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Math Problem Solving & Reasoning Course Packet

Course Module
in the
Modern World
Course Packet 03
Problem Solving
and Reasoning
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Course Packet 03
Problem Solving and Reasoning
This course packet includes the discussion of the two fundamental types of reasoning - the
inductive and deductive reasoning. Mastery of such will help the students take different
approaches in solving problems including the application of Polya’s four step approach.
Worksheet, assessment, and assignment will be provided as well to help the students develop
the skills they will be needing in understanding this course packet.
Course Packet 03
After finishing this course packet you are expected to: differentiate inductive from deductive
reasoning and be able to apply them in justifying statements and arguments about mathematics
and its concepts, write clear and logical proofs, and employ Polya’s four steps approach in
solving different types of mathematical problems.
Learning Management System
Google Classroom Links
Course Packet 03: Problem Solving and Reasoning
= 7.5 hours (6.5 hours self-directed learning with practical exercises and 1 hour assessment)
Delivery Mode
This course packet will be delivered online (synchronous and asynchronous).
Assessment with Rubrics
A multiple choice type of assessment will be given at the end of the course packet. It will be
uploaded in Google Forms.
Requirement with Rubrics
Content analysis will serve as the requirement at the end of this course packet. The file of the
problem set about Problems Solving and Reasoning is given.
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Standards/Basis for Grading to Use for Problem Solving
Course Packet 03
The student did not make any attempt to solve any of the
problems in the problem set or prove any of the statements in the
The student attempted to solve 50% of the problems in the problem set
or displayed logical reasoning 50% of the time in attempting to prove
the statement/s in the quiz.
The students attempted to solve all the problems in the problem set or
displayed logical reasoning 75% of the time in attempting to prove the
statement/s in the quiz.
The student is able to completely solve 50% of the problems in the
problem set or completed 75% of the proof/s in the quiz.
The student is able to completely solve 75% of the problem set or
completed all the proof/s in the quiz.
To have prior ideas about the topics in this course packet, you are recommended to have an
advance reading of the following materials:
Quintos Jr, R. et. al. (2020). Revised Edition Mathematics in the Modern World. Plaridel,
Bulacan: St. Andrew Publishing House. pp. 67-101.
Manuel-Guillermo, R. et. al. (2018). Mathematics in the Modern World A Woktext. Cubao,
Quezon City: Nieme Publishing House Co. Ltd, pp. 69-98
Reyes, J.. Mathematics in the Modern World. Intramuros, Manila : Library Services & Publishing
Inc., 2018, pp. 75-95.
Sirug, W.. Mathematics in the Modern World CHED Curriculum Compliant. Intramuros, Manila :
Mindshapers Co., Inc., 2018, pp. 44-26.
Solving mathematical problems has always been a challenge to many students. One of the
causes of this is poor reasoning skills. Reasoning is used to justify certain decisions. The
development of this skill may lead to easier and diverse approaches to solving problems.
Each of the letters in Figure 1 represents a distinct digit from 0 to 9. What does each letter
represent? What strategy will you employ to solve the problem? What kind of reasoning will
you use for to come up with a solution? (See page 15 to check you answer after you have tried
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Figure 1
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Lesson Proper
Reasoning is drawing of inferences/conclusions by means of justification (www.merriam-CM01-NGEC
webster.com). It is a kind of thinking enlightened by logic (https://www.encyclopedia.com). It
is an important part of problem solving. There are fundamentally two forms of reasoning –
inductive and deductive reasoning.
(Image courtesy: https://www.scmp.com)
Imagine yourself as a child creating an airplane, a house, or an animal using the Lego
pieces. This is an illustration of the inductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning is the type
of logical thinking where we form a generalization (the final output – an airplane, a house,
an animal) from specifics (each Lego piece). Notice that putting up the pieces together
does not necessarily yield only one product. Let us say that when you were a child, your
mother would always feed you with a yellow mango that was sweet. In your mind, you
may have concluded that all yellow mangoes are sweet. Is this conclusion necessarily
true? Definitely, not. However, it is a valid guess because of your previous experiences.
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This is a called a conjecture. It is a conclusion formed from an inductive reasoning that
may or may not be correct (Quintos, R. et. al., 2019).
Inductive reasoning may also be helpful to “predict” based on observed patterns. For
example, what should be next figure in the pattern (Figure 2)? Should it be A, B, C, or D?
