The best safety device in any aircraft is a well trained crew. TM FlightSafety International, Inc. Marine Air Terminal, LaGuardia Airport Flushing, New York 11371 (718) 565-4100 Cessna Caravan 208/208B/EX G1000 Pilot Training Manual PILOT TRAINING MANUAL Revision 3.3 Cessna REVISION 3.3 Caravan 208/208B/EX G1000 F O R T R A I N I N G P U R P O S E S O N LY NOTICE The material contained in this publication is based on information obtained from the aircraft and avionics manufacturers’ manuals. It is to be used for familiarization and training purposes only. At the time of release it contained then-current information. In the event of conflict between data provided herein and that in publications issued by the manufacturer or regulatory agencies, that of the manufacturer or regulatory agencies shall take precedence. We at FlightSafety want you to have the best training possible. We welcome any suggestions you might have for improving this material or any other aspect of our training program. NOTICE These commodities, technology or software were exported from the United States in accordance with the Export Administration Regulations. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. F O R T R A I N I N G P U R P O S E S O N LY Copyright © 2017 FlightSafety International, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution is prohibited. All rights reserved. LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Dates of issue for original and changed pages are: Original......................... 0.0............ April 2008 Revision........................ 1.0...November 2008 Revision........................ 2.0...December 2009 Revision........................ 2.1........ August 2010 Revision........................ 2.2.......January 2013 Revision........................ 3.0......... March 2013 Revision........................ 3.1............ May 2013 Revision........................ 3.2........ August 2016 Revision........................ 3.3...... October 2017 NOTE: Revision numbers in footers occur at the bottom of every page that has technical changes to the text and/or illustrations. Reflow of pages, grammatical, or typographical changes that do not affect the meaning are excluded from this list. Page No. *Revision No. Cover ..................................................... 3.3 i—vi ........................................................ 3.3 1-i—1-iv ................................................. 2.2 1-1 ......................................................... 2.2 1-2—1-3 ................................................ 3.0 1-4 ......................................................... 2.2 1-5—1-6 ................................................ 3.0 1-7 ......................................................... 3.2 1-8 ......................................................... 2.2 2-i—2-iv ................................................. 2.2 2-1 ......................................................... 2.2 2-2 ......................................................... 3.0 2-3—2-10 .............................................. 2.2 3-i—3-iv ................................................. 2.2 3-1 ......................................................... 2.2 3-2—3-6 ................................................ 3.0 3-7—3-8 ................................................ 2.2 4-i—4-iv ................................................. 2.2 4-1—4-2 ................................................ 2.2 4-3 ......................................................... 3.0 4-4 ......................................................... 3.3 4-5—4-6 ................................................ 2.2 5-i—5-iv ................................................. 2.2 5-1 ......................................................... 2.2 5-2 ......................................................... 3.2 5-3 ......................................................... 2.2 5-4—5-9 ................................................ 3.0 5-10 ....................................................... 2.2 6-i—6-ii .................................................. 2.2 Page No. *Revision No. 7-i—7-iv ................................................. 2.2 7-1—7-4 ................................................ 3.0 7-5 ......................................................... 2.2 7-6 ......................................................... 3.0 7-7 ......................................................... 2.2 7-8—7-10 .............................................. 3.0 7-11 ....................................................... 2.2 7-12—7-17 ............................................ 3.0 7-18 ....................................................... 2.2 7-19 ....................................................... 3.2 7-20—7-23 ............................................. 3.0 7-24 ....................................................... 2.2 8-i—8-iv ................................................. 2.2 8-1—8-2 ................................................ 2.2 8-3 ......................................................... 3.0 8-4 ......................................................... 2.2 9-i—9-iv ................................................. 2.2 9-1—9-4 ................................................ 3.0 10-i—10-iv ............................................. 2.2 10-1—10-2 ............................................ 2.2 10-3 ....................................................... 3.0 10-4—10-5 ............................................ 2.2 10-6—10-9 ............................................ 3.0 10-10 ..................................................... 2.2 10-11 ..................................................... 3.2 10-12 ..................................................... 3.0 11-i—11-iv ............................................. 2.2 11-1—11-2 ............................................ 2.2 11-3—11-7 ............................................ 3.1 *Zero in this column indicates an original page. Page No. *Revision No. 11-8 ....................................................... 2.2 11-9—11-10 .......................................... 3.0 12-i—12-ii .............................................. 2.2 13-i—13-ii .............................................. 2.2 14-i—14-iv ............................................. 2.2 14-1—14-2 ............................................ 2.2 14-3—14-4 ............................................ 3.0 14-5—14-6 ............................................ 2.2 15-i—15-iv ............................................. 2.2 15-1—15-2 ............................................ 2.2 15-3—15-6 ............................................ 3.0 15-7—15-8 ............................................ 2.2 16-i—16-viii ........................................... 3.1 Page No. *Revision No. 16-1—16-7 ............................................ 3.1 16-8 ....................................................... 3.2 16-9—16-38 ........................................... 3.1 17-i—17-iv ............................................. 2.2 17-1—17-4 ............................................ 2.2 18-i—18-ii .............................................. 3.3 19-i—19-ii .............................................. 2.2 20-i—20-ii .............................................. 2.2 21-i—21-ii .............................................. 3.3 WA-1—WA-2 .......................................... 3.3 APP-1 .................................................... 3.2 APP-2 .................................................... 2.2 *Zero in this column indicates an original page. CONTENTS Chapter 1 AIRCRAFT GENERAL Chapter 2 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS Chapter 3 LIGHTING Chapter 4 MASTER WARNING SYSTEM Chapter 5 FUEL SYSTEM Chapter 6 AUXILIARY POWER SYSTEM Chapter 7 POWERPLANT Chapter 8 FIRE PROTECTION Chapter 9 PNEUMATICS Chapter 10 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION Chapter 11 AIR CONDITIONING Chapter 12 PRESSURIZATION Chapter 13 HYDRAULIC POWER SYSTEM Chapter 14 LANDING GEAR AND BRAKES Chapter 15 FLIGHT CONTROLS Chapter 16 AVIONICS Chapter 17 OXYGEN SYSTEMS Chapter 18 MANEUVERS AND PROCEDURES Chapter 19 WEIGHT AND BALANCE Chapter 20 FLIGHT PLANNING AND PERFORMANCE Chapter 21 CREW RESOURCE MANAGEMENT WALKAROUND APPENDIX 1 AIRCRAFT GENERAL CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CHAPTER 1 AIRCRAFT GENERAL CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................. 1-1 Model Differences........................................................................................................... 1-1 STRUCTURES....................................................................................................................... 1-2 Fuselage........................................................................................................................... 1-2 Wings............................................................................................................................... 1-2 Empennage...................................................................................................................... 1-2 AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS.......................................................................................................... 1-2 Alerts, Cautions, and Warnings....................................................................................... 1-6 Electrical System............................................................................................................. 1-6 Lighting System.............................................................................................................. 1-6 Fuel System..................................................................................................................... 1-6 Powerplant....................................................................................................................... 1-7 Ice and Rain Protection................................................................................................... 1-7 Landing Gear and Brakes................................................................................................ 1-7 Flight Controls................................................................................................................. 1-7 Oxygen System............................................................................................................... 1-8 LIMITATIONS........................................................................................................................ 1-8 EMERGENCY/ABNORMAL................................................................................................ 1-8 Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 1-i ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Title Page 1-1. EX Exterior Picture................................................................................................. 1-2 1-2. Exterior Dimensions - Grand Caravan EX.............................................................. 1-3 1-3. Exterior Dimensions - 208....................................................................................... 1-4 1-4. Minimum Turning Radii - Grand Caravan EX........................................................ 1-5 TABLES Table 1-1. Revision 2.2 Title Page CAS ANNUNCIATIONS........................................................................................ 1-8 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 1-iii 1 AIRCRAFT GENERAL CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CHAPTER 1 AIRCRAFT GENERAL INTRODUCTION This training manual describes the airframe and engine systems in the Cessna Grand Caravan EX aircraft. This manual does not supercede or substitute any of the manufacturer’s system or operating manuals. This manual provides information from the basic design data. All subsequent changes in aircraft appearance or system operation is covered during academic training and subsequent revisions to this manual. This chapter provides a general description of the aircraft structures and systems. GENERAL The Grand Caravan EX is a general-utility allmetal, high-wing, single-engine, tricycle landing gear aircraft. A composite cargo pod is available on all versions except for float-equipped aircraft. MODEL DIFFERENCES Cargomaster, and Grand Caravan EX. The major differences are the presence or absence of passenger windows and the length of the fuselage. Figures 1-2 and 1-3 illustrate the aircraft dimensions for the various models. Figure 1-4 shows the minimum turning radii. The Cessna Caravan is produced as the 208 Caravan 675, 208B Grand Caravan, 208B Super Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 1-1 1 AIRCRAFT GENERAL CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 1 AIRCRAFT GENERAL CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL Figure 1-1. Grand Caravan EX Exterior Picture STRUCTURES FUSELAGE The fuselage has a conventional formed sheet metal bulkhead, stringer, and semimonocoque skin design. The main components are: • Front and rear carry-through spars (wings attach to these spars) • Bulkhead • Main landing gear attachment forgings • Bulkhead with attaching plates at its base for strut-to-fuselage attachment of wing struts the trailing edge of the elevator by full-length piano hinges. Both elevator tip leading-edge extensions provide aerodynamic balance with balance weights. A row of vortex generators on top of the horizontal stabilizer forward of the elevator enhances nose down elevator and trim authority. AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS This section describes the following aircraft systems: • Crew alerting system (CAS) Annunciations • Electrical system • Lighting system WINGS • Fuel system The externally braced wings have integral fuel tanks. The wings have a front and rear spar with formed sheet metal ribs, as well as doubler and stringers. An aluminum skin covers the entire wing. • Powerplant EMPENNAGE • Flight controls The empennage has a conventional vertical stabilizer, rudder, horizontal stabilizer, and elevator. The leading-edge extension on the top of the rudder has a balance weight. An elevator trim tab attaches to 1-2 • Ice and rain protection • Landing gear and brakes • Oxygen system Each system is described in detail in its respective chapter in this training manual. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.0 1 AIRCRAFT GENERAL CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 15 FEET 5.5 INCHES MAX. 41 FEET 7 INCHES PIVOT POINT PIVOT POINT 20 FEET 6 INCHES 52 FEET 1 INCH 106 INCHES (Hartzell) 11 FEET 8 INCHES Figure 1-2. Exterior Dimensions - Grand Caravan EX Revision 3.0 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 1-3 1 AIRCRAFT GENERAL CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 14 FEET 10 INCHES MAX. 37 FEET 7 INCHES PIVOT POINT PIVOT POINT 20 FEET 6 INCHES 52 FEET 1 INCH 106 INCHES (McCAULEY) 11 FEET 8 INCHES Figure 1-3. Exterior Dimensions - 208 1-4 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 2.2 1 AIRCRAFT GENERAL CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 67 FEET 3.6 INCHES (WITH STROBE LIGHTS) 33 FEET 6.5 INCHES (WITH STROBE LIGHTS) 12 FEET 9.7 INCHES PIVOT POINT 11 FEET 7.0 INCHES PIVOT POINT NOTE: MINIMUM TURNING RADIUS WITH BRAKE LOCKED, FULL RUDDER, AND POWER Figure 1-4. Minimum Turning Radii - Grand Caravan EX Revision 3.0 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 1-5 1 AIRCRAFT GENERAL CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL ALERTS, CAUTIONS, AND WARNINGS Alerts, cautions, and warnings are indicated through CAS Annunciations on each primary flight display (PFD 1 and PFD 2). ELECTRICAL SYSTEM The aircraft uses a 28 volt, direct current (VDC) electrical system. A 24 volt battery and a startergenerator supply primary power to the aircraft. Additional power is available through an external power receptacle and a standby alternator, which is standard on the aircraft. NOTE On 675 SHP Caravans a single postlight on the overhead panel illuminates both flap switches and integral lights and floodlights illuminate the instrument panel. FUEL SYSTEM The aircraft fuel system includes: • Two vented, integral fuel tanks with shutoff valves • Fuel-selectors-off warning system DC power is routed through a power distribution bus, a battery bus, an avionics bus, and a standby alternator bus. CAS Annunciations indicate Emergency (Red), Abnormal Conditions (Amber) and Information (White). • Fuel reservoir LIGHTING SYSTEM • Firewall shutoff valve • Ejector fuel pump • Electric auxiliary boost pump • Reservoir manifold assembly • Fuel filter Exterior lighting includes: • Oil-to-fuel heater • Navigation lights • Engine-driven fuel pump • Landing lights • Fuel control unit • Taxi recognition lights • Flow divider • Strobe lights • Dual manifolds • Flashing beacon • Fourteen fuel nozzle assemblies • Underwing courtesy lights • Ecology Tank • Ice detection light NOTE All exterior lights, except for the ice detection light, are controlled by toggle switches on the lighting control panel on the left side of the instrument panel. The ice detection light is controlled by a toggle switch on the ANTI-ICE switch panel. The overhead panel on the Grand Caravan EX is blacklit. A recessed light illuminates the oxygen gauge. The integral lights illuminate the high frequency (HF), automatic direction finder (ADF) standby, and radio instruments internally. Note that the G1000 provides its own blacklighting illuminating the instrument panel. 1-6 On 675 SHP Caravans the ecology tank is replaced with a fuel can and drain. Fuel flows from the tanks through the two fuel tank shutoff valves at each tank. Mechanical control of the fuel tank shutoff valves is by two fuel selectors on the overhead panel. Manipulate the fuel selectors to select either left or right fuel tanks, or both at the same time. Normal operation is with both tanks on. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.0 POWERPLANT A Pratt and Whitney of Canada, Ltd. PT6A-140 free-turbine, two-shaft engine powers the aircraft. The free-turbine engine uses two independent turbines: one drives a compressor in the gas generator section and one drives a reduction gear for the propeller. The turbine is rated at 867 hp. NOTE 675 SHP Caravans are powered by a Pratt and Whitney of Canada, Ltd. PT6A-114A free-turbine, two shaft engine. All engine-driven accessories, except for the propeller tachometer-generator and propeller governors, are on the accessory gearbox (AGB) at the rear of the engine. The engine accessories are driven by the compressor turbine via a coupling shaft that extends the drive through a conical tube in the oil tank center section. An internal tank contains the main portion of the engine oil supply. The tank, which forms part of the compressor inlet case, has a capacity of 9.5 U.S. quarts and includes a dipstick and drain plug. Total oil system capacity, including tank, engine sumps, lines, and filter, is 14 U.S. quarts. ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION The fluid-based ice and rain protection system exudes a filmy ice protection fluid (TKS) from porous panels on the leading edges of the aircraft. The fluid minimizes ice formation on all lifting surfaces, propeller blades, wings, wing struts, and horizontal and vertical stabilizers. When the system is activated in-flight, the ice protection fluid flows backwards over the upper and lower surfaces. A fluid slinger on the propeller provides ice protection for the propeller and generates further ice protection for the fuselage and cargo pod forward surfaces. Two, positive displacement, constant volume metering pumps supply fluid to the panels and propeller. Revision 3.2 Single and combined pump operation and timed pumping provide a range of flow rates for different icing conditions. An on-demand gear pump supplies fluid to the windshield spray bar for clear vision through the windshield. LANDING GEAR AND BRAKES The tricycle landing gear has a steerable nosewheel and two main wheels. Shock absorption is by the following: • The tubular spring-steel main landing gear struts • Interconnecting spring-steel tube between the two main landing gear struts • Nose gear oil-filled shock strut and springsteel drag link Each main gear wheel has a hydraulically actuated single-disc brake on the inboard side of each wheel. FLIGHT CONTROLS The flight control system includes: • Conventional aileron, elevator, and rudder control surfaces • A pair of spoilers above the outboard ends of the flaps The control surfaces are manually operated with a control wheel, mechanically linked to the ailerons, spoilers, and elevator, and rudder/brake pedals. The wing spoilers improve lateral control of the aircraft at low speeds by disrupting lift over the appropriate flap. A trimmable servo tab on the right aileron provides aileron trim. Elevator trim is controlled through two elevator trim tabs. A vertical control wheel on the top left side of the control pedestal is used to control pitch trim, and a horizontal wheel is used to control rudder trim. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 1-7 1 AIRCRAFT GENERAL CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 1 AIRCRAFT GENERAL CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL OXYGEN SYSTEM LIMITATIONS An oxygen system is available for supplemental oxygen necessary for continuous flight at high altitude or for use if smoke or other noxious fumes are detected in the cabin. For specific information on limitations, refer to the FAA-approved (AFM). Passenger models of the aircraft have a 116.95cubic foot oxygen bottle and 10 or 17 oxygen ports, depending on the model. Cargo models have a 50.67 cubic-foot oxygen bottle and two oxygen ports, with the option for the 116.95-cubic foot bottle. EMERGENCY/ ABNORMAL For specific information on Emergency/Abnormal procedures, refer to the FAA-approved AFM. The oxygen system includes an oxygen cylinder, oxygen outlets and masks, and an oxygen pressure gauge. Table 1-1. CAS ANNUNCIATIONS MESSAGE DOOR UNLATCHED 1-8 DESCRIPTION Indicates the upper cargo door and/or upper aft passenger door (passenger version only) are not latched. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 2.2 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CHAPTER 2 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS CONTENTS INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................. 2-1 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM....................................................................................................... 2-2 Description...................................................................................................................... 2-2 Components..................................................................................................................... 2-2 Controls and Indications.................................................................................................. 2-5 Operation......................................................................................................................... 2-7 LIMITATIONS........................................................................................................................ 2-9 EMERGENCY/ABNORMAL................................................................................................ 2-9 QUESTIONS........................................................................................................................ 2-10 Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 2-i 2 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS Page CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 2-1. Title Page Electrical System..................................................................................................... 2-2 2-3. Starter-Generator..................................................................................................... 2-4 2-4. Ground Service Receptacle..................................................................................... 2-4 2-5. Left Sidewall Switch Panel...................................................................................... 2-5 2-6. Voltage and Amperage Indications.......................................................................... 2-6 2-7. Grand Caravan EX CB Panel................................................................................... 2-7 2-8. 208B CB Panels....................................................................................................... 2-7 TABLES Table 2-1. Revision 2.2 Title Page CAS ANNUNCIATIONS........................................................................................ 2-9 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 2-iii 2 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS 2-2. Electrical System - Battery..................................................................................... 2-3 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 2 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS CHAPTER 2 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS INTRODUCTION This chapter describes the electrical system and standby electrical system in the Cessna Grand Caravan EX aircraft. GENERAL The aircraft has a 28 VDC electrical system. The system uses a 24 volt battery and a starter-generator to supply primary power to the aircraft. Additional power is available through an external power unit receptacle and a standby alternator, which is standard equipment on the aircraft. Revision 2.2 DC power is routed through a power distribution bus, a battery bus, an avionics bus, and a standard, standby alternator bus. Controls and warnings are provided to indicate emergency and abnormal conditions. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 2-1 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL ELECTRICAL SYSTEM switch is ON. All DC buses are powered on when the BATTERY switch and the two AVIONICS switches are ON. DESCRIPTION A standby electrical system is available as a power source if the main generator system malfunctions. 2 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS The aircraft has a 28 VDC electrical system. The system uses a 24 volt battery as a source of electrical energy and a dual purpose starter-generator, which acts as a motor during engine start and as a generator after engine start. COMPONENTS Lead-Acid Battery When operating as a generator, the starter-generator powers the aircraft systems and maintains the battery charge. Power to most general electrical and all avionics circuits is through two general buses, two avionics buses, and a battery bus. A 24 volt, lead-acid battery supplies starting power. The battery is on the right forward side of the firewall on a swing-out tray for easy maintenance. The battery absorbs voltage spikes, which are particularly damaging to electronic components. As such, ensure that the battery is well maintained and never turn it off during normal operation. The hot battery bus energizes continuously for cabin/courtesy lighting and other functions requiring power when the two general buses are off. The two general buses are on when the BATTERY ALTERNATOR STARTER/GENERATOR GENERATOR CONTACTOR ALT SHUNT GEN SHUNT ALTERNATOR CONTROL UNIT EXTERNAL POWER SWITCH GENERATOR CONTROL UNIT ALTERNATOR CONTACTOR STANDBY POWER SWITCH NO 1 BUS INTERNAL START CONTACTOR STANDBY POWER CIRCUIT BREAKER ALTERNATOR BUS EXTERNAL START CONTACTOR GROUND POWER MONITOR AVIONICS STANDBY POWER SWITCH EXTERNAL POWER NO 2 BUS EXTERNAL POWER CONTACTOR BATTERY CONTACTOR NO. 1 AVIONICS POWER SWITCH BATT SHUNT BATTERY SWITCH BUS TIE SWITCH NO 1 TO HOURMETER NO. 2 AVIONICS POWER SWITCH TO CABIN LIGHTS BATTERY TO ELT TO ETM TO ANTI-CYCLE SWITCH BATTERY BUS POWER DISTRIBUTION BUS NO 2 Figure 2-1. Electrical System 2-2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.0 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL BOX PIVOT 2 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS POWER CABLE LATCH RELEASE LATCH BATTERY VENT LINE POWER CABLE FIREWALL Figure 2-2. Electrical System - Battery The battery is in its own manifold case. The case helps contain the hydrogen gas emitted by the battery during normal charging cycles. The battery case is ventilated to prevent a concentrated accumulation of hydrogen within the airframe. The overboard vent also serves as a drain for any acid condensate produced during system charging. generator functions as a starter. Above 46%, the starter-generator functions as a generator when the STARTER switch is positioned to OFF. The GCU regulates voltage and protects the system from high voltage and reverse current. WARNING The starter-generator is on the engine accessory gearbox (AGB) at the 12 o’clock position and is driven by the engine through a splined shaft. The starter-generator functions as starter during engine start and as a generator once the engine is at idle speed. The battery or an external power source powers the starter-generator. Battery acid is very corrosive and hydrogen gas is highly explosive. Take measures to protect personnel and the aircraft when handling the lead-acid battery. Generator Control Unit The generator control unit (GCU) is inside the cabin on the left forward fuselage side wall. The GCU provides the electrical control functions of the starter-generator. The GCU allows automatic starter cutoff when the engine rpm is above 46%. Below 46%, the starter- Revision 2.2 Starter-Generator After engine start, the unit acts as a 28 volt, 200 amp, or optional 300 amp, generator that powers the electrical equipment and charges the battery. The GCU controls the starter-generator when it operates as a generator. An integral fan and blast tube above the oil cooler in the air inlet on the right forward cowling cools the starter-generator. The unit has a speed sensor for overspeed protection and automatic starter shutoff. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 2-3 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 2 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS Grand Caravan EX 208 Figure 2-3. Starter-Generator Ground Service Plug Receptacle A ground service plug receptacle permits the use of an external power source for cold weather starting and during lengthy maintenance on the electrical and avionics equipment. External power control circuits prevent an external power to battery connection during the start. The external power receptacle is in the left side of the engine compartment near the firewall. The ground service circuit has polarity reversal and overvoltage protection. Power from the external power source flows only if the ground service plug is connected correctly to the aircraft.If the plug is accidentally connected backwards or if the ground service voltage is too high, no power flows to the electrical system, thereby preventing damage to the electrical equipment. Ground Power Monitor The ground power monitor is inside the electrical power control assembly on the forward left side of the firewall. The monitor senses the voltage level applied to the external power receptacle and closes the external power contactor when the applied voltage is within the proper limits. 2-4 Figure 2-4. Ground Service Receptacle Standby Electrical System The standby electrical system has the following components: • 75 amp alternator, belt-driven from the accessory pad on the rear of the engine • Alternator control unit (ACU) forward of the CB panel • Standby alternator contactor on the left side of the firewall FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 2.2 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL • Generator • Standby power The EXTERNAL POWER switch is a guarded, three-position switch. The switch has OFF, STARTER, and BUS positions and is guarded in the OFF position. The OFF position allows external power to the ground power monitor only, with no other circuits receiving power. The STARTER position applies external power to the starter circuit only, with battery power applied to the main bus. In the STARTER position, no generator power is available. The BUS position applies power to the distribution bus, with no external power supplied to the starter. To connect the battery to the power distribution bus and external power, position the BATTERY switch to ON. BATTERY Switch The BATTERY toggle switch has ON and OFF positions. The ON position supplies battery power to the two general buses. The OFF position deactivates power to all buses except the battery bus. GENERATOR Switch Figure 2-5. Left Sidewall Switch Panel • Two switches on the left sidewall switch panel–AVIONICS STBY PWR and AVIONICS BUS TIE CONTROLS AND INDICATIONS The main controls of the electrical system are on the left sidewall switch panel and include controls for: • External power • Battery Revision 2.2 The GENERATOR switch is a three-position switch, spring-loaded to the center ON position. The switch can be pressed to the RESET or TRIP positions. AVIONICS STBY PWR Switch The guarded, two-position AVIONICS STBY PWR switch is used to control the standby electrical system. AVIONICS BUS TIE Switch The AVIONICS BUS TIE switch is a two-position switch, guarded in the OFF position. Lifting the FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 2-5 2 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS EXTERNAL POWER Switch CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL STARTER Switch The starter-generator is located on the left sidewall switch panel. The switch has OFF, START, and MOTOR positions. 2 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS The OFF position closes the generator contactor and allows generator power to run the electrical system. See Powerplant, Chapter 7, for information regarding MOTOR and START. VOLTAGE and AMPERAGE Indications Electrical system information is indicated on the multifunction flight display (MFD) (non-reversionary mode). Battery current (BAT AMPS) and bus voltage (BUS VOLTS) are indicated on the default EIS–ENGINE page. Figure 2-6. Voltage and Amperage Indications guard and positioning the switch to ON connects the No. 1 and No. 2 avionics buses if either bus feeder circuit fails. A current limiter on the power distribution bus powers each avionics bus. If either current limiter fails, the affected bus also fails. Placing the avionics bus tie switch to the ON position restores power to the failed bus. Operating without both bus feeder circuits requires an avionics load reduction, depending on the equipment installed on the aircraft. AVIONICS Switches The AVIONICS 1 switch controls power to the No. 1 avionics bus. The AVIONICS 2 switch controls power to the No. 2 avionics bus. The switches are ON in the forward position and OFF in the aft position. 2-6 Pressing the ENGINE softkey, and then pressing the SYSTEM softkey displays the EIS–SYSTEM pages, which display generator current (GEN AMPS) and bus voltage (BUS VOLTS). A negative display on the BAT AMPS indicates battery discharge. Circuit Breakers Most of the electrical circuits in the aircraft are protected by pull-off circuit breakers on the left side CB panel. Supplying the battery bus are six circuit breakers, which are forward of the firewall, inside the left engine cowling. If an overload occurs in any circuit, the controlling circuit breaker trips, opening the circuit. Allow the circuit breaker to cool for approximately 3 minutes, and then reset it. WARNING Ensure that all circuit breakers are pushed in before all flights. Never operate with tripped circuit breakers without thorough knowledge of the consequences. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 2.2 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL OPERATION Preflight Two deck skin fans cool the avionics system during operation. To check deck skin fans, position the BATTERY switch to ON. Verify that fan operation is audible. Select AVIONICS No. 1 switch to ON, check operation of pilots PFD. Repeat same procedure for AVIONICS No. 2. When finished, position both AVIONICS switches to OFF and the BATTERY switch to OFF. Starting Positioning the BATTERY switch to ON applies battery power to the battery contactor and connects the battery to the power distribution bus, the internal start contactor, and the generator contactor. Figure 2-7. Grand Caravan EX CB Panel CIRCUIT BREAKER PANEL LEFT SIDEWALL SWITCH PANEL Figure 2-8. 208B CB Panels Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 2-7 2 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS During the preflight internal inspection, position all switches to OFF and push in all circuit breakers. If the aircraft has an air conditioner, position the air conditioner controls to OFF. CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL Battery voltage also is applied to the GCU to provide line contactor sense. Positioning the BATTERY switch to OFF opens the battery contactor and applies battery voltage to the battery bus only. When these conditions are met, the GCU signals the internal starter contactor to close and applies power to the starter. 