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Calculating Subpanel Loads: A Guide to Electrical Calculations

www.thespruce.com /calculating-subpanel-loads-1152758
Calculating Subpanel Loads
Timothy Thiele
Timothy Thiele
Timothy Thiele is an IBEW Local #176 Union Electrician with over 30 years of experience in residential,
commercial, and industrial wiring. He has an associate degree in electronics and completed a four-year
apprenticeship. He's been writing for The Spruce on residential wiring and home installation projects for over
eight years.
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Updated on 04/17/22
Reviewed by
Larry Campbell
Reviewed by Larry Campbell
Larry Campbell is an electrical contractor with 36 years of experience in residential and light commercial
electrical wiring. He worked as an electronic technician and later an engineer for the IBM Corp. is a member
of The Spruce Home Improvement Review Board.
Learn more about The Spruce's Review Board
Fact checked by
Jessica Wrubel
Fact checked by Jessica Wrubel
Jessica Wrubel has an accomplished background as a writer and copy editor, working for various
publications, newspapers and in public libraries assisting with reference, research and special projects. In
addition to her journalism experience, she has been educating on health and wellness topics for over 15
years in and outside of the classroom.
Learn more about The Spruce's Editorial Process
The Spruce / Michela Buttignol
Determining the safe gross electrical load for a subpanel requires several calculations. The load of the circuit
is the total load that you will be applying to the subpanel. You'll need to know the square footage of the area
you are supplying power to as well as the type of electrical devices and appliances that will be served by the
subpanel. Load calculations for sizing a subpanel will also help you find the correct amperage for the
subpanel circuit breaker and determine the cable size for the feeder cable supplying power to the subpanel.
NEC Load Calculations
All subpanel, breaker, and feeder calculations must be made in accordance with the local electrical code.
Most codes follow the National Electrical Code (NEC) and use the NEC's "Long Form" for load calculations.
Essentially, this is a form that helps you tally the wattage, or electrical usage, of the devices and appliances
in the area served by the subpanel. Once you find the total wattage, you divide by 240 (volts) to find the
minimum amperage required for the subpanel and its breaker and feeder cable.
Subpanel Coverage Area
The first load calculation involves adding up the total area of the portion of your home (or other building) that
the subpanel will supply power to. This is an easy way to determine the load of the general lighting and
receptacle circuits for the area. Measure the length and width of each room and multiply them together to
find the square footage of the room. Add up the square footage of all of the rooms to find the total square
footage. Multiply the total square footage by 3 (watts) to complete the calculation.
Appliance Wattage
Calculating appliance loads varies by the types of rooms you're supplying power to. For example, if the
subpanel will supply a remodeled kitchen, you'll need to account for a minimum of two small appliance
circuits, at 1,500 watts each. Another category of appliances are those "fastened in place," such as a
dishwasher, water heater, garbage disposal, or attic fan.
Wattage for large appliances, such as ranges, clothes dryers, and electric heaters or air conditioners,
typically are tallied at a minimum specified wattage (such as 5,000 watts for a dryer) or at the appliance's
nameplate rating, whichever is larger.
Once all appliance wattages are totaled, multiply by 1 if there are fewer than four fixed appliances; multiply
by 0.75 if there are four or more appliances. This does not include the small appliance circuits, which are
circuits feeding receptacles for plugging in portable appliances.
Finally, you may have to add 25 percent of the largest motor load to the wattage total (with some
exceptions). This is additional wattage to meet the extra load large motors need when starting up.
Calculating Subpanel Wattage
To calculate the required wattage rating needed to supply the subpanel, multiply the total wattage (from the
square footage and appliance calculations) times 1.25 to get the adjusted load. This safety adjustment is
required by the National Electrical Code and provides a buffer for voltage drop on the feeder circuit. Voltage
drop is a loss of voltage that occurs when electricity travels over long runs of wire or cable.
Subpanel Circuit Breaker Sizing
The circuit that feeds the subpanel must be protected by the appropriate size of the circuit breaker to prevent
overheating of the feeder wiring. To calculate the breaker size, simply divide the adjusted wattage by 240
volts to find the rated amperage needed for your subpanel. Often, the result is not a common circuit breaker
size. and you can simply round up to the next higher size of ​the breaker. For example, if the load calculation
comes out to 48 amps, you should use a 50-amp breaker to protect the circuit. Feeder circuits supplying
subpanels are 240-volt and require a double-pole circuit breaker.
Subpanel Wiring Sizes
The wiring feeding the subpanel must match or exceed the rated circuit breaker size, not the calculated load
of the subpanel. That means that if the breaker is rated for 50 amps, the feeder cable wiring should be rated
for 50 amps or more. However, if there is a long-distance run for the feed, the next larger wire size should be
used, to account for voltage drop. Determine wiring size using a wiring size chart that lists the wire types and
wire sizes based on the application. Use the chart for initial estimation only. Again, all system designs must
conform to the local electrical code.