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Weather Magic Square Worksheet

A Magic Square of Weather
A Magic Square of Weather
Below are words related to weather. Write the number of the word which fits a clue in a box on the
grid. If you have matched the correct numbers of all 16 squares, the sums of the rows, columns, and
diagonals will all be the same. This is called a magic square. It should Equal 34.
1. Atmosphere
2. Troposphere
3. Ionosphere
4. Ozone
5. Jet streams
6. Stratosphere
7. Mesosphere
8. Exosphere
9. Wind
10. Greenhouse effect
11. Convection
12. Sea breeze
13. Land breeze
14. Doldrums
15. Trade winds
16. Front
Air that rushes in from
the north and south to
warm the air along the
Calm areas of earth
where there is little
Cold air from the ocean
that moves into the
warmer land
The zone of the
atmosphere above the
The zone of the
atmosphere above the
A movement of air
close to Earth’s surface.
Air above Earth that is
warmed by the
reflection of the sun’s
rays and is prevented
from easily passing
back into space
Transfer of heat by
currents of air or water.
Strong steady winds
high in the atmosphere;
used by pilots
The zone of the
atmosphere which is
closest to the surface of
The line along which
air masses meet.
Mass of air that
surrounds earth
A gas in the upper part
of the Earth’s
The outer zone of
Earth’s atmosphere
Cold air from land that
moves out to warmer
air over oceans
Zone of the atmosphere
which affects the
transmission of radio
What is the magic number for this puzzle?