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Animal Classification Quiz Worksheet

Look at the clues and decide if it is a mammal, bird, fish, arthropod, rep le or amphibian.
❶ I hatch from eggs and I live in water and land. I go through a change from birth to
I am a ___________________________________________________________________
❷ My skin is dry and I am covered in scales. I am cold blooded.
I am a ___________________________________________________________________
❸ I live in the water, I am cold blooded and I can breathe underwater.
I am a ___________________________________________________________________
❹ I am warm blooded and I have hair or fur and I come from a live birth.
I am a ___________________________________________________________________
❺ I am cold blooded and I have many legs or limbs. I have a segmented body.
I am a ___________________________________________________________________
❻ I have feathers, I lay eggs and I am warm blooded.
I am a ___________________________________________________________________
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