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MKT presentation

Revival: An innovative business plan
Learn to live because its worth living
Revival: An innovative Business Idea
MKT101 (Section-3)
Prepared for
Sunny Saha
Senior Lecturer
Department of Business Administration
East West University
Prepared by
Group name-Revival
Tasfia Rahman
Farhana Huq
Fahim Rahman
Nishat sultana Supti
Naznin sultana Supti
22 Aug 2021
Letter of Transmittal
22nd august, 2021
Sunny Saha
Senior Lecturer, Department of Business Administration
East West University
Aftabnagar, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Subject: Term paper on a New Business Plan “Revival”.
Dear Ma’am,
It gives us immense pleasure in submitting to you the report on “Revival” which is the
new market plan under our preparation.
While preparing the report, we closely focused on the topic & tried to assimilate and to provide
the most complete information available. We believe that it will provide you a clear image of the
service that we are trying to provide.
This will definitely give us an experience which we can use in our professional life and if Allah
wills we might also actually be able to launch this product/service for real.
Student Name-Tasfia Rahman
On behalf of the Revival Group
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Firstly, we would like to express my gratitude towards our lecturer, Sunny Saha, Department of
Business administration, East West University, who was kind enough to let us lead the project
and helped us in every possible way she could.
I would also like to thank my team mates who despite after so much pressure didn’t hesitate to
help me and if not for them, project wouldn’t have gotten the aspects it required. I believe their
perception made it more wholesome.
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Table of Contents
Summary................................................................................................................vi Chapter
1: Introduction..........................................................................................................1 Chapter
2: Objective and issues.............................................................................................2 Chapter
3: Current market situation ...................................................................................3 1.1
Customer analysis………………………............................................................................3 1.2
Industry analysis………………………..............................................................................3 1.3
Competitor analysis............................................................................................................3
Chapter 4: Swot analysis……………. .................................................................................5
Chapter 5: Marketing Mix…………………………………………………………………8
5.1 Product...............................................................................................................................8
5.2 Price...................................................................................................................................8
5.3 Place .................................................................................................................................9
5.3 Promotion..........................................................................................................................9
5.3 Process.............................................................................................................................15
5.3 Physical evidence.............................................................................................................15
Chapter 6:STP model……………………………………………………………………..17
5.3 Segmentation...................................................................................................................17
5.3 Targeting.........................................................................................................................17
4.1 Positioning......................................................................................................................18
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Chapter 7: Action
plan……………………………………………………………………19 Chapter 8:
Budget plan …………………………………………………………………20 Chapter 9:
Marketing control Process…………………………………………………22
Chapter 10:
List of Tables
Table 1: Swot
analysis..................................................................................................................5 Table 2:
Price table......................................................................................................................8 Table 3:
Process.........................................................................................................................15 Table 4:
Action plan..................................................................................................................19 Table 5:
Cost..............................................................................................................................20 Table 1:
List of Figures
Table 1: Revival logo................................................................................................................8
Table 2: Google play ................................................................................................................9
Table 4: Newspaper sample.......................................................................................................11
6: Facebook front page ....................................................................................................13 Table
7: App page…. ................................................................................................................13
Executive Summary
Revival is an app. Now its very common that some of you might think what is it actually about.
This app is about helping the ones who are going through mental Health problems. Now this this
app is not only about providing counselling but it will also help you to bounce back and see life in
a different perspective through various activities this app provides One of the reasons why this
project was undertaken is because many people are giving up on their life, planning to kill
themselves because they think that life is not worth living. In countries like Bangladesh, it is very
difficult to open about mental health problems and often we end up stigmatized. Suicide rates are
increasing. Some of us are silently suffering behind closed doors. It has been found that of all the
people who die by committing suicide, out of them 2.06 % are Bangladeshis. Once it is launched
it is surely going suffer from competition. As a large number of people still believe that problems
cannot be solved online and may go for the traditional ways. Our job would be to enrich every
section so that the customers are not only satisfied but delighted.
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Mental health is a huge issue that people are dealing with nowadays and its meddling with their
day-to-day life and affecting their performance. Approximately, 10,000 people die by suicide on
average each year. After the pandemic this has become something unbearable because for some it
is getting very difficult to reach help. Some of them just hate to discuss their personal issue and
the fear of what people will say makes it worse.
An estimated 10,000 people die by suicide in Bangladesh on average each year, according to
the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics.
