MEMRA AN EFFECTIVE APP FOR MEMORIZING ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES Prosper Somto Evergreen Dept. of Software Engineering and Computer Applications Saint Petersburg State electrotechnical University “LETI” Saint Petersbug, Russia Abstract—English Language has become very important in our world today and having the knowledge of English language has proved to be very useful and beneficial. Through the use of mobile technology, learning English has become easier and accessible to most of its users. Many developer and researchers have attempted to provide solutions and means for learning English through their works and applications. This research paper attempts to improve on the existing applications by completing preliminary research to understand design approach of presenting words and phrases for learning English. The researcher has developed an app which uses the words intends to be learnt to create tasks involving writing, listening and paring for the users. The further study involved the use of questionnaire to collect students’ opinions toward the app Keywords— Memra, m-learning, CTML, Interface Design, English I. INTRODUCTION English is the most spoken language in the world today, with approximately 400 million native speakers. Also, 53 countries have its official language to be English Language. English is the main business language and it has become almost a necessity for people to speak English if they are to enter a global workforce. For a programmer, the knowledge of English is also useful as the syntaxes of most programming languages are usually in English thereby making it easier to understand the function of the syntaxes. The process of learning English language can be divided into two parts; learning the words and learning the grammar rules. Every language is made up words and learning the words makes it possible to understand the language. English language consists of about 171,476 words by the Oxford dictionary. Learning these words, understanding and memorizing them makes the process of learning English language fast and achievable. The methods by which these words and phrases are presented for learning affects rate at which the learners can assimilate and remember them, which is what this article tries to solve with the use of m-learning. The use of mobile assistant language learning has been made possible some years ago, and m-learning has proven to be very helpful [6]. Mobile technology has improved the educational environment in different ways such as in ubiquity, instant connectivity, personalization, and self-directed learningcommunity [7]. M-Learning qualities can be analyzed with four characteristics: First, m-Learning environment provides the possibility to learn anywhere. Second, we can access the learning system that we want at any time. This characteristic encourages independent and self-paced learning [7]. II. LITERATURE REVIEW AND RELATED WORKS We tried to find some relevant analogies and studies on similar topics with reference to existing applications. Also, Analogies were selected based on their popularity. Memrise is an App for learning English vocabulary. It implements a gaming strategy for this purpose as well as an automatic spaced-repetition system (SRS). The application is free to download on iOS and Android devices. It engages it learners by rewarding their learning success with points which is similar to a gaming system [1]. Duolingo is a language learning application which is free to download and use. It consists of semantical and grammatical lesson units with different activities such as translation, matching, speaking and listening [2]. Quizlet is an app that provides teachers a rich source of vocabulary set in various languages from which they can select the vocabulary set needed to create their lessons [3]. It provides flash cards, easy to play games which engages the student as well as provides effective result in a reasonable amount of time [3]. It uses a spaced-repetition system as an adaptive approach to help users improve on their mistakes. Busuu is an application that provides its users with a social network which aims at helping each other improve their language skills [4]. It also provides its users with various learning units as well. Another objective of Busuu is that its users will gain the language skills such as reading, speaking, writing and listening [4]. This is made possible through its components that involves vocabulary and grammar practice [4]. VocBlast is a mobile app developed to assist engineering students of higher institution improve their English language skills most specially to enrich their technical vocabulary [5]. VocBlast is made up of ten (10) different interesting games arranged in an increased difficulty level aimed at enhancing the users vocabulary [5]. Three criteria was chosen to compare this analogies based on their design system: Pedagogic Features: Instructional activity and individual exercise features used to teach the users. It can also be seen as the method used in teaching the students. Adaptability: This considers if the application provides an adaptive system which serve more specific to the user's need. Content and Focus: Here we consider the topics covered by the app and the goal it tries to achieve. TABLE I. TABLE OF COMPARISON Pedagogic Features Memrise Duolingo QUIZLET BUSUU VocBlast spacedrepetition system, game semantical and grammatical lesson Flashcard packages L1, flashcards, writing exercises Game shown in Figure 1. Furthermore, the user is required to enter a maximum