you notice something about the codes? Overview of the ACHI interventions: Australian Classification of Health Interventions (ACHI) It has 2 sections, tabular list and alphabetic index of interventions. same as ICD-10/11 Chapters; each focuses on a certain system Lists conditions from A - Z. (Organization based on alphabetical order) Contains 20 chapters. Includes codes for all surgical operations, medical procedures, allied health intervention and dental Performed by a physician - not a surgeon Usually diagnostic services. Codes are numeric only. Remember you should not code directly form the index, but always look up the code in the Tabular List. The end part of book whose content is organized alphabetically