Its high time that we come forward and help these people and not make it difficult for them
to seek treatment.
Particularly in a country like Bangladesh it is very difficult to seek medical attention
regarding mental health issues.
The name of our app is revival. Keeping this thing in our mind we want to start this journey
which will relieve thousand from leading a distressful life. We intend to make it accessible to
people from every corner of the country. Our purpose is to build stronger minds and make
them believe that they can, all they need is a little bit of help. None of us are perfect.
Our main moto is not to cure them only. We will prepare them in every possible way so that
they can handle anything with courage. Life is beautiful and it is worth living.
Objective and issues
The main reason for undertaking this project is we really want to relief people of their distress.
Let none suffer from this. We want to raise awareness about this problem and let people know
that its ok to have anxiety, depression. Its curable with some help. All you need to do is to step
forwards and not step backwards thinking what will people say. We promote selfcare and
wellbeing practices. We want to prevent suicide and make people believe how
beautiful life could and its worth living.
Being a third world country, we often do not receive the help we ought to receive. People cannot
speak freely about how they feel and are too afraid to reach out for help.
Furthermore, whatever help is available, they are mostly situated in Dhaka. The other divisions
do not receive help as much as people from Dhaka receives. People from those areas who are
willing to receive help come a long way in quest for a good therapist. The treatment itself is very
expensive and when the transportation cost is quite high, receiving a treatment becomes a
question mark. Apart from the cost, if the patient(ex-Dinajpur) is asked to take sessions thrice a
month. He or she will be reluctant to continue as it is quite far.
Our app will reach not only Dhaka but the entire Bangladesh and we will also try our best to take
it international.
Current Marketing Situation
Revival is an app that I believe will help people who have been suffering from mental health
problems. We believe that our service is going to make the customers delighted and will meet
their demand. However, to make sure this service always remains in their good books we have
come up with certain things that we should keep in mind
Industry analysis: “Revival” is a service-based app. We are offering mental health services to the
people who need psychological help. It is a highly demandable service today. People are open
about their emotions and sometimes they are seeking treatment for their mental health. So, we are
going to work in the industry of mental health service.
Customer analysis: Before launching this app we must consider what the customers need from us
and we must make sure that we are coming up with something that is different from the
competitors. We will try our best not to disappoint them by providing them with exclusive
services such as fitness trainer, dietician . Hence in one app they get a number of facilities
Competitor Analysis: In that industry, there are some online platforms which help people with
tele counseling services such as “Kan Pete Roi”, “Maya”, “Moner Bondhu” etc. These online
platforms are our indirect competitors because they can impact our business indirectly as we are
launching a unique app service. Our competitors are providing tele- counseling services online
and there are also some counseling centers which are providing services to the people who need
emotional support. They are already working in that industry, so it is challenging for us to start a
new business with that service.
In our county, mental health is a huge issue and people need help or treatments for that. We are
offering an app where people can revive themselves. Our indirect competitors provide counseling
services or support through only councilors, but we are offering many programs through just one
app. In our app, we are going to help people with counseling services, therapy sessions, yoga
sessions, motivational programs, workout programs, and also by providing food charts for any
type of mental health problem. Through this app you can easily approach our experts from
anywhere. People do not need to go outside for any programs. We are going to provide many
helpful programs in just one app. We are launching this demandable service app to fulfill the
needs and satisfy our customers.
SWOT Analysis
1. Immediate support
1. Lack of experience
2. Low cost comparing to the counseling
2. Limited counselors and
psychiatrists 3. Limited data
3. Messaging advantage
4. Better service
5. Knowledge and skills
6. Support mental health of the people
with different programs
1. Attract new customers as it is quite
1. Unrealistic expectations and
2. Make the customers delighted
3. Opportunity to influence for another
2. People may think they cannot get help
through an app service
3. Risks if any mistakes happen
4. Opportunity to engage with many
people easily
Table 1: Swot analysis
1. Immediate support- People can reach for help as we will be highly active on online. You
will get us as soon as possible.
2. Low cost comparing to the counseling centers: This service costs low for everyone and the
people who cannot afford to go to the counseling centers. This low pricing can attract new
customers and it also can be helpful for them.
3. Messaging Advantage: Our customers will have a messaging advantage with the
counselors and therapists. They can ask questions and discuss many things when they
to. They can message by using the app and get their reply immediately. This can build a
strong relationship with the customers.
