Uploaded by Ronnie Smith

Music of Middle Ages & Renaissance Test

Test (TST): Music of the Middle Ages and
Music Appreciation Sem 1
1. Fill in the chart showing the development of Western musical notation by
describing which elements of music were represented by each type of notation.
Examples might include exact pitch, melodic shape, rhythm, meter, or other
musical parameters. (5 pts.)
Type of Notation
What it Showed
• Neumes above text
• Neumes
• Colored lines
• Neumes
• 4-line staff
• F, C, or G clef
• Notes on 5-line staff
with clef
• Mensuration (longas
and breves)
• Time signature
(perfect or half circle)
• Notes on 5-line staff
• Modern clefs
• Modern note values
(whole, half, quarter,
• Modern time
• Italian words and
abbreviations for
dynamics and tempo
• Staccato, slurs, etc..
Test (TST): Music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance
Copyright © 2022 Apex Learning Inc. Use of this material is subject to Apex Learning's Terms of Use. Any unauthorized
copying, reuse, or redistribution is prohibited.
2. Write a short paragraph describing the career and music of one of the following
composers. Be as specific as possible. (5 pts.)
a. Hildegard von Bingen
b. Guillaume de Machaut
3. Write a short paragraph about one of the following topics. Support your ideas
with examples. Be as specific as possible. (5 pts.)
a. Explain the philosophy called humanism and describe its impact on
Renaissance music.
b. Explain the impact of religion on Renaissance music.
Test (TST): Music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance
Copyright © 2022 Apex Learning Inc. Use of this material is subject to Apex Learning's Terms of Use. Any unauthorized
copying, reuse, or redistribution is prohibited.
4. Select a Renaissance musical instrument and a similar modern instrument.
Describe their similarities and differences. (5 pts.)
5. Explain the effect and importance of tempo in a piece of music. Use accurate
terminology. Be as specific as possible. Give examples to support your ideas. (5
Test (TST): Music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance
Copyright © 2022 Apex Learning Inc. Use of this material is subject to Apex Learning's Terms of Use. Any unauthorized
copying, reuse, or redistribution is prohibited.
Copyright © 2018 Apex Learning Inc. Use of this material is subject to Apex Learning's Terms of Use. Any unauthorized
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Test (TST): Music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance
Copyright © 2022 Apex Learning Inc. Use of this material is subject to Apex Learning's Terms of Use. Any unauthorized
copying, reuse, or redistribution is prohibited.