of seven (7) words or phrases as shown in Figure 2. This is in accordance to space-repetition principle by learning bit by bit and not in bulk [9]. adaptability Content and Focus absent vocabulary learning absent language learning present language learning absent vocabulary and grammar absent Engineering Vocabulary As m-leaning should provide a chance to enlarge learning resources. That is to say that each learner should have the freedom to choose the resource best for his or her learning style and level [7]. Based on this literature review, it is found that most of the lesson plans and materials are almost always the same or preset. This increases the time to learn a specific set of vocabulary. Also, only Quizlet pays much attention on the user’s mistakes using an adaptive design system. However, it takes a lot of time to create a lesson(set) on Quizlet. Fig. 1. Choose your level In other to solve this problem, The Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning CTML principles is considered. This theory proves that using words as well as pictures to teach is more effective than using just words alone [8]. Words can be played as audio or typed whereas pictures could be in form of photos, animations or videos [8]. By combining this cognitive research based on CTML we can maximize the effectiveness of learning. In other to provide a more improved system as well as making it more adaptive, we combined the CTML with a spaced-repetition system. This involves spreading the study over several sections or units of lessons which provides a repeated practice for the use and results to the retention of knowledge over a longer period of time [9]. III. RESEARCH DESIGN The design structure of Memra vocabulary app is described, and the planned test pattern is explained. A. The Design of Memra Vocabulary app To provide access to all mobile users such as Android, iOS and Nokia, the researcher chooses to create a browser friendly app written with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. In order to effectively help students, improve their vocabulary, the researcher develops an app which serves the needs of the user by generating task specific to the words or phrases the user intends to learn. This is achieved by giving the user the ability to input the words or phrases they wish to learn. The program provides useful details and tasks for the words or phrases the student wishes to learn. Firstly, the program requests the user's level this to help decide the type of lessons to be presented to the user as Fig. 2. Enter words to learn Secondly, the application presents the user with some description of the words or phrases they wish to learn such as translations, transcription, pronunciation and sometimes pictures. An example is shown in Figure 3. Fig. 5. Matching with sound Fig. 3. Matching with transcription Thirdly, after the learning stage, the user is presented with different series of tasks such as matching, mapping, fill in the blank space, listening, writing tasks. An example is shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5. Finally, the program also takes note of the user’s mistakes and addresses them by providing further tasks on these words or phrase. There are different modules which are broken down to mix and then to units B. The Questionnaire of Students' Experience towards the app At the end of the app development, a test was conducted to ascertain the effectiveness of the app. For this, a questionnaire was designed to collect the data. Five factors were considered: 1. How easy it was to use the app 2. How fast the student was able to learn the words 3. How interesting and captivating the app is. 4. How helpful and relevant the app is 5. How to improve the app. The first four questions are rated on a scale of 5 while the last question accepts the users respond as text input. About 30 students were selected with different English backgrounds, age and specialty. The average results are shown in Graph 1. Graph 1. Response Statistics Memra App review for 30 students 5,2 Fig. 4. Matching with translation Average Rating 5 4,8 4,6 4,4 4,2 Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 From the results, all students gave the app a rating of 5 for question 1, 4.5 for question 2, 4.8 for question 3 and 5 for question 5. Some of their recommendations includes: adding video tasks, providing the opportunity to continue from where the user stopped etc. IV. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS A. Conclusions This paper proposed a self-developed English vocabulary app for Russian speakers to use. The researcher designs bilingual interface and provides sample sentences and sets of tasks for the target user. The conclusions of the study can be summarized as follows: 1. Five applications were considered and it was found that they lacked either an adaptive approach or a design specific to the user. 2. Achieve CTML and Space-repetition goals: That is by using various multimedia resources necessary to provide an interesting but also effective learning environment for vocabulary acquisition. 3. A browser friendly application was created to provide access to all mobile users irrespective of their operating systems. 4. An experiment was conducted on 30 selected students and data collected suggested that the app was effective and helpful. B. Suggestions There are was a limitation of only accepting seven phrases with a maximum of four words each. It is suggested to create an application with a longer length of phrase. 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