4. Better Service: We are able to give better service to our customers with our great teamwork
and management. We have a good relationship with our team members who can work
together and also can maintain a good relationship with our customers. Our counselors,
therapists, and leaders are really good for that service sector.
5. Knowledge and Skills: We have counseling, therapy, fitness and yoga experts who have
good knowledge and skills with the program which we are going to offer. They can help
our customers with their skills and make them satisfied.
6. Support mental health of the people with different programs: We are going to help our
customers with different programs such as counseling service, workouts, yoga,
motivation, therapy sessions, and food charts. This is a huge advantage for them where
they are getting everything related to their mental health. This can make them delighted.
1. Lack of experience: We are launching a new app which is about mental health service. As
a new business we do not have much experience about or do not know everything about
the service. This may interfere to achieve the objectives.
2. Limited counselors and psychiatrists: As a new business we have a small team and limited
counselors and psychiatrists. This limited number of counselors and psychologists may
face difficulties to handle every customer.
3. Limited data: Limited data or information about some issues or disease may impact the
ability to reach our goal and achieve the objectives.
1. Attract new customers specially students with low pricing.: Revival’s price is set in such
a way that almost everyone can avail it. We introduced a price just so that students can
avail it. We intend to reach as much people we can and we do not want anyone to be
deprived of this service.
2. Make the customers delighted: We are offering an app service which people are seeking
for their mental health. This service can make our customers delighted because of our
different types of helpful programs will not only help them to get back to their usual state
but revive them in every possible ways they can because life is worth living. 3. Opportunity
to influence for another program: We have different programs to help people in our app
service. When people start using our app for any program we can also offer other
programsrelating to their issues to help them. This may be able to grow our business. 4.
Opportunity to engage with many people easily: The app service has the opportunity to meet
and grow relationships with many people. If any customer starts using the app and is
satisfied, then they may suggest to their friends and family to install the app. This will
enhance our customer base and also enable the business to grow further.
1. Unrealistic expectations and assumptions: Sometimes unrealistic expectations or
assumptions may arise among people. Some may expect them to be completely cured
through using this app. We are not promising any such thing as everyone is different. We
will try our best to help.
2. People may think they cannot get help through an app service: People who have serious
psychological issues may think an app cannot help them to recover from the issues. Lets
not forget that we still are not quite used to the concept of online learning. They may not
understand our app properly and may go for the conventional method of going to
counselling centers.
3. Risks if any mistakes happen: There is a risk if any mistake happens with the customers
when they are using the programs it is surely going to bring us negative reviews. Apart
from that such situations are quite sensitive. A little mistake can lead to a bigger problem.
Marketing strategy
The Marketing Mix:
Product: Our service is a program that is software-based so we do not have to focus on labeling,
packaging, etc. Just an overall design will help to finalize the shape of our service. The product
department needs to contact the marketing department continuously to know about the latest
designs in the market and the overall development of the app.
Figure-1: Revival logo
Price: The price department needs to understand the quality of the app and must keep a
penetration pricing that will give fair competition to its competitors. The price department might
need to contact with the marketing department to know about the quality of the product on a
regular basis to match the pricing levels. In order to make it reachable by everybody we have
introduced price discrimination.
Revival’s pricing
Therapy sessions
Below 20 (1 hour)
500 taka per session
Above 20 (1 hour)
1000 taka per session
Fitness sessions
300 taka per video
Recipes and tips from experts
300 taka per video
Motivation sessions
Table 2: Breakdown of revivals Price
Place: The distribution channel of our service will be convenient for almost all types of people. It
will be available in Google Play store for androids and Appstore for Apple phones. There will be
no intermediaries between the provider and the clients. Anyone, anytime, from anywhere, can
access our app with a minimum visit charge and can get themselves revived.
Figure:2- Google play
Promotion: The marketing department will promote our app through different social media
platforms, newspapers, leaflets, etc. after its being developed by our coders. The promotion
department is connected to all other functions of the marketing mix for selling the service
effectively in a target market. As a part of promotion, all our customers will be receiving a free
session for them to evaluate whether it is worth it or not.
Figure 3: Magazine page
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Figure 4: Newspaper advertisement
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Figure 5: Leaflet cover
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Figure 6: Facebook front page
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People: We will provide our mental health development service through psychiatrists, motivation
speakers, fitness instructors, and dieticians from our members also from different people around
the globe who are our regular visitors. The psychiatrists and our whole team will be the people
and will fall in this category.