Course Packet 03
Figure 2
If you have carefully observed the pattern, the shaded region started form the leftmost
part of the above row and moved towards right. The shaded region shifted to the next
row below starting again form the leftmost part moving towards right. Following the
observed pattern, the next figure should be C.
Here are some illustrative examples of the application of the inductive reasoning:
Illustrative Example 1.
14 is an even number.
24 is and even number.
54 is an even number.
Therefore, all numbers that end with the digit 4 are even numbers. (True)
Illustrative Example 2.
3 is a prime number
13 is a prime number.
23 is a prime number..
Therefore, all numbers that end with the digit 3 are prime numbers. (False. For example,
Illustrative Example 3.
What should be the next number in the following sequences?
a. 7, 11, 15, 19, ?
b. 3, 6, 12, 24, ?
a. 23. The succeeding numbers in the sequence are always 4 more than the previous.
b. 48. The succeeding numbers in the sequence are always twice the previous.
Illustrative Example 4.
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Think of a number. Multiply it by 6. Then, add 20. Divide the result by 2. Subtract 10 from
the results. Compare the last result from the original number. What can you conclude?
Does it hold true for all numbers?
Let us say, you thought of 4. Multiplying it by 6 will give 24. Adding 20 to it will result to
44. Dividing the result by 2 will give 22. Subtracting 10 from 22 will give 12.
What about if you have thought of 7? Multiplying it by 6 will give 42. Adding 20 to it will
result to 62. Dividing the result by 2 will give 31. Subtracting 10 from it will give 21.
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In both cases, the results are thrice the original numbers. Find out for yourself if this isCM01-NGEC
generally true.
Illustrative Example 5.
Mr. X, a Mathematics teacher gave a long quiz at the end of the second week of the month.
He gave another long quiz at the end of the last week of the month? Is there a possibility
of him giving another long quiz at the end of the second week of the next month even if
no announcement was made?
There is a possibility that this will happen based on the previous instances.
Illustrative Example 6.
Verify whether the mathematical statement b2 > 0 is true for all values of b under the set
of real numbers. Otherwise, give a counter example. (A counter example is an example
in which the given statement is NOT true.)
If b = 4, then (4)2 > 0. Simplifying the inequality we have 16 > 0. (True)
If b = -3, then (-3)2 > 0. Simplifying the inequality we have 9 > 0. (True)
However, if b = 0, then (0)2 > 0. Simplifying the inequality we have 0 > 0. (False, 0 = 0)
The State requires that students who have finished the Education Program should pass
the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET). If a student who has graduated with the
said program decided not to take it of failed to pass it, then he/she will not be able practice
the profession of being a teacher. This is an example of a practical application of another
type of reasoning - the deductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning is the opposite of the
inductive reasoning. It is a “top-down” process of telling whether or not an assumption
is true. This assumption, however, should be based on logic and experimentation
(Heckmann, 2020). It starts with a generalization (or hypothesis) to reach a specificCM01-NGEC
situation (conclusion).
Illustrative Example 1.
(Sound deductive reasoning)
All dogs are animals; poodles are dogs, therefore poodles are animals.
All even numbers are divisible by 2.
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78 is an even number.
Therefore, 78 is divisible by 2.
Obtuse angles measure between 90° and 180°.
Angle A measures 100°.
Therefore angle A is an obtuse angle.
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Illustrative Example 2.
(Logically unsound deductive reasoning)
Cheetahs have spots; Dalmatians have spots, therefore Dalmatians are cheetahs.
Illustrative Example 3.
(Predictive deductive reasoning)
Most people who join reality shows become actors/actresses. Camille joined a reality
show. Therefore, she will become an actress.
Illustrative Example 4.
(Deductive reasoning used in logic puzzles)
In a class of 40 students, 31 love the color red, 28 love the color blue, and 25 love the color
yellow. 18 of them love blue and yellow, 22 love red and yellow, and 19 love red and blue.
15 of them love the three colors. How many of them love red, blue, and yellow only?
This kind of puzzle can be solved using a Venn diagram. Venn diagram normally makes
use of circles (each representing a set or a group) that overlap to show the logical
relationships between them. The overlapping parts of the circles denote the commonality
in the members of the set or group.
Draw three circles that overlap as shown in Figure 3.