2 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS When the speed sensor in the starter-generator detects speed greater than 46% Ng, it signals the GCU to open the internal start contactor. When the contactor opens, power is removed from the starter. The GCU does not bring the generator online because the STARTER switch is still positioned at START. When external power is applied to the aircraft, the configuration is different than when internal power is applied to the aircraft. The difference between an external power start and a battery start below 46% Ng is that the starter obtains power from the external start contactor instead of the internal start contactor. During an external power start, when Ng exceeds 46%, the sequence and configuration are similar to those of a battery start above 46%. The difference is the GCU opens the external start contactor instead of the internal start contactor when the speed sensor signal exceeds 46% Ng. During A Battery Start After the engine starts and Ng reaches at least 55%, position the STARTER switch to OFF. The OFF position signals the GCU that the start cycle is complete. The GCU then signals the generator to produce power. The GCU also signals the generator contactor to close, which thus applies power to the power distribution bus. Since the battery voltage is lower than the generator output voltage, the generator recharges the battery to full capacity. The higher voltage extinguishes the VOLTAGE LOW CAS Annunciations. NOTE During An External Power Start Position the EXTERNAL POWER switch to OFF, and then turn off and disengage the external power unit. Check the GEN (generator) load on the engine indications, and verify that the GENERATOR OFF CAS message disappears and the BAT AMPS are charging. Position the FUEL BOOST switch to NORM, and then verify that the FUEL BOOST ON CAS Annunciations does not appear. Position the AVIONICS No. 2 switch to ON, and position the NAV LIGHTS to ON or OFF as desired. Position the cabin heating, ventilation, and defrosting controls as desired. Standby Electrical Power System Current to the ACU is supplied through diode logic either from a circuit breaker in the standby alternator or the hourmeter/ ACU circuit breaker in the main power relay box. After the alternator control unit (ACU) begins operation, the alternator is self energized. To monitor total amperage from the standby electrical system, position the system button on the lower left side of the MFD to SYSTEM. When the standby electrical system energizes, standby power automatically routes to the main buses if system voltage drops to 27.5 volts. Verify that the AVIONICS STBY PWR and AVIONICS BUS TIE switches are positioned to ON. All main electrical components on current aircraft remain the same. If a fault in the primary power relay box occurs, isolate the primary power supply system. (Pull the six, 30 amp bus feeder circuit breakers, and then turn off both AVIONICS switches.) Power the avionics by turning on both the AVIONICS STBY PWR and AVIONICS BUS TIE switches. All 675 SHP Caravans will have a minimum idle Ng speed of 52%. 2-8 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 2.2 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL LIMITATIONS For specific information on limitations, refer to the FAA-approved (AFM). 2 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS EMERGENCY/ ABNORMAL For specific information on Emergency/Abnormal procedures, refer to the FAA-approved AFM. Table 2-1. CAS ANNUNCIATIONS MESSAGE VOLTAGE LOW DESCRIPTION Indicates electrical system bus voltage is less than 24.0 volts prior to engine start or less than 24.5 volts with engine running and power is being supplied from the battery. * - In 675 SHP Caravans this CAS Annunciation indicates less than 24.5. VOLTAGE HIGH Indicates electrical system bus voltage is greater than 32.0 volts ALTNR AMPS Indicates that the alternator output is les than -10 amps or greater than 75 amps. GENERATOR AMPS Indicates that the generator output is less than -10 amps or greater than 200 amps (-15/300 with 300 amp starter generator). GENERATOR OFF Indicates that the generator is not connected to the electrical bus with engine running. STARTER ON Indicates the starter-generator is operating in starter mode. STBY PWR INOP Indicates electrical power is not available from the standby alternator. STBY PWR ON Indicates that the standby alternator is generating electrical power. Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 2-9 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL QUESTIONS 1. The battery is: A. In the tail cone B. Under the right front seat C. On a swing out tray in front of the firewall D. On the floor behind the pilot seat 2 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS 2. The lead-acid battery case is vented to prevent: A. Concentrated accumulation of hydrogen gas in the airframe B. Pressure differential in the battery C. Contamination from ambient air D. Overcharging of the battery 3. The generator control unit (GCU) controls operation of the: A. Generator only B. Starter only C. Starter-generator D. Standby electrical system 7. When the EXTERNAL POWER switch is positioned to BUS: A. External power is applied to the starter B. External power is applied to the avionics bus. C. External power is applied to the main bus D. Power is sent from the main bus to the external power receptacle 8. The standby electrical system: A. Is powered by the battery B. Is powered by the engine-driven generator C. Is powered by a belt-driven alternator D. Is actuated by the ground power monitor 4. The ground power monitor: A. Protects the electrical system B. Controls the external generator C. Senses operation of the starter generator D. Regulates generator output 5. The voltmeter and its associated selector button are used to read: A. Generator current B. Alternator current C. Battery current D. All of the above 6. Positioning the AVIONICS BUS TIE switch to ON: A. Ties the avionics bus to the battery B. Ties the No. 1 avionics bus to the generator C. Ties the No. 1 avionics bus to the No.2 avionics bus D. Disconnects the avionics buses from each other 2-10 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 2.2 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CHAPTER 3 LIGHTING CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................. 3-1 EXTERIOR LIGHTING......................................................................................................... 3-2 Description...................................................................................................................... 3-2 Components..................................................................................................................... 3-2 Controls and Indications.................................................................................................. 3-4 Description...................................................................................................................... 3-4 Controls and Indications.................................................................................................. 3-6 Operation......................................................................................................................... 3-7 LIMITATIONS........................................................................................................................ 3-7 EMERGENCY/ABNORMAL................................................................................................ 3-7 QUESTIONS.......................................................................................................................... 3-8 Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 3-i 3 LIGHTING INTERIOR LIGHTING.......................................................................................................... 3-4 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Title Page Grand Caravan EX Nav and Strobe Lights.............................................................. 3-2 3-2. Grand Caravan EX Landing and Taxi Recognition Lights ..................................... 3-2 3-3. Grand Caravan EX Flashing Beacon....................................................................... 3-3 3-4. EX Wing Inspection Light....................................................................................... 3-3 3-5. Courtesy Lights........................................................................................................ 3-3 3-6. LIGHTS Control Panel............................................................................................ 3-4 3-7. Lighting Control Knobs........................................................................................... 3-5 3 LIGHTING 3-1. Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 3-iii CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 3 LIGHTING CHAPTER 3 LIGHTING INTRODUCTION This chapter describes the exterior and interior lighting systems on the Cessna Grand Caravan EX. GENERAL Exterior lighting on the aircraft includes navigation lights, landing lights, taxi/recognition lights, strobe lights, ice detection lights, courtesy lights, and a flashing beacon light. Revision 2.2 Interior lighting includes instrument lighting and cabin lighting. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 3-1 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL EXTERIOR LIGHTING DESCRIPTION The exterior lighting system illuminates the aircraft for day or night operation. The exterior lights include: • Navigation lights on each wingtip. NOTE A navigation is also located on the tail cone on 675 SHP Caravans. • Landing lights on each wing • Taxi-recognition lights on each wing • Strobe lights on each wingtip • Flashing beacon on top of the tail 3 LIGHTING • Wing inspection light is provided to illuminate the leading edge of the left wing. NOTE On 675 SHP Caravans the conventional navigation lights are on the wingtips and the Tail Cone Stinger A strobe light with a remote power supply is on each wingtip. The lights enhance anticollision protection and are required for night operation of the aircraft. The strobe lights are protected by the STROBE LIGHT circuit breaker on the CB panel. Landing and Taxi/Recognition Lights A landing light in the leading edge of each wing illuminates the area forward of the aircraft during landing and ground operations (Figure 3-2) The landing lights are protected by the LEFT LDG LIGHT and RIGHT LDG LIGHT circuit breakers on the CB panel. • Courtesy lights under each wing COMPONENTS Navigation and Strobe Lights Conventional navigation lights are on the wingtips. The lights are protected by the NAV LIGHT circuit breaker on the CB panel. Figure 3-2. Grand Caravan EX Landing and Taxi Recognition Lights NOTE Figure 3-1. Grand Caravan EX Nav and Strobe Lights In 675 SHP Caravans the use of the landing lights to enhance aircraft visibility in the traffic pattern or enroute is not recommended because of the short service life of the lights. The taxi/recognition lights have longer service life and are designed for this purpose. A taxi/recognition light is inboard of each landing light in the leading edge of each wing (Figure 3-2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.0 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 3-2). The lights illuminate the area forward of the aircraft during ground operation and taxiing. The lights also make the aircraft more visible in the traffic pattern or enroute. The taxi/recognition lights are protected by the TAXI LIGHT circuit breaker on the CB panel. WARNING Turn off strobe lights when taxiing. Ground operation of the high-intensity strobe lights considerably annoys ground personnel and other pilots. Do not operate strobe lights in fog, clouds, or haze because reflection of the light beam can cause disorientation or dizziness. NOTE On 675 SHP Caravans the Flashing Beacon Light is visible for 360°. Wing Inspection Lights A wing inspection light on the leading edge of the left wing provides illumination for ice detection on the left wing. A red flashing beacon light, visible through most angles, is on top of the vertical fin for additional anticollision protection in flight and for recognition on the ground. The light is protected by the BEACON LIGHT circuit breaker on the CB panel. Figure 3-4. EX Wing Inspection Light WARNING Do not operate the beacon light when flying through clouds or overcast conditions. The light reflects from water particles in the atmosphere, particularly at night, causing disorientation or dizziness. Figure 3-3. Grand Caravan EX Flashing Beacon Revision 3.0 Courtesy Lights A courtesy light under each wing illuminates the area outside the aircraft next to the door (Figure 3-5). The lights operate in conjunction with the cabin lights and are controlled by the CABIN switch on the lighting control panel. Figure 3-5. Courtesy Lights FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 3-3 3 LIGHTING Flashing Beacon Light CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL • TAXI/RECOG switch—Controls the taxi/ recognition lights during ground operation. • RIGHT LDG switch—Controls the right landing light. • STROBE switch—Controls the wingtip strobe lights. • NAV switch—Controls the wingtip navigation lights. NOTE On 675 SHP Caravans the NAV switch also controls the tail cone navigation light. • BCN switch—Controls the beacon light on top of the vertical stabilizer. WING LIGHT Switch 3 LIGHTING The two-position WING LIGHT switch on the ANTI-ICE switch panel controls the wing lights. The switch is spring-loaded to the off position and must be held in the ON position to illuminate the wing inspection light. INTERIOR LIGHTING DESCRIPTION Figure 3-6. LIGHTS Control Panel CONTROLS AND INDICATIONS The switches on the LIGHTS panel control all exterior lights (Figure 3-6), except for the wing inspection lights, which are controlled by a switch on the ANTI-ICE panel. The white-capped switches on the LIGHTS control panel are ON in the up position and OFF in the down position: • LEFT LDG switch— Controls the left landing light. Instrument and control panel lighting is provided by integral, flood, and post lights. Six lighting control knobs on the DIMMING panel are grouped together on the lower part of the instrument panel left of the control pedestal. The controls vary the brightness of the following panels: • Instrument panel • Pedestal • Overhead panel • Left sidewall panel • LED panels • Avionics displays • Internally lighted instruments 3-4 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.0 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL Electroluminescent Lighting The interior lighting is protected by the AVN/LED/ STBY LIGHTS and COCKPIT FLOOD LIGHTS, circuit breakers on the left sidewall CB panel. Other lighting provided or available includes control wheel map lights, cabin lights, passenger reading lights, and a no smoking/seat belt sign. Electroluminescent lights (EL) illuminate the instrument panel. The EL lights illuminate the HF, automatic direction finder (ADF) standby, and radio instruments internally. The left sidewall switch and cricuit breaker panel is also backlit. NOTE On 675 SHP Caravans interior lighting is protected by the AVN/FLOOD LIGHT and INST LIGHT circuit breakers on the left sidewall CB panel. Floodlights On 675 SHP Caravans a single postlight on the overhead panel illuminates both flap switches. A recessed light illuminates the oxygen gauge. Downwash Lights Floodlights illuminate the left sidewall panel, the right sidewall panel, and CB panel. The center light illuminates the control pedestal. Downwash lights are installed on the front face of the power pedestal to illuminate the AILERON TRIM, the FUEL/OIL SHUTOFF knob and the CABIN HEAT FIREWALL SHUTOFF knob. 3 LIGHTING To replace the postlight bulb, grasp the lens cap, and pull the bulb straight out of the socket. Pull the bulb from the cap and replace it with an MS25237-327 bulb. Replace the cap in the socket, and then rotate it to direct the light in the desired direction. GRAND CARAVAN EX DAY 208 Figure 3-7. Lighting Control Knobs Revision 3.0 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 3-5 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL Map Light NO SMOKE Switch A map light is on the bottom of the control wheel for checking maps and other flight data during night operations. The NO SMOKE toggle switch on the LIGHTS control panel illuminates and extinguishes the NO SMOKING light. Cabin Lights The controls are used to vary the intensity of the instrument panel, left sidewall CB panel, pedestal, and overhead panel lighting. Four cabin lights are in the center forward cabin on the ceiling. The lights illuminate the passenger boarding areas and the cargo loading areas. Passenger Reading Lights Passenger reading lights are near each aft passenger position. Eleven small convenience lights are in the panels above the seats. NO SMOKING/SEAT BELT Light 3 LIGHTING A lighted warning sign in the cabin headliner immediately aft of the overhead console informs passengers when to fasten seat belts and when no smoking is in effect. Windshield Ice Detection Light A red windshield ice detection light is on the lower inboard portion of the pilot windshield. If the windshield is clear of ice, a distinct red circle is present above the light. If the windshield is contaminated, the red circle become more diffused and the area of red light increases. CONTROLS AND INDICATIONS AVIONICS The AVIONICS knob on the lower part of the instrument panel left of the control pedestal varies the intensity of the avionics displays (Figure 3-7). Rotating the knob clockwise increases panel brightness; rotating the knob counterclockwise decreases brightness. STANDBY IND The STANDBY IND knob varies the intensity of the standby airspeed indicator, attitude indicator, altimeter, torque indicator, and magnetic compass. Rotating the knob clockwise increases panel brightness; rotating the knob counterclockwise decreases brightness. LED PANELS / ANNUN Knob The LED PANELS / ANNUN knob varies the intensity of backlit panels. The panels have labels for most of the switches, controls, and circuit breakers on the instrument panel. Clockwise rotation of the knob increases panel brightness; counterclockwise rotation of the knob decreases brightness. CABIN Switch NOTE Cabin lighting controls consist of a CABIN toggle switch on the LIGHTS panel (see Figure 3-6), a rocker switch forward of the aft passenger door, and a rocker switch forward of the aft cargo door. The CABIN switch controls the four overhead panel lights in the aircraft interior and the courtesy light under each wing. Any of the three switches can be used to toggle all cabin lights on or off at any time, regardless of the other switch position. The cabin lights circuit is protected by the CABIN LTS circuit breaker.The light circuit requires no power from the main electrical bus for operation. 3-6 On 675 SHP Caravans the LED PANELS / ANNUN knob is labeled SW/CB PNLS / ANNUN. The CB/PED/OVHD knob varies the intensity of the lights illuminating the left sidewall switch and CB panel, the control pedestal floodlights, and the overhead panel post lights. Rotating the knob clockwise increases panel brightness; rotating the knob counterclockwise decreases brightness. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.0 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL FLOOD Control Knobs NOTES The LEFT FLOOD knob varies the brightness of the left overhead panel floodlight. The RIGHT FLOOD knob varies the brightness of the right overhead panel floodlight. Rotating the knob clockwise increases brightness; rotating the knob counterclockwise decreases brightness. The CENTER FLOOD varies the brightness of the center overhead panel floodlight. Control Wheel Map Light A control wheel map light is on the bottom of each control wheel. The map lights illuminate the lower portion of the cabin in front of the pilot and copilot. Rotating the control wheel clockwise increases brightness; rotating the control wheel counterclockwise decreases brightness. OPERATION 3 LIGHTING Bulb Replacement During Flight Ensure that spare bulbs are stored in the map compartment. If a spare bulb is unavailable, an identical bulb from other lights can be substituted for the defective bulb. Control Wheel Map Lights To replace the map light bulb, grasp the rim of the bulb, push it straight up, and then turn the bulb counterclockwise as far as possible. Pull the bulb straight down and out of the socket. The replacement bulb is a 24 RB. LIMITATIONS For specific information on limitations, refer to the FAA-approved (AFM). EMERGENCY/ ABNORMAL For specific information on Emergency/Abnormal procedures, refer to the FAA-approved AFM. Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 3-7 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL QUESTIONS 1. Use landing lights during: A. Landing and takeoff B. Landing only C. Taxiing D. Cruising 2. The taxi/recognition lights are: A. On the nose gear B. On the wingtips C. In the wing leading edges D. In the front of the engine cowl 3. The strobe lights are required: A. In instrument conditions B. During night operations C. Whenever the engine is operating D. Only when taxiing 3 LIGHTING 4. The courtesy lights are controlled by: A. Exterior lighting switch B. Cabin light switch C. Landing light switch D. Battery switch 5. The flashing beacon is used for: A. Anticollision protection B. Recognition during ground operations C. Operation in instrument conditions D. Both A and B 3-8 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 2.2 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CHAPTER 4 MASTER WARNING SYSTEM CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................. 4-1 CONTROLS AND INDICATIONS........................................................................................ 4-2 CAS Annunciations......................................................................................................... 4-2 OPERATION.......................................................................................................................... 4-2 LIMITATIONS........................................................................................................................ 4-2 EMERGENCY/ABNORMAL................................................................................................ 4-2 4 MASTER WARNING SYSTEM QUESTIONS.......................................................................................................................... 4-5 Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 4-i CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL TABLES Table Page CAS ANNUNCIATIONS........................................................................................ 4-3 4 MASTER WARNING SYSTEM 4-1. Title Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 4-iii CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CHAPTER 4 MASTER WARNING SYSTEM The master warning system on the Cessna Grand Caravan EX provides warnings of equipment malfunctions, indications of unsafe operating conditions requiring immediate attention, and indications that specific systems are in operation. GENERAL Warnings, cautions, and advisories for the aircraft are presented on the primary flight display (PFD). The annunciation window is to the right of the altimeter and vertical speed indicator. All aircraft warning alerts can be displayed simultaneously in the annunciation window. The annunciation window displays abbreviated crew alert system (CAS) annunciations in red, amber, and white to indicate system conditions and malfunctions. An alerts window can be displayed below the annunciation window. The alerts window displays Revision 2.2 text messages for up to 64 alert messages, displayed by order of decreasing criticality. The G1000 system automatically adjusts for changing ambient light conditions. Depending on the alert type, an ALERTS softkey can flash with an alert and assume a new label consistent with the alert level (red WARNING, amber CAUTION, or white ADVISORY). FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 4-1 4 MASTER WARNING SYSTEM INTRODUCTION CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CONTROLS AND INDICATIONS LIMITATIONS For specific information on limitations, refer to the FAA-approved (AFM). CAS ANNUNCIATIONS Table 4-1 describes each CAS annunciation, its color, and the cause for its appearance. EMERGENCY/ ABNORMAL OPERATION For specific information on Emergency/Abnormal procedures, refer to the FAA-approved AFM. When the annunciation window is displayed, the flight management system (FMS) knob can be used to scroll through the messages. A white horizontal line separates acknowledged annunciations from those that are not yet acknowledged. Pressing the ALERTS softkey displays the ALERTS window. The FMS knob can then be used to scroll through the alert messages. Pressing the ALERTS softkey a second time closes the ALERTS window. Selecting the flashing softkey acknowledges the alert, and the softkey returns to the alerts. If alerts are still present the ALERTS label appears in white with black text. 4 MASTER WARNING SYSTEM WARNING­—A WARNING alert, which is accompanied by a continuous chime, requires immediate attention. Pressing the WARNING softkey acknowledges the WARNING alert and stops the chime. CAUTION—A CAUTION alert, which is accompanied by a single chime, indicates abnormal conditions that can require intervention. Pressing the CAUTION softkey acknowledges the alert. ADVISORY—This level of alert, which generates no aural tone, provides general information. Pressing the ADVISORY softkey acknowledges the alert. 4-2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 2.2 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL Table 4-1. CAS ANNUNCIATIONS MESSAGE DESCRIPTION EMERG PWR LVR Indicates when the EMERGENCY POWER lever is out of the stowed (NORMAL) position prior to and during the engine start (ITT in the OFF and STRT modes ONLY). ENGINE FIRE Indicates an excessive temperature condition and/or fire has occurred in the engine compartment. FUEL SELECT OFF Indicates LEFT and RIGHT FUEL TANK SELECTORS are both OFF at any time, or LEFT FUEL TANK SELECTOR is OFF when right tank is low, or RIGHT FUEL TANK SELECTOR is OFF when the left tank is low; or that either LEFT or RIGHT FUEL TANK SELECTORS are OFF when STARTER switch is ON. It can also indicate that the START CONT and/or FUEL SEL WARN circuit breaker has been pulled. OIL PRESS LOW Indicates engine oil pressure is less than 40 PSI RSVR FUEL LOW Indicates the fuel level in the reservoir is approximately one-half or less. With the fuel reservoir full, there is adequate fuel for approximately 3 minutes of maximum rated power or approximately 9 minutes at idle power. VOLTAGE LOW Indicates electrical system bus voltage is less than 24.0 volts prior to engine start or less than 24.5 volts with engine running and power is being supplied from the battery. VOLTAGE HIGH Indicates electrical system bus voltage is greater than 32.0 volts ALTNR AMPS Indicates that the alternator output is less than -10 amps or greater than 75 amps. CHIP DETECT Indicates that metal chips have been detected in either or both the accessory gearbox or reduction gearbox. DOOR UNLATCHED Indicates the upper cargo door and/or upper aft passenger door (passenger version only) are not latched. EMERG PWR LVR Indicates when the EMERGENCY POWER lever is out of the stowed (NORMAL) position while engine is running (Non-Start). FUEL BOOST ON Indicates the auxiliary fuel pump is operating. FUEL PRESS LOW Indicates fuel pressure in the fuel manifold assembly is below 2.5* PSI * - In 675 SHP Caravans this CAS ANNUNCIATION indicates fuel pressure in the fuel manifold assembly is below 4.75 PSI. GENERATOR AMPS Indicates that the generator output is less than -10 amps or greater than 200 amps (-15/300 with 300 amp starter generator). GENERATOR OFF Indicates that the generator is not connected to the electrical bus with engine running. Revision 3.0 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 4-3 4 MASTER WARNING SYSTEM * - In 675 SHP Caravans this CAS Annunciation indicates less than 24.5. CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL Figure 4-1. CAS ANNUNCIATIONS (CONT.) MESSAGE DESCRIPTION L-R FUEL LOW Indicates fuel quantity in both the left and right fuel tanks is 25 gallons (170 pounds) or less. L FUEL LOW Indicates fuel quantity in the left fuel tank is 25 gallons (170 lbs) or less. R FUEL LOW Indicates fuel quantity in the right fuel tank is 25 gallons (170 lbs) or less. L-R P/S HEAT Indicates that either both pitot/static vane heater systems (left and right) have malfunctioned or both the LEFT and RIGHT PITOT HEAT circuit breakers are pulled. L P/S HEAT Indicates the left side pitot/static vane heater system has malfunctioned or the LEFT PITOT HEAT circuit breaker is pulled. R P/S HEAT Indicates the right side pitot/static vane heater system has malfunctioned or the RIGHT PITOT HEAT circuit breaker is pulled. STALL HEAT Indicates the stall warning heater system has malfunctioned or the STALL WARN circuit breaker is pulled in conditions below 19°C (66°F) or above 52°C (125°F). STARTER ON Indicates the starter-generator is operating in starter mode. STBY PWR INOP Indicates electrical power is not available from the standby alternator. IGNITION ON Indicates electrical power is being supplied to the engine ignition system. SPD NOT AVAIL Indicates that the “SPD” button was pressed on Autopilot Mode Control panel. STBY PWR ON Indicates that the standby alternator is generating electrical power. TORQUE GAGE Indicates a miscompare between either the Pressure Altitude or OAT sensors. The annunciation will be accompanied with a static torque gage dynamic redline. 4 MASTER WARNING SYSTEM 4-4 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.3 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL QUESTIONS 1. A WARNING ALERT accompanied by a continuous chime indicates a condition that: A. Is advisory in nature B. Is normal during takeoff and landing C. Requires immediate attention D. The warning system is in error 4 MASTER WARNING SYSTEM 2. Pressing the ALERTS softkey for the crew alert system displays the: A. ALERTS window B. Status of scheduled maintenance C. Next waypoint in the flight plan D. Hazardous weather detected within 100 NM of the aircraft position Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 4-5 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CHAPTER 5 FUEL SYSTEM CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................. 5-1 DESCRIPTION....................................................................................................................... 5-4 COMPONENTS..................................................................................................................... 5-5 Drain Valves.................................................................................................................... 5-5 Fuel Pumps...................................................................................................................... 5-5 Fuel Filter........................................................................................................................ 5-5 CONTROLS AND INDICATIONS........................................................................................ 5-6 FUEL TANK SELECTORS............................................................................................ 5-6 FUEL/OIL SHUTOFF Knob........................................................................................... 5-6 FUEL BOOST Switch..................................................................................................... 5-6 Audio Alerts.................................................................................................................... 5-7 FUEL FILTER BYPASS Pop-Up Indicator.................................................................... 5-7 FUEL FLOW Indication.................................................................................................. 5-7 FUEL QUANTITY Indication........................................................................................ 5-7 OPERATION.......................................................................................................................... 5-8 Preflight........................................................................................................................... 5-8 LIMITATIONS........................................................................................................................ 5-8 QUESTIONS........................................................................................................................ 5-10 Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 5-i 5 FUEL SYSTEM EMERGENCY/ABNORMAL................................................................................................ 5-8 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Title Page 5-1. Grand Caravan EX Fuel System.............................................................................. 5-2 5-2. 208 Fuel System...................................................................................................... 5-3 5-3. Grand Caravan EX Fuel Filter Bypass Pop-Up Pin................................................. 5-4 5-4. 208 Fuel Filter Bypass Flag..................................................................................... 5-4 5-5. FUEL TANK SELECTORS levers.......................................................................... 5-5 5-6. FUEL SHUTOFF Knobs......................................................................................... 5-5 5-7. FUEL BOOST Switch............................................................................................. 5-6 5-8. Fuel Flow and Quantity Indicators ......................................................................... 5-7 TABLES Table Page CAS ANNUNCIATIONS........................................................................................ 5-9 5 FUEL SYSTEM 5-1. Title Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 5-iii CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CHAPTER 5 FUEL SYSTEM INTRODUCTION This chapter presents information on the fuel system of the Cessna Grand Caravan EX. A single integral fuel tank in each wing stores fuel. The fuel distribution system provides fuel to the engine from either or both tanks. Warnings and indications are provided for safety. GENERAL Revision 2.2 WARNING Unusable fuel levels for this aircraft were determined according to federal aviation regulations. Failure to operate the aircraft in compliance with the “Fuel Limitations” specified in Section 2 of the Pilot’s Operating Handbook or Aircraft Flight Manual (POH/AFM) can further reduce the amount of fuel available in flight. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 5 FUEL SYSTEM The aircraft fuel system includes two vented, integral fuel tanks with shutoff valves, a fuel-selectoroff warning system, a fuel reservoir, an ejector fuel pump, an electric auxiliary boost pump, a reservoir manifold assembly, a firewall shutoff valve, a fuel filter, an oil-to-fuel heater, an engine-driven fuel pump, a fuel control unit, a flow divider, dual manifolds, and 14 fuel nozzle assemblies (Figure 5-1). 5-1 5 FUEL SYSTEM 5-2 PRIMARY SECONDARY FUEL DRAIN FROM NOZZLES AIR VENT FLOW DIVIDER LEGEND FLOW FM METER LOW PRESSURE FUEL VENT FUEL CONTROL UNIT HEATED LOW PRESSURE FUEL HIGH PRESSURE PUMP BYPASS/DRAIN FUEL HP FILTER HIGH PRESSURE FUEL FUEL INSIDE TANK/GRAVITY FEED LINES FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY STATIC FUEL VALVE GEAR PUMP FUEL IN FUEL NOZZLES FUEL IN FUEL NOZZLES STRAINER LOW PRESSURE LP SWITCH EMPTY FUEL LINES LP FILTER VENT NON RETURN VALVE OUTLET POP UP INLET CHECK VALVE FUEL FLOW ECOLOGY TANK FUEL OIL HEAT EXCHANGER ASSEMBLY EJECTOR PUMP FIREWALL FIREWALL FUEL SHUTOFF VALVE AUXILIARY FUEL PUMP RESERVOIR LOW-FUEL SENSOR MOTIVE FLOW EJECTOR PUMP FUEL QUANTITY TRANSMITTERS LEVER PLUG ORIFICE TEMP SENSOR T ECOLOGY TANK TANK FLOAT FUEL QUANTITY TRANSMITTERS FUEL DRAIN FUEL CAP FUEL CAP RESERVOIR RIGHT FUEL TANK LEFT FUEL TANK FUEL LOW SWITCH FUEL SWITCH Revision 3.2 VENT WITH FLOAT VALVE AND PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE FUEL LOW SWITCH SHUTOFF VALVES FUEL DRAINS SHUTOFF VALVES FUEL DRAINS Figure 5-1. Grand Caravan EX Fuel System VENT WITH FLOAT VALVE AND PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL MOTIVE FLOW SHUT-OFF VALVE MOTIVE FLOW FUEL Revision 2.2 FUEL MANIFOLD FUEL CAN AND DRAIN VENT FLOW DIVIDER/ DUMP VALVE FUEL CONTROL UNIT FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY FUEL FILTER BYPASS INDICATOR LEGEND ENGINE DRIVEN FUEL PUMP FUEL HEATER FUEL FILTER CONTROL/BIAS PRESSURE VENT FIREWALL SHUTOFF VALVE MOTIVE FLOW PRESSURE BOOST PUMP PRESSURE FIREWALL VENT BYPASS/DRAIN FUEL GRAVITY/SUCTION RESERVOIR MANIFOLD ASSEMBLY FUEL INSIDE TANK BOOST/EJECTOR PUMP FUEL P BOOST PUMP MAIN EJECTOR PUMP RESERVOIR LOW-FUEL SENSOR FUEL QUANTITY TRANSMITTERS FUEL QUANTITY TRANSMITTERS FUEL DRAIN RESERVOIR FUEL CAP FUEL CAP SHUTOFF VALVES LEFT FUEL TANK RIGHT FUEL TANK FUEL LOW SWITCH FUEL SWITCH VENT WITH FLOAT VALVE AND PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE FUEL DRAINS FUEL LOW SWITCH SHUTOFF VALVES 5-3 Figure 5-2. 208 Fuel System 5 FUEL SYSTEM FUEL DRAINS VENT WITH FLOAT VALVE AND PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL FUEL FLOW TRANSDUCER CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL Figure 5-4. 208 Fuel Filter Bypass Flag Figure 5-3. Grand Caravan EX Fuel Filter Bypass Pop-Up Pin DESCRIPTION Fuel flows from the tanks through the two fuel tank shutoff valves at each tank. Fuel flows by gravity from the shutoff valves in each tank to the fuel reservoir. The reservoir is at the low point in the fuel system, which maintains a head of fuel around the ejector pump and boost pump in the reservoir. The head of fuel prevents pump cavitation in low fuel quality situations, especially during in-flight maneuvering. valve allows the pilot to stop all fuel flow to the engine. After passing through the shutoff valve, fuel is routed through the fuel oil heat exchanger assembly, which includes a fuel filter. If the fuel filter becomes blocked with foreign material, the filter begins bypassing fuel. A red filter bypass pop-up pin on the top of the filter exteends upward. NOTE In 675 SHP Caravans fuel is routed through a fuel filter on the front side of the firewall. 