Counselors Dieticians
Fitness instructors Motivational speakers
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Process: The psychiatrists will provide counseling through the app online with video or audio
call whichever the client prefers. The daily dose of motivation, exercise tips, and different
healthy diet recipes will be provided in the app through our dedicated team members. We will
also be open to people who want to provide their masterclass in teaching how to combat such
Process of getting the service
Download the app from google app store
You will be asked to provide your username, password, email address and phone
Our app may ask you some questions regarding your food habit, daily routine,
sleeping habit.
Our app may also ask some medical queries
Table 3: Process
Physical Evidence-The term physical evidence for our app is virtual and it indeed holds a firm
place in there. Apart from that, every one of the members of our team works from their home
through the computer. So, we don't need a physical office but mostly it's a virtual cabinet. Once
we succeed in this we might think of opening our own office.
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Figure 7: App page
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Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning (STP) model
Region: North, South, East, West, Centre
Density: Urban and rural
Age: 8-12, 13-19, 21-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59 and above
Sex: Male, Female, any other gender
Family Lifestyle: Young, single, young married with no children, young married with children,
older married with no children, older married with children, older single.
Income: 10000-100000, 100000+
Lifestyle: Conservative, liberal, health and fitness oriented,
adventuresome. Personality: Compulsive, gregarious, ambitious.
Benefits: Quality, support, service.
User rate: Light user, medium user, heavy user.
Targeting: In this stage, we will evaluate each segment’s attractiveness and
then select all the segments as most of the people will need and take our service
irrespective of their income levels, social and marital status as the service is
cheap, convenient, and useful. Then we will follow the particular marketing mix
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that we developed for those people. In our case we mainly target teenagers and young adults. To
avail our service a person must have income of about 10000 taka. We target people from urban
region mostly because it is going to take a very long time to educate the rural people about the
importance of mental health.
Differentiation-Previously we have spoken about our competitors. Now you may be interested to
know what sets our service apart. There are many ways in which we can answer this. First we
will find almost every service that is required for you to revive such as fitness instructors,
dieticians, motivational speakers etc. only in one app which hasn’t been introduced by any of our
competitors yet. Apart from that we have come up with a price discrimination policy which
allows the students to avail the service at a lower cost. I believe all these will plays a huge role in
the maintenance of our mental health.
Positioning: We will offer our “Mental Health” service which will occupy a distinctive place in
the mind of our clients as we will provide quality service and many more with a minimum price
range which is not provided by any apps in Bangladesh yet. Our clients will be able to perceive it
as the service will be different in terms of features, benefits, health support, and conveyance.
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Action plan
Previously you have seen what our objectives and intentions were regarding this project now its
time to bring into action. Our goal is to grab the market for sure and reach as much customers as
possible. Last but not the least profit to keep it going on.
Below you will see how we intend to move ahead:
Marketing action plan
Goal- More customers, a good reputation and profit
Task Due time
• Develop the app and
launch it in google play
2 weeks
Assigned to
Nishat sultana
Fahim Rahman
Farhana Haque
Naznin sultana supti
Tasfia Rahman
• Prepare leaflets, magazine design 1 week
• Communicate the customers
through Facebook, messenger and
contact no.
• Contact with dieticians, fitness
instructors and therapist to be a part
of this journey
• Arranging free webinars to attract
more and more customers and
promote through social media such as
Facebook live, instagram.
Table 4: Action plan
1 week 2 weeks 2 weeks
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As we are going to build up a web-based application service which will provide services,
so, to build up a web-based application we need to buy a few fundamental attributes of a
webpage such as domain, hosting and we also need to pay a subscription charge to google
to add the application in the google play store. The following table contains the list of cost
to build up a web-based application.
Table 5: Initial cost for first year
Price (in Dollars)
Price (in BDT)
Domain (.com)
11.20 (Per Year)
950 (Per Year)
Hosting (1 GB)
11.80 (Per Year)
1000 (Per Year)
Google Play Store
25 (Lifetime)
2123 (Lifetime)
Total Cost
In the above table the cost is mentioned per year. However, the play store subscription charge
is applicable for lifetime. But the domain & hosting needs to be renewed per year. The
renewal charge is shown in the following table.