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Figure 3
Start with the overlapping region of the three circles. This region represents what is
common with the three colors. From the given, there are 15 students that love the three
colors. Next, consider the overlapping regions of two colors. Let us start with blue and
yellow. From the given, there are 18. However, part of this region is the region where the
three circles overlap. This means that 15 should be subtracted from 18. Therefore, there
should be 3 in this region. Same thing should be done with the regions where other two
colors overlap:
Red and Yellow: 22 – 15 = 7
Red and Blue: 19 – 15 = 4
To answer the question, subtract from the total number of students who love a specific
color the ones that you have for the overlapping parts:
Red only: 31 – (15 + 7 +4) = 5
Blue only: 28 – (15 +4 +3) = 6
Yellow only: 25 – (15 + 7 +3) = 0
Therefore, 5 students love the color red only, 6 love the color blue only, and none love
the color yellow only.
Activity 3.1: Video Watching
Click the link below to learn more about inductive and deductive reasoning.
Don’t Memorise (July 31, 2019). Introduction to Inductive and Deductive Reasoning /
Don’t Memorise. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAjkQ1YqLEE
Let’s Get Logical (May 26, 2020). What Is Deductive vs Inductive Reasoning / Deductive
vs Inductive Arguments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKRH03msgMg
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Assignment 3.1:
Assignment 3.1 will be posted in the Google Classroom via Google forms.
Work Sheet 3.1:
Work Sheet 3.1 will be posted in the Google Classroom via Google forms.
Course Packet 03
Generally speaking, there is no one size fits all approach
to solving problems. One student might consider one
approach as right while another student one might have
a different one.
One prolific Mathematician has shown how a different
approach to solving problems may lead to a much more
convenient way. When he was in his primary school,
Carl Friedrich Gauss, was punished by his teacher for
displaying misbehavior. As a “punishment”, he was
asked to get the sum of the numbers from 1 to 100. In
just seconds, he gave the answer – 5,050 (Math and
Multimedia)! How did he do it? Here’s how: (Image
courtesy: https://www.britannica.com/)
Figure 4
(Image courtesy: Math and Multimedia)
He noticed that certain pairs of numbers always have sums of 101 (the first and the last,
the second and the second to the last, etc.) and that there are 50 pairs of them (Figure 4).
He simply multiplied the common sum of 101 and the number of pairs (50). Voila, he got
the sum – 5,050!
This proves how looking at patterns can help solve problems. Here are some illustrative
Illustrative Example 1.
Identify the formula for the general term an of the given sequence and use this to identify
the 25th term:
3, 8, 13, 18, 23,…
This particular example can be solved using the formula for arithmetic sequence.
However, this can also be solved using the concept of reasoning. First, observe the pattern.
You can get the succeeding term by adding 5 to the previous terms. Use this observation
to make a generalization:
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13 = 8 + 5 = 3 + 5 + 5
18 = 13 + 5 +15 = 3 + 5 + 5 + 5
23 = 18 + 5 = 3 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5
Course Packet 03
3 = 3 + 5(0)
8 = 3 + 5(1)
13 = 3 + 5(2)
18 = 3 + 5(3)
23 = 3 + 5(4)
We know that the first (a1) is 3, the second term (a2) is 8, the third (a3) term is 13, the fourth
(a4) term is 18, and the fifth (a5) term is 23. Notice that the multipliers of 5 in each
mathematical expression is always 1 less than the order of the term (i.e. in the expression
equal to 3, the multiplier of 5 is zero which is 1 less than its order which is first. The same
can be observed in expressions equal to 8, 13, 18, and 23.). Therefore, it can be concluded
that if the order of the term is n, the multiplier of 5 for each expression should be 1 less
than n (or n – 1). Following such conclusion, we have:
an = 3+5(n -1)
an = 3+5n – 5 = 5n – 2
Therefore, the formula for the general term is an = 5n – 2. To find the 25th term, simply
replace n with 25:
a25 = 5(25) – 2 = 125 – 2 = 123.
Hence, the 25th term is 123.
Illustrative Example 2.
Identify the formula for the general term an of the given sequence and use this to identify
the 9th term:
5, 10, 20, 40, 80,…
This particular example can be solved using the formula for geometric sequence.
However, this can also be solved using the concept of reasoning. First, observe the pattern.
