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Tawhid and Shirk in Islam

3 categories of tawhid:
Oneness in lordship -Tauhid Ar Rububiya.
Oneness in Worship -Tauhid Al Ibadah.
Oneness in names and attributes - Tauhid Al Asma was Sifat.
It is the belief that Allah is One, without partner in His dominion and His actions
(Ruboobeeyah), One without similitude in His essence and attributes (Asmaa wa Sifaat), and
One without rival in His divinity and in worship (Ulooheeyah/'Ebaadah).
= Unique in lordship
Tawhid Al Asma was Sifat
= Unique names and attributes
Tawheed Al Ibadah
= Unique in worship
Major Shirk:
● Worshipping anyone other than Allah
● It is a grave sin and takes one out of the fold of Islam.
● It is worshipping anyone other than Allah.
● To assign Allah’s attributes to someone and believing that they can bring harm or
happiness etc.
● To believe that they have knowledge of unseen.
Minor Shirk:
● It doesn’t make someone a disbeliever. However, it must be avoided as it may lead to
major shirk.
● It is to please others and not Allah for worldly gains.
● For example giving charity, praying Salah by showing off so that people might be
impressed. The Holy Prophet feared the minor shirk more for Muslims.
● Another example is to swear by someone other than Allah.
● Believing in omens.
● Fearing someone more than Allah.