5 FUEL SYSTEM Reservoir fuel is pumped by the ejector pump or by the electric auxiliary boost pump to the Fuel Oil Heat Exchanger Assembly. The ejector pump is driven by motive fuel flow from the engine driven fuel pump. If the ejector pump fails, then the electric pump starts automatically, thereby supplying fuel to the engine-driven pump. Fuel is then routed to the engine-driven fuel pump, where the pressurized fuel is delivered to the fuel control unit. The fuel control unit meters the fuel and directs it to the flow divider, which distributes the fuel to the dual manifolds and 14 fuel nozzles in the combustion chamber. NOTE NOTE In 675 SHP Caravans reservoir fuel is pumped by the ejector pump or by the electric auxiliary boost pump to the reservoir manifold. In 675 SHP Caravans Fuel from the filter is routed through the oil-to-fuel heater. The boost pump supplies fuel flow during starting. Fuel in the reservoir flows through a fuel shutoff valve on the aft side of the firewall. The shutoff 5-4 Fuel rejected by the engine on shutdown drains into a fuel ecology tank mounted on the engine side of the firewall on the left side. When the engine is restarted, motive flow fuel draws the accumulated fuel out of the ecology tank and back into the fuel circulation. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.0 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL Vent lines with check valves from each fuel tank vent the fuel system. The vent lines protrude from the trailing edge of the wing at the wingtips. The fuel reservoir is vented to both wing tanks. The fuel vent system must be operational for flight. Complete blockage causes decreased fuel flow and eventual engine stoppage. COMPONENTS Grand Caravan EX DRAIN VALVES Drain valves are on: • Lower surface of each wing at the inboard end of the fuel tank • Left side of the cargo pod for pod-equipped aircraft • Underside of the fuselage if the cargo pod is not installed The drain valves for the wing tanks are externally flush-mounted, tool-operated poppet valves. 208 Figure 5-5. FUEL TANK SELECTORS Levers FUEL PUMPS The fuel reservoir has an ejector pump and a boost pump. The ejector pump is driven by motive flow fuel and provides fuel flow during normal engine operation. The boost pump operates for engine starting and when fuel pressure drops below 2.5 psi. It is controlled by the FUEL BOOST switch. NOTE In 675 SHP Caravans the boost pump operates for engine starting and when fuel pressure drops below 4.75 psi. 208 Figure 5-6. FUEL SHUTOFF Knobs NOTE In 675 SHP Caravans fuel rejected by the engine on shutdown drains into a fireproof fuel can on the front left side of the firewall. Revision 3.0 FUEL FILTER Raw fuel flowing to the powerplant is filtered to remove contaminant particles, which can stop the engine. The fuel filter has a bypass mechanism that reroutes fuel around the filter if the filter becomes clogged. The fuel filter is located in the fuel oil heat exchanger assembly. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 5-5 5 FUEL SYSTEM Grand Caravan EX CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CONTROLS AND INDICATIONS FUEL TANK SELECTORS Left and right FUEL TANK SELECTORS are on the overhead panel; each has ON and OFF positions. Each selector mechanically controls the position of two fuel tank shutoff valves at each wing tank. FUEL/OIL SHUTOFF KNOB The manual firewall fuel shutoff valve is controlled by a red FUEL/OIL SHUTOFF push-pull knob on the right side of the pedestal. In 675 SHP Caravans the knob has a press-to-release button in the center that locks the knob in position when the button is released. NOTE In 675 SHP Caravans the label is FUEL SHUTOFF FUEL BOOST SWITCH The FUEL BOOST switch is on the left sidewall switch panel. The switch has OFF, NORM, and ON positions. When the switch is positioned to OFF, the fuel boost pump is inoperative. Figure 5-7. FUEL BOOST Switch When the switch is positioned to NORM, the pump is armed and operates when fuel pressure in the fuel manifold assembly drops below 2.5 psi. The NORM position is used for all normal engine operations in which main fuel is provided by the ejector pump and the boost pump is used as a standby. When the switch is positioned to NORM an intermitiant amber FUEL BOOST ON message indicates that the boost pump is cycling on and off. 5 FUEL SYSTEM NOTE The fuel filter is located on the firewall for the 675 SHP Caravans 5-6 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.0 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL FUEL FILTER BYPASS POP-UP INDICATOR A red filter bypass pop-up indicator is on top of the fuel filter. The extended red flag indicates that the fuel filter is clogged and that raw fuel is entering the powerplant. The flag remains up until reset by a maintenance technician. The pin must not be reset by the pilot. NOTE In 675 SHP Caravans the Fuel Filter Bypass Pop-Up Indicator is referred to as a flag. FUEL FLOW INDICATION A fuel flow indication beneath the fuel quantity gauges indicates fuel consumption in pounds per hour based on Jet A fuel. Fuel flow is measured downstream of the fuel control unit before the fuel is routed to the flow divider. The fuel flow indication receives power from a F FLOW NG and NP and PROP RPM circuit breaker on the CB panel. NOTE In the 675 SHP Caravans when the switch is positioned to NORM, the pump is armed and operates when fuel pressure in the fuel manifold assembly drops below 4.75 psi. When the switch is positioned to ON, the boost pump operates continuously. The ON position is used for engine start and low fuel pressure as indicated by the FUEL BOOST ON message. AUDIO ALERTS A single chime sounds if either or both FUEL TANK SELECTOR controls are positioned to OFF. The aural alert system is powered through the START CONT circuit breaker and has its own nonpullable FUEL SEL WARN circuit breaker. Revision 3.0 FUEL QUANTITY INDICATION Fuel quantity is measured by four fuel quantity transmitters (two in each tank) and indicated on the engine indication system (EIS) on the multifunction display (MFD). The fuel quantity indications display volume in pounds (based on the weight of Jet A fuel on a standard day) and gallons. A red line and the letter E indicate an empty tank. When the indicator shows an empty tank, approximately 2.8 gallons of unusable fuel remain in the tank. The fuel quantity indicators receive power from the LEFT FUEL QTY and RIGHT FUEL QTY circuit breakers on the left sidewall CB panel. WARNING The accuracy of the fuel quantity indicator is affected in flight by uncoordinat- FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 5-7 5 FUEL SYSTEM Figure 5-8. Fuel Flow and Quantity Indicators CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL ed flight, or on the ground by a sloping ramp. To obtain an accurate reading on the ground, verify that the aircraft is parked in a laterally level condition. To do so in flight, verify that the aircraft is in a coordinated, stable condition. OPERATION PREFLIGHT Fuel Selectors Either the left or right fuel tanks or both tanks can be selected at the same time. Normal operation is with both tanks on. For starting, both tanks must be on. Positioning a selector to OFF stops fuel from the respective wing tank to the reservoir tank. Normal fuel management is with both fuel selectors ON. With the FUEL TANK SELECTOR both positioned to OFF, it is possible to start, taxi, or take off before the reservoir tank fuel is exhausted. Before refueling or when the aircraft is parked on a slope, move either or both fuel selectors to OFF. If only one tank is turned off when parked on a slope, select the higher wing tank to the OFF position. Doing so prevents crossfeeding between tanks and reduces fuel seepage from the wing tank vents. Fuel Drains Before each flight and after each refueling, use a clear sampler and drain fuel from the inboard fuel tank sump quick-drain valves, outboard fuel tank quick drain valves (only on the low wing), and fuel reservoir quick-drain valve. The sampler determines whether contaminants are present and if the aircraft is fueled with the proper fuel. 5 FUEL SYSTEM NOTE On 675 SHP Caravans this would also include sampling fuel from the fuel filter quick-drain valve. The wing tank drain valves are opened and closed by pressing on the valve with a Phillips screwdriver. On pod-equipped aircraft the reservoir drain valve is controlled by a double-button, push-pull, drain control knob. Pulling the knob out drains the reservoir out of the rear fuel drain pipe next to the drain valve. On aircraft with no optional pod, the reservoir drain valve includes a flush-mounted poppet valve, which when pressed and then turned, locks the valve open, if required. If contamination is detected, drain all fuel drain points again. Take repeated samples from all fuel drain points until all contamination has been removed. If, after repeating the sampling, evidence of contamination still exists, drain the fuel tanks completely and clean the fuel system. Do not fly the aircraft with contaminated or unapproved fuel. NOTE On 675 SHP Caravans drain the fireproof fuel can once daily during preflight inspection, or at least after six engine shutdowns. A drain valve on the bottom left of the cowling enables draining of the fuel can contents into a suitable container. If the fuel is not drained regularly, the can overflows its contents overboard. WARNING JP-4 and other naphtha-based fuels can cause severe skin and eye irritation. LIMITATIONS For specific information on limitations, refer to the FAA-approved (AFM). EMERGENCY/ ABNORMAL For specific information on Emergency/Abnormal procedures, refer to the FAA-approved AFM. 5-8 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.0 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL Table 5-1. CAS ANNUNCIATIONS MESSAGE DESCRIPTION FUEL SELECT OFF Indicates LEFT and RIGHT FUEL TANK SELECTORS are both OFF at any time, or LEFT FUEL TANK SELECTOR is OFF when right tank is low, or RIGHT FUEL TANK SELECTOR is OFF when the left tank is low; or that either LEFT or RIGHT FUEL TANK SELECTORS are OFF when STARTER switch is ON. It can also indicate that the START CONT and/or FUEL SEL WARN circuit breaker has been pulled. RSVR FUEL LOW Indicates the fuel level in the reservoir is approximately one-half or less. With the fuel reservoir full, there is adequate fuel for approximately 3 minutes of maximum rated power or approximately 9 minutes at idle power. WARNING - The reservoir tank holds only enough fuel for 90 seconds of engine operation at maximum rated power after the RSVR FUEL LOW message appears. FUEL BOOST ON Indicates the auxiliary fuel pump is operating. FUEL PRESS LOW Indicates fuel pressure in the fuel manifold assembly is below 2.5* PSI * - In 675 SHP Caravans this CAS ANNUNCIATION indicates fuel pressure in the fuel manifold assembly is below 4.75 PSI. Indicates fuel quantity in both the left and right fuel tanks is 25 gallons (170 pounds) or less. L FUEL LOW Indicates fuel quantity in the left fuel tank is 25 gallons (170 lbs) or less. R FUEL LOW Indicates fuel quantity in the right fuel tank is 25 gallons (170 lbs) or less. 5 FUEL SYSTEM L-R FUEL LOW Revision 3.0 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 5-9 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL QUESTIONS 1. Fuel flows from the wing tanks to the reservoir tank by: A. Fuel boost pump pressure B. Ejector pump pressure C. Gravity D. Fuel control unit pressure 2. Fuel is pumped from the reservoir tank primarily by the: A. Main ejector pump B. Boost pump C. Engine-driven fuel pump D. Fuel control unit 3. If the fuel filter becomes blocked: A. Fuel starvation occurs and the engine stops. B. A CAS message appears. C. The red fuel filter bypass flag appears. D. The fuel filter bypass horn sounds. 6. The fuel-selector-off warning system sounds when: A. Both left and right fuel tank shutoff valves are closed. B. Either the left or right fuel tank shutoff valves are closed during an engine start operation. C. One fuel selector is at OFF and fuel remaining in the tank being used is less than 25 gallons. D. All of the above. 7. The auxiliary fuel boost pump switch: A. Is positioned to NORM during all normal engine operations B. Is positioned to OFF except in emergency fuel situations C. Is positioned to ON at all times to prevent fuel starvation D. Is positioned to OFF during all normal engine operations 4. Fuel rejected during engine shutdown: A. Drains onto the ground from the manifold B. Drains into a fireproof fuel can on the firewall C. Drains into the reservoir tank D. Is pumped into the left wing tank 5. The two FUEL TANK SELECTOR knobs on the overhead panel: A. Are both normally ON in flight B. Are both normally OFF during refueling C. Are OFF during ground operations D. Both A and B 5 FUEL SYSTEM 5-10 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 2.2 6 AUXILIARY POWER SYSTEM CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CHAPTER 6 AUXILIARY POWER SYSTEM The material normally covered in this chapter is not applicable to this airplane. Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 6-i CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CHAPTER 7 POWERPLANT CONTENTS INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................. 7-1 MAJOR SECTIONS............................................................................................................... 7-2 Reduction Gear................................................................................................................ 7-2 Exhaust............................................................................................................................ 7-3 Turbine............................................................................................................................. 7-3 Combustion..................................................................................................................... 7-3 Compressor...................................................................................................................... 7-3 Air Intake......................................................................................................................... 7-3 Accessory Drive.............................................................................................................. 7-4 ENGINE SYSTEMS............................................................................................................... 7-4 Engine Lubrication System............................................................................................. 7-4 Ignition System............................................................................................................... 7-5 Air Induction System...................................................................................................... 7-6 Inertial Separator System................................................................................................ 7-6 Engine Fuel System......................................................................................................... 7-7 Starting System............................................................................................................... 7-8 Engine Fire Detection System......................................................................................... 7-9 COMPONENTS..................................................................................................................... 7-9 Chip Detectors................................................................................................................. 7-9 Propeller.......................................................................................................................... 7-9 CONTROLS AND INDICATIONS...................................................................................... 7-11 Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 7-i 7 POWERPLANT Page CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CABIN HEAT FIREWALL SHUTOFF OFF Knob...................................................... 7-11 Engine Controls............................................................................................................. 7-12 Engine Indication System.............................................................................................. 7-14 ETM.............................................................................................................................. 7-16 OPERATION........................................................................................................................ 7-19 7 POWERPLANT New Engine Break-in and Operation............................................................................ 7-19 Engine Ignition.............................................................................................................. 7-19 Engine Shutdown.......................................................................................................... 7-20 Oil.................................................................................................................................. 7-20 Oil Grade Specification................................................................................................. 7-20 LIMITATIONS...................................................................................................................... 7-20 EMERGENCY/ABNORMAL.............................................................................................. 7-20 Hot Starts....................................................................................................................... 7-20 QUESTIONS........................................................................................................................ 7-23 7-ii FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 2.2 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL ILLUSTRATIONS Title Page 7-1. Engine Major Sections............................................................................................. 7-2 7-2. Oil System Schematic.............................................................................................. 7-3 7-3. Oil Dipstick/Filler Cap............................................................................................ 7-4 7-4. Oil Dipstick Markings............................................................................................. 7-5 7-5. IGNITION and STARTER Switches....................................................................... 7-5 7-6. INTERTIAL SEPARATOR Handle and Indications............................................... 7-6 7-7. Fuel Oil Heat Exchanger......................................................................................... 7-7 7-8. Engine Fuel System................................................................................................. 7-8 7-9. Test Switch............................................................................................................... 7-9 7-10. Propeller System (Cruise)..................................................................................... 7-10 7-11. Engine Controls..................................................................................................... 7-12 7-12. EX and 208 Engine and System Indciations......................................................... 7-14 7-13. OVERSPEED GOVERNOR PUSH TO TEST Switch.......................................... 7-16 7-14. Engine Air Intake................................................................................................... 7-19 TABLES Table 7-1. Revision 2.2 Title Page CAS ANNUNCIATIONS...................................................................................... 7-22 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 7-iii 7 POWERPLANT Figure CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 7 POWERPLANT CHAPTER 7 POWERPLANT INTRODUCTION This chapter describes the powerplant on the Cessna Grand Caravan EX. The following associated powerplant monitoring and operating systems are discussed: lubrication, ignition, air induction, fuel, starting, propeller, engine controls, and engine instruments. GENERAL The aircraft is powered by a Pratt and Whitney of Canada PT6A-140 powerplant. It is a free-turbine engine that uses two independent turbines: one driving a compressor in the gas generator section and one driving a reduction gear for the propeller. The powerplant is rated at 867 shaft horsepower. NOTE In 675 SHP Caravans the PT6A114A powerplant is rated at 675 shaft horsepower. Revision 3.0 All engine-driven accessories, except for the propeller tachometer-generator and propeller governors, are on the accessory gearbox (AGB) at the rear of the engine. The engine accessories are driven by the compressor turbine with a coupling shaft that extends the drive through a conical tube in the oil tank center section. An internal tank contains the main portion of the engine oil supply. The tank, which forms part of the compressor inlet case, has a capacity of 9.5 U.S. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 7-1 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL • Compressor quarts and includes a dipstick and drain plug. Total oil system capacity, including tank, engine sumps, lines, and filter, is 14 U.S. quarts. • Air intake • Accessory drive 7 POWERPLANT MAJOR SECTIONS REDUCTION GEAR For descriptive purposes, the engine is divided into seven major sections (Figure 7-1) from front to rear, as follows: The reduction gear is a two-stage planetary gear, enclosed in a case forming the front of the engine. The planetary gear reduces the high rpm/low torque of the power turbine to the low rpm/high torque required by the propeller. • Reduction gear The planetary gear also drives the propeller tach generator, the propeller governor, and the propeller overspeed governor. A conventional torquemeter in the reduction gearcase provides cockpit indication of the power delivered to the propeller. • Exhaust • Turbine • Combustor Grand Caravan EX 208 Figure 7-1. Engine Major Sections 7-2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.0 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 7 POWERPLANT INTEGRAL OIL TANK CAPACITY 9.5 QUARTS OIL FILTER AND CHECK VALVE BYPASS VALVE CHIP DETECTOR CHIP DETECTOR Figure 7-2. Oil System Schematic EXHAUST COMBUSTION The exhaust section (aft of the reduction gear) includes an annular exit plenum, a heat-resistant cone, and an exhaust port at the 4 o’clock position on the engine. The combustion section includes a plenum and a reverse-flow combustion chamber. The combustion chamber has two igniter plugs and 14 equally spaced fuel nozzles. TURBINE COMPRESSOR The turbine section includes a single-stage power turbine (propeller turbine ) and a single-stage gas generator turbine (compressor turbine). The turbines are in the combustor and contribute to the short length of the PT6A-140 engine. The power turbine is on a shaft that extends forward to drive the reduction gear. The compressor section has three axial compressor wheels and one centrifugal wheel. All of the wheels are on the gas generator turbine rotor shaft extending aft to drive the accessory gear. The gas generator turbine is on a shaft that extends aft to drive the compressor and the accessory gear. Revision 3.0 AIR INTAKE The air intake section is circumferential and aft of the compressor. The intake plenum turns the air 180° forward toward the compressor. A circular screen surrounds the engine inlet area. Airflow is directed to the engine air intake by the ram-air inlet scoop on the nacelle. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 7-3 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL ACCESSORY DRIVE NOTE The accessory drive section forms the aft part of the engine and contains the reduction gear for the engine-driven accessories. ENGINE SYSTEMS 7 POWERPLANT ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEM The lubrication system includes a pressure system, a scavenge system, and a breather system (Figure 7-2). The main components of the lubrication system include: • Integral oil tank at the back of the engine • Oil pressure pump at the bottom of the oil tank • Internal double-element scavenge pump in the accessory gear box (AGB) • External double-element scavenge pump on the back of the accessory case On the 675 SHP Caravans Oil-to-fuel heater is on the top rear of the accessory case • Internal oil filter on the right side of the oil tank • Oil cooler on the right side of the nose cowl • Oil Sight Glass NOTE The 675 SHP Caravans do not include an Oil Sight Glass. An oil dipstick/filler cap is at the l eft rear of the engine and is accessible when the left side of the upper cowling is raised (Figure 7-3). The oil tank capacity is 9.5 U.S. quarts. Total system capacity is 14 U.S. quarts. The top 5 quarts are measured by the dipstick (Figure 7-4). Maintain the oil level to within 1.5 quarts of MAX HOT or MAX COLD as appropriate. • Oil-to-fuel heater on the bottom rear of the accessory case Grand Caravan EX 208 Figure 7-3. Oil Dipstick/Filler Cap 7-4 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.0 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL form an engine dry motoring run before checking the oil level. OIL TANK FILLER CAP MAX. HOT Ignition is controlled by an IGNITION and STARTER switches on the left sidewall switch panel (Figure 7-5). The IGNITION switch has an ON and NORM position. The NORM position arms the ignition system for initiation when the STARTER switch is positioned to START. IMPERIAL LITERS 0.833 1 0.95 2 MAX. COLD° DIPSTICK Two igniters in the engine combustion chamber provide engine ignition. The igniters are energized by the ignition exciter on the right side of the engine compartment. Electrical energy from the ignition exciter is transmitted through two hightension leads to the igniters. The ignition system normally is energized only during engine start. 1.90 1.66 2.49 3.32 4 US QUARTS 3 QUARTS 2.85 Figure 7-5. IGNITION and STARTER Switches 3.80 Figure 7-4. Oil Dipstick Markings NOTE To obtain an accurate oil reading, check the oil either within 10 minutes after engine shutdown while the oil is hot (MAX HOT mark) or before the first flight of the day while the oil is cold (MAX COLD mark). If engine oil still is warm 10 minutes after engine shutdown, per- Revision 2.2 Use the NORM position during all ground starts and during airstarts with starter assist. The ON position provides continuous ignition regardless of the STARTER switch position. The ON position is used for: • Operation on water-covered runways • Flight during heavy precipitation • Inadvertent icing encounters until the inertial separator has been in bypass for 5 minutes FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 7-5 7 POWERPLANT IGNITION SYSTEM CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL • Operations using the emergency power lever • Near fuel exhaustion, indicated by a RSVR FUEL LOW message NOTE On 675 SHP Caravans the ON position is used for Airstarts without starter assist. 7 POWERPLANT A white IGNITION ON message appears when electrical power is applied to the igniters. The ignition system is protected by an IGN circuit breaker on the CB panel. AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM The engine air inlet is at the front of the engine nacelle left of the propeller spinner. Ram air entering the inlet flows through ducts into an inertial separator system and then through a circulator plenum chamber into the engine. In the plenum chamber, guide vanes direct the airflow into the compressor inlet, which has a screen to prevent entry of large particles into the compressor. INERTIAL SEPARATOR SYSTEM An inertial separator system in the engine air inlet duct prevents moisture from entering the compressor air inlet plenum when in bypass mode. The inertial separator includes two movable vanes and a fixed airfoil, which during normal operation route the inlet air through a gentle turn into the compressor air inlet plenum (Figure 7-6). When separation of moisture particles is desired, the vanes are positioned so the inlet air is forced into a sharp turn in order to enter the inlet plenum. The sharp turn separates moisture particles from the inlet air and discharges the moisture overboard through the inertial separator outlet in the left side of the cowling. Inertial separator operation is controlled by the INERTIAL SEPARATOR handle on the lower instrument panel. Engaging the handle results in NORMAL BYPASS Figure 7-6. INTERTIAL SEPARATOR Handle and Indications 7-6 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.0 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL FUEL INLET LEGEND WARMED FUEL ENGINE OIL COLD FUEL THERMAL ELEMENT PUSHROD SLEEVE VALVE 7 POWERPLANT FUEL OUTLET FUEL OUTLET OIL INLET OIL OUTLET OPEN OIL INLET OIL OUTLET OPEN Figure 7-7. Fuel Oil Heat Exchanger a slight drop in torque and in movement of the torque bug. Use the BYPASS position when flying through visible moisture such as clouds, rain, snow, and ice crystals with an outside air temperature (OAT) of (41°F or 5°C) or lower. Use the BYPASS position for ground operation or takeoff from dusty or sandy conditions to minimize intake of foreign particles into the compressor. Use the NORMAL–PUSH position for all other operations. To lock the handle in the NORMAL position rotate the handle clockwise one quarter turn to its vertical position. To unlock the handle, push it forward slightly, rotate the handle 90° counterclockwise, and then pull the handle into the BYPASS position. When in this position the airload on the movable vanes maintains the vane position. NOTE When moving the INERTIAL SEPARATOR handle from BYPASS to NORMAL during flight, reduce engine power to reduce the control forces. Maintain a firm grip on the handle when operating to prevent the separator vanes from Revision 2.2 slamming from one position to another under airload force. ENGINE FUEL SYSTEM The engine fuel system includes: • Oil-to-fuel heater • Engine-driven fuel pump • Fuel control unit • Flow divider and dump valve • Dual fuel manifold with 14 simplex nozzles (10 primary and four secondary) • Two fuel drain lines The system provides fuel flow to satisfy engine speed and power demands. Fuel from the aircraft reservoir is delivered to the oil-to-fuel heater (Figure 7-7), which uses heat from the engine lubricating oil system to preheat the fuel in the fuel system (Figure 7-8). A fuel temperature-sensing oil bypass valve regulates fuel temperature by allowing oil either to FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 7-7 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL TO FLOW DIVIDER ENGINE FUEL SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM FLOW DIVIDER & DUMP VALVE FUEL FUEL SHUTOFF VALVE FUEL CONTROL UNIT 7 POWERPLANT PX A IR P Y A IR Ng GOVERNOR FUEL MOTIVE FLOW RETURN TO RESERVOIR TANK FUEL METERING VALVE TO Nf GOV. ENGINE-DRIVEN FUEL PUMP GOV. BELLOWS FUEL P 3 A IR FUEL MOTIVE FLOW HEATER RETURN TO RESERVOIR TANK ACCEL. BELLOWS (EVACUATED) TO EMERGENCY POWER LEVER LEGEND Px HIGH PRESSURE FUEL METERED FUEL MOTIVE FLOW RETURN FUEL PX AIR PY AIR Py FROM Ng GOVERNOR FUEL SUPPLY (FROM FUEL PUMP) Figure 7-8. Engine Fuel System flow through the heater circuit or to bypass it to the engine oil tank. Fuel from the oil-to-fuel heater then enters the engine-driven fuel pump chamber. The pump is on the AGB at the 2 o’clock position and has an inlet screen and an outlet filter, which allow fuel bypass if a blockage occurs. The fuel control unit includes: valve port. Residual fuel in the manifolds drains into the ecology tank on the firewall, where motive flow fuel draws the collected fuel back into the fuel system. NOTE On 675 SHP Caravans residual fuel in the manifolds drains into the fuel can on the firewall, where it is drained daily or after no more than six engine shutdowns. • Fuel metering section • Temperature-compensating section STARTING SYSTEM • Gas generator pneumatic governor The starting system includes a starter-generator, a STARTER switch, and an amber STARTER ON message. The fuel control unit determines the fuel schedule, which provides the power required as established by the power lever input. The fuel scheduling is accomplished by controlling the compressor turbine speed. When the fuel cutoff valve in the fuel control unit closes during engine shutdown, both primary and secondary manifolds are connected to a dump 7-8 The starter-generator functions as a motor for engine starting and accelerates the gas generator section until 46% Ng is reached, at which time the start cycle terminates. The starter-generator is controlled by a threeposition STARTER switch on the left sidewall FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.0 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL switch panel (see Figure 7-5). The switch has OFF, START, and MOTOR positions. The START position energizes the starter-generator, which rotates the gas generator portion of the engine for starting. The START position also energizes the ignition system when the IGNITION switch is in the NORM position. When the engine has started, the starter switch must be manually positioned to OFF to deenergize the ignition system and to activate the generator system. Verify that the STARTER ON message disappears, and then check the engine indications. 7 POWERPLANT The OFF position deenergizes the ignition and starter circuits and is in the normal position at all times except during engine start. Figure 7-9. Test Switch COMPONENTS CHIP DETECTORS The MOTOR position motors the engine without having the ignition circuit energized and is used for motoring the engine when an engine start is not desired. Engine motoring is used for clearing fuel from the engine, washing the engine compressor, etc. The MOTOR position is spring-loaded to the OFF position. Two chip detectors are on the engine: one on the underside of the reduction gearbox case and one on the underside of the AGB case. The chip detectors drive an amber CHIP DETECT message, which appears when metal chips are detected in either gearbox. This message indicates a need for an engine inspection for abnormal wear. An interlock between the MOTOR position of the STARTER switch and the IGNITION switch prevents the starter from motoring unless the IGNITION switch is in the NORM position. This prevents unintentional engine motoring with the ignition on. Starter contactor operation is indicated by an amber STARTER ON message. PROPELLER ENGINE FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM The engine fire detection system includes a heat sensor in the engine compartment, a red ENGINE FIRE message, and a warning horn above the pilot. A TEST switch is to the left of the pilot primary flight display (PFD) (Figure 7-9). When the switch is toggled to the FIRE DETECT position, the red ENGINE FIRE message appears and the warning horn sounds, indicating that the fire warning circuitry is operational. The system is protected by a FIRE DET circuit breaker on the CB panel. Revision 3.0 The aircraft has an all metal, three-bladed, constantspeed, full-feathering, reversible, single-acting, governor- regulated propeller. A setting introduced into the governor with the propeller control lever establishes the propeller speed (Figure 7-10). NOTE On the 675 SHP Caravans there is an optional composite-material. The PROP RPM lever is on the center control pedestal. To feather the propeller blades, position the control lever to FEATHER. Counterweights and spring tension twist the propeller blades through high pitch and into the streamlined or feathered position. To unfeather the propeller blades, position the PROP RPM lever forward of the FEATHER gate. The unfeathering system uses engine oil pressure to force the propeller out of feather. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 7-9 7 POWERPLANT 7-10 LEGEND PUMP PRESSURE BYPASS OIL SUMP/STORAGE OIL REVERSING CAM NORMAL GOVERNOR FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY FUEL CONTROL UNIT Py AIR AIR BLEED LINK BETA VALVE PILOT VALVE PROPELLER OVERSPEED GOVERNOR TO SUMP FROM SUMP TEST SOLENOID VALVE TO SUMP Revision 3.0 Figure 7-10. Propeller System (Cruise) CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL INLET AIR CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL Reversed propeller pitch decreases landing ground roll. To accomplish reverse pitch, the POWER level is retarded beyond IDLE and well into the BETA range. Maximum reverse power is accomplished by retarding the POWER level to the MAX REVERSE position, which increases power output from the gas generator and positions the propeller blades at full reverse pitch. Overspeed CAUTION Feathering The propeller governor pilot valve is raised mechanically to decrease the oil pressure at the propeller. Under the influence of the return springs and counterweights, the blades are rotated to the feathered position. BETA Operation Propeller Governor The propeller governor includes a mechanical governor, a beta control valve, and a pneumatic Nf governor. The propeller governor operates in five modes: • Underspeed • Onspeed The BETA operation is nongoverning. Oil pressure to and from the governor is metered by the beta control valve through a mechanical lever and a feedback ring. If the aircraft is equipped, the red BETA CAS message appears when BETA range is selected in flight. CONTROLS AND INDICATIONS • Overspeed • Feathering • Beta range Underspeed CABIN HEAT FIREWALL SHUTOFF OFF KNOB With the PROP RPM lever at the desired rpm, an underspeed condition occurs when the propeller rpm falls below the preselected setting or has not reached the selected speed. The CABIN HEAT FIREWALL SHUTOFF knob is a push-pull knob on the lower right side of the pedestal. When pulled the knob actuates two firewall shutoff valves to the off position. Onspeed One firewall shutoff valve is in the bleed-air supply line to the cabin heating system and one is in the cabin return line. The knob normally is pushed in unless a fire is indicated in the engine compartment. In an onspeed condition in forward thrust, the forces on the engine, propeller, and propeller governor are in balance. With the PROP RPM lever at the desired rpm, the propeller blades are at the correct pitch angle to absorb the power being developed by the engine. Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 7-11 7 POWERPLANT To prevent damaging the propeller reversing linkage do not move the POWER lever aft of the IDLE position when the propeller is feathered or when the engine is not running. With the PROP RPM lever at the desired rpm, an overspeed condition occurs when the propeller rpm is driven above the preselected speed. Overspeed conditions occur during flight altitude changes or sudden power lever changes, or rapid changes in atmospheric condition. CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 7 POWERPLANT Grand Caravan EX 208 Figure 7-11. Engine Controls ENGINE CONTROLS The engine is operated by four separate controls (Figure 7-11): The BETA range enables the pilot to control propeller blade pitch from idle thrust back through a zero or no-thrust condition to maximum reverse thrust. • POWER lever • EMERGENCY POWER lever • PROP RPM lever • FUEL CONDITION lever The POWER and FUEL CONDITION levers are used to control the engine and the PROP RPM lever controls propeller speed and feathering. POWER Lever The POWER lever is connected through linkage to a cam in front of the fuel control unit at the rear of the engine. The POWER lever controls engine power, via pneumatic control of the metering valve, from maximum takeoff power back through idle to full reverse. The lever also selects propeller pitch when in the BETA range. The POWER lever has MAX, IDLE, BETA, and MAX REVERSE range positions. The range from the MAX position through IDLE allows selection of the desired engine power. 7-12 CAUTION To prevent damaging the propeller reversing linkage do not move the POWER lever aft of the IDLE position when the propeller is feathered or when the engine is not running. EMERGENCY POWER Lever The EMERGENCY POWER lever is linked to the mechanical override lever on the fuel control unit. This lever governs fuel supply to the engine if a pneumatic malfunction occurs in the fuel control unit. During engine operation, failure of any pneumatic signal to the fuel control unit decreases fuel flow to minimum idle (approximately 48% Ng at sea level). The EMERGENCY POWER lever restores power if such a failure occurs. The EMERGENCY POWER lever has NORMAL, IDLE, and MAX positions. When the fuel control FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.0 unit is operating normally, the lever is kept in the NORMAL position (full aft) and engine power is selected by the POWER lever. The range from the IDLE to MAX governs engine power and is used when a pneumatic malfunction occurs in the fuel control unit and the POWER lever is ineffective. The FEATHER position is used during normal engine shutdown to stop rotation of the power turbine and front engine section. Since lubrication is unavailable after the gas generator section of the engine shuts down, rotation of the forward engine section is undesirable. A mechanical stop in the lever slot requires the EMERGENCY POWER lever be moved to the left to clear the stop before it can be moved from NORMAL (full aft) to IDLE. Feathering the propeller during engine shut down minimizes propeller windmilling under windy conditions. A mechanical stop in the lever slot requires the PROP RPM lever be moved to the left to clear the stop before it can be positioned into or out of FEATHER. NOTE If the EMERGENCY POWER lever is not stowed in the NORMAL position, then the red EMERG PWR LVR message appears. This precaution is intended to prevent engine starts if the EMERGENCY POWER lever is not positioned to NORMAL, which can cause a hot start or overtemperature condition. CAUTION The EMERGENCY POWER lever and its associated manual override system is an emergency system and is used only when a fuel control unit malfunctions. Inappropriate use of the EMERGENCY POWER lever can adversely affect engine operation and durability. Using the EMERGENCY POWER lever during normal operation of the POWER lever can cause engine surges or exceedance of interstage turbine temperature (ITT), Ng, and torque limits. PROP RPM Lever The PROP RPM lever is linked to the propeller governor on the top front section of the engine. The lever controls propeller governor settings from the MAX rpm position to the full FEATHER position. The PROP RPM lever has MAX, MIN, and FEATHER positions. The MAX position, which is used when high rpm is desired, governs the propeller speed at 1,900 rpm. The PROP RPM lever settings from the MAX position to the MIN position permit selection of the desired engine propeller rpm for cruise. Revision 3.0 FUEL CONDITION Lever The FUEL CONDITION lever is linked to a combined lever and stop mechanism on the fuel control unit. The lever and stop also function as an idle stop for the fuel control unit and for the fuel control unit rod. The FUEL CONDITION lever controls the minimum rpm of the gas generator turbine (Ng) when the POWER lever is positioned to IDLE. The FUEL CONDITION lever has the following positions: • CUTOFF—Shuts off all fuel to the engine fuel nozzles. • LOW IDLE—Positions the control rod stop to provide an rpm of 55% Ng. NOTE On 675 SHP Caravans LOW IDLE—Positions the control rod stop to provide an rpm of 52% Ng. • HIGH IDLE—Positions the control rod stop to provide an rpm of 65% Ng. Quadrant Friction Lock A quadrant friction lock on the right side of the pedestal minimizes creeping of engine controls once they are set. The friction lock is a knurled knob that increases friction on the engine controls when rotated clockwise. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 7-13 7 POWERPLANT CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEM The engine indication system (EIS) provides graphical indications and numeric values for engine, fuel, and electrical system parameters. 7 POWERPLANT The EIS is displayed in a vertical strip on the left side of the PFD during engine starts and on the multifunction display (MFD) during normal operation. If either the MFD or PFD fails during flight, the EIS is shown on the remaining display. The EIS consists of two pages that are selected using the ENGINE softkey. The ENGINE page displays indications for: • Engine torque • Engine ITT • Gas generator rpm% • Propeller rpm • Oil pressure • Oil temperature • Fuel quantity • Fuel flow • Battery amps • Bus voltage • Anti-ice fluid remaining NOTE On 675 SHP Caravans the ENGINE page displays indications for Propellar amps. When the ENGINE softkey is pressed, the SYSTEM softkey appears next to the ENGINE softkey. The SYSTEM page displays numerical values for parameters on the ENGINE page that are shown as indications only. Torque, ITT, Ng% and PROP RPM are displayed identically on the SYSTEM page. The SYSTEM page also provides numerical indication for fuel quantity, fuel totalizer (pounds remaining and pounds used), generator amps, standby alternator amps, battery amps, bus voltage, anti-ice remaining (gallons of fluid and hours remaining). 7-14 Figure 7-12. EX and 208 Engine and System Indciations NOTE On 675 SHP Caravans the System page also displays propeller amps. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.0 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL The engine and airframe unit provides data to the EIS, which displays the data for the ENGINE page. Engine operation is monitored by: torque, ITT, Ng, PROP RPM, oil pressure, oil temperature, and fuel flow. rpm, and white with a red background when rpm is greater than 1,901. The instrument is electrically operated from the propeller tachometer-generator on the right, front side of the case. Torque (TRQ) indication is displayed at the top of both the ENGINE and SYSTEM pages. The torque is indicated within a round gauge with a white pointer. The transmitter senses the difference between the engine torque pressure and the pressure in the engine case and transmits this data to the avionics system. Normal operating range is indicated by a green arc that extends from 0 to redline. The red line indication is dynamic and varies with OAT and altitude. Interstage turbine temperature (ITT) is indicated below the TRQ indication in a round dial gauge with a white pointer. The gauge displays gas temperature between the compressor and power turbines. With the engine off or starting, the ITT indication displays a green band from 100°–870°C, an amber caution band from 766°–805°C, and a redline at 871°C. The gauge is graduated at 100° increments from 600°–1,100°C. NOTE On 675 SHP Caravans the red line indication varies from 1,865 to 1,970 ft-lbs depending on prop rpm. With the engine off or starting, the ITT indication displays a green band from 100°–740°C, an amber caution band from 766°–805°C, and a redline at 1,090°C in 675 SHP Caravans. For normal cruise flight when prop rpm is between 1,600-1,900, the arc includes a blue torque bug. The bug indicates maximum allowed cruise torque per the cruise torque tables in Section 5, Limitations, of the Pilot’s Operating Handbook and the Aircraft Flight Manual (POH/AFM). When the engine is running, a green arc indicates normal a operating range from 100°–825°C, an amber caution range from 826°–849°C, and a red line at 850°C. The gauge is graduated at 50° increments from 600°–950°C. The digital readout flashes red when an overtemperature situation occurs. NOTE NOTE Dynamic Redline The dynamic redline on the torque gauge is a representation of takeoff power below 16,000 MSL and maximum rated power above 16,000 feet MSL. The dynamic redline compenstaes automatically for OAT and altitude as well as inertial separator position and bleed air heat switch position. Failure to comply with the dynamic redline can result in accelerated engine wear, unscheduled engine maintenance and increased operating costs even though no other published engine limitation has been exceeded. PROP RPM The PROP RPM is indicated numerically below the gas generator RPM. The digits are white with rpm between 0–1,599 rpm, green between 1,600–1,900 Revision 3.0 When the engine is running, a green arc indicates normal a operating range from 100°–740°C, an amber caution range from 765°–805°C, and a red line at 805°C. The gauge is graduated at 50° increments from 600°–900°C, in 675 SHP Caravans. Gas Generator RPM Gas generator RPM (Ng) is displayed below ITT on a round dial gauge with a white pointer. The RPM is displayed as a percentage of maximum gas generator rpm. The instrument is electrically operated from the gas generator tachometer-generator on the lower right portion of the accessory case. The gauge has major tick marks at 0%, 12%, 50%, and FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 7-15 7 POWERPLANT Interstage Turbine Temperature Torque CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 110% and minor tick marks at 10% intervals from 50% to 100%, with a redline at 103.7%. NOTE In 675 SHP Caravans the gauge has tick marks at 0%, 12%, 50%, and 105%, with a redline at 101.6%. 7 POWERPLANT Fuel Flow NOTE The Oil temperature is displayed on a 2-digit display on the ENGINE page in 675 SHP Caravans. Normal operation is indicated between 10°–99°C. Caution is indicated by an amber region from –5°C to less than 10°C and from 100°–104°C. Red lines are included at -41° and 105°C. Refer to the “Fuel System” section of this chapter for details on fuel flow indications. OVERSPEED GOVERNOR PUSH TO TEST Switch Oil Pressure The OVERSPEED GOVERNOR PUSH TO TEST switch on the left side of the instrument panel is used for testing the propeller overspeed governor during engine runup. Pressing the switch actuates a solenoid on the overspeed governor that resets the governor at 1,750 rpm. Oil pressure (OIL PSI) is displayed as a varied color tape and 3-digit display on the ENGINE page. A transducer senses oil pressure from the accessory case and transmits the information to the EIS. Normal operation is indicated from 85–105 psi. Caution is indicated by an amber bar from 40–84 psi. Warning is indicated by red lines and red flashing digits at less than 39 psi and greater than 106 psi. The red OIL PRESS LOW message also appears when low oil pressure is detected. NOTE In 675 SHP Caravans the caution is indicated by an amber bar from 40–85 psi. Warning is indicated by red lines and red flashing digits at less than 40 psi and greater than 105 psi. Oil Temperature Oil temperature (OIL°C) is displayed as a varied color tape and 3-digit display on the ENGINE page. The oil temperature indication is operated by an electrical-resistance temperature sensor. Normal operation is indicated between 32°–99°C. Caution is indicated by an amber region from –40°C to less than 31°C and from 100°–104°C. Red lines are included at -41° and 105°C. Digits vary in color between green, amber, or red in correlation with the pointer and tape. Figure 7-13. OVERSPEED GOVERNOR PUSH TO TEST Switch To check for proper operation of the overspeed governor during engine runup, press the OVERSPEED GOVERNOR PUSH TO TEST switch, and then advance the POWER lever until propeller rpm stabilizes. Propeller rpm is not to exceed 1,750 ± 60 rpm. ETM ALTAIR FAST Not yet Approved 7-16 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.0 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL The ALTAIR avionics ADASd system monitors engine operation, including engine parameters, indicated airspeed, pressure altitude, outside air temperature, and particle separator position. The system also monitors battery voltage as well as the position of the emergency power lever and the bleed air cabin heat control valve. The system interface displays alerts for exceedance of engine operating limits and processor faults. The ALTAIR system acquires, retrieves, and delivers engine operating data. Data acquisition is a function of the ADASd monitor customized through a configuration file uploaded to the processor. Data retrieval is handled by monitor link program (MLP) software in a laptop computer or a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). The MLP allows uploading of configuration files and downloading and viewing of stored data. Data delivery is through the Turbine Tracker™ website. The website provides links to databases of information for each engine and is accessible any time from a computer with Internet access. Log data is uploaded to this website. After analysis, reports are generated from the log data and may be viewed as text or graphs. Configuration files are created, edited, and managed through the Turbine Tracker™ website. The processor memory holds more than 30,000 engine runs and/or events. When events are recorded, a time history is stored. The history is configured to record all parameters up to two minutes before the event and after the event. The data is collected automatically by the system and stored for retrieval by maintenance personnel using a laptop computer or PDA. The data can be transferred to the Cessna Designated Analysis Center (DAC) for evaluation. The data is analyzed and compared to a Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC) mathematical engine model. The ADASd and DAC analysis improve operational safety by identifying conditions that could shorten engine life. Revision 3.0 Using the engine condition trend monitoring (ECTM), replaces the required fixed hourly interval for hot section inspection with an on-condition inspection. The data can be used by P&WC to grant time between overhaul (TBO) extensions. (P&WC requires ADASd for engine specific TBO extension.) Additionally, ADASd can identify the occurrence of engine operating parameter events. The ADASd data allows maintenance personnel to evaluate and correct the condition before severe engine damage occurs. Components The main components of the ADASd are a processor and a communication port. Two circuit breakers on the left side of the main power junction box power the system. The system monitors the outputs for engine interstage turbine temperature (ITT), fuel flow transmitter (FFLOW PPH), propeller rpm tach generator (PROP RPM), gas generator rpm, tach generator (Ng), engine torque, and oil pressure. Since bleed-air extraction, INERTIAL SEPARATOR, and EMERGENCY POWER lever positions affect engine performance, the ADASd monitors these parameters as well. All data is collected and monitored from the avionics system through a digital data bus. Processor The processor is under the right side panel in the cabin. The processor collects and stores data from the sensors and engine systems. It also interfaces with the avionics system to display appropriate messages if an engine parameter exceedance occurs. Two sources of electrical power ensure no loss of data when the BATTERY switch is positioned to OFF. A 1 amp ETM POWER circuit breaker provides power from the main bus when the BATTERY switch is ON. The ETM CONTINUOUS POWER 1 amp circuit breaker provides power directly from the aircraft battery. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 7-17 7 POWERPLANT ALTAIR Avionics ADASd CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL A communication port in the copilot side panel is used for uploading the configuration file to the processor and downloading data from the processor. A special cable connects the communication port to a laptop computer or a PDA. An ALTAIR Monitor Link Program (MLP) software must be installed on the laptop computer or PDA in order to upload or download. 7 POWERPLANT Controls and Indications The ADASd processor controls five messages that display on each PFD. The five messages are: • ETM EXCEED (amber) • ETM EXCEED (white) • PREV EXCEED (white) • ETM CAPTURE (white) • ETM FAULT (white) The ETM FAULT message is displayed in the advisory window. All other messages are displayed in the CAS message area. When Avionics 1 boots, the ETM processor runs its normal boot procedure. A white ETM FAULT message indicates either a processor or system fault or that the log file is between 85–100% full. Download the log and troubleshoot the system as necessary. If ETM CAPTURE and PREV EXCEED display together indefinitely, then the processor did not finish booting. Ensure that the processor has power from both circuit breakers and that the battery is connected (the battery switch does not have to be on). If the ADASd processor boots after avionics 1 boots, then the ETM EXCEED and ETM FAULT appear momentarily while the processor boots. ADASd does not boot from avionics 2. If a serious event is recorded in a previous flight, then the white PREV EXCEED CAS message appears. Pressing the TRND/ACK softkey extinguishes the message until the next shutdown. If the message is not acknowledged and the engine is started, then the message changes to a white ETM EXCEED message and remains displayed after the engine starts. 7-18 The ETM EXCEED (amber or white) and PREV EXCEED messages can be acknowledged at any time by pressing the TRND/ ACK softkey. The CAS message disappears until a new condition occurs. The PREV EXCEED message appears only when maintenance or inspection is required. PREV EXCEED messages continue appearing at each start sequence until the log is downloaded and reset. Two modes of operation determine when the CAS annunciation appear: engine not running mode and engine running mode. The engine not running mode is operational when the ITT is less than 250°C. During this mode, PREV EXCEED, ETM FAULT, and ETM CAPTURE CAS messages appear as needed. Pressing the TRND/ACK softkey indication extinguishes the CAS annunciation or initiates a loopback test to check the functionality of the system. The engine running mode is operational when the ITT is greater than (450°C) and the Ng is greater than 50%. During this mode, the amber and white ETM EXCEED CAS messages appear during flight. Pressing the TREND/ACK softkey initiates a manual trend capture or acknowledges an ETM EXCEED CAS message. ETM CAPTURE also may appear if the CAPTURE softkey is pressed. ADASd Operation For ADASd operation, an account must be established with ALTAIR Avionics in order to use the service. The account is established through Cessna Aircraft Company upon delivery of the aircraft. The account allows access to the ALTAIR avionics website. Once the account is established, the MLP software is downloaded to the computer operator. The MLP software communicates with the processor for downloading information to the laptop or PDA. All necessary documents and instructions are available through this site. The data retrieved from the processor can then be uploaded to a laptop or PDA for viewing and analysis. If the analysis indicates a serious condition, the operator can be contacted. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 2.2 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL Air is introduced through the engine air intake from the nacelle inlet scoop through the inertial separator, and turned 180° to enter the axial compressor (Figure 7-14). Air pressure is increased by a diffusion process and directed to the centrifugal compressor to increase air velocity. The velocity of the compressor outlet air is converted to pressure by a diffuser and directed to the combustor, where airflow changes 180°. Compressed air enters the combustion chamber, where fuel is added by 14 fuel nozzles. The igniter plugs provide initial combustion during start. The expanding combustion gases flow aft and turn 180° to enter the turbine section. break-in procedures. The engine may be operated safely throughout the normal ranges authorized by the manufacturer upon delivery of the aircraft. ENGINE IGNITION For most operations, leave the IGNITION switch in the NORM position. When the switch is at NORM, the ignition is on only when the STARTER switch is in the START position. Position the IGNITION switch to ON to prevent engine flameout caused by ambient conditions or brief interruption of fuel flow. The ON position provides continuous ignition under the following conditions: • Operation on wet or contaminated runways The gas generator (compressor) turbine extracts most of the gas energy, which drives the compressor and the accessory drive gear. The gases continue to expand through the propeller turbine, which extracts almost all remaining energy to drive the propeller through the reduction gear. The spent gases enter the exhaust section, where they are turned 180 ° and are discharged through the exhaust pipe into the atmosphere. • Flight in moderate or greater turbulence • During inadvertent icing encounters prior the inertial separator being selected to bypass for 5 minutes • When near fuel exhaustion as indicated by illumination of the RSVR FUEL LOW CAS annunciations. NOTE NEW ENGINE BREAK-IN AND OPERATION In 675 SHP Caravans Emergency also include engine starts without starter assist The Pratt and Whitney of Canada PT6A-140 or PT6A-114A turboprop engines require no specific COMPRESSOR BLEED VALVE FUEL NOZZLE IGNITER Figure 7-14. Engine Air Intake Revision 3.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 7-19 7 POWERPLANT OPERATION CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL ENGINE SHUTDOWN The standby alternator receives field current from the hourmeter/AC circuit breaker. In an emergency condition, the standby alternator can be brought online without positioning the BATTERY switch to ON. 7 POWERPLANT For normal engine shutdown procedures position the STBY ALT PWR switch to OFF before shutting down the engine and positioning the BATTERY switch to OFF. If the STBY ALT PWR switch is left in the ON position, a single indication forward of the STBY ALT PWR switch illuminates after the BATTERY switch is positioned to OFF. The indication is a reminder to position the STBY ALT PWR switch to OFF to prevent draining the battery. OIL OIL GRADE SPECIFICATION Use only oil that conforms to Pratt & Whitney engine Service Bulletin No. 1001 and all revisions of supplements thereto. Refer to the POH/AFM for a list of approved oils. Total Oil Capacity Total oil capacity for the Caravan 208 is 14 U.S. quarts (including oil in filter, cooler, and hoses). WARNING Pressurized oil tank. Ensure oil dipstick is secure. EMERGENCY/ ABNORMAL For specific information on Emergency/Abnormal procedures, refer to the FAA-approved AFM. HOT STARTS A hot start is caused by excessive fuel flow at normal rpm or normal fuel flow with insufficient rpm. The latter condition usually is the problem, which is caused by attempting a start with a discharged or weak battery. A minimum battery voltage of 24 volts does not always indicate that the battery is fully charge or in good condition. • If gas generator acceleration in the initial part of the start is less than normally observed, return the FUEL CONDITION lever to CUTOFF, and discontinue the start. Recharge the battery or connect an APU before attempting another start. • If no ITT rise is observed within 10 seconds after moving the FUEL CONDITION lever to the LOW IDLE position, or ITT rapidly approaches 1,090°C , move the FUEL CONDITION lever to CUTOFF, and then perform the engine clearing procedure. • With a cold engine or after making a battery start, which causes a high initial generator load because of battery recharging, it may be necessary to advance the power lever slightly ahead of the IDLE detent to maintain a minimum idle of 55% Ng. NOTE LIMITATIONS For specific information on limitations, refer to the FAA-approved (AFM). In 675 SHP Caravans it may be necessary to advance the power lever slightly ahead of the IDLE detent to maintain a mininum idle of 52% Ng. Since the generator contactor closes when the STARTER switch is positioned to OFF, anticipate the increased engine load by advancing the power lever to obtain approximately 55% Ng before positioning the STARTER switch to OFF 7-20 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.0 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL • If during the start, the starter accelerates the gas generator rapidly above 20% Ng, suspect gear train decouple. Do not continue the start. Rapid acceleration through 35% Ng suggests a start on the secondary nozzles. Anticipate a hot start. • When a GPU/EPU is used, ensure that the unit is negatively grounded and regulated to 28 VDC with a capability of providing a minimum of 800 amps during the starting cycle. Do not use the GPU or EPU with output exceeding 1,700 amps. During takeoff, an engine fire or failure requires immediate pilot response. Refer to the POH/AFM for procedures. 7 POWERPLANT in 675 SHP Caravans. Doing so prevents the initial generator load from decreasing idle rpm below the minimum of 52%. • After an aborted start, it is essential before the next start attempt to allow adequate time to drain unburned fuel. Failure to drain all residual fuel from the engine could lead to a hot start, a hot streak leading to hot section damage, or torching of burning fuel from the engine exhaust on the next successful ignition. A dry motoring, within starter limitations after confirming that all fuel drainage has stopped, ensures that no fuel is trapped before the next start. • If the amber STARTER ON CAS annunciation does not extinguish after engine start, the generator will not function because the start contactor may be stuck closed. Position the BATTERY switch to OFF, and then shut down the engine if such an indication is observed. • Engine starts may be made with the aircraft battery power or with an APU. It is recommended that an APU be used when the ambient air temperature is lower than 0°F (-18°C). Under these conditions, observe other cold weather operating procedures in accordance with the POH/AFM. • If the GPU/EPU drops offline during engine start, power to the starter is lost, which can cause a hot start. If auxiliary power is lost, immediately position the FUEL CONDITION lever to CUTOFF, monitor ITT, and ensure that the engine is shutting down. If high ITT persists, position the EXTERNAL POWER switch to OFF , position the STARTER switch to MOTOR, and use battery power for engine rotation to aid in reducing ITT. Revision 3.0 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 7-21 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL Table 7-1. CAS ANNUNCIATIONS MESSAGE DESCRIPTION 7 POWERPLANT EMERG PWR LVR Indicates when the EMERGENCY POWER lever is out of the stowed (NORMAL) position prior to and during the engine start (ITT in the OFF and STRT modes ONLY). CHIP DETECT Indicates that metal chips have been detected in either or both the accessory gearbox or reduction gearbox. EMERG PWR LVR Indicates when the EMERGENCY POWER lever is out of the stowed (NORMAL) position while engine is running (Non-Start). IGNITION ON Indicates electrical power is being supplied to the engine ignition system. TORQUE GAGE Indicates a miscompare between either the Pressure Altitude or OAT sensors. The annunciation will be accompanied with a static torque gage dynamic redline. 7-22 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.0 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 1. The PT6A-140 engine is defined as a: A. Fixed-shaft, constant-speed engine B. Free-turbine, turboprop engine C. Single-spool, variable-speed engine D. None of the above 2. The torque indication indicates the power: A. Developed by the gas generator B. Delivered by the propeller C. Of the combined gas generator and power turbine D. Delivered to the propeller 3. The power turbine is on a shaft that: A. Drives the gas generator B. Drives the accessory section C. Drives the reduction gear D. Both A. and B. above 4. Air induced into the engine: A. Enters at the rear and is exhausted at the front B. Enters at the front and is exhausted at the rear C. Passes from the power turbine to the compressor wheels D. Must be cooled by the compressor section 5. During operations using the emergency power lever: A. Extreme caution should be used when advancing the EMERG PWR LVR B. The EMERG PWR LVR CAS message appears when the lever is not stowed in the NORMAL position and engine not running. C. Only partial engine power is available. D. Engine response may be slower than when using the power lever. Revision 3.0 6. With the propeller control lever positioned to MAX: A. The propeller speed is governed at 1,900 rpm. B. The engine delivers maximum torque. C. The propeller governor is bypassed. D. The gas generator rpm is at maximum. 7. Engine oil level should be: A. Maintained full at all times B. Checked only before the first flight of the day C. Lower for cold weather operations D. Maintained to within 1 to 1.5 quarts of MAX HOT or MAX COLD as appropriate 8. The IGNITION switch should be positioned to ON: A. For airstarts without starter assist B. For operation on water-covered runways C. During flight in heavy precipitation D. All of the above 9. The inertial separator should be positioned to the bypass position: A. To increase engine rpm B. When flying through visible moisture at low temperatures C. For all takeoffs D. During all operations above 5,000 feet 10. Loss of any pneumatic signal to the fuel control unit causes: A. The engine to shut down B. The engine to drop to idle rpm C. The engine rpm to increase rapidly D. A complete stoppage of fuel flow FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 7-23 7 POWERPLANT QUESTIONS CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 11. When the STARTER switch is positioned to START: A. The IGNITION switch must be positioned to ON B. The ignition system is energized C. The starter-generator functions as a generator D. The ignition system is deenergized 7 POWERPLANT 12. During the overspeed governor test, the propeller rpm should not exceed: A. 1,900 ± 60 rpm B. 1,250 ± 60 rpm C. 1,750 ± 60 rpm D. 2,000 ± 60 rpm 7-24 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 2.2 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CHAPTER 8 FIRE PROTECTION CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................. 8-1 DESCRIPTION....................................................................................................................... 8-1 COMPONENTS..................................................................................................................... 8-2 Heat Sensor..................................................................................................................... 8-2 CONTROLS AND INDICATIONS........................................................................................ 8-2 Cabin Heat Firewall Shutoff knob................................................................................... 8-2 OPERATION.......................................................................................................................... 8-2 Test Switch...................................................................................................................... 8-2 PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHER.................................................................................... 8-3 LIMITATIONS........................................................................................................................ 8-3 EMERGENCY/ABNORMAL................................................................................................ 8-3 QUESTIONS.......................................................................................................................... 8-4 Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 8-i 8 FIRE PROTECTION Engine Fire CAS Annunciation....................................................................................... 8-2 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Title Page 8-1. CABIN HEAT FIREWALL SHUTOFF Knob........................................................ 8-2 8-2. TEST Switch............................................................................................................ 8-2 8-3. 208 Fire Extinguisher.............................................................................................. 8-3 TABLES Table Page CAS ANNUNCIATIONS........................................................................................ 8-3 8 FIRE PROTECTION 8-1. Title Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 8-iii CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 8 FIRE PROTECTION CHAPTER 8 FIRE PROTECTION INTRODUCTION The Cessna Grand Caravan EX is equipped with an engine fire-detection system as standard equipment. The detection system includes a heat sensor in the engine compartment, a crew alert system (CAS) warning annunciation, and a warning chime. GENERAL The fire-detection system in the engine compartment is a closed loop system that operates on DC power. Signals are sent to the CAS annunciation system and an engine fire warning appears on the primary flight display (PFD). The aircraft has no engine fire-extinguishing system. A handheld fire extinguisher is available on the pilot-side door. Revision 2.2 DESCRIPTION The engine fire-detection system includes a heat sensor in the engine compartment, an ENGINE FIRE CAS annunciation , and a warning chime above the pilot. The fire-detection system initiates a fire warning when engine compartment temperatures become excessive. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 8-1 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL COMPONENTS HEAT SENSOR The heat sensor consists of one flexible closed loop. When the engine compartment temperature becomes excessively high, the heat changes the resistance of the closed loop. The change in resistance is sensed by a control box on the aft side of the firewall. Fire warning is initiated when temperatures in the engine compartment exceed: • 425°F (218°C) on the firewall (first section) • 625°F (329°C) around the exhaust (second section) • 450°F (232°C) on the rear engine compartment (third section) 8 FIRE PROTECTION Figure 8-1. CABIN HEAT FIREWALL SHUTOFF Knob CONTROLS AND INDICATIONS ENGINE FIRE CAS ANNUNCIATION When the closed loop system senses temperature exceedance, the ENGINE FIRE CAS annunciation appears and a repeating warning chime sounds. CABIN HEAT FIREWALL SHUTOFF KNOB The CABIN HEAT FIREWALL SHUTOFF knob is a push-pull knob on the lower right side of the center pedestal (Figure 8-1). When pulled, the knob actuates two firewall shutoff valves: one in the bleed air supply line to the cabin heating system and one in the cabin return line. The knob normally is pushed in unless a fire is suspected in the engine compartment. Figure 8-2. TEST Switch OPERATION TEST SWITCH The TEST switch is left of the avionics CB panel. When the switch is toggled to the FIRE DETECT– UP position, the ENGINE FIRE CAS annunciation appears and the warning chime sounds, indicating that the fire warning system is operational. 