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Shirk in Islam: An Analysis

Q. Why is shirk such a serious offence to God that He will not pardon it despite His boundless
mercy and compassion?
The universe is built to precision, with immense beauty and wonder and sophistication in its very
framework. And all of it, the vastness of space, the uniqueness of different planets, the beauty of
nature and the very system of laws that govern them, all of them are in harmony with each other. In
total sync. And what does all of this tell us other than the fact that there is only one creator and
designer of this whole system? That there is one God that created this sprawling, profound universe,
for us, for mankind to live in and marvel at. Now, with such obvious truths staring at us, when we
would stray from His path and thank and worship and bow down in front of another, is it so ridiculous
to think He would ask us to request that same mercy and compassion He promised us, from our
preferred Lords? Is it so ridiculous to think he would turn away just as we turned away from him?
By giving Allah (SWT) a partner in worship, we devalue His greatness and naturally, his mercy. And
once we have devalued it, reduced it to the mercy and benevolence of lesser beings and mere mortals,
then when we will be treated with its reduced forms on the Day of Judgment, surely we should not
question it. It is the logical conclusion after all, just as it seemed logical to us to worship another, a
shareek in his sovereignty.
If you think about it, the fact that shirk is deemed unforgivable is in itself an act of mercy from Allah
(SWT). It is so obviously the wrong path, the wrong choice, that He has made it easy for us to stay
away from it. Stay away from it and we shall surely find our way to Jannah one day. But follow it
despite His warnings (warnings made in our favour, for our well being), then expect nothing from
him, as we were the ones who made the wrong choice. The stupider choice despite how easy He made
it for us. Wouldn't a teacher who gives simple questions on an exam so that students could easily gain
marks, be disappointed and indifferent when we perform poorly anyway?
If even all these signs somehow escape us, then we need only look inside ourselves. Tauheed is in our
intrinsic nature. We are born Muslims, believing in the glory and oneness of Allah (SWT). The blood
pumping in our veins, the very beat of our heart, what does that tell us but there is One God? La illaha
il allah. If we close our eyes and listen, become one with nature and just feel, we will know, we will
need no proof. For He is closer to us than our jugular vein, and we can feel his one and only presence.
In our bodies. In our relationships and families. In our decisions. In our difficulties. In our joy. In our
whole lives. In everything. If only we dare. If only we are smart enough.
Despite it all, if we still turn our backs, then it is a shame. And a justly unforgivable act.