1 UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY TAXILA. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING FINAL YEAR PROJECT PROPOSAL Submitted To: Dr. Amir Rasheed Submitted By: Usama Rauf Khattak (19-ENC-33) Obaid Ur Rehman (19-ENC-11) 2 Table of Contents Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... 3 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 4 Motivation and Scope ................................................................................................................................... 5 System Architecture and Feature ................................................................................................................. 6 List of Components ....................................................................................................................................... 7 Cost Analysis ................................................................................................................................................. 7 Tools and Technology ................................................................................................................................... 8 Gantt Chart ................................................................................................................................................... 8 Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................................ 8 3 SMART HEALTH MONITORING SYSTEM USING IOT Abstract It is important to monitor some important health parameters like body temperature, pulse rate, and blood sugar levels as they may indicate a precaution before any illness. The health of the elderly should be evaluated on a regular basis as their immunity weakens as they grow older. Many individuals don't have time to attend a clinic to check their health condition due to work and hectic schedules. Let's design an IoT-based health monitoring system for diabetic patients that can sense and monitor a few critical health factors from home or at work. With the commencement of the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing and quarantine are becoming essential practices in the world. IoT health monitoring systems prevent frequent visits to doctors and meetings between patients and medical professionals. However, many individuals require regular health monitoring and observation by medical staff. In this proposed work, we have taken advantage of the technology to make patients' lives easier for earlier diagnosis and treatment. A smart health monitoring system is being developed using Internet of Things (IoT) technology, which is capable of monitoring pulse rate, temperature, blood sugar level, and many other health activities of a person. This health monitoring system based on IoT helps users collect real-time data effortlessly. The availability of a high-speed internet connection allows the system to monitor the parameters at regular intervals. Furthermore, the cloud platform allows data storage so that previous measurements could be retrieved in the near future. This system would help in the early identification and early treatment of individual patients. We will design a non-invasive glucometer using Breath-Acetone method. In which a gas sensor is used to sense the VOC’s present in human breath and keeping a check on vital health parameters like temperature, pulse rate, calories intake and physical activities like walking, gym etc. The microcontroller will monitor sugar level and intelligent cloud will recommend the necessary medication and diet so that the chances of risk can be reduced. This cloud is linked with an app and website. The data is uploaded via app and the doctor can access this data through the website database. 4 Introduction An automated health monitoring system is to be developed that helps users monitor their vitals regularly and can keep a record of them in a mobile app. The data is analyzed through the Arduino microcontroller and sent to the app or web server. Additionally, it also records and maintains the earlier diagnostic information regarding the patient's health. The patient's actual condition could be shared with medical professionals via an online portal, and the appropriate treatment could be administered to cure the patient. The smart patient health tracking system involves the installation of the pulse rate, temperature and humidity sensors and glucose meter, to be integrated on a smart watch to track the condition of the patients. After processing, all the values are sent to the cloud and the intelligent cloud will first record the readings, compare it with healthy human readings and suggest a first aid in emergency scenarios for diagnosis purposes via sms or email. The signals of sensors such as temperature, pulse, readings are passed through an amplification and signal conditioning system to raise the gain of the signals. Using any microcontroller like Arduino or Raspberry Pi, data can be sent to a cloud platform for storage and analysis. The IoT-based system can provide real-time information about the patient parameters as the internet is a prime communication channel. The security of the cloud and data is one of the most challenging issues. With the advancement of internet technologies like cloud computing, edge computing, and fog computing, wearable healthcare monitoring systems could be seen in everyday usage in the coming years. The measurement of biomedical signals with the various sensors is a prerequisite in the development of a health monitoring system that may be used for physical rehabilitation and realtime tracking of disabled individuals. The designing of non-invasive glucometer is also a key challenge, as we are designing a glucometer via breath acetone using gas sensor. The selection of gas sensor is selected keeping in view the range of the acetone present in human breath. After selecting the gas sensor, we have to integrate it with the Arduino development board. After integration with Arduino board, we have taken the readings of the blood sugar from gas sensor and compare it with the sugar level of healthy person, after this comparison the intelligent system will tell whether the sugar level of patient is high or normal. The other key challenge in the development of a smart health monitoring system is the personal health dashboard (PHD), through which the biomedical data collected by sensors is easily accessible to the physician and a team of specialists for evaluation and analysis purposes. 5 Motivation and Scope So, the diagnosis and prevention of patient health could be made with the support of sensor technology integration with IoT embedded systems. It was observed that in the winter season, the infection rate increases, as the conditions for the survival of the SARS-CoV-2 virus are much more favorable. The Internet of Things is one of the emerging technologies that is being incorporated into every part of human life. The most common usage of IOT is in the smart home, automated industries, schools, oil refineries, environmental monitoring systems, smart cities etc. The challenge of visiting hospitals for daily vital checks can be reduced by utilizing the internet of things (IoT) based smart health monitoring system. This may be novel for most households, but innovations happen all the time, and the motivation for developing non-invasive health monitoring technologies is to make life easier for humans. Biomedical signals can provide information about an individual's health, so much information could be gathered, and necessary inference could be drawn out of observation. The various biomedical signals that could be sensed to detect the vitals of a human include pulse rate, temperature, and blood sugar. With the help of IoT, machine learning techniques could be deployed to identify the daily progress of patients out of a large amount of data through measuring their health parameters and storing them on the cloud. The integration of machine learning and IoT will be beneficial in a variety of ways. IoT technology would help the health authorities segregate the patients who require immediate treatment from a few others who could be home quarantined, thus preventing the giant patient bubble at the hospital or community health centers. The IoT-based smart health monitoring system could reduce the need for vital check in hospitals. The major scope of this work will be in the fields of Smart Cities and Control Engineering. Keeping track of your health in the new era is very important because everyone is busy doing work and they don’t have much time to consult a doctor. So, this device will help them keep track of their health and see their performance over time by accessing the history of their health checks and consulting the doctor when needed. 6 System Architecture and Feature Figure 1: Workflow Diagram 7 Figure 2: Block Diagram for proposed IOT system List of Components 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Arduino UNO or Raspberry Pi (Microcontroller). Pulse Oximeter Sensor. Gas Sensor MQ-138. Temperature and Humidity Sensor DHT11. MPU6050. OLED. ESP32 (Wi-Fi Module). Power Supply. Breadboard. Cost Analysis The expected cost of this project is Rs.15000-20000pkr. 8 Tools and Technology Table 1 Tools Arduino IDE PyCharm IDE VS Code Database Technologies C++ Python React JS, React Native, Node JS MongoDB Gantt Chart TIME IN WEEKS 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 TIME WORK LOAD Figure 3: Gantt Chart Abbreviations Table 2 I.C.E. In Case of Emergency App. Application I.O.T. Internet Of Things