8-2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 2.2 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL The system is protected by the FIRE DET circuit breaker on the left sidewall CB panel. PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHER CAUTION If smoke or fire is present, immediately don oxygen masks and smoke goggles, and set oxygen to 100%. Ensure that passengers have supplemental oxygen. 8 FIRE PROTECTION To operate the portable fire extinguisher, remove the extinguisher from its bracket on the pilot-side door, hold it upright, and then aim it at the base of the fire. Using the attached ring, pull the pin from the extinguisher. Squeeze the extinguisher handles together to release the extinguishing agent. Spray the extinguishing agent using a side-to-side motion while aiming at the base of the fire. Anytime the extinguisher is used, even partially, maintenance is required before further dispatch. Figure 8-3. 208 Fire Extinguisher LIMITATIONS For specific information on limitations, refer to the FAA-approved (AFM). EMERGENCY/ ABNORMAL For specific information on Emergency/Abnormal procedures, refer to the FAA-approved AFM. Table 8-1. CAS ANNUNCIATIONS MESSAGE ENGINE FIRE Revision 3.0 DESCRIPTION Indicates an excessive temperature condition and/or fire has occurred in the engine compartment. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 8-3 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL QUESTIONS 1. The fire-detection test function assures: A. Firewall is intact B. Fire detection loop has proper integrity C. No fire exists in the engine compartment D. Fire detection system cannot give false warnings 2. The fire-detection system only warns of a fire in the engine compartment. A. True B. False 8 FIRE PROTECTION 3. The temperature at which the fire warning initiates is: A. 218°C–329°C B. 100°C–200°C C. 510°F–900°F D. 220°F–330°F 4. The CABIN HEAT FIREWALL SHUTOFF knob: A. Activates an engine fire extinguisher B. Secures the firewall if an engine fire occurs C. Turns off the bleed-air heat if the passengers are too hot D. Deactivates the engine fire extinguisher 5. According to the “Engine Fire in Flight” checklist, a red ENGINE FIRE CAS annunciation and warning chime: A. Requires activation of the FIRE DETECT switch B. Requires declaration of an emergency C. Requires considering the five memory items associated with the “Engine Fire in Flight” checklist D. Requires activation of the fire extinguisher 8-4 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 2.2 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CHAPTER 9 PNEUMATICS CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................. 9-1 DESCRIPTION....................................................................................................................... 9-2 CONTROLS AND INDICATIONS........................................................................................ 9-2 VACUUM LOW FLAG................................................................................................... 9-2 LIMITATIONS........................................................................................................................ 9-3 9 PNEUMATICS EMERGENCY/ABNORMAL................................................................................................ 9-3 Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 9-i CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Title Page Pneumatic System Schematic.................................................................................. 9-2 9-2. Standby Atitude Indicator........................................................................................ 9-3 9 PNEUMATICS 9-1. Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 9-iii CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL INTRODUCTION This chapter describes the pneumatic system on the Cessna Grand Caravan EX. The pneumatic system routes air for the standby attitude indicator. GENERAL The pneumatic system uses engine compressor bleed air for the standby attitude indicator in the aircraft. Revision 3.0 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 9-1 9 PNEUMATICS CHAPTER 9 PNEUMATICS CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL LEGEND High Pressure Bleed Air Low Pressure Bleed Air Regulated Bleed Air Vacuum Heat to Cabin Cabin Return VACUUM EJECTOR PRESSURE REGULATING VALVE VACUUM RELIEF VALVE FLOW CONTROL VALVE MIXING AIR VALVE MIXER/ MUFFLER FIREWALL SHUTOFF VALVES VACUUM AIR FILTER 9 PNEUMATICS Figure 9-1. Pneumatic System Schematic DESCRIPTION The vacuum system provides suction for the standby attitude indicator. Vacuum is obtained by passing regulated compressor outlet bleed air through a vacuum ejector. Bleed air flowing through an orifice in the ejector creates the suction necessary to operate the instruments. The vacuum system consists of the standby attitude indicator, a bleed-air pressure regulator, a vacuum ejector on the forward left side of the firewall, a vacuum relief valve and vacuum system air filter on the aft side of the firewall. 9-2 CONTROLS AND INDICATIONS VACUUM LOW FLAG A red flag appears on the standby attitude indicator when a possible low vacuum condition exists in the vacuum system. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.0 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL LIMITATIONS For specific information on limitations, refer to the FAA-approved (AFM). EMERGENCY/ ABNORMAL For specific information on Emergency/Abnormal procedures, refer to the FAA-approved AFM. 9 PNEUMATICS Figure 9-2. Standby Atitude Indicator Revision 3.0 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 9-3 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CHAPTER 10 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................ 10-1 COMPONENTS................................................................................................................... 10-4 Protection Panels........................................................................................................... 10-4 Fluid Tank...................................................................................................................... 10-5 Equipment Pack............................................................................................................. 10-5 Propeller Slinger Ring................................................................................................... 10-5 Windshield Spray Bar.................................................................................................... 10-5 Pitot-Static And Stall HEAT system.............................................................................. 10-5 Engine Inertial Separator System.................................................................................. 10-5 Wing Inspection Light................................................................................................... 10-5 Windshield Ice Detector Light...................................................................................... 10-6 Low Airspeed Awareness System.................................................................................. 10-6 CONTROLS AND INDICATIONS...................................................................................... 10-6 PRIMARY Switch......................................................................................................... 10-6 MAX FLOW Switch..................................................................................................... 10-7 BACKUP Switch........................................................................................................... 10-8 PITOT/STATIC HEAT Switch...................................................................................... 10-8 INERTIAL SEPARATOR CONTROL Handle............................................................. 10-8 Anti-Ice Fluid Quantity Indicator.................................................................................. 10-8 Fluid Tank Sight Glass.................................................................................................. 10-9 Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 10-i 10 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION STALL HEAT Switch................................................................................................... 10-8 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL OPERATION........................................................................................................................ 10-9 PRIMARY Switch......................................................................................................... 10-9 MAX FLOW Switch.................................................................................................. 10-10 BACKUP Switch........................................................................................................ 10-10 LIMITATIONS................................................................................................................... 10-11 EMERGENCY/ABNORMAL........................................................................................... 10-11 QUESTIONS..................................................................................................................... 10-12 10 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 10-ii FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 2.2 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Title Page 10-1. Ice Protection Airframe Components.................................................................... 10-2 10-2. Anti-Ice Protection System.................................................................................... 10-3 10-3. Wing Inspection Light........................................................................................... 10-6 10-4. Windshield Ice Detect Light.................................................................................. 10-6 10-5. Circuit Breaker Panels........................................................................................... 10-7 10-6. Anti-Ice Instrument Panel...................................................................................... 10-7 10-7. Fluid Quantity Indication...................................................................................... 10-8 10-8. Fluid Sight Glass................................................................................................... 10-9 TABLES Table Title Page 10 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 10-1. CAS ANNUNCIATIONS................................................................................... 10-11 Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 10-iii CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CHAPTER 10 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION INTRODUCTION The ice protection system on the Cessna Grand Caravan EX provides fluid-based (TKS fluid) anti-ice protection to the wing panels, wing struts, and horizontal and vertical stabilizers, and propeller. The fluid-based system replaces the pneumatic de-ice boots and electrothermal de-ice components common to earlier aircraft. The fluid-based ice and rain protection system exudes a filmy ice protection fluid (TKS fluid) from porous panels on the leading edges of the aircraft (Figure 10-1). The fluid minimizes ice formation on all lifting surfaces, propeller blades, wings, wing struts, and horizontal and vertical stabilizers. When the system is activated in-flight, the ice Revision 2.2 protection fluid flows backwards over the upper and lower surfaces. A fluid slinger on the propeller provides ice protection for the propeller and generates further ice protection for the fuselage and cargo pod forward surfaces. Two, positive displacement, constant volume metering pumps supply fluid to the panels and FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 10-1 10 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION GENERAL CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL LASER DRILLED TITANIUM POROUS PANELS SLINGER RING FOR PROPELLER WINDSHIELD SPRAY BAR FLUID TANK AND EQUIPMENT PACK–PUMPS, FILTERS, TIMERS Figure 10-1. Ice Protection Airframe Components propeller. Single and combined pump operation and timed pumping provide a range of flow rates for different icing conditions. An on-demand gear pump supplies fluid to the windshield spray bar for clear vision through the windshield (Figure 10-2). • Alternate static source For aircraft approved for flight into known icing conditions, they are approved as defined by 14 CFR, Part 23, and for use in continuous maximum and maximum intermittent icing envelopes, as defined by 14 CFR, Part 25, Appendix C, Pilot’s Operating Handbook and Airplane Flight Manual (POH/AFM). The aircraft is approved for flight into such conditions only if the following Cessna and FAA-approved equipment is installed and fully operational: • Engine inertial separator 10 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION • Ice protection system, including porous panels on the leading edges of the wing, horizontal and vertical stabilizers, wing struts, propeller fluid slinger ring, and windshield spray bar 10-2 • Left and right heated pitot-static tubes • Wing inspection light • Engine-driven generator • Heater and defroster • Standby electrical system • Windshield ice detector light • Heated lift detector (stall warning system) • Vortex generators WARNING It is essential in cold weather to remove even the smallest accumulations of frost, ice, snow, or slush from the wing and control surfaces. To assure complete removal of contamination, FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 2.2 Revision 3.0 HIGH PRESSURE SWITCH FILTERS PROPORTIONING UNIT ASM VENT VENT FLUID LEVEL SENDER METERING PUMPS TO WING STRUT SOLENOID VALVE WINDSHIELD PUMP PROPELLER PROPORTIONING UNIT WINDSHIELD SPRAYBAR CRACKING VALVES (CHECK VALVES) LOW PRESSURE SWITCHES P PROPORTIONING UNIT 10-3 Figure 10-2. Anti-Ice Protection System 10 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION P LOW LEVEL SWITCH P CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY EQUIPMENT PACK ASSEMBLY CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL conduct a visual and tactile inspection up to 2 feet behind the protected surfaces at one location along the wing span as a minimum. Also, make sure the control surfaces contain no internal accumulations of ice or debris. If these requirements are not performed, aircraft performance will be degraded to a point where a safe takeoff and climb out may not be possible. WARNING Prior to flight in known or forecast icing conditions, check that PITOT/STATIC tube(s) and STALL warning heaters are warm to touch after positioning the PITOT/STATIC and STALL HEAT switches to ON for 30 seconds, and then OFF. Ensure that the pitot covers are removed prior to positioning the PITOT/ STATIC HEAT switch to ON. The known anti-ice protection system provides adequate in-flight protection during normally encountered icing conditions produced by moisture-laden clouds. The system does not provide complete protection under severe conditions, such as those that exist in areas of freezing rain. Nor does it provide complete protection for continuous operation in widespread areas of icing conditions. During operation under any conditions, exercise good judgment and be prepared to alter the flight if conditions exceed the capacity of the ice protection equipment or if any component of this equipment fails. NOTE 10 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION Upon encountering any icing condition, exit the condition immediately before aircraft performance degrades. Ice accretion can cause degraded performance and can make a climb unachievable. WARNING The in-flight ice protection equipment does not remove ice, snow, or frost ac- 10-4 cumulation from a parked aircraft. Use other deice methods, such as a heated hangar or approved deicing solutions, to remove all frost, ice, snow, or slush accumulation from the wings, struts, tail, propeller, windshield, fuel vents, main landing gear, and cargo pod. WARNING Ice accretion outside of a cloud is not defined by CFR 25, Appendix C, in the POH/AFM. Flight in such conditions requires immediate exit. Before takeoff, ensure that no internal ice or debris accumulation exists on the control surfaces, engine intakes, pitot-static system ports, and fuel vents. Ice accumulation on the airframe can reduce the rate of climb and the service ceiling. Depending on the ice accretions, climbing in order to exit the icing condition can be impossible. Although unusual ice accretions can result in lower performance than published in the POH/AFM, the published performance is based on flight test data. Observe the applicable notes in the Performance section of the POH/AFM for performance losses associated with the INERTIAL SEPARATOR handle positioned to BYPASS and the BLEED AIR HEAT switch positioned to ON. For more information, refer to the POH/AFM. COMPONENTS The aircraft ice protection components include the ice protection system, a pitot-static-static and stall warning system, and an engine inertial separator system. The ice protection system includes the following components. PROTECTION PANELS The outer skin of the ice protection panels are 0.0353 inches (0.9 mm) titanium, which provides strength, durability, lighter weight, and corrosion resistance. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 2.2 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL The panel skin is perforated with laser-drilled holes (0.0025 inches or 0.0636 mm) in diameter, 800 per square inch). The porous panels provide even fluid coverage from best rate-of-climb speed to VMO. propeller ice protection fluid runs back toward the fuselage during flight, providing further ice protection to the fuselage, cargo pod forward surfaces, and gear strut. FLUID TANK WINDSHIELD SPRAY BAR A 20.8 gallon (75.8 liter) tank and an equipment pack on the cargo pod are used to apply fluid to the leading edges, propeller, and windshield. A service port for the tank is on the left side of the cargo pod, near the left main landing gear. A windshield spray bar on the pilot forward line of sight windshield cleans ice obstructions from the windshield. Fluid is provided on demand by a dedicated gear pump. PITOT-STATIC AND STALL HEAT SYSTEM EQUIPMENT PACK The equipment pack consists of: • Two metering pump—pump No.1 and pump No. 2 • On-demand gear pump • Fluid system filters A heating element in the stall warning vane and sensor on the wing leading edges provides additional ice protection. The stall warning sensors are monitored for failure; if failure occurs an amber STALL HEAT crew alert system (CAS) message appears. • Fluid level sender • Low fluid switch • High pressure switch • Cracking (check) valves ENGINE INERTIAL SEPARATOR SYSTEM • Wire harness • Timers (see Figure 10-2) The metering pumps propel fluid as needed through nylon tubes from the tank through microfilters to the leading edge surfaces and propeller. The microfilters remove contaminants from the fluid and prevent blockage of the porous panels. Four proportioning units distribute the fluid to each porous panel and the propeller slinger ring. As such, the left wing and strut, the right wing and strut, the vertical and horizontal stabilizers, and the propeller slinger ring each have a dedicated proportioning unit. PROPELLER SLINGER RING A fluid slinger ring and feed nozzle on the propeller delivers ice protection to the propeller. The The inertial separator system in the engine air inlet duct prevents ice buildup on the compressor inlet screen. WING INSPECTION LIGHT A wing inspection light is flush-mounted in the left wing leading edge-to-fuselage fairing. The light allows visual detection of ice accumulation on the wing and is required for flight into known icing conditions (Figure 10-3). The light is controlled with the two-position WING LIGHT switch on the ANTI-ICE switch panel. The switch is spring-loaded to the off position and must be held in the on position to illuminate the wing inspection light. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 10-5 10 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION • Solenoid Revision 2.2 A pitot-static heat system assures proper airspeed indications and prevents ice formation if ice conditions conducive to icing (visible moisture at 41°F or 5°C). The system consists of heating elements in the left and right pitot-static tubes. CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL Figure 10-3. Wing Inspection Light Figure 10-4. Windshield Ice Detect Light The light is protected by the WING ICE DET LIGHT circuit breaker on the CB panel. flashing. The switchlight remains illuminated solid white as long as the airspeed is below 97.5 ± 2 knots. WINDSHIELD ICE DETECTOR LIGHT A red windshield ice detector light is on the lower inboard portion of the pilot windshield (Figure 10-4). If the windshield is clear of ice, distinct red circles are present above the light. If the windshield is contaminated, the red circles become more diffused and the area of red light increases. LOW AIRSPEED AWARENESS SYSTEM In TKS equipped aircraft, the low airspeed awareness (LAA) system is designed to warn the pilot when airspeed falls below 97.5 ± 2 knots while operating in icing conditions. 10 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION When the PITOT/STATIC HEAT switch is turned ON prior to takeoff, the BELOW ICING MIN SPD switchlight illuminates white indicating that the airspeed is below the threshold of 97.5 ± 2 knots. Once the airspeed exceeds the threshold, the switchlight extinguishes. If the airspeed falls back below the threshold, the switchlight alternates between amber and white and the stall warning horn sounds intermittently until the airspeed is increased above the threshold. Pressing the flashing switchlight silences the stall warning horn and causes the switchlight to stop 10-6 Aircraft equipped with a Garmin GFC-700 autopilot, the autopilot automatically disengages when the flashing amber and white switchlight is activated. In non-equipped aircraft, The autopilot must be turned off manually at the first sign of LLA activation until airspeed is under control. CONTROLS AND INDICATIONS The ice and rain protection system is powered by 28 VDC from Bus 1 and Bus 2 of the electrical system (Figure 10-5). Three switches on the ANTIICE control panel are used to control the system (Figure 10-6). PRIMARY SWITCH The HIGH position arms the low pressure, high pressure, and low level sensors for active operation, and runs pump No. 1 continuously. The NORM position also arms the low pressure, high pressure, and low level sensors for active operation, but cycles both pumps on for 20 seconds, and then off for 100 seconds. The NORM position represents the lowest fluid flow rate of the system. The OFF position terminates the selected operation. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.0 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL GRAND CARAVAN EX 208 Figure 10-5. Circuit Breaker Panels The MAX FLOW switch is used in heavy or severe icing conditions. When the switch is positioned to MAX FLOW AIRFRAME (up), the spring-loaded switch activates the MAX FLOW AIRFRAME operation, and then returns immediately to the center position. The NORM or HIGH position must be selected on the PRIMARY switch in order to select MAX FLOW AIRFRAME operation. The AIRFRAME position runs both metering pumps for 2 minutes, and then returns the pumps to NORM or HIGH as selected on the PRIMARY switch. The MAX FLOW AIRFRAME operation cycles until the operation times out after 2 minutes or until the PRIMARY switch is positioned to OFF. 10 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION MAX FLOW SWITCH Figure 10-6. Anti-Ice Instrument Panel Revision 3.0 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 10-7 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL The spring-loaded WINDSHIELD position is for intermittent clearing of the pilot forward windshield as needed. The WINDSHIELD position activates an independent gear pump, which supplies fluid to the pilot windshield. The pump runs for 4 seconds upon release of the switch. BACKUP SWITCH The BACKUP switch provides redundancy if the other operations are inoperable. The BACKUP switch activates an independent electrical system (circuit breakers, wire bundle, and switch), which runs metering pump No. 2 continuously. When the switch is positioned to ON, the low pressure sensor is armed. The windshield pump operates independently of the PRIMARY and BACKUP switch positions. • NORMAL–PUSH—Use for all other operations. Refer to the POH/AFM for performance changes associated with the INERTIAL SEPARATOR handle operations. ANTI-ICE FLUID QUANTITY INDICATOR The fluid level sensor in the fluid tank monitors fluid quantity. The fluid level sender transmits an electrical signal to the avionics system, based on the fluid level. The system converts the signal to a digital readout on the multifunction display (MFD) (Figure 10-7). The MFD can operate either in engine display or system display. Engine display operation displays PITOT/STATIC HEAT SWITCH The two-position PITOT/STATIC HEAT switch, when positioned to ON provides electrical heat to the pitot-static tubes for proper operation or the aircraft during icing conditions. The LEFT PITOT HEAT and RIGHT PITOT HEAT circuit breakers on the CB panel protect the pitot-static heat system. STALL HEAT SWITCH The STALL HEAT switch controls the heating element in the stall warning vane and sensor. The switch is protected by the STALL WARN circuit breaker on the CB panel. INERTIAL SEPARATOR CONTROL HANDLE The INERTIAL SEPARATOR control handle on the lower instrument panel has two positions: 10 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION • BYPASS–PULL—Use when flying through visible moisture such as clouds, rain, snow, and ice-crystals with an outside air temperature (OAT) of 41°F (5°C) or lower. Use also for ground operations or takeoff from dusty or sandy field conditions to minimize ingestion of foreign particles into the compressor. 10-8 FLUID QUANTITY READOUT Figure 10-7. Fluid Quantity Indication only the gallons of fluid remaining. The system display operation displays gallons and time remaining until fluid is depleted, and is valid only when NORM or HIGH are selected. When the BACKUP switch is position to ON, the time remaining is invalid. Time remaining is based on fluid quantity and the selected operation (when anti-ice is off, time remaining is based on normal operation). FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.0 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL A green readout indicates at least 20 minutes of fluid remains in the NORM position or at least 8 minutes of fluid remains in the HIGH position. An amber background on the readout indicates 20 minutes or less fluid remaining in NORM position. A red readout indicates 5 minutes or less of fluid remaining in the NORM position, and 1 minute or less in the MAX FLOW AIRFRAME position. The minimum fluid level for dispatch is 11.7 gallons and is indicated on the fluid tank sight glass. FLUID TANK SIGHT GLASS A fluid tank sight glass is near the filler assembly inside the cargo pod access door, forward of the left wing strut (Figure 10-8). The witness mark on the sight glass is used to determine the proper fluid quantity for dispatch into known icing conditions. The sight glass is viewed through the cargo pod door. To ensure minimum dispatch quantity, perform the following steps: 1. Ensure that the aircraft wings are in a level attitude. If the aircraft rests on a slope, the nose must be aligned up or down with the slope. 2. Ensure that the bottom of the fluid ball inside the sight gauge is above the minimum dispatch line. CAUTION Minimum dispatch quantity in the fluid tank is 11.7 gallons. Use the sight gauge to verify that the fluid tank contains at least this quantity prior to takeoff or flight into icing conditions. Figure 10-8. Fluid Sight Glass °° NORM °° OFF • MAX FLOW switch °° AIRFRAME °° WINDSHIELD • BACKUP switch °° ON °° OFF OPERATION HIGH Position The fluid control system has the following operations: The HIGH position (up) arms the low pressure, high pressure, and low level sensors for active operation, and runs pump No. 1 continuously. • PRIMARY switch °° HIGH Revision 3.0 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 10-9 10 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION PRIMARY SWITCH CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL To use the high operation, position the PRIMARY switch to HIGH (up). To terminate pump operation, position the PRIMARY switch to OFF. If low pressure is indicated, position the PRIMARY switch to OFF, and then position the BACKUP switch to ON. NORM Position WINDSHIELD Position The NORM position arms the low pressure, high pressure, and low level sensors for active operation, and cycles both pumps on for 20 seconds, and then off for 100 seconds. Use the WINDSHIELD position for intermittent operation of the windshield spray bar to clear the pilot forward vision windshield as needed. To use the windshield spray bar, position and hold the MAX FLOW switch to the WINDSHIELD position. To use normal operation, position the PRIMARY switch to NORM (center). To terminate pump operation, position the PRIMARY switch to OFF. MAX FLOW SWITCH AIRFRAME Position The max flow airframe operation is used in heavy or severe icing conditions. To activate the max flow airframe operation, position the PRIMARY switch to NORM or HIGH, and then position the MAX FLOW switch to AIRFRAME (up). The spring-loaded switch activates the operation, and then returns immediately to the center position. To terminate the operation, position the PRIMARY switch to OFF. Fluid Consumption The MAX FLOW switch operations have the following maximum endurance levels with a full tank of fluid: • PRIMARY switch °° NORM—3 hours 25 minutes °° HIGH—1 hour, 20 minutes • MAX FLOW switch 10 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION °° AIRFRAME—40 minutes Holding the spring-loaded switch at the WINDSHIELD position releases windshield fluid continuously. Releasing the switch returns it to OFF (center) and terminates windshield pump operation 4 seconds later. The timer interval applies an optimum burst of fluid to the windshield at the selected interval. CAUTION Do not run the windshield pump continuously for more than 10 seconds, and allow at least 10 seconds between operations. The windshield takes approximately 30 seconds to clear after the MAX FLOW switch is released. BACKUP SWITCH ON Position Use the BACKUP switch if the PRIMARY or MAX FLOW switches are not functioning. The BACKUP switch activates an independent electrical system (circuit breaker, wire bundle, and switch), which runs metering pump No. 2 continuously in the HIGH position. To use the backup operation, position the backup switch to ON (up). Note that the windshield pump operates independently of the PRIMARY and MAX FLOW switches. • BACKUP switch °° ON—1 hour, 20 minutes 10-10 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 2.2 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL LIMITATIONS For specific information on limitations, refer to the FAA-approved (AFM). EMERGENCY/ ABNORMAL For specific information on Emergency/Abnormal procedures, refer to the FAA-approved AFM. Table 10-1. CAS ANNUNCIATIONS MESSAGE DESCRIPTION Indicates system pressure on either side is too low for normal system operation and potential substandard ice protection. A-ICE FLUID LO Indicates a low fluid level condition exists (approx. two U.S. gallons remain) and that at least 20 minutes of ice protection fluid endurance remains when the system is operated in NORM mode. A-ICE PRESS HI Indicates the system fluid filters should be replaced. L-R P/S HEAT Indicates both pitot/static vane heater systems (left and right) have malfunctioned or both the LEFT and RIGHT PITOT HEAT circuit breakers are pulled. L P/S HEAT Indicates the left side pitot/static vane heater system has malfunctioned or the LEFT PITOT HEAT circuit breaker is pulled. R P/S HEAT Indicates that the right side pitot/static vane heater system has malfunctioned or the RIGHT PITOT HEAT circuit breaker is pulled. STALL HEAT Indicates the stall warning heater system has malfunctioned or the STALL WARN circuit breaker is pulled in conditions below 19°C (66°F) or above 52°C (125°F). 10 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION A-ICE PRESS LOW Revision 3.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 10-11 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL QUESTIONS 1. The in-flight ice protection equipment provides: A. Unlimited ability to operate in icing conditions B. Ice protection through use of bleed air C. Adequate ice protection during normal icing conditions D. The ability to de-ice the aircraft on the ramp 2. The anti-ice fluid tank has a capacity of: A. 15 gallons B. 20.8 gallons C. 11.7 gallons D. 9.3 gallons 6. When the anti-ice fluid control switch operates in MAX FLOW AIRFRAME, a red readout on the MFD indicates: A. 10 minutes or less of fluid remain B. 5 minutes or less of fluid remain C. 2.5 minutes or less of fluid remain D. 1 minute or less of fluid remains 7. The maximum endurance level with a fully serviced anti-ice fluid tank in NORMAL is: A. 5 hours B. 3 hours 25 minutes C. 2 hours D. 1.5 hours 3. The standby electrical power system is required to be installed and functional for: A. IMC conditions B. Night operations C. Commercial operations D. Icing conditions 8. The maximum endurance level with a fully serviced anti-ice fluid tank in MAX FLOW AIRFRAME is: A. 1 hour B. 40 minutes C. 30 minutes D. 15 minutes 4. The minimum de-ice fluid level for dis-patch into forecast icing conditions is: A. 20 gallons B. 15 gallons C. 11.7 gallons D. 9.3 gallons 9. The ice detector light is used: A. Momentarily to detect ice accumulations at night B. At all times during flight in icing conditions C. Only when visible moisture is present D. Also as a courtesy light on the ground 5. When operating with the anti-ice fluid control switch in NORMAL, a green readout on the MFD indicates that at least: A. 20 minutes of fluid remain B. 15 minutes of fluid remain C. 10 minutes of fluid remain D. 5 minutes of fluid remain 10 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 10-12 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.0 11 AIR CONDITIONING CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CHAPTER 11 AIR CONDITIONING CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................ 11-1 AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM......................................................................................... 11-2 Description.................................................................................................................... 11-2 Components................................................................................................................... 11-2 Controls and Indications................................................................................................ 11-2 Air Conditioning Switch............................................................................................... 11-2 Operation....................................................................................................................... 11-3 CABIN HEATING, VENTILATING, AND DEFROSTING SYSTEM............................... 11-4 Description.................................................................................................................... 11-4 Components................................................................................................................... 11-4 Controls and Indications................................................................................................ 11-4 LIMITATIONS...................................................................................................................... 11-8 EMERGENCY/ABNORMAL.............................................................................................. 11-8 QUESTIONS........................................................................................................................ 11-9 Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 11-i ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Title Page 11-1. Air Conditioning Controls..................................................................................... 11-2 11-2. Air Conditioning Schematic.................................................................................. 11-5 11-3. CABIN HEAT FIREWALL SHUTOFF Knob...................................................... 11-7 11-4. VENT AIR Control Knobs.................................................................................... 11-7 11-5. Instrument Panel Vent Knobs................................................................................ 11-7 Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 11-iii 11 AIR CONDITIONING CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CHAPTER 11 AIR CONDITIONING INTRODUCTION The Cessna Grand Caravan EX has an air conditioning system, heating system, and ventilation system that provide comfortable cabin temperatures during hot and cold weather operation on the ground and in-flight. A windshield defrost system is provided. Controls for the system are in the cockpit. GENERAL The aircraft has a vapor cycle air conditioning system. Evaporator units direct cooled air to a series of overhead outlets in the cabin headliner. Controls for the air conditioning system vary the temperature and flow of the cooled air. The system is protected by circuit breakers on the left sidewall CB panel. Revision 2.2 The cabin airflow temperature and volume is regulated by the heating, ventilating, and defrosting system. The heating system routes hot compressor bleed air from the engine and mixes the air with cabin return air to achieve the correct air temperature before routing the air to the cabin air distribution system. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 11-1 11 AIR CONDITIONING CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 11 AIR CONDITIONING CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL Ventilating air is obtained from an inlet on each side at the forward fuselage and through a ram-air inlet on each wing. A plenum chamber in the center of the cabin ceiling distributes ventilating air to individual overhead outlets. Evaporator Defrosting air is obtained from heated air directed to the forward cabin through outlets behind the instrument panel and/or the two windshield defroster outlets. Condenser AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Cooled air is supplied to the cabin through 16 overhead adjustable outlets (one above the pilot and front passenger, 11 directly above the rear-seat passengers, and three on the aft bulkhead). The pilot and passenger overhead outlets swivel, and have a rotating nozzle that controls airflow volume. The evaporator works like a heat exchanger, and takes heat from the closed system and adds it to the air. Gas leaving the compressor flows to the condenser. The condenser also acts like a heat exchanger, but it draws heat from the air and adds it to the closed system. CONTROLS AND INDICATIONS Controls for the air conditioning system are on the AIR CONDITIONING control panel on the bottom of the instrument panel directly above the control pedestal (Figure 11-1). The air conditioning system includes: • Belt-operated compressor in the engine accessory compartment • Two evaporator units with integral blowers in the left and right wing root areas and one in the tail cone behind the aft bulkhead • System condenser in the engine compartment • Refrigerant lines under the floorboards that interconnect the compressor, evaporator, and the condenser COMPONENTS Compressor The refrigeration cycle begins with the compressor. It compresses the refrigerant gas which is comparatively cold and at a low pressure as it leaves the evaporator. The gas leaving the compressor is at a high temperature and high pressure. 11-2 Figure 11-1. Air Conditioning Controls AIR CONDITIONING SWITCH Positioning the AIR CONDITIONING switch to COOL starts the compressor and evaporator fans (Figure 11-1). Positioning the switch to VENTILATE activates only the evaporator fans, which provide uncooled ventilating air to the cabin. The OFF position turns off the compressor and evaporator fans. AC FANS Switches The AC FANS switches include three, two-position switches that provide separate HIGH and LOW speed control to the LEFT, AFT, and RIGHT evaporator fans (Figure 11-1). FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 2.2 11 AIR CONDITIONING CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL System electrical protection is provided by four 15-amp circuit breakers on the left sidewall CB panel: • LEFT VENT BLWR • RIGHT VENT BLWR NOTE For increased cooling during ground static conditions, increase Ng to 60– 65% for a higher air conditioning compressor rpm. Ground operation of the air conditioner with the propeller in beta range for prolonged periods causes the air conditioning compressor pressure safety switch to disengage the compressor clutch. Prevent this situation. • AFT VENT BLWR • AIR COND CONT OPERATION Ground Operation After preflight inspection and engine start, close the cabin doors and windows. Push in all instrument panel vent controls and close all overhead vent air outlets. Open all overhead air outlets and advance the FUEL CONDITION lever as required for minimum Ng of 55%. Position all AIR CONDITIONING FANS switches to HIGH and the COOL –OFF–VENTILATE switch to COOL. NOTE On 675 SHP Caravans a minimum Ng of 54% is required for ground operations. CAUTION Under extremely hot outside air temperature (OAT) and/or high ground elevation conditions, the idle interstage turbine temperature (ITT) can exceed the maximum idle ITT limitation of 700°C. Advance the FUEL CONDITION lever toward HIGH IDLE to increase the idle Ng as required to maintain a satisfactory ITT 700°C or lower. CAUTION On 675 SHP Caravans maximum ITT is 685°C. Advance the FUEL CONDITION lever toward HIGH IDLE to increase the idle Ng as required to maintain a satisfactory ITT 685°C or lower. If the temperature of the air coming from the outlets does not start to cool within a minute or two the system can be malfunctioning and must be turned off. In-Flight Operation Initially, it can be desirable to operate the system with the AC FANS switch on HIGH for fast cool down. Later in the flight, operating the fans on LOW and opening the overhead vent air controls can provide a more comfortable environment. During extended flight when temperature and humidity are extremely high, the evaporator coils can accumulate frost. If frost forms, as evidenced by reduced airflow, position the COOL–OFF– VENTILATE switch to VENTILATE and position the AIR CONDITIONING FANS switches to HIGH. Doing so increases the evaporator discharge temperature sufficiently to clear the frost. NOTE A high-pressure safety switch in the air conditioning system disengages the compressor clutch and stops system operation if the system becomes overloaded. The system cycles on again when the pressure drops. If the system does not restore within a reasonable period, it can be malfunctioning and must be turned off. Use the blower portion of the air conditioning system at any time outside air cabin air circulation are Revision 3.1 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 11-3 11 AIR CONDITIONING CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL desired. Position the COOL–OFF–VENTILATE switch to VENTILATE and then position the AC FANS switches to LOW or HIGH as desired. The switch settings can be retained before and after landing. WARNING Operation of the air conditioner can cause compass deviation of more than 10°. The aircraft has a 25-fpm reduction in climb performance, 1 to 2 knots true airspeed decrease in cruise performance, and approximately 1% increase in fuel required for a given trip as a result of air conditioner installation. When climbing at altitude above the critical altitude for 675 shaft horsepower (SHP) (ITT at maximum climb, ITT limit and torque below 2,397 ft-lbs), there is a 25 fpm loss in maximum rate of climb. NOTE On 675 SHP Caravans a 10-fpm reduction in climb performance, 1 to 2 knots true airspeed decrease in cruise performance, and approximately 1% increase in fuel required for a given trip as a result of air conditioner installation. NOTE On 675 SHP Caravans When climbing at altitude above the critical altitude for 675 shaft horsepower (SHP) (ITT at maximum climb, ITT limit and torque below 1,865 ft-lbs), there is a 25 fpm loss in maximum rate of climb. When cruising at altitude where the maximum allowable cruise power is below the torque limit, as noted in the cruise performance tables in Section 5 of the POH/AFM, reduce this setting by 40 ft-lbs when the air conditioner is operating. This results in an approximate 2 KTAS decrease in maximum cruise performance and a slight increase (1%) in fuel required for a given trip. 11-4 CABIN HEATING, VENTILATING, AND DEFROSTING SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The temperature and volume of airflow to the cabin are regulated by the cabin heating, ventilating, and defrosting system (Figure 11-2). Air distribution for the passenger versions of the CE-208 and CE208B is shown in Figure 11-2. In the heating system, hot compressor outlet P3 air is routed from the engine through a flow control valve and then through a mixer/muffler. There it is mixed with cabin return air or warm air from the compressor bleed valve to obtain the correct air temperature before the air is routed to the cabin air-distribution system. Ventilating air is obtained from an inlet on each side at the forward fuselage and through two ram air inlets, one on each wing at the upper end of the wing struts. The wing inlet ventilating air is routed through the wing into a plenum chamber in the center of the cabin top. The plenum distributes ventilating air to individual overhead outlets at the two seat positions and to passenger outlets in the passenger version. COMPONENTS Ventilating Outlets Two adjustable ventilating outlets, one above each seat, permit individual ventilation to the pilot and the front passenger. Eight adjustable overhead ventilation outlets provide ventilation to passengers. The swivel outlets can be adjusted for optimum ventilation. Airflow volume is controlled by rotating the outlet nozzle, which controls an internal valve. CONTROLS AND INDICATIONS The cabin heating, ventilating, and defrosting system controls are on the CABIN HEAT control panel. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.1 Revision 3.1 LEGEND EVAPORATOR RECEIVER / DRYER WEMAC FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY AFT EVAPORATOR CONDENSER CABIN VENTS COMPRESSOR EVAPORATOR CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL Liquid Refrigerant Vapor Refrigerant Cold Air Outside Air AIR DISTRIBUTION DUCT 11-5 Figure 11-2. Air Conditioning Schematic 11 AIR CONDITIONING 11 AIR CONDITIONING CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL BLEED AIR HEAT Switch A two-position BLEED AIR HEAT switch controls the bleed air control valve (Figure 11-2). The ON position opens the flow control valve, allowing hot bleed air to flow to the cabin heating system. The OFF position closes the valve, shutting off hot bleed air to the heating system. On 675 SHP Caravans leaving the BLEED AIR HEAT Switch can result in a hot start or abnormal acceleration to idle. MIXING AIR Knob-GRD Position TEMP Selector Knob A rotary TEMP knob modulates the opening and closing of the flow control valve, which controls the volume and temperature of cabin airflow. Clockwise rotation of the knob increases the airflow volume and temperature. NOTE If more cabin heat is needed while on the ground, position the FUEL CONDITION lever to HIGH IDLE. Some delay (hysteresis) can occur when adjusting bleed air temperature. The resulting volume of bleed air can be different when approaching a particular temperature selector knob position from a clockwise direction versus a counterclockwise direction. For best results rotate the temperature selector knob fully clockwise and then slowly rotate it counterclockwise to decrease bleed air flow to the desired volume. A temperature sensor in the outlet duct from the mixer/muffler operates in conjunction with the TEMP knob. A high temperature (overheat) conditions in the outlet duct energizes the temperature sensor, which closes the flow control valve and shuts off the source of hot bleed air from the engine. CAUTION Leaving the BLEED AIR HEAT Switch ON and the TEMP control knob fully OPEN can result in a hot start or abnormal acceleration to idle. 11-6 CAUTION The MIXING AIR–push-pull control is used to mix compressor bleed air with hot compressor outlet air in the GRD position. When the control is positioned to GRD (pulled out), warm compressor bleed valve air (P2.5) mixes with hot compressor outlet air (P3) in the mixer/ muffler. Use the GRD position during ground operation when warm compressor bleed valve air (P2.5) is available below 89% Ng (PT6A-114A) or 92% Ng (for PT6A-114A engines) and when the bleed air is used to augment the hot compressor outlet bleed air supply (P3) in cold ambient temperatures. MIXING AIR Knob-FLT Position The MIXING AIR-push-pull control mixes cabin return air with hot compressor outlet air in the FLT position. When the control is positioned to FLT (pushed in), cabin return air mixes with the hot compressor outlet air (P3) in the mixer/muffler. Recirculation of cabin return air enables the heating system to maintain the desired temperature for proper cabin heating. Use the FLT position on the ground when ambient temperatures are mild and maximum heating is not required. When the switch is positioned to FLT, the excess warm compressor bleed valve air (P2.5), available at power settings below 92% Ng for PT6A-114A engines, exhausts overboard from the mixing air valve. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.1 11 AIR CONDITIONING CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL Figure 11-3. CABIN HEAT FIREWALL SHUTOFF Knob Figure 11-4. VENT AIR Control Knobs NOTE The MIXING AIR control must always be positioned to FLT (pushed in) when the aircraft is in flight. Cabin return air must be allowed to flow through the mixing valve and blend with hot compressor outlet air during high engine power operation in order to maintain proper temperature in the cabin heat distribution system. If the FLT position is not used during flight, the system can overheat and cause an automatic shutdown. FWD CABIN–Position The FWD CABIN-PUSH position directs heated air to the forward cabin. When the control is positioned to FWD CABIN (pushed in), heated air is directed to the forward cabin through four heater outlets behind the instrument panel and/or the two windshield defroster outlets. Position the control to any intermediate setting for the desired distribution of heated air to the forward and aft cabins. AFT CABIN Position The AFT CABIN position directs heated air to the aft cabin.When the control is positioned to AFT CABIN (pulled out), heated air is directed to the aft cabin heater outlets on the cabin sidewalls at floor level. Figure 11-5. Instrument Panel Vent Knobs Revision 3.1 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 11-7 11 AIR CONDITIONING CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL DEFROST–Position The DEFROST-push-pull control directs forward cabin air to the windshield defroster. When the control is positioned to DEFROST (pulled out), forward cabin air is directed to two defroster outlets at the base of the windshield. Note that the AFT CABIN-PULL/FWD CABIN-PUSH control must be pushed in for forward cabin air defrosting. CABIN HEAT FIREWALL SHUTOFF Knob A CABIN HEAT FIREWALL SHUTOFF knob is on the lower right side of the center pedestal (Figure 11-3). When pulled out, the knob actuates two firewall shutoff valves to the off position: one in the bleedair supply line to the cabin heating system and one in the cabin return air line. The knob is to be pushed in, unless a fire is suspected in the engine compartment. CAUTION Do not position the CABIN HEAT FIREWALL SHUTOFF knob to OFF when the MIXING AIR control is positioned to GRD. Doing so causes a compressor stall at low power settings when the compressor bleed valve is open. The engine must be shut down to relieve back pressure on the valves prior to opening the valves. progressively opens the wing shutoff valves. If the aircraft has cabin ventilation fans but no air conditioning, then rotating the knobs to the full FAN/ OPEN position also activates the ventilation fans. Instrument Panel Vent Knobs Two VENT knobs are on each side of the instrument panel. Each knob is used to control ventilation from an outlet next to each knob. Pulling each knob opens a small air door on the fuselage exterior, which admits ram air for distribution through the ventilating outlet (Figure 11-5). LIMITATIONS For specific information on limitations, refer to the FAA-approved (AFM). EMERGENCY/ ABNORMAL For specific information on Emergency/Abnormal procedures, refer to the FAA-approved AFM. VENT AIR Control Knobs Two rotary VENT AIR control knobs are on the overhead console (Figure 11-4). The knobs control operation of the shutoff valves in each wing, which control the airflow to the cabin. The right knob controls the right wing shutoff valve and the left knob controls the left wing shutoff valve. When the VENT AIR control knobs are positioned to CLOSE, the wing shutoff valves are closed. Rotating the knobs to the FAN/OPEN position 11-8 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 2.2 11 AIR CONDITIONING CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL QUESTIONS 1. The minimum Ng when operating the air conditioning on the ground is: A. 70% B. 65% C. 56% D. 55% 2. What must be accomplished when operating the air conditioning on the ground if ITT threatens to exceed 700°C: A. Advance the condition lever B. Open outside air vents C. Position AC FANS to HIGH D. Position the BLEED AIR HEAT switch to ON 3. Operation of the air conditioner can cause compass deviation of more than: A. 10° B. 15° C. 18° D. 20° 4. The air conditioning system is: A. Powered by the propeller reduction system B. Electrically operated C. Belt operated by the engine accessory section D. Extracts energy from exhaust gases as its power source Revision 3.0 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 11-9 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 12 PRESSURIZATION CHAPTER 12 PRESSURIZATION The material normally covered in this chapter is not applicable to this airplane. Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 12-i CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 13 HYDRAULIC POWER SYSTEM CHAPTER 13 HYDRAULIC POWER SYSTEM The material normally covered in this chapter is not applicable to this airplane. Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 13-i CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CHAPTER 14 LANDING GEAR AND BRAKES CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................ 14-1 LANDING GEAR SYSTEM................................................................................................ 14-2 Description.................................................................................................................... 14-2 Components................................................................................................................... 14-2 Operation....................................................................................................................... 14-2 Limitations.................................................................................................................... 14-2 Emergency/Abnormal................................................................................................... 14-3 BRAKE SYSTEM................................................................................................................ 14-3 Description.................................................................................................................... 14-3 Components................................................................................................................... 14-3 Operation....................................................................................................................... 14-4 EMERGENCY/ABNORMAL.............................................................................................. 14-4 QUESTIONS........................................................................................................................ 14-5 Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 14-i 14 LANDING GEAR AND BRAKES LIMITATIONS...................................................................................................................... 14-4 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Title Page 14-1. Landing Gear System............................................................................................ 14-2 14-2. Nose Gear Frangible Stop...................................................................................... 14-3 14-3. Brake Side.............................................................................................................. 14-3 14-4. Brake Fluid Reservoir............................................................................................ 14-3 14 LANDING GEAR AND BRAKES 14-5. Parking Brake........................................................................................................ 14-4 Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 14-iii CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CHAPTER 14 LANDING GEAR AND BRAKES This chapter describes the landing gear and brake system on the Cessna Grand Caravan EX. Information is provided on the main and nose gear, shock absorption, and brakes. GENERAL The tricycle type landing gear on the Cessna Grand Caravan EX consists of a steerable nosewheel and two main wheels. Shock absorption is provided by tubular, spring-steel main landing gear struts, and a nose gear oil-filled shock strut. Revision 2.2 The aircraft has a single disc brake on the main landing gear wheels. The nosewheel has no brake. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 14-1 14 LANDING GEAR AND BRAKES INTRODUCTION CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL LANDING GEAR SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The landing gear is a fixed-gear tricycle type gear with a steerable nosewheel and two main wheels. COMPONENTS Shock Absorption Main gear shock absorption is provided by a tubular, main gear spring with a center main gear tube connecting the two outer main gear legs at the gear attach trunnions. The nose gear has an oil snubber shock strut and a tubular spring-type drag link. OPERATION Effective ground control while taxiing is accomplished through nosewheel steering using the rudder pedals to steer the nosewheel in the respective direction. When the rudder pedal is pressed, a spring-loaded steering bungee, which is connected to the nose gear and rudder bars, turns the nosewheel through an arc of approximately 15° each side of center. By applying differential braking the degree of turn can be increased up to 51.5° each side of center. LIMITATIONS The nose gear must not be turned more than 51.5° either side of center during towing. The towing limits are indicated by red stripes on each side of the nose gear faring. Exceeding this limit can damage the gear. The nose gear has a frangible stop, which breaks off if the limits are exceeded during towing. The stop is attached by a small cable, which retains the stop as an indication of possible nose gear damage. For additional information on limitations for this aircraft, refer to the Pilot’s Operating Handbook and FAA-approved Airplane Flight Manual (POH/ AFM). RIGHT MAIN GEAR SPRING RIGHT MAIN WHEEL RIGHT MAIN ATTACH TRUNNION CENTER MAIN GEAR SPRING STEEL TUBE AXLE FITTING 14 LANDING GEAR AND BRAKES SHIMMY DAMPENER RIGHT BRAKE LEFT MAIN ATTACH TRUNNION SHOCK STRUT TRUNNION AFT SUPPORT LEFT MAIN GEAR SPRING FORWARD SUPPORT DRAG LINK SPRING LEFT MAIN WHEEL NOSEWHEEL Figure 14-1. Landing Gear System 14-2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 2.2 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL BRAKE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The aircraft has a single-disc, hydraulically actuated brake on each main landing gear wheel. Each brake is connected by a hydraulic line, to a master cylinder attached to each of the pilot rudder pedals (Figure 14-3). Figure 14-2. Nose Gear Frangible Stop EMERGENCY/ABNORMAL Landing With A Flat Main Tire Fly the aircraft as desired to lighten the fuel load. Position the FUEL SELECT switch to the OFF position on the opposite side of the flat tire. This lightens the load on the side of the flat tire. CAUTION Figure 14-3. Brake Side Maximum fuel imbalance is 200 pounds. Approach the airport with flaps at the FULL position. Touchdown on the inflated tire first. Hold the aircraft off the flat tire as long as possible with aileron control. Maintain directional control using the brake on the wheel with the inflated tire as required. A brake fluid reservoir just forward of the firewall on the left side of the engine compartment provides additional brake fluid for the brake master cylinders (Figure 14-4). Check the fluid in the reservoir for proper level prior to each flight. Refill the reservoir with MIL-H-5606 hydraulic fluid. Landing With A Flat Nose Tire Move passengers and baggage aft if practical. Remain within approved center-of-gravity envelope. Approach the airport using full flaps. Upon touchdown, keep the nose wheel off the pavement for as long as possible during the landing roll. Use the minimum amount of braking necessary. Figure 14-4. Brake Fluid Reservoir Revision 3.0 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 14-3 14 LANDING GEAR AND BRAKES COMPONENTS CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL OPERATION LIMITATIONS The brakes are operated by applying pressure to the top of either the left (pilot) or right (front passenger) set of rudder pedals, which are interconnected. For specific information on limitations, refer to the FAA-approved (AFM). When the aircraft is parked, both main wheel brakes can be set using the parking brake, which is operated by a handle on the lower left side of the instrument panel. EMERGENCY/ ABNORMAL To apply the parking brake, set the brakes with the rudder pedals and pull the handle aft. To release the parking brake, push the handle fully in. For specific information on Emergency/Abnormal procedures, refer to the FAA-approved AFM. Figure 14-5. Parking Brake 14 LANDING GEAR AND BRAKES For maximum brake life, keep the brake system properly maintained. For aircraft with metallic brakes, hard brake application is beneficial in that the resulting higher brake temperatures help to maintain proper brake glazing and expected brake life. Conversely, the habitual use of light and conservative brake application is detrimental to metallic brakes. 14-4 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.0 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL QUESTIONS 1. If the nose gear is turned past the maximum placarded travel limit: A. The frangible stop will be sheared off. B. The entire nose gear must be replaced. C. No damage has been done. D. The aircraft must not be moved. 2. The rudder pedals can be used to steer the nose gear approximately: A. 50° either side of center B. 26° either side of center C. 15° either side of center D. 10° either side of center 14 LANDING GEAR AND BRAKES 3. The parking brake is applied by: A. Pumping the parking brake handle until the brakes are set B. Setting the brakes with the rudder pedals and pulling the parking brake handle aft C. Pressing the toe brakes and pulling the parking brake handle aft D. None of the above Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 14-5 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CHAPTER 15 FLIGHT CONTROLS CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................ 15-1 PRIMARY FLIGHT CONTROLS........................................................................................ 15-2 Description.................................................................................................................... 15-2 Components................................................................................................................... 15-2 Controls......................................................................................................................... 15-2 SECONDARY FLIGHT CONTROLS.................................................................................. 15-2 Wing Spoiler.................................................................................................................. 15-2 Trim Systems................................................................................................................. 15-2 Control Locks................................................................................................................ 15-4 Stall Warning System.................................................................................................... 15-5 Wing Flap System......................................................................................................... 15-5 STANDBY FLAP SYSTEM................................................................................................ 15-6 LIMITATIONS...................................................................................................................... 15-6 EMERGENCY/ABNORMAL.............................................................................................. 15-6 15 FLIGHT CONTROLS QUESTIONS........................................................................................................................ 15-7 Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 15-i CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Title Page 15-1. Wing Spoiler.......................................................................................................... 15-2 15-2. Aileron Servo Tab.................................................................................................. 15-3 15-3. Aileron Trim Tab.................................................................................................... 15-3 15-4. Aileron Trim.......................................................................................................... 15-3 15-5. ELEVATOR TRIM Wheel..................................................................................... 15-4 15-6. Control Wheel Lock.............................................................................................. 15-4 15-7. Rudder Lock.......................................................................................................... 15-4 15-8. Stall Warning Vane................................................................................................ 15-5 15-9. Wing Flap.............................................................................................................. 15-5 15 FLIGHT CONTROLS 15-10. Overhead Panel...................................................................................................... 15-6 Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 15-iii CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CHAPTER 15 FLIGHT CONTROLS INTRODUCTION This chapter describes the flight controls on the Cessna Grand Caravan EX. The aircraft is equipped with fixed and movable surfaces that provide stability and control during flight. The primary flight controls are ailerons, rudder, and elevators. Secondary flight controls include spoilers, trim devices, and flaps. Information on the stall warning system and control locks is also provided. GENERAL Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 15 FLIGHT CONTROLS The flight control system on the aircraft includes conventional aileron, elevator, and rudder control surfaces, and a pair of spoilers above the outboard ends of the flaps. The control surfaces are manually operated through mechanical linkages using a control wheel for the ailerons, spoilers, and elevator, and rudder/brake pedals for the rudder. 15-1 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL PRIMARY FLIGHT CONTROLS SECONDARY FLIGHT CONTROLS DESCRIPTION The secondary flight controls include the wing spoilers, the trim systems, and control locks. The primary flight controls include the ailerons, rudder, and elevator. These flight controls are controlled using the control yoke and column and the rudder pedals. WING SPOILER COMPONENTS The wing spoilers improve lateral control of the aircraft at low speeds by disrupting lift over the appropriate flap. Ailerons Ailerons on the outboard trailing edge of both wings provide lateral (roll) control about the longitudinal axis. Rudder The rudder, hinged to the trailing edge of the vertical stabilizer, provides directional control about the vertical axis (yaw). Elevator The elevators on the trailing edge of the horizontal stabilizer provide longitudinal control about the lateral axis (pitch). CONTROLS Control Yoke and Column The pilot and copilot (front passenger) have conventional control yokes and columns. Control inputs are transmitted to the ailerons and elevators through cables and bellcranks. Rudder Pedals 15 FLIGHT CONTROLS Rudder pedals are provided for the pilot and copilot (front passenger). Control inputs transmit to the rudder through cables. Depressing the top of the nonadjustable rudder pedals activates the brakes. 15-2 Figure 15-1. Wing Spoiler The spoilers are interconnected with the aileron system through a pushrod, to an arm of the aileron bellcrank. While the movement of the spoilers begins simultaneously with the upward travel of the aileron, movement of the spoilers for the first 5° of aileron travel is negligible. Once the aileron is deflected upward past 5°, the spoiler deflection rate is proportional to the aileron until they reach the full-up position. When the aileron is deflected downward, the spoiler is completely retracted. Aileron servo tabs provide reduced maneuvering control wheel forces. TRIM SYSTEMS Manually operated aileron, elevator, and rudder trim systems are provided. Aileron trimming is achieved by a trimmable servo tab attached to the right aileron. The trim tab is connected mechani- FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 2.2 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL Figure 15-2. Aileron Servo Tab Figure 15-4. Aileron Trim which is attached to the forward rudder torque tube and nose gear steering pushrod by rotating the RUDDER TRIM wheel either left or right to the desired trim position. Rotating the elevator wheel to the right trims nose right; conversely, rotating it to the left trims nose left. Figure 15-3. Aileron Trim Tab cally to the AILERON TRIM knob on the control pedestal. Operation Rotating the AILERON TRIM knob to the right (clockwise) trims the right wing down; rotating the knob to the left (counterclockwise) trims the left wing down. Emergency/Abnormal The ability to trim the rudder depends upon the nose gear extending fully and locking into the center position. If the nose gear is not locked in the center position, moving the RUDDER TRIM wheel only moves the nosewheel left or right and does not affect the rudder. If several attempts to trim the rudder have no apparent effect on control forces, center the rudder trim control for the remainder of the flight and notify maintenance upon landing. 15 FLIGHT CONTROLS Elevator trimming is accomplished through two cable operated trim tabs using the ELEVATOR TRIM wheel on the top left side of the control pedestal. Rudder trimming is accomplished through the RUDDER TRIM wheel on the control pedestal, Revision 3.0 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 15-3 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CONTROL LOCKS A control lock is provided to lock the aileron and elevator control surfaces. Locking the control surfaces prevents wind buffeting damage to these systems while the aircraft is parked. The lock includes a shaped steel rod and flag. The flag identifies it as a control lock and cautions about its removal before starting the engine (Figure 15-6). Operation To install the control lock, align the hole in the right side of the pilot control wheel shaft with the hole in the right side of the shaft collar on the instrument panel, and insert the rod into the aligned holes Installing the lock secures the ailerons in a neutral position and the elevators in a slightly trailingedge down position. Proper installation of the lock places the flag over the left sidewall switch panel. The aircraft is equipped with a rudder gust lock operated by an external handle on the left side of the tail cone. Figure 15-5. ELEVATOR TRIM Wheel 15 FLIGHT CONTROLS Figure 15-6. Control Wheel Lock 15-4 The rudder gust lock has a fail-safe connection to the elevator control system to ensure it is disengaged before the aircraft becomes airborne. The connection automatically disengages the lock when the elevator is deflected upward from neutral. Figure 15-7. Rudder Lock FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.0 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL Emergency/Abnormal CAUTION Remove or unlock the control lock and other types of locking devices prior to starting or towing the aircraft engine. The stall warning system is protected by a STALL WARN circuit breaker, which can be pulled to shut off the warning horn in the event the vane sticks in the ON position. STALL WARNING SYSTEM WARNING The vane-type stall warning unit is in the leading edge of the left wing. It is electrically connected to a stall warning horn in the pilot overhead panel. The circuit breaker must be pushed in for landing. The vane and sensor unit in the wing leading edge is equipped with a heating element. The heated part of the system is operated by the STALL HEAT switch on the ANTI-ICE switch panel and is protected by the STALL WARN circuit breaker on the CB panel. The following applies to later SNs and earlier aircraft modified with the applicable service kit. To preclude or disable nuisance stall warnings during ground operations, push the control yoke forward to the stop. This engages the ground stall warning disable switch. WING FLAP SYSTEM The wing flaps are large-span, single-slot, and are driven by an electric motor. The system is protected by the FLAP MOTOR circuit breaker on the CB panel. Figure 15-8. Stall Warning Vane Controls and Indications Figure 15-9. Wing Flap Operation Operation Check the stall warning system during the preflight inspection by momentarily turning the BATTERY switch ON and actuating the vane in the wing. The system is operational if the warning horn sounds as the vane is pushed upward. The wing flaps are extended or retracted by positioning the wing flaps selector lever on the control pedestal to the desired flap deflection position. The selector lever is moved up or down in a slotted panel that provides mechanical stops at the TO/ APR and LAND positions. A white-tipped pointer on the left side of the lever indicates flap position. Revision 3.0 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 15-5 15 FLIGHT CONTROLS The vane in the wing senses the change in airflow over the wing and operates the warning horn at airspeeds of between 5 and 10 knots above the stall in all configurations. CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL Figure 15-10. Overhead Panel NOTE In 675 SHP Caravans the selector lever is moved up or down in a slotted panel that provides mechanical stops at the 10° and 20° positions. STANDBY FLAP SYSTEM A standby system can operate the flaps if the primary system malfunctions. The standby system includes: • Standby motor • Guarded and safety-tied (with breakable copper wire) STBY FLAP MOTOR switches °° NORMAL–STBY positions °° UP–DOWN positions Controls and Indications The guarded STBY FLAP MOTOR switch has NORM and STBY positions. The guarded NORM position permits operation of the flap using the selector on the control pedestal. The STBY position disables the primary flap motor. The other STBY FLAP MOTOR switch has UP, OFF, and DOWN positions. indicator while operating the standby system. Since the standby flap system does not have limit switches, actuation of the STBY FLAP MOTOR–UP – DOWN switch must be stopped before the flaps reach full up or down travel to prevent damage to the flap motor mounts. NOTE On 675 SHP Caravans there is NO dynamic braking, as well. LIMITATIONS For specific information on limitations, refer to the FAA-approved (AFM). EMERGENCY/ ABNORMAL For specific information on Emergency/Abnormal procedures, refer to the FAA-approved AFM. Operation 15 FLIGHT CONTROLS To operate the flaps with the standby system, lift the guard and place the STBY FLAP MOTOR switch in the STBY position. Lift the guard and actuate the STBY FLAP MOTOR UP–DOWN switch momentarily to UP or DOWN as needed. Observe the flap position 15-6 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.0 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL QUESTIONS 1. The wing spoilers: A. Are used as speed reduction devices B. Improve lateral control of the aircraft at low speeds C. Increase the effectiveness of the flaps. D. Balance control forces in the aileron system 2. The rudder lock: A. Must be pulled out during engine start B. Must be pushed in to lock the rudder C. Must be released before towing the aircraft D. Is on the center pedestal 3. The rudder trim system: A. Operates a trim tab on the rudder B. Is operated electrically C. Moves only the rudder D. Is controlled by a knob on the instrument panel 15 FLIGHT CONTROLS 4. The standby flap system is operated: A. Until the flaps reach their stops B. Until the flap position indicator reaches the desired setting C. By using the crank on the overhead panel D. Hydraulically Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 15-7 16 AVIONICS CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CHAPTER 16 AVIONICS CONTENTS INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................ 