Table 6: Renewal cost per year
Price (in Dollars)
Price (in BDT)
Domain (.com)
11.20 (Per Year)
950 (Per Year)
Hosting (1 GB)
11.80 (Per Year)
1000 (Per Year)
Total Renewal cost
23 (Per Year)
1953 (Per Year)
If we want to run the project for 5 years, the cost for the first year will be 48 dollars and for
the upcoming 4 years the cost will be (23*4) = 92 dollars. So, the total cost for 5 years will be
(48+92) = 140 dollars. Which is equivalent to approximately 11,900 BDT.S
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Let’s assume we will get 5 to 10 customers. At first, we will have to run the project on loss to
grab the market. Once we start getting more and more customers we may start earning profit.
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Marketing control
Marketing control is a method of analyzing and evaluating a company's marketing operations
and initiatives by its management or executives. Marketing control involves four steps: set goals,
measure performance, evaluate performance, take corrective action.
Some Tips for Setting Goals Include:
Set Clear, Specific Goals: Simple and realistic goals might help you focus and increase your
chances of achieving them.
Take small steps: Break down large objectives into smaller ones to make them more manageable
and achievable.
Get support: It's not always easy to achieve a goal, thus some individuals value assistance.
Consider who on your treatment team or in your support network might be able to assist you.
Share your goals with others: You may feel more dedicated to achieving your goals if you make
them public.
Stay positive: Having hope and believing in yourself can help you achieve your objectives.
Track your successes and challenges: Remember to update your treatment team on your progress
and give yourself credit for your efforts.
Measures of Mental Health Performance: The All-Measures Spreadsheet, compiled by APA
personnel, is a comprehensive collection of mental health performance measures. Other mental
health care-related measures could exist outside of this spreadsheet and were not eliminated for
any reason other than oversight. The metrics in this spreadsheet came from the National Quality
Measures Clearing House (NQMC), the Center for Quality Assessment & Improvement in
Mental Health (CQAIMH), the National Quality Forum (NQF), and the Physicians Consortium
for Performance Improvement (PCPI). Diagnostic Domain (diagnostic category) and Level of
Analysis (measurement setting) have been assigned to each measure. Non-Psychiatrist Focus
Mental Health Measure (behavioral health measure appropriate for use by care providers from
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other medical specialties); General Healthcare Measure (non-condition specific measures judged
appropriate for behavioral health); and if the measure's specification.
Evaluate performance: the Covid-19 problem has served as a wake-up call, pushing us to face
tough realities about the world in which we live. It has The pandemic has wreaked havoc on
worldwide mental health and wellbeing, and the situation will not go away once the pandemic is
over. Employers must now, more than ever, actively and purposefully support their employees'
mental and emotional well-being to light major healthcare disparities, long-standing economic
imbalances, and our society's neglect of mental health, particularly in the workplace. Fortunately,
improving employee happiness is linked to increased productivity and, ultimately, economic and
corporate success. In addition to offering mental health care, components of an organization's
culture or even the business's "modus operandi" may need to be reviewed if the company wants
to respond honestly to the personal issues that their employees are encountering.
Take corrective action: Genetic, environmental social dangers, trauma, insufficient stimulation,
general adversity and the risk factor list provided did not attempt to cover all risks associated with
having mental health disorders, but it did emphasize that such factors are frequently linked and
can have synergistic effects. stressful life events, and substance usage are all discussed as risk
factors for developing mental health disorders.
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mental health difficulties are not uncommon, but there has been a higher demand for mental
health care since the lockdown The centuries-old Ayurvedic disciplines of Panchakarma, Yoga,
and Pranayama, in particular, can help people cope with mental trauma. And COVID. Reduced
physical interaction with family and loneliness are putting a strain on people's mental health all
across the world. Humans are aware of the advantages, and several scientific investigations have
demonstrated their effectiveness. Thus, a concerted effort is required to incorporate the good
impacts of Ayurveda, Panchakarma, and Yoga into people's daily activities, resulting in a positive
transformation in society.
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1. https://www.dianahost.com/
2. https://www.aa.com.tr/en/asia-pacific/bangladesh-mental-health-stigma-a-barrier-to
3. https://www.thedailystar.net/toggle/news/online-and-tele-counselling-services-seek
4. https://unb.com.bd/category/Business/digital-healthcare-startups-in-bangladesh-an
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