LEADERSHIP STYLES 7 LEADERSHIP STYLES AU T O C R AT I C STYLE "Do as I say.“ smartest person makes all the decisions command-and-control approach AU T H O R I TAT I V E STYLE ALSO KNOWN AS VISIONARY "FOLLOW ME." MARK OF CONFIDENT LEADERS MAP THE WAY AND SET EXPECTATIONS ENGAGING AND ENERGIZING FOLLOWERS ALONG THE WAY. "Do as I do!" PAC E S E T T I N G S T Y L E very driven leader set the bar high push their team members to run hard and fast D E M O C R AT I C STYLE "What do you think?" share information with employees Seek employees’ opinions COACHING STYLE "Consider this" approach. people as a reservoir of talent to be developed seeks to unlock people's potential. A F F I L I AT I V E STYLE "People come first." gets up close and personal with people pays attention to and supports strives to open up LAISSEZ -FAIRE STYLE least amount of oversight let people swim with the current CHOOSING LEADERSHIP STYLES 1 1. Know yours e lf. 2 2. Und e rs ta nd the diffe re nt s tyle s . 3 3. Pra c tic e ma ke s a lea d e r. 4 4. Deve lop your lea d e rs hip a g ility. REFERENCES • American Express Company (2021). Seven leadership styles. Retrieved online at https://www.americanexpress.com/en-us/business/trends-and-insights/articles/the-7most-common-leadership-styles-and-how-to-find-your-own/