You can get the succeeding term by multiplying the previous terms by 2. Use this
observation to make a generalization:
10 = 5(2)
20 = 10(2) = 5(2)(2)
40 = 20(2) = 5(2)(2)(2)
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80 = 40(2) = 5(2)(2)(2)(2)
Course Packet 03
5 = 5(2)0
10 = 5(2)1
20 = 5(2)2
40 = 5(2)3
80 = 5(2)4
Again, we know that the first (a1) is 5, the second term (a2) is 10, the third (a3) term is 20,
the fourth (a4) term is 40, and the fifth (a5) term is 80. Notice that the exponents of 2 in
each mathematical expression is always 1 less than the order of the term (i.e. in the
expression equal to 5, the exponent of 2 is zero which is 1 less than its order which is first.
The same can be observed in expressions equal to 10, 20, 40, and 80.). Therefore, it can be
concluded that if the order of the term is n, the exponent of 2 for each expression should
be 1 less than n (or n – 1). Following such conclusion, the formula for the general term of
the given sequence is:
an = 5(2)n-1
To find the 9th term, simply replace n with 9:
a9 = 5(2)9-1 = 5(2)8 = 5(256) = 1,280.
Hence, the 9th term of the sequence is 1,280.
Illustrative Example 3.
Identify the pattern suggested by the following sequence (Figure 5). What will be next in
the sequence?
Figure 5
Notice that every time, the image inside rotates 135° counter-clockwise. Therefore, the
next figure should be:
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Alternate solution:
You might also observe that the image inside rotates 45° clockwise. However, the colors
also alternate (from black to white or from white to black). Following this observation,
you will also have the answer as the previous.
Course Packet 03
Activity 3.2: Video Watching
Click the links below to learn more about problem solving with patterns.
Miacademy Learning Channel (March 31, 2017). How to Find a Pattern when Solving
Problems. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w40E9RX6-XE
LearnYouSomeMath (October 10, 2015). Problem
Assignment 3.2:
Assignment 3.2 will be posted in the Google Classroom via Google forms.
Work Sheet 3.2:
Work Sheet 3.2 will be posted in the Google Classroom via Google forms.
George Polya (1887-1985)
(Photo courtesy: https://www.deviantart.com/)
Another Mathematician also had introduced a way to solve problem. George Polya (18871985) was a Hungarian educator in Mathematics who wrote the book “How to solve it”.
He introduced what is now-called Polya’s Problem Solving Strategy or Polya’s FourStep Approach (www.ms.uky,edu).
The book identifies four basic principles on how to solve problems: understand the
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problem, devise a plan, carry out the plan, and look back (UCB Mathematics).
Understand the problem. Understanding the problem is arguably the part where the
difficulty in solving problem lies. Polya suggested to have the following as guide
questions to understand the problem:
Do you understand the words in the problem?
What is asked to be found or shown?
Can you paraphrase the problem in your own words?
Is it possible to use a picture or a diagram to illustrate the problem?
Is the information given by the problem enough?
Devise a plan. Plan is always crucial to find solutions to problems. It serves as the
blueprint to be followed. In devising a plan, one may use some or any of the following
Guess and check (trial and error)
Systematic/orderly listing
Elimination of possibilities
Considering special cases
Using direct/indirect reasoning
Writing and equation (or making a model)
Looking for patterns
Drawing pictures
Solving a simpler version of the problem
Working backwards
Applying a known formula
Carry out the plan. Of course, once you have already devised a plan, the next thing
to do is to put the plan into action. As much as possible, follow whatever plan you
have made. However, keep the following in mind:
Be patient when you carry out the plan. Giving up is always an option but don’t
choose it.
Carefully execute the plan.
It is okay to modify the plan or try a new should you have realized something wrong
is happening along the way.
Be systematic and orderly. Sometimes you need to keep a complete and accurate
Look back. Normally, when a student has already “done” answering the question, it
is when the process ends. However, have you “really” answered the question? This
part is very important as it verifies the answer to the problem. You may consider the
Are you finding the solution difficult? Then consider looking for an easier one.
Examine the solution. Does the answer make sense?
Check if the answer agrees with the conditions stated in the problem
Recheck any computation
Here are some illustrative examples to help you understand it more:
Illustrative Example 1.
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Barangay Panalo has made the finals of Palarong Pambarangay 2021. They will need to
face another for a best of five series game. In how many ways can they win the
Step 1: Understand the problem. To win the championship, they have to win three
games. They may or may not win these games consecutively.
Step 2: Devise a plan. Make a list all the possible orders of winning. Be systematic in
doing the list.
Step 3: Carry out the plan.
Won all first three games:
Won the first two games:
Won the first game:
Lost the first game:
Lost the first two games:
Step 4: Look back. Check whether there is something missing in the list or a duplication
of entries in the list. Since, we have listed ALL the possibilities, simply count them. There
are 10 in the list. Therefore, there are 10 ways for them to win the championship.
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Illustrative Example 2.
Two times the sum of a number and 3 is equal to thrice the number plus 4. Find the
Step 1: Understand the problem. We need to make sure that we have read the question
carefully several times. Since we are looking for a number, we will let x be the number.
Step 2: Devise a plan. We will translate the problem mathematically (make an equation)
and them solve it.
Step 3: Carry out the plan. The equation is 2(x + 3) = 3x +4. Solving the equation we have:
2(x + 3) = 3x + 4
2x + 6 = 3x + 4
2x – 3x = 4 – 6
-x = -2
Step 4: Look back. If we take two times the sum of 2 and 3, that is the same as thrice the
number 2 plus 4 which is 10, so this does check. Thus, the number is 2.
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Illustrative Example 3.
There are 7 sacks. Each sack has 7 cats. Each cat has 7 kittens. How many cat/kitten legs
are there in all?
Course Packet 03
Step 1: Understand the problem. We are to identify the total number of legs of all the cats
and the kittens given the condition that there are 7 sacks, where there are 7 cats in each
sack, and each cat has 7 kittens.
Step 2: Devise a plan. Draw a table
Step 3: Carry out the plan.
Number of Cats/Kittens
Number of Legs
Cat: 7 x 7 = 49
49 x 4 = 196
Kitten: 7 x 7 x 7 = 343
343 x 4 = 1,372
Step 4: Look back. All conditions of the problems are met. Therefore, there are 1,568 legs
in all.
Activity 3.3: Video Watching
Click the links below to learn more about Polya’s problem solving strategy.
Apologs Santos (September 29, 2020). Problem Solving / Polya’s Four Steps / Mathematics
in the Modern World. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-LUqWhsSbo
Math Videos that Motivate (August 10, 2018). Polya’s Problem Solving Process.
Assignment 3.3:
Assignment 3.3 will be posted in the Google Classroom via Google forms.
Work Sheet 3.3:
Work Sheet 3.3 will be posted in the Google Classroom via Google forms.
Course Assessment 3:
Course Assessment 3 will be posted in the Google Classroom via Google forms.
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Answer Key - Course Packet Pre-Assessment
Course Packet 03
Quintos Jr, R. et. al. (2020). Revised Edition Mathematics in the Modern World. Plaridel,
Bulacan: St. Andrew Publishing House. pp. 67-101.
Manuel-Guillermo, R. et. al. (2018). Mathematics in the Modern World A Woktext. Cubao,
Quezon City: Nieme Publishing House Co. Ltd, pp. 69-98
Reyes, J.. Mathematics in the Modern World. Intramuros, Manila : Library Services & Publishing
Inc., 2018, pp. 75-95.
Sirug, W.. Mathematics in the Modern World CHED Curriculum Compliant. Intramuros, Manila :
Mindshapers Co., Inc., 2018, pp. 44-26.
On Line Sources
Heckmann, C. (2020). What is deductive reasoning? Definition and examples.
StudioBinder. https://www.studiobinder.com/blog/what-is-deductive-reasoning-definition/
Math and Multimedia (September 15, 2010). Young Gauss and the sum of the first n positive
Facility. https://www.ms.uky.edu/~carl/ma310/spring03/polya/Polya.htm
UCB Mathematics | Department of Mathematics
Berkeley. https://math.berkeley.edu/~gmelvin/polya.pdf
Don’t Memorise (July 31, 2019). Introduction to Inductive and Deductive Reasoning / Don’t
Memorise. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAjkQ1YqLEE
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Let’s Get Logical (May 26, 2020). What Is Deductive vs Inductive Reasoning / Deductive vs
Inductive Arguments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKRH03msgMg
Miacademy Learning Channel (March 31, 2017). How to Find a Pattern when Solving Problems.
Apologs Santos (September 29, 2020). Problem Solving / Polya’s Four Steps / Mathematics in the
Modern World. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-LUqWhsSbo
Math Videos that Motivate (August 10, 2018). Polya’s Problem Solving Process.
Course Packet 03
Feedback Form
To further improve the discussion of this course packet your feedback is very important. Please fill out
the learner’s feedback form and submit it to your teacher.
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