16-1 OPERATION........................................................................................................................ 16-5 PFD/MFD Controls....................................................................................................... 16-5 Automatic Flight Control System Controls................................................................... 16-5 Audio Panel Controls.................................................................................................... 16-6 Power Up....................................................................................................................... 16-6 PFD Display.................................................................................................................. 16-9 MFD Display.............................................................................................................. 16-18 AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM................................................................. 16-27 Flight Director............................................................................................................ 16-29 Autopilot and Yaw Damper Operation....................................................................... 16-31 HAZARD AVOIDANCE................................................................................................... 16-32 XM Satellite Weather®.............................................................................................. 16-32 Maximum Permissible Exposure Level...................................................................... 16-33 Terrain Awareness and Warning System.................................................................... 16-34 Traffic Advisory System............................................................................................. 16-34 Stuck Microphone...................................................................................................... 16-36 COM Tuning Failure................................................................................................... 16-36 PFD Failure................................................................................................................ 16-36 Audio Panel Failure.................................................................................................... 16-36 Reversionary Mode.................................................................................................... 16-37 LIMITATIONS................................................................................................................... 16-37 Revision 3.1 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 16-i CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 16 AVIONICS EMERGENCY/ABNORMAL........................................................................................... 16-37 QUESTIONS..................................................................................................................... 16-38 16-ii FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.1 ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Title Page 16-1. EX Integrated Avionics System............................................................................. 16-2 16-2. Garmin G1000 Integrated Avionics Architecture - SNs 208-0523 and earlier and 208B-2225 and earlier....................................................................................................... 16-3 16-3. Garmin G1000 Integrated Avionics Architecture - SNs 208-0524 and on and 208B2226 and on....................................................................................................................... 16-4 16-4. PFD/MFD Controls............................................................................................... 16-5 16-5. Mode Controller (GMC 710)................................................................................ 16-7 16-6. Audio Panel Controls (GMA 1347)....................................................................... 16-8 16-7. PFD Initialization.................................................................................................. 16-9 16-8. MFD Power Up Page............................................................................................. 16-9 16-9. Primary Flight Display (Default)........................................................................ 16-10 16-10. Additional PFD Information............................................................................... 16-10 16-11. Airspeed Indicator and Pointer at VMO................................................................................. 16-11 16-12. Attitude Indicator................................................................................................ 16-11 16-13. Slip/Skid Indicator.............................................................................................. 16-11 16-14. Vertical Speed and Deviation Indicators (VSI and VDI).................................... 16-12 16-15. Glidepath Indicator............................................................................................. 16-12 16-16. Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI).................................................................. 16-13 16-17. Course Deviation Indicator ................................................................................ 16-13 16-18. Navigation Sources............................................................................................. 16-13 16-19. Omni-Bearing Selector (OBS) Mode................................................................. 16-14 16-20. Suspending Automatic Waypoint Sequencing.................................................... 16-15 16-21. Course Deviation Indicator................................................................................. 16-15 16-22. Marker Beacon Annunciations........................................................................... 16-16 Revision 3.1 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 16-iii 16 AVIONICS CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 16 AVIONICS 16-23. HSI with Bearing and DME Information........................................................... 16-16 16-24. Wind Data........................................................................................................... 16-16 16-25. G1000® Alerting System.................................................................................... 16-17 16-26. Traffic and TAWS Indications (Example)........................................................... 16-18 16-27. Terrain Colors..................................................................................................... 16-18 16-28. Current Radar Height......................................................................................... 16-18 16-29. ALT Setting (Timer/Reference/Window)........................................................... 16-18 16-30. RA as Altitude Source for MDA/DH.................................................................. 16-18 16-31. Altimeter Displaying the Ground Line (RAD ALT)........................................... 16-18 16-32. Radar Altimeter Invalid Data............................................................................. 16-18 16-33. MFD Normal Operations.................................................................................... 16-19 16-34. MFD Reversionary Mode................................................................................... 16-19 16-35. EIS Displays....................................................................................................... 16-19 16-36. Page Menu Examples......................................................................................... 16-21 16-37. Map Page............................................................................................................ 16-21 16-38. Waypoint Page.................................................................................................... 16-22 16-39. Auxiliary Page.................................................................................................... 16-22 16-40. Nearest Page....................................................................................................... 16-22 16-41. Flight Plan Page.................................................................................................. 16-23 16-42. Procedure Page................................................................................................... 16-24 16-43. Selecting a COM Radio for Transmit................................................................. 16-25 16-44. Switching COM Tuning Boxes........................................................................... 16-25 16-45. Tuning 121.500 MHz.......................................................................................... 16-25 16-46. NAV Frequency Tuning....................................................................................... 16-25 16-47. Selecting a NAV Radio for Navigation............................................................... 16-25 16-48. Intercom Controls............................................................................................... 16-26 16-iv FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.1 16-49. Volume/Squelch Control..................................................................................... 16-27 16-50. GFC 700 Mode Control Unit.............................................................................. 16-27 16-51. Additional AFCS Controls.................................................................................. 16-28 16-52. PFD AFCS Display............................................................................................. 16-29 16-53. Manual Autopilot Disengagement...................................................................... 16-32 16-54. Yaw Damper Disengagement.............................................................................. 16-32 16-55. Automatic Autopilot and Yaw Damper Disengagement..................................... 16-32 16-56. Weather Data Link Page..................................................................................... 16-33 16-57. MPEL Boundary................................................................................................. 16-34 16-58. Traffic Map Page................................................................................................. 16-36 16-59. Stuck Microphone Alert...................................................................................... 16-36 16-60. COM Tuning Failure........................................................................................... 16-36 16-61. Frequency Section of PFD2 Display After PFD1 Failure................................... 16-36 16-62. PFD1 Dispaly After PFD2 Failure...................................................................... 16-37 16-63. Display Backup Button....................................................................................... 16-37 Revision 3.1 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 16-v 16 AVIONICS CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL TABLES Table Title Page 16-1. PFD/MFD CONTROLS........................................................................................ 16-6 16-2. AFCS MODES...................................................................................................... 16-7 16-3. AUDIO PANEL CONTROLS............................................................................... 16-8 16-4. AUTOMATIC GPS CDI SCALING................................................................... 16-14 16-5. EIS INDICATIONS AND DESCRIPTION....................................................... 16-20 16-6. AUTOMATIC GPS CDI SCALING................................................................... 16-24 16-7. ICS ISOLATION MODES................................................................................. 16-26 16-8. AFCS MODES................................................................................................... 16-29 16-9. FLIGHT DIRECTOR VERTICAL MODES...................................................... 16-30 16-10. FLIGHT DIRECTOR LATERAL MODES....................................................... 16-31 16-11. Precipitation Intensity Levels............................................................................. 16-33 16-12. TAWS OBSTACLE COLORS AND SYMBOLOGY........................................ 16-34 16-13. TAWS ALERTS SUMMARY............................................................................. 16-35 16-14. CAS ANNUNCIATIONS................................................................................... 16-37 Revision 3.1 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 16-vii 16 AVIONICS CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CHAPTER 16 AVIONICS INTRODUCTION This chapter is an overview of the integrated avionics systems on the Cessna Grand Caravan EX. GENERAL The integrated avionics system presents flight instrumentation, position, navigation, communication, hazard, and identification information to the pilot through large format displays (Figure 16-1). The system includes a weather radar, terrain avoidance and warning system (TAWS) information, flight information, and traffic advisory system (TAS). Revision 3.1 The system uses G1000® line replaceable units (LRUs) for the major subsystems and supporting equipment. The system is regulated and coordinated by central processing computers in the two Garmin® integrated avionics units (GIAs), which contain essential navigation and communications avionics equipment (Figure 16-2 and 16-3). FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 16-1 16 AVIONICS CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 16-2 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.1 Figure 16-1. EX Integrated Avionics System 16 AVIONICS Revision 3.1 HIGH-SPEED DATA BUS (ETHERNET) GDL 69A XM SATELLITE RADIO RECEIVER REAL-TIME WEATHER DIGITAL AUDIO ENTERTAINMENT 160 1-2 20 10 10200 10 10100 150 20 3100 00 100 145 140 10 130 HDG 10 33 CRS GMN V23.FRAME 21 FRAME KFAT 12 15 CDI DME D 331° MENU 38.0NM 324° 73.2NM 334° 10.0NM 50.0NM FLW NAV2 XPDR1 4234 ALT R LCL 08:44:27 XPDR IDENT TMR/REF NRST ALERTS FPL 95 85 COM EHF V27 KNID 379 BAT AMPS BUS VOLTS 4 28.5 A–ICE GAL 4.7 1-2 V183 V25 V186 V107 V107 XWHP V107 XBUR V23 V12 KVCV V386 V197 TERRAIN AIRWY LO STRMSCP NEXRAD XM LTNG 120 BACK 150NM D MENU FPL PROC CLR DFLT MAP 10 10 10 HDG ENT FMS OAT__– 5°c ?????? PUSH CRSR INSET S SYSTEM INTEGRATION PROCESSORS I/O PROCESSORS VHF COM VHF NAV/LOC GPS GLIDE SLOPE AFCS MODE LOGIC FLIGHT DIRECTOR CALCULATIONS SERVO MANAGEMENT GPS OUTPUT 10100 37.9NM EHF NAV1 SENSOR PFD 9900 10 33 GPS 80 9800 328° 328° CRS N ENR OBS CDI 127.100 COM1 122.450 COM2 331° 9700 29.92IN PUSH VOL SQ COM EMERG 2 1 PUSH 1-2 BARO -900 1 PUSH STD 2 RANGE – + PUSH PAN DME D FPL 50.0NM FLW NAV2 XPDR1 4234 ALT R LCL 08:44:27 XPDR IDENT TMR/REF NRST ALERTS MENU PROC CLR DFLT MAP ENT FMS PUSH CRSR PUSH CRSR NO. 1 GIA 63W INTEGRATED AVIONICS UNIT 128.375 121.500 20 30 ENT FMS 331° 310000 100 130 PUSH KPMD BRG 10200 140 PAN KWJP V201 KCMA KNTD 20 150 + KEDW V137 V22 V27 316 – KMHV 20 145 PUSH STD V23 V12 KSBA TOPO 160 PUSH L RANGE V137 DIS 38.0NM EHF AP YD ALT 10000FT 10 000 10300 170 V165 V459 V25 GMN GPS 115.40 EHF 117.80 FLW NAV 1-2 KRFL KSMX KVBC NAV1 116.90 NAV2 112.50 PUSH VOL ID PUSH BARO GMN FFLOW PPH TRAFFIC PROC CLR DFLT MAP PUSH VOL SQ TRACK UP KPTV V23 V485 V107 1900 O F F PAN 10KT KDLO KSBP 95.6 OIL °C + PUSH 127.100 COM1 122.450 COM2 128.375 121.500 V165 V459 R V113 V27 100 OIL PSI RANGE – DIS 38 KVISV459 24CL FUEL QTY L LBS R PUSH STD EHF OBS 745 % RPM PROP RPM 1 DTK DIS – – –° – – – –NM KHJO E 37.9NM EHF NAV1 SENSOR PFD 12 1-2 2 GS 175 V137 6 INSET 50 PUSH BARO -900 KPRB 900 °C 0 FLIGHT PLAN E ?????? 9700 29.92IN 2110 600 1-2 Ng KLGB / KFAT 6 OAT__– 5°c 331° N ENR 24 GPS PUSH 2 1 331° MAP - NAVIGATION MAP EMERG V248 30 3 W 30 80 9800 328° 328° 3 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 120 9900 DTK C80 25 X100 ITT COM EMERG ETE 13:47 N FT–LB 0 W 20 115.40 EHF 117.80 FLW 20 15 10 PUSH VOL SQ 24 170 TRQ NAV 127.100 COM1 122.450 COM2 10 000 10300 NAV PUSH 128.375 121.500 21 331° S BRG 15 DIS 38.0NM EHF AP YD ALT 10000FT 12 GMN GPS 115.40 EHF 117.80 FLW GDC 74A #1 AIR DATA COMPUTER OAT AIRSPEED ALTITUDE VERTICAL SPEED GWX 68 ONBOARD RADAR GDC 74A #2 AIR DATA COMPUTER OAT AIRSPEED ALTITUDE VERTICAL SPEED GRS 77 #1 AHRS ATTITUDE RATE OF TURN SLIP/SLID GRS 77 #2 AHRS ATTITUDE RATE OF TURN SLIP/SLID NO. 2 GIA 63W INTEGRATED AVIONICS UNIT SYSTEM INTEGRATION PROCESSORS I/O PROCESSORS VHF COM VHF NAV/LOC GPS GLIDE SLOPE AFCS MODE LOGIC FLIGHT DIRECTOR CALCULATIONS SERVO MANAGEMENT GPS OUTPUT GEA 71 ENGINE/AIRFRAME UNIT GTX 33 TRANSPONDER GMU 44 #1 MAGNETOMETER HEADING GSA 81 PITCH TRIM GMU 44 #2 MAGNETOMETER HEADING GSA 81 PITCH GSA 80 ROLL GTX 33 TRANSPONDER GSA 80 YAW 16-3 Figure 16-2. Garmin G1000 Integrated Avionics Architecture - SNs 208-0523 and earlier and 208B-2225 and earlier. 16 AVIONICS CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 116.90 112.50 NAV 1 NAV 2 PUSH VOL ID NAV1 116.90 NAV2 112.50 PUSH VOL ID 16 AVIONICS 16-4 HIGH-SPEED DATA BUS (ETHERNET) GDL 69A XM SATELLITE RADIO RECEIVER REAL-TIME WEATHER DIGITAL AUDIO ENTERTAINMENT 160 1-2 20 10 10200 10 10100 150 20 3100 00 100 145 140 10 130 HDG 10 33 CRS GMN V23.FRAME 21 FRAME KFAT 12 15 CDI DME D 331° MENU 38.0NM 324° 73.2NM 334° 10.0NM 50.0NM FLW NAV2 XPDR1 4234 ALT R LCL 08:44:27 XPDR IDENT TMR/REF NRST ALERTS FPL 95 85 COM EHF V27 KNID 379 BAT AMPS BUS VOLTS 4 28.5 A–ICE GAL 4.7 1-2 V183 V25 V186 V107 V107 XWHP V107 XBUR V23 V12 KVCV V386 V197 TERRAIN AIRWY LO STRMSCP NEXRAD XM LTNG 120 BACK 150NM D MENU FPL PROC CLR DFLT MAP 10 10 10 HDG ENT FMS OAT__– 5°c ?????? PUSH CRSR INSET S SYSTEM INTEGRATION PROCESSORS I/O PROCESSORS VHF COM VHF NAV/LOC GPS GLIDE SLOPE AFCS MODE LOGIC FLIGHT DIRECTOR CALCULATIONS SERVO MANAGEMENT GPS OUTPUT 10100 37.9NM EHF NAV1 SENSOR PFD 9900 10 33 GPS 80 9800 328° 328° CRS N ENR OBS CDI 127.100 COM1 122.450 COM2 331° 9700 29.92IN PUSH VOL SQ COM EMERG 2 1 PUSH 1-2 BARO -900 1 PUSH STD 2 RANGE – + PUSH PAN DME D FPL 50.0NM FLW NAV2 XPDR1 4234 ALT R LCL 08:44:27 XPDR IDENT TMR/REF NRST ALERTS MENU PROC CLR DFLT MAP ENT FMS PUSH CRSR PUSH CRSR NO. 1 GIA 63W INTEGRATED AVIONICS UNIT 128.375 121.500 20 30 ENT FMS 331° 310000 100 130 PUSH KPMD BRG 10200 140 PAN KWJP V201 KCMA KNTD 20 150 + KEDW V137 V22 V27 316 – KMHV 20 145 PUSH STD V23 V12 KSBA TOPO 160 PUSH L RANGE V137 DIS 38.0NM EHF AP YD ALT 10000FT 10 000 10300 170 V165 V459 V25 GMN GPS 115.40 EHF 117.80 FLW NAV 1-2 KRFL KSMX KVBC NAV1 116.90 NAV2 112.50 PUSH VOL ID PUSH BARO GMN FFLOW PPH TRAFFIC PROC CLR DFLT MAP PUSH VOL SQ TRACK UP KPTV V23 V485 V107 1900 O F F PAN 10KT KDLO KSBP 95.6 OIL °C + PUSH 127.100 COM1 122.450 COM2 128.375 121.500 V165 V459 R V113 V27 100 OIL PSI RANGE – DIS 38 KVISV459 24CL FUEL QTY L LBS R PUSH STD EHF OBS 745 % RPM PROP RPM 1 DTK DIS – – –° – – – –NM KHJO E 37.9NM EHF NAV1 SENSOR PFD 12 1-2 2 GS 175 V137 6 INSET 50 PUSH BARO -900 KPRB 900 °C 0 FLIGHT PLAN E ?????? 9700 29.92IN 2110 600 1-2 Ng KLGB / KFAT 6 OAT__– 5°c 331° N ENR 24 GPS PUSH 2 1 331° MAP - NAVIGATION MAP EMERG V248 30 3 W 30 80 9800 328° 328° 3 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 120 9900 DTK C80 25 X100 ITT COM EMERG ETE 13:47 N FT–LB 0 W 20 115.40 EHF 117.80 FLW 20 15 10 PUSH VOL SQ 24 170 TRQ NAV 127.100 COM1 122.450 COM2 10 000 10300 NAV PUSH 128.375 121.500 21 331° S BRG 15 DIS 38.0NM EHF AP YD ALT 10000FT 12 GMN GPS 115.40 EHF 117.80 FLW GDC 74A #1 AIR DATA COMPUTER OAT AIRSPEED ALTITUDE VERTICAL SPEED GWX 68 ONBOARD RADAR GDC 74A #2 AIR DATA COMPUTER OAT AIRSPEED ALTITUDE VERTICAL SPEED GRS 77 #1 AHRS ATTITUDE RATE OF TURN SLIP/SLID GRS 77 #2 AHRS ATTITUDE RATE OF TURN SLIP/SLID NO. 2 GIA 63W INTEGRATED AVIONICS UNIT SYSTEM INTEGRATION PROCESSORS I/O PROCESSORS VHF COM VHF NAV/LOC GPS GLIDE SLOPE AFCS MODE LOGIC FLIGHT DIRECTOR CALCULATIONS SERVO MANAGEMENT GPS OUTPUT GEA 71 ENGINE/AIRFRAME UNIT GTX 33 TRANSPONDER GMU 44 #1 MAGNETOMETER HEADING Revision 3.1 GSA 81 PITCH TRIM GMU 44 #2 MAGNETOMETER HEADING GSA 81 PITCH GSA 80 ROLL GTX 33 TRANSPONDER GSA 80 YAW Figure 16-3. Garmin G1000 Integrated Avionics Architecture - SNs 208-0524 and on and 208B-2226 and on. CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 116.90 112.50 NAV 1 NAV 2 PUSH VOL ID NAV1 116.90 NAV2 112.50 PUSH VOL ID NAV VOL/ID KNOB COM FREQUENCY TRANSFER KEY NAV FREQUENCY TRANSFER KEY DUAL COM KNOB DUAL NAV KNOB BARO KNOB COM VOL/SQ KNOB JOYSTICK Figure 16-4. PFD/MFD Controls OPERATION The avionics system controls are on the primary flight display (PFD) and multifunction display (MFD) bezels, the mode controller, and the audio panel. PFD/MFD CONTROLS The PFD/MFD controls are illustrated in Figure 16-4 and described in Table 16-1. The bottom of each display includes softkeys. Which softkeys are displayed depends on the selected softkey level or the page being displayed. Revision 3.1 AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM CONTROLS The automatic flight control system (AFCS) is controlled through the GMC 710 mode controller are illustrated in Figure 16-5 and described in Table 16-2. Additional AFCS Controls The AP DISC (autopilot disconnect) switch, CWS (control wheel steering) button, GO AROUND switch, and MEPT (manual electric pitch trim) switch are additional AFCS controls in the cockpit and are separate from the mode controller. These controls are discussed in detail in the AFCS section. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 16-5 16 AVIONICS CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 16 AVIONICS Table 16-1. PFD/MFD CONTROLS CONTROL FUNCTION NAV VOL/ID knob Controls NAV audio volume level. Press to toggle the Morse code indentifier audio ON and OFF. Volume level is shown in the NAV frequency field as a percentage. NAV frequency Toggles the standby and active NAV frequencies transfer key Dual NAV knob Tunes the standby frequencies for the NAV receiver (large for MHz; small knob for kHz). Press to switch the tuning box (cyan box) between NAV1 and NAV2. Joystick Changes the map range when rotated. Activates the map pointer when pressed. BARO knob Sets the altimeter barometric pressure. Press to enter standard pressure (29.92). Dual COM knob Tunes the standby frequencies for the COM transceiver (large knob for MHz; small knob for kHz). Press to switch the tuning box (cyan box) between COM1 and COM2. COM frequency transfer key Toggles the standby and active COM frequencies. Press and hold this key for 2 seconds to tune the emergency frequency (121.5 MHz) automatically into the active frequency field. COM VOL/SQ knob Controls COM audio volume level. Volume level is shown in the COM frequency field as a percentage. Press to turn the COM automatic squelch ON and OFF. Direct-to key Allows the user to enter a destination waypoint and establish a direct course to the selected destination (the destination is either specified by the identifier, chosen from the active route, or taken from the map pointer position). FPL key Displays the active flightplan page for creating and editing the active flightplan. CLR key Erases information, cancels entries, or removes page menus. Dual FMS knob Flight management system (FMS) knob. Press the FMS knob to turn the selection cursor ON and OFF. When the cursor in ON, data can be entered in the applicable window by rotating the small large knobs. The large knob moves the cursor on the page, while the small knob selects individual characters for the highlighted cursor location. MENU key Displays a context-sensitive list of options. This list allows the user to access additional features or make setting changes that relate to particular pages PROC key Give access to IFR departure procedures (DPs), arrival procedures (STARs), and approach procedures (IAPs) for a flightplan. If a flightplan is used, available procedures for the departure and/or arrival airport are automatically suggested. These procedures can then be loaded into the active flightplan. If a flightplan is not used, both the desired airport and the desired procedure can be selected. ENT key Validates or confirms a menu selection or data entry. AUDIO PANEL CONTROLS The audio panel controls are illustrated in Figure 16-6 and described in Table 16-3. POWER UP During system initialization, test annunciations are displayed (Figure 16-7). All system annunciations disappear typically within 1 minute of power-up. 16-6 Upon power-up, key annunciators illuminate momentarily on the audio panels, the mode controller, and the display bezels. When the AHRS begins initializing, the annunication AHRS ALIGN: KEEP WINGS LEVEL is displayed on the PFD. The AHRS typically displays valid attitude and heading fields within one minute of power-up. The AHRS can align itself both while taxiing and during level flight. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.1 16 AVIONICS CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL Table 16-2. AFCS MODES CONTROL FUNCTION HDG key Selects/deselects heading select mode. APR key Selects/deselects approach mode. NAV key Selects/deselects navigation mode. FD key Activates/deactivates the FD in the default pitch and roll modes. If the autopilot is engaged, the FD key is disabled. XFR key Switches the autopilot between the pilot and the copilot FDs. This selection also selects which air data computer (ADC) is communicating with the active transponder and which PFD triggers the altitude alert. Upon power-up, the pilot-side FD is selected. ALT key Selects/deselects altitude hold mode. VS key Selects/deselects vertical speed mode. FLC key CRS2 knob SPD key NOSE UP/DN wheel VNV key ALT SEL knob Selects/deselects flight level change mode. Sets the copilot-selected course on the horizontal situation indicator (HSI) or PFD2 when the VOR1, VOR2, or OBS/ SUSP mode is selected. Pressing knob centers the course deviation indicator (CDI) on the currently selected VOR. The copilot-selected course provides course reference to the copilot FD when operating in navigation and approach modes. Disabled on Caravan. If pressed, “SPD NOT AVAIL” is annunciated on the PFD. Controls the active mode reference for the pitch, vertical speed, and flight level change modes. Selects/deselects vertical navigation mode. Sets the selected altitude in the selected altitude box. In addition to providing the standard G1000 altitude alerter function, selected altitude provides an altitude setting for the altitude capture/hold mode of the AFCS. YD key Engages/disengages the YD. AP key Engages/disengages the AP. BANK key Selects/deselects low bank mode. CRS1 knob Sets the pilot-selected course on the HSI of PFD1 when the VOR1, VOR2, or OBS/SUSP mode is selected. Pressing this knob centers the CDI on the currently selected VOR. The pilot-selected course provides course reference to the pilot-side FD when operating in navigation and approach modes. BC key HDG knob Selects/deselects backcourse mode. Sets the selected heading on the HSI. When operating in heading select mode, this knob provides the heading reference to the FD. Figure 16-5. Mode Controller (GMC 710) Revision 3.1 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 16-7 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 16 AVIONICS Table 16-3. AUDIO PANEL CONTROLS CONTROL FUNCTION COM1 MIC Selects the No. 1 transmitter for transmitting. COM1 is simultaneously selected when this key is pressed allowing received audio from the No. 1 COM receiver to be heard. COM2 receiver audio can be added by pressing the COM2 key. COM1 When selected, audio from the No. 1 COM receiver can be heard. COM2 MIC COM2 Selects the No. 2 transmitter for transmitting. COM2 is simultaneously selected when this key is pressed allowing received audio from the No. 2 COM receiver to be heard. COM2 can be deselected by pressing the COM2 key, or COM1 can be added by pressing the COM1 key. When selected, audio from the No. 2 COM receiver can be heard. COM3 MIC COM 1/2 Used for optional HF radio. Split COM is disabled on Cessna Caravan aircraft. TEL Pressing this key selects and deselects the airborne telephone. PA Selects passenger address system. The selected COM transmitter is deselected when the PA key is pressed. SPKR Pressing this key selects and deselects the corresponding cockpit speaker. COM and NAV receiver audio can be heard on the speaker. MKR/MUTE Mutes the currently received marker beacon receiver audio. Unmutes when new marker beacon audio is received. Also, stops play of the clearance recorder. HI SENS Press to increase marker beacon receiver sensitivity. Press again to return to normal. DME Pressing turns distance measuring equipment (DME) audio on or off. NAV1 When selected, audio from the No. 1 NAV receiver can be heard. ADF Pressing turns on or off the audio from the automatic direction finder (ADF) receiver. NAV2 When selected, audio from the No. 2 NAV receiver can be heard. AUX Not used on Cessna Caravan aircraft MAN SQ Press to enable manual squelch for the intercom. When active, press the PILOT knob to illuminate SQ. Turn the PILOT/PASS knobs to adjust squelch. PLAY Press once to play the last recorded audio. Pressing PLAY key during play begins playing the previously recorded memory block. Each subsequent press of the PLAY key will begin playng the next previously recorded block. PILOT Pressing selects the pilot intercom isolation. Press again to deselect pilot isolation. COPLT Pressing selects the copilot intercom isolation. Press again to deselect copilot isolation. PILOT knob Press to switch between volume and squelch control is indicated by the VOL or SQ being illuminated. Turn to adjust intercom volume or squelch. The MAN SQ key must be selected to allow squelch adjustment. PASS knob Turn to adjust copilot/passenger intercom volume or squelch. The MAN SQ key must be selected to allow squelch adjustment. Reversionary mode button Pressing manually selects reversionary mode. Figure 16-6. Audio Panel Controls (GMA 1347) 16-8 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.2 16 AVIONICS CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL Figure 16-7. PFD Initialization Figure 16-8. MFD Power Up Page When the MFD powers up the MFD power-up page displays the following information (Figure 16-8): information, while the left portion of the MFD is dedicated to the engine indication system (EIS). • System version PFD DISPLAY • Copyright • Land database name and version • Obstacle database name and version Increased situational awareness replaces the traditional instruments on the panel with two easy to scan PFDs that feature (Figure 16-9): • Terrain database name and version • Large horizons • Aviation database name, version, and effective date • Airspeed • ChartView™ database information • SafeTaxi™ database information • Attitude • Altitude • Vertical speed Current database information includes the valid operating dates, cycle number, and database type. When this information has been reviewed for currency (to ensure that no databases have expired), the pilot is prompted to continue. Each PFD also displays navigation, communication, terrain, traffic, and weather information ( Figure 16-10). Pressing the ENT key acknowledges this information and displays the navigation map page (MAP). Airspeed Indicator In normal mode, the PFD presents graphical flight instrumentation (attitude, heading, airspeed, altitude, and vertical speed), thereby replacing the traditional flight instrument cluster. The PFD also offers control for COM and NAV frequency selection. In normal mode, the right portion of the MFD displays a full-color moving map with navigation Revision 3.1 • Course deviation information The airspeed indicator displays airspeed on a rolling number gauge using a moving tape (Figure 16-11). The true airspeed (TAS) is displayed in knots below the airspeed indicator. The moving tape is marked with numeric labels and major tick marks at10-knot intervals, with minor tick marks at 5-knot intervals. Speed indication starts at 20 knots, with 60 knots of airspeed viewable at any time. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 16-9 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 16 AVIONICS ATTITUDE INDICATOR SLIP/SKID INDICATOR NAVIGATION STATUS BOX NAVIGATION STATUS BOX COM FREQUENCY BOX NAV FREQUENCY BOX SELECTED ALTITUDE ALTIMETER AIRSPEED INDICATOR SELECTED ALTITUDE BUG VERTICAL SPEED INDICATOR (VSI) CURRENT HEADING TURN RATE INDICATOR TRUE AIRSPEED BAROMETRIC ALTIMETER SETTING CURRENT TRACK BUG SELECTED HEADING BUG COURSE DEVIATION INDICATOR (CDI) TRANSPONDER STATUS BOX HORIZONTAL SITUATION INDICATOR (HSI) SYSTEM TIME OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE (OAT) SOFTKEYS Figure 16-9. Primary Flight Display (Default) RADAR ALTIMETER HEIGHT TRAFFIC ANNUNCIATION AFCS STATUS ANNUNCIATION MARKER BEACON ANNUNCIATION GLIDE SLOPE INDICATOR COMPARATOR WINDOW SELECTED HEADING WIND DATA INSET MAP BEARING INFORMATION WINDOWS DME INFORMATION WINDOW MINIMUM DESCENT ALTITUDE/DECISION HEIGHT CAS MESSAGES WINDOW ALERTS WINDOW SELECTED COURSE Figure 16-10. Additional PFD Information 16-10 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.1 ROLL SCALE ROLL POINTER ROLL SCALE ZERO SKY REPRESENTATION AIRSPEED TREND VECTOR RED POINTER AT VMO PITCH SCALE ACTUAL AIRSPEED VSPEED REFERENCE HORIZON LINE SPEED RANGES TRUE AIRSPEED LAND REPRESENTATION Figure 16-11. Airspeed Indicator and Pointer at VMO Figure 16-12. Attitude Indicator The actual airspeed is displayed inside the black pointer. The pointer remains black until the aircraft reaches maximum operating speed (VMO), at which point it turns red. Minor pitch marks are shown for intervening 5° increments, up to 25° below and 45° above the horizon line. Between 20° below to 20° above the horizon line, minor pitch marks occur every 2.5°. A color-coded (white, green, and red/white striped barber pole) speed range strip is on the moving tape. The colors denote flap operating range, normal operating range, and maximum operating speed (VMO). The red range is present for low speed awareness. The inverted white triangle indicates 0° on the roll scale. Major tick marks at 30° and 60° and minor tick marks at 10°, 20°, and 45° are shown to the left and right of 0°. Angle of bank is indicated by the position of the pointer on the roll scale. The airspeed trend vector is a vertical, magenta line, extending up or down the airspeed scale, to the right of the color-coded speed range strip. The end of the trend vector corresponds to the predicted airspeed in 6 seconds if the current rate of acceleration is maintained. If the trend vector crosses VMO, the text of the actual airspeed readout changes to yellow. The trend vector is absent if the speed remains constant or if any data needed to calculate airspeed is unavailable because of a system failure. Attitude Indicator The attitude indicator information is displayed over a virtual blue sky and brown ground with a white horizon line. The attitude indicator displays the pitch (indicated by the yellow symbolic aircraft on the pitch scale), roll, and slip/skid information (Figure 16-12). Slip/Skid Indicator The slip/skid indicator is the bar beneath the roll pointer (Figure 16-13). The indicator moves with the roll pointer and moves laterally away from the pointer to indicate lateral acceleration. Figure 16-13. Slip/Skid Indicator Slip/skid is indicated by the location of the bar relative to the pointer. One bar displacement is equal to one ball displacement on a traditional slip/skid indicator. The horizon line is part of the pitch scale. Above and below the horizon line, major pitch marks and numeric labels are shown for every 10°, up to 80°. Revision 3.1 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 16-11 16 AVIONICS CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 16 AVIONICS Altimeter VNV TARGET ALTITUDE The altimeter displays 600 feet of barometric altitude values at a time on a rolling number gauge using a moving tape. Numeric labels and major tick marks are at intervals of 100 feet. Minor tick marks are at intervals of 20 feet. The current altitude is displayed in the black pointer. The selected altitude is displayed above the altimeter in the box indicated by a selection bug. A bug corresponding to this altitude is shown on the tape. If the selected altitude exceeds the range shown on the tape, the bug appears at the corresponding edge of the tape. A magenta altitude trend vector extends up or down the left of the altitude tape, with the end resting at the approximate altitude to be reached in 6 seconds at the current vertical speed. The trend vector is not shown if altitude remains constant. The barometric pressure setting is displayed below the altimeter in inches of mercury (in Hg). REQUIRED VERTICAL SPEED VERTICAL DEVIATION INDICATOR VERTICAL SPEED POINTER VERTICAL SPEED INDICATOR Figure 16-14. Vertical Speed and Deviation Indicators (VSI and VDI) Vertical Speed Indicator The vertical speed indicator (VSI) displays vertical speed with numeric labels and tick marks at 1,000 and 2,000 fpm intervals in each direction on the nonmoving tape. Minor tick marks are at intervals of 500 fpm (Figure 16-14). The current vertical speed is displayed in the pointer, which also points to that speed on the nonmoving tape. Digits appear in the pointer when the ascent or descent rate is greater than 100 fpm. If the rate of ascent/descent exceeds 2,000 fpm, the pointer appears at the corresponding edge of the tape and the rate appears inside the pointer. A magenta chevron bug shows the required vertical speed indication (RVSI) for reaching a VNV target altitude once the top of descent (TOD) within 1 minute alert is generated. Vertical Deviation Indicator The vertical deviation indicator (VDI) uses a magenta chevron to indicate the baro-VNV vertical deviation when vertical navigation (VNV) is in use. The VDI appears in conjunction with the 16-12 GLIDEPATH INDICATOR Figure 16-15. Glidepath Indicator TOD within 1 minute alert. Full-scale deflection (two dots) is 1,000 feet. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.1 Glide Slope Indicator The glide slope indicator appears to the left of the altimeter whenever an ILS frequency is tuned in the active NAV field. A green diamond acts as the glide slope indicator, like a glide slope needle on a conventional indicator. If a localizer frequency is tuned and there is no glide slope the “NO GS” is annunciated. LUBBER LINE TURN RATE INDICATOR AIRCRAFT SYMBOL SELECTED COURSE SELECTED HEADING Glidepath The glidepath is analogous to the glide slope for GPS approaches supporting WAAS vertical guidance (LNAV+V, LNAV/VNAV, and LPV) and is system generated to reduce pilot workload during approach. When such an approach is in the flight plan and GPS is the selected navigation source, then the glidepath indicator (Figure 16-15) appears as a magenta diamond. If the approach type downgrades past the final approach fix (FAF), then the NO GP annunciation appears. ROTATING COMPASS ROSE Figure 16-16. Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI) NAVIGATION SOURCE Horizontal Situation Indicator The HSI displays a rotating compass card in a heading-up orientation (Figure 16-16). Letters indicate the cardinal points, with numeric labels at 30° intervals. Major tick marks are at 10° intervals and minor tick marks at 5° intervals. A digital reading of the current heading appears on top of the HSI and the current track is represented on the HSI by a magenta diamond. The HSI also presents turn rate, course deviation, bearing, and navigation source information. FLIGHT PHASE SCALE CDI CROSSTRACK ERROR Figure 16-17. Course Deviation Indicator NAVIGATION SOURCE SELECTED ON BOTH PFDS The 360° HSI contains a CDI with a course pointer, to/from indicator, and sliding deviation bar and scale (Figure 16-17). The course pointer is a single line arrow (GPS, VOR1, and LOC1) or a double line arrow (VOR2 and LOC2). The to/from arrow rotates with the course pointer and is displayed when the active NAVAID is received. The CDI can display the GPS or NAV (VOR, localizer) navigation sources (Figure 16-18). Color indicates the current navigation source: magenta for GPS or green for VOR and LOC. Figure 16-18. Navigation Sources Revision 3.1 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 16-13 16 AVIONICS CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 16 AVIONICS Table 16-4. AUTOMATIC GPS CDI SCALING Flight Phase Annunciation Automatic CDI Full-scale Deflection Departure DPRT 0.3 nm Terminal TERM 1.0 nm Enroute ENR 2.0 nm Oceanic OCN 2.0 nm Approach (Non-precision) LNAV 1.0 nm decreasing to 350 feet depending on variables Approach (Non-precision with vertical guidance) LNAV + V Approach (LNAV/VNAV) L/VNAV Approach (LPV) LPV Missed Approach MAPR 1.0 nm decreasing to a specified course width, then 0.3 nm, depending on variables 0.3 nm NOTE: Flight phase annunciations are normally shown in magenta, but when cautionary conditions exist the color changes to yellow. OBS COURSE GPS SELECTED OBS MODE ENABLED EXTENDED COURSE LINE PRESSING THE OBS SOFTKEY AGAIN RETURNS TO NORMAL OPERATION OBS SOFTKEY ENABLES OBS MODE Figure 16-19. Omni-Bearing Selector (OBS) Mode The full scale limits for the CDI are defined by a GPS-derived distance when coupled to GPS (Table 16-4). When coupled to a VOR or a localizer (LOC), the CDI has the same angular limits as a mechanical CDI. If the CDI exceeds the maximum deviation on the scale (two dots) while coupled to GPS, the crosstrack error (XTK) is displayed below the white aircraft symbol. 16-14 Enabling the omni-bearing selector (OBS) mode suspends the automatic sequencing of waypoints in a GPS flight plan (GPS must be the selected navigation source), but retains the current “active-to” waypoint as the navigation reference, even after passing the waypoint. The OBS is annunciated to the lower right of the aircraft symbol when OBS mode is selected (Figure 16-19). FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.1 While OBS mode is enabled, a course line is drawn through the active-to waypoint on the moving map. If desired, the course to/from waypoint can be adjusted. When OBS mode is disabled, the GPS flight plan returns to normal operation with automatic sequencing of waypoints, following the course set in OBS mode. The flightpath on the moving map retains the modified course line. As the aircraft crosses the missed approach point (MAP), automatic approach waypoint sequencing is suspended. The SUSP annunciation displays on the HSI to the lower right of the aircraft symbol in place of OBS and the OBS softkey label changes to SUSP. Pressing the SUSP softkey resumes automatic sequencing of approach waypoints (Figure 16-20). SUSP SOFTKEY SUSPENDS WAYPOINT SEQUENCING SUSP ANNUNCIATION Figure 16-20. Suspending Automatic Waypoint Sequencing Turn Rate Indicator The turn rate indicator is directly above the rotating compass rose (Figure 16-21). Tick marks left and right of the lubber line denote half-standard and standard turn rates. A magenta turn rate trend vector shows the current turn rate. The end of the trend vector gives the heading predicted in 6 seconds, based on the present turn rate. A standard rate turn is shown on the indicator by the trend vector stopping at the standard turn rate tick mark, corresponding to a predicted heading of 18° from the current heading. At rates greater than 4°/second, an arrowhead appears at the end of the magenta trend vector and the prediction is no longer valid. Revision 3.1 HALF-STD TURN RATE ARROW SHOWN FOR TURN RATE > 4°/SECOND STD TURN RATE Figure 16-21. Course Deviation Indicator Bearing Pointers Two bearing pointers and the associated information can be displayed on the HSI for NAV, GPS, and ADF sources (Figure 16-23). The pointers are light blue and single- (BRG1) or double-lined (BRG2). An icon is shown in the respective information window to indicate the pointer type. The bearing pointers never override the CDI and are visually separated from the CDI by a white ring (shown when bearing pointers are selected but not necessarily visible due to data unavailability). DME Information Window The DME information window is displayed above the BRG1 information window and shows the DME label, tuning mode (NAV1, NAV2, or HOLD), frequency, and distance. When a signal is invalid, the distance is replaced by –.– – NM. Outside Air Temperature The OAT is displayed in degrees Celsius (°C) by default in the lower left of the PFD. Wind Direction and Speed Wind direction and speed (relative to the aircraft) in knots can be displayed in a window to the upper left of the HSI. When the window is selected for display, but wind information is invalid or unavailable, the window shows NO WIND DATA. Wind data can be displayed in three different ways, as illustrated in Figure 16-24. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 16-15 16 AVIONICS CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 16 AVIONICS BEARING 1 POINTER TUNING MODE BEARING 2 POINTER FREQUENCY DISTANCE DETAIL A DME INFORMATION WINDOW DISTANCE TO BEARING SOURCE STATION IDENTIFIER NO WAYPOINT SELECTED A B C BEARING POINTER SOURCE ICON POINTER BEARING ICON SOURCE DETAIL C BEARING 2 INFORMATION WINDOW DETAIL B BEARING 1 INFORMATION WINDOW Figure 16-23. HSI with Bearing and DME Information OUTER MARKER MIDDLE MARKER INNER MARKER DETAIL A OPTION 1 OPTION21 OPTION OPTION 1 OPTION 2 OPTION 32 OPTION NO DATA 320°T 21KT OPTION 3 DETAIL ANO DATADETAIL OPTION NO DATA3 ALTIMETER Figure 16-22. Marker Beacon Annunciations System Alerting A Figure 16-24. Wind Data Marker Beacon Annunciations Marker beacon annunciations are displayed on the PFD to the left of the selected altitude. Outer marker reception is indicated in blue, middle in yellow, and inner in white (Figure 16-22). 16-16 A System alerting messages appear in the alerts window (in the lower right corner of the PFD), (Figure 16-25) when a warning, caution, advisory alert, or G1000® message advisory occurs. System alert messages are provided for awareness of G1000® system problems or status and may not require pilot action. The alerts window allows simultaneous display of system alerts. The FMS knob can be used to scroll through the alert messages. The alerts window is enabled/disabled by selecting the ALERTS softkey. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.1 COMPARATOR WINDOW REVERSIONARY SENSOR WINDOW ALERTS WINDOW SOFTKEY ANNUNCIATION Figure 16-25. G1000® Alerting System If the window is already open when a new message is generated, selecting the ALERTS softkey to acknowledge the message causes it to turn gray. The ALERTS softkey label changes to display the appropriate annunciation when an alert is issued. The annunciation flashes and the appropriate aural alert sounds until acknowledged by pressing the softkey. The softkey reverts to the ALERTS softkey label, and when pressed again, displays the alerts window. The annunciation window appears to the right of the VSI and displays abbreviated annunciation text for aircraft alerts. Text color is based on alert level: warnings appear in red, cautions in yellow, and advisory alerts in white. Alerts are displayed by priority. New warning and caution level alerts, are displayed at the top and advisories at the bottom, of the annunciation window. Warnings are time-critical and require immediate attention. A flashing WARNING softkey annunciation and single chime every 2 seconds indicates the presence of a warning. The WARNING softkey flashes and the chime continues until acknowledged by the WARNING softkey being pressed. Cautions indicate abnormal conditions that can require intervention. A flashing CAUTION softkey Revision 3.1 annunciation and single chime indicates the presence of a caution. The CAUTION softkey flashes until pressed. An advisory provides general information to the pilot that may not need immediate attention. A flashing ADVISORY softkey annunciation (no aural chime), indicates a message advisory. The ADVISORY softkey flashes until pressed. Critical values generated by redundant sensors are monitored by comparators. If differences in the sensors exceed a specified amount, the comparator window appears in the upper right corner of the PFD and the discrepancy is annunciated as MISCOMP (miscompare) in the comparator window. If either or both of the sensed values are unavailable, it is annunciated as a NO COMP (no compare). Reversionary sensor selection is annunciated in a window on the right side of the PFD. These annunciations reflect reversionary sensors selected on either or both PFDs. Pressing the SENSOR softkey accesses the ADC1, ADC2, AHRS1, and AHRS2 softkeys. These softkeys allow switching of the sensors being viewed on each PFD. Depending on the type of sensor failure, the G1000® can make some sensor selections automatically. The GPS sensor cannot be switched manually. Traffic Traffic is displayed symbolically on the inset map (PFD) (Figures 16-26 and 16-27). Terrain Awareness and Warning System TAWS annunciations appear on the PFD to the upper left of the altimeter. Refer to the “Hazard Avoidance” section of the Pilot’s Operating Handbook and Airplane Flight Manual (POH/AFM) for more information. Radar Altimeter When the radar height (the aircraft altitude above ground level detected by the radar altimeter) is between –40 and 2,500 feet, the current value is displayed in green above the current aircraft heading (Figure 16-28). The radar height display becomes less sensitive as the height above ground decreases. When the radar altimeter is selected as FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 16-17 16 AVIONICS CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 16 AVIONICS DETAIL A DETAIL B A B Figure 16-28. Current Radar Height Figure 16-29. ALT Setting (Timer/ Reference/Window) Figure 16-26. Traffic and TAWS Indications (Example) Figure 16-30. RA as Altitude Source for MDA/DH the altitude source for minimum descent altitude alerting function (Figure 16-29), the color of the radar height changes to yellow (Figure 16-30). A ground line is shown on the altimeter to display the aircraft height relative to the ground (Figure 16-31). If the data becomes invalid, the message RA FAIL is displayed in yellow in place of the current radar height (Figure 16-32). GROUND LINE RADAR ALTIMETER MINIMUMS BOX Figure 16-31. Altimeter Displaying the Ground Line (RAD ALT) MFD DISPLAY The MFD provides an alternate display for essential flight instrumentation from either PFD through the use of reversionary mode. Figure 16-32. Radar Altimeter Invalid Data POTENTIAL IMPACT POINT PROJECTED FLIGHT PATH 100' THRESHOLD UNLIGHTED OBSTACLE 1,000' Figure 16-27. Terrain Colors 16-18 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.1 16 AVIONICS CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL Engine Indicating System Display The EIS displays critical engine, fuel, and electrical information on the left of the MFD during normal operation (Figure 16-33). In reversionary mode, the displays are changed to present PFD symbology together with the EIS (Figure 16-34). Figure 16-33. MFD Normal Operations Figure 16-34. MFD Reversionary Mode EIS information uses dial gauges, vertical slider indicators, horizontal bar indicators, and digital readouts. Green bands indicate normal range of operation; yellow and red bands indicate caution and warning, respectively. White or uncolored bands indi- Revision 3.1 Figure 16-35. EIS Displays cate areas outside of normal operation not yet in the caution and warning ranges. When unsafe operating conditions occur, readouts, pointers, and labels flash and change color based FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 16-19 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 16 AVIONICS Table 16-5. EIS INDICATIONS AND DESCRIPTION INDICATIONS DESCRIPTION Torque gauge (TRQ FT-LB) Displays engine torque in foot-pounds (ft-lb). The redline is dynamic and below 16,000 ft it represents maximum torque for takeoff and above 16,000 ft it represents climb torque setting. A light blue bug represents the maximum cruise torque setting. The bug appears for certain combinations of propeller speed, OAT, airspeed, and altitude. The redline on 675 SHP Caravans is propeller-speed sensitive and changes for speeds between 1,800 and 1,900 rpm. Interstage turbine temperature gauge (ITT °C) Displays ITT in degrees Celsius (°C). Operating ranges differ for engine start and normal running conditions. When the engine is running, STRT is annunciated above the temperature readout. When the engine is off or is shutting down, OFF is annunciated. Generator speed gauge (NG % RPM) Displays gas generator speed as a percentage. Propeller speed (PROP RPM) Oil pressure indicator (OIL PSI) Oil temperature indicator (OIL °C) Fuel quantity indicator (FUEL QTY LBS) Fuel flow (FFLOW PPH) Displays propeller speed in revolutions per minute (rpm) Displays engine oil pressure in pounds per square inch (psi) Displays engine oil temperature in °C Displays quantities of fuel in pounds (lb) in the left (L) and the right (R) tanks Displays current fuel flow in pounds per hour (pph) Ammeter (BAT AMPS) Displays DC current in amperes (amps) for the battery Voltmeter (BUS VOLTS) Displays DC bus voltage Propeller heat (PROP AMPS) Displays propeller deicing heater current on the condition. If sensor data to an instrument becomes invalid or unavailable, a red X appears across the instrument. The EIS information is on two displays, accessed using the ENGINE softkey on the MFD. The ENGINE display is shown by default. If the EIS system display is currently shown, the engine display can be selected by pressing the ENGINE or BACK softkey. Critical changes in certain systems can automatically revert the EIS to the ENGINE display. The top of the EIS displays indicators for torque, interstage turbine temperature (ITT), gas generator speed, and propeller speed (Figure 16-35 and Table 16-5). If one of the optional ice protection systems is installed, the amount of TKS fluid in gallons (A-ICE GAL) or the propeller deicing heater 16-20 current (PROP AMPS) is displayed below the electrical indicators. System Display The system display is accessed by pressing the SYSTEM softkey. Besides the gauges, all indications on this display are digital readouts, separated into the following categories: • Fuel (quantities and flow) • Fuel totalizer (fuel remaining and used calculations) • Electrical When the MENU key is pressed it displays a context-sensitive list of options. The options provide access to additional features or allow changes which specifically relate to the currently displayed FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.1 window/page. The system has no all-encompassing menu. Some menus provide access to additional submenus that are used to view, edit, select, and review options. Menus display NO OPTIONS when no options are available for the selected page (Figure 16-36). MFD Page Groups The MFD page group and active page title box are displayed in the upper center of the screen, below the navigation status box. In the bottom right corner of the current page group, the number of pages available in the group, and the placement of the current page within the group are indicated. The MFD displays information in four main page groups. Specific pages within each group can vary depending on the configuration of optional equipment (Figure 16-37). The MFD has 28 different map ranges available, from 500 feet to 2,000 nm. The range is changed by the joystick knob. The current range is indicated in the lower right corner of the map and represents the top-to-bottom distance covered by the map. When the map range is decreased to a point that exceeds the capability of the G1000® to accurately represent the map, a magnifying glass icon appears to the left of the map range. To decrease the map range turn the joystick counterclockwise; to increase the range, turn the joystick clockwise. When the panning function is selected by pressing the joystick, the map pointer flashes on the map. A window also appears at the top of the map showing the latitude/longitude position of the pointer, the bearing and distance to the pointer from the aircraft present position, and the elevation of the land at the position of the pointer. When the map pointer is placed on an object, the name of the object is highlighted (even if the name was not originally displayed on the map). When any map feature or object is selected on the map display, pertinent information is displayed. Figure 16-36. Page Menu Examples When the map pointer crosses an airspace boundary, the boundary is highlighted and airspace information is shown at the top of the display. The information includes the name and class of airspace, the ceiling in feet above mean sea level (MSL), and the floor in feet MSL. The MFD includes airport information and XM information pages, which are selected first from within a main page group with the FMS knobs, then with the applicable softkey at the bottom of the page. When either page is selected, the page remains displayed until a different page softkey is pressed. Waypoints can be selected by entering the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) identifier, the facility name, or the city name. Figure 16-37. Map Page Revision 3.1 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 16-21 16 AVIONICS CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 16 AVIONICS When either a waypoint identifier, facility name, or location is entered, the systems Spell ‘N’ Find™ feature searches the database and displays those waypoints matching the characters entered. A direct-to navigation leg to the selected waypoint can be initiated by pressing the direct-to key on any of the waypoint pages. Communication and navigation frequencies can be tuned automatically from various waypoint information (WPT) pages (Figure 16-38), nearest (NRST) pages, and the nearest airports window (on the PFD). The autotuning feature simplifies frequency entry over manual tuning. Refer to the communication, navigation, and surveillance and the audio panel sections for details. Figure 16-38. Waypoint Page Waypoint Pages (WPT) The waypoint pages (WPT) provide the following types of information: • Airport information pages °° Airport information (INFO softkey) °° Departure information (DP softkey) °° Arrival information (STAR softkey) °° Approach information (APR softkey) °° Weather information (WX softkey) • Intersection information Figure 16-39. Auxiliary Page • Nondirectional beacon (NDB) information • VOR information • User waypoint information Auxiliary Pages (AUX) The auxiliary pages provide the following information (Figure 16-39): • Trip planning • Utility • GPS status System setup: Figure 16-40. Nearest Page • XM satellite pages 16-22 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.1 16 AVIONICS CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL °° XM information (INFO softkey) °° XM radio (RADIO softkey) • System status NRST Pages The nearest airports page is the first in the NRST page group because of its potential use if an inflight emergency occurs (Figure 16-40). The page displays a map of the currently selected airport and surrounding area, as well as the nearest airport information. The information appears in five boxes: • Nearest airports Figure 16-41. Flight Plan Page • Information • Runways Flight planning consists of building a flight plan by entering waypoints one at a time, adding waypoints along airways, and inserting departures, airways, arrivals, or approaches as needed. • Frequencies • Approaches The NRST pages are: The G1000® allows entry of flight planning information from either the MFD or PFD. The flight plan is displayed on maps using different line widths, colors, and types, based on the leg and segment of the flight plan currently being flown (departure, enroute, arrival, approach, or missed approach). • Nearest airports • Nearest intersections • Nearest NDB • Nearest VOR • Nearest user waypoints Up to 99 flight plans, each with up to 99 waypoints, can be created and stored in memory. One flight plan can be activated at a time to become the active flight plan. The vertical navigation (VNV) function provides vertical profile guidance during the enroute and terminal phases of flight. • Nearest frequencies • Nearest airspaces Flight Plan Pages In addition to the main page groups accessed exclusively using the FMS knobs, pages for flight planning (FPL) and loading procedures procedures (PROC) accessible using the bezel key. In some instances, softkeys can be used to access the procedure pages. The VNV provides guidance based on specified altitudes at waypoints in the active flight plan or to a direct-to waypoint. It includes vertical path guidance to a descending path, which is provided as a linear deviation from the desired path. The flight plan pages are accessed by pressing the FPL key on the MFD. Main pages within this group are selected by rotating the small FMS knob. The FPL pages include (Figure 16-41): The desired path is defined by a line joining two waypoints with specified altitudes or as a vertical angle from a specified waypoint/altitude. The vertical waypoints are integrated into the active flight plan. Both manual and autopilot-coupled guidance are supported. • Active flight plan—Wide view, narrow view • Flight plan catalog—Stored flight plan Revision 3.1 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 16-23 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 16 AVIONICS Procedure Pages (PROC) The procedure pages can be accessed any time by pressing the PROC key on the MFD. A menu is initialized, and when a departure, approach, or arrival is selected, the appropriate procedure page loads (Figure 16-42). Turning the FMS knob does not scroll through the procedure pages (note the single page symbol in the lower right corner). The following procedure pages are provided: The original enroute portion of the flight plan remains active when the procedure loads, unless an instrument procedure is activated. The WAAS GPS allows for flying LNAV/ VNAV, LNAV+V, and LPV approaches according to the published chart. LNAV+V is a standard LNAV approach with advisory vertical guidance provided for assistance in maintaining a constant vertical glidepath similar to an ILS glide slope on approach. This guidance is displayed on the PFD as a magenta diamond in the same location as the ILS glide slope. LNAV+V is indicated by the system during an approach, with LNAV minimal used. The active approach type is annunciated on the HSI as shown in Table 16-6. Audio Panel Figure 16-42. Procedure Page • Departure loading • Arrival loading • Approach loading When an approach, departure, or arrival procedure is loaded into the active flight plan, a set of approach, departure, or arrival waypoints is loaded into the flight plan with a header describing the selected instrument procedure. The audio panel provides traditional audio selector functions, a microphone, and a receiver. The audio panel includes an intercom system (ICS) between the pilot, copilot, and passengers, a marker beacon receiver, and a COM clearance recorder. Ambient noise from the aircraft radios is reduced by the master avionics squelch (MASQ) feature. When no audio is detected, MASQ processing further reduces background radio noise. The COM frequency box has four fields: the two active frequencies are on the left and the two standby frequencies are on the right (Figure 16-43). The COM transceiver is selected for transmission by pressing the COM MIC keys on the audio panel. During audio reception from the selected COM radio, audio from the other COM radio is muted. Table 16-6. AUTOMATIC GPS CDI SCALING HSI ANNUNCIATION LNAV LNAV+V L/VNAV (Available only if WAAS equipped) LPV (Available only if WAAS equipped) 16-24 DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE ON HSI GPS approach using published LNAV minima. GPS approach using published LNAV minima. Advisory vertical guidance is provided. GPS approach using published LNAV/VNAV minima. APPROACH TYPE • LNAV • LNAV+V • L/VNAV • LPV GPS approach using published LPV minima. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.1 ACTIVE FIELDS STANDBY FIELDS 16 AVIONICS CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL TOP SECTION OF THE AUDIO PANEL PRESS FOR 2 SECONDS TO LOAD 121.500 MHz TUNING BOX Figure 16-45. Tuning 121.500 MHz Selecting the Navigation Radio COM2 RADIO IS SELECTED ON THE AUDIO PANEL Figure 16-43. Selecting a COM Radio for Transmit An active COM frequency displayed in green indicates that the COM transceiver is selected (COM1 MIC or COM2 MIC key). When both active COM frequencies appear in white, then no COM radio is selected for transmission. The PA key is selected on the audio panel. Frequencies in the standby field are displayed in white. The NAV frequency controls and frequency boxes are on the left of the MFD and PFD (Figure 16-46). The MFD frequency controls and displays are linked to the PFD1 only. The active frequencies are on the right and the standby frequencies are on the left. TURN VOL/ID KNOB TO ADJUST VOLUME. PRESS KNOB TO TURN MORSE CODE ON OR OFF PRESS THE FREQUENCY TRANSFER KEY TO TRANSFER NAV FREQUENCIES BETWEEN ACTIVE AND STANDBY FREQUENCY FIELDS TURN THE NAV KNOB TO TUNE THE FREQUENCY IN THE TUNING BOX Selecting the Radio Press the small COM knob to transfer the frequency tuning box and frequency transfer arrow between the upper and lower radio frequency fields (Figure 16-44). The small COM knob on the MFD links to the pilot PFD (PFD1) only. The small COM knob on the copilot PFD (PFD2) operates independently. Figure 16-46. NAV Frequency Tuning PRESS THE COM KNOB TO SWITCH THE TUNING BOX FROM ONE COM RADIO TO THE OTHER Figure 16-44. Switching COM Tuning Boxes STANDBY FIELDS Activating 121.500 MHZ Press and hold the COM frequency transfer key for 2 seconds to automatically load the emergency COM frequency (121.500 MHz) in the active field of the selected COM radio (the radio indicated with the transfer arrow) (Figure 16-45). TUNING BOX ACTIVE FIELDS THE NAV RADIO IS SELECTED BY PRESSING THE CDI SOFTKEY Figure 16-47. Selecting a NAV Radio for Navigation Revision 3.1 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 16-25 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 16 AVIONICS Pressing the CDI softkey on the PFD selects a NAV radio for navigation ( 16-49). The selected NAV frequency is displayed in green. Intercom The audio panel has a six-position intercom system (ICS) and a stereo music input for the pilot, copilot, and up to four passengers. The intercom provides pilot and copilot isolation from the passengers and aircraft radios (Figure 16-48). can hear the selected radios and communicate with each other. When the PILOT and COPLT annunciators are illuminated, the pilot and copilot can hear the selected radios and communicate with each other. The passengers are isolated from the pilot and copilot but can communicate with each other. When both the PILOT and COPLT annunciators extinguish, everyone hears the selected radios and can communicate with everyone else. The PILOT/PASS knob controls volume or manual squelch adjustment for the pilot and copilot/passenger. The small knob controls the pilot volume and squelch. The large knob controls the copilot/ passenger volume and squelch. Figure 16-48. Intercom Controls Isolation Modes Pilot isolation is selected when the PILOT annunciator illuminates. During pilot isolation, the pilot can hear the selected radios and aural alerts and warnings. The copilot and passengers can communicate with each other. The copilot is isolated from aural alerts and warnings (Table 16-7). Copilot isolation is selected when the COPLT annunciator illuminates. The copilot is isolated from the selected radios, aural alerts start and warnings, and everyone else. The pilot and passengers The VOL and SQ annunciations at the bottom of the unit indicate which function the knob is controlling. Pressing the PILOT/PASS knob switches between volume and squelch as indicated by illumination of the VOL or SQ annunciation (Figure 16-49). The MAN SQ key allows automatic or manual control of the squelch settings. When the MAN SQ annunciator is extinguished (automatic squelch is on), the PILOT/PASS knob controls only the volume, and pressing the PILOT/PASS knob has no effect on the VOL/SQ selection.When the MAN SQ annunciator is illuminated (manual squelch), the PILOT/PASS knob controls both volume and squelch. Table 16-7. ICS ISOLATION MODES PILOT KEY COPLT KEY ANNUNCIATOR ANNUNCIATOR PILOT HEARS COPILOT HEARS PASSENGER HEARS OFF OFF Selected radios, aural alerts, pilot, copilot, passengers, MUSIC 1 Selected radios, aural alerts, pilot, copilot, passengers, MUSIC 1 Selected radios, aural alerts, pilot, copilot, passengers, MUSIC 2 ON OFF Selected radios, aural alerts, pilot Copilot, passengers, MUSIC 1 Copilot, passengers, MUSIC 2 OFF ON Selected radios, aural alerts, pilot, passengers, MUSIC 1 Copilot Selected radios, aural alerts, pilot, passengers, MUSIC 2 ON ON Selected radios, aural alerts, pilot, copilot Selected radios, aural alerts, pilot, copilot Passengers, MUSIC 2 16-26 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.1 16 AVIONICS CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL MANUAL SQUELCH ANNUNCIATOR; OFF FOR AUTOMATIC SQUELCH, ON FOR MANUAL SQUELCH AUTOMATIC/MANUAL SQUELCH PILOT VOLUME OR MANUAL SQUELCH. PRESS TO SWITCH BETWEEN VOL AND SQ. TURN TO ADJUST SQUELCH WHEN SQ ANNUNCIATION IS LIT, VOLUME WHEN VOL ANNUNCIATION IS LIT. COPILOT/PASSENGER VOLUME OR MANUAL SQUELCH SQUELCH ANNUNCIATION VOLUME ANNUNCIATION Figure 16-49. Volume/Squelch Control Clearance Recorder and Player • GDU 1040A MFD The audio panel contains a digital clearance recorder that records up to 2.5 minutes of the selected COM radio signal. Recorded COM audio is stored in separate memory blocks. Once 2.5 minutes of recording time has elapsed, the recorder begins recording over the stored memory blocks, starting from the oldest block. • GMC 710 mode controller AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM The GFC 700 is a AFCS (Figure 16-50) fully integrated with the avionics system. The AFCS functions are distributed across the following LRUs: • GDU 1040A PFDs (2) • GIA 63W integrated avionics units (IAUs) (2) • GSA 80 AFCS servos (2) • GSA 81 AFCS servos (2) • GSM 85 servo mounts (4) The mode controller has the following main functions: • Flight director (FD) • Autopilot (AP) • Yaw damper (YD) • Manual electric pitch trim (MEPT) Figure 16-50. GFC 700 Mode Control Unit Revision 3.1 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 16-27 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 16 AVIONICS FD—The aircraft has two flight directors, each operating within an integrated avionics unit. Commands for the selected flight director are displayed on both PFDs. pitch trim operation. The AP DISC switch is on each control wheel and is used to acknowledge an autopilot disconnect alert and to mute the associated aural tone. The flight director provides: CWS button (control wheel steering)—One button on each control wheel. While pressed, allows manual control of the aircraft while the autopilot is engaged and synchronizes the flight director command bars with the current aircraft pitch (if not in a vertical navigation, glide slope, or glidepath mode). When the button is released the FD can establish new pitch and roll references, depending on the current vertical and lateral modes. • Command bars showing pitch/roll guidance • Vertical/lateral mode selection and processing • Autopilot communication AP—Autopilot operation occurs within the pitch, roll, and pitch trim servos. It also provides servo monitoring and automatic flight control in response to flight director steering commands, AHRS attitude and rate information, and airspeed. YD—The yaw servo is self-monitoring and provides Dutch roll dampering and turn coordination in response to yaw rate, roll angle, lateral acceleration, and airspeed. MEPT—The pitch trim servo provides manual electric pitch trim capability when autopilot is not engaged. The following AFCS controls are in the cockpit, separate from the mode controller (Figure 16-51): AP DISC switch (autopilot disconnect)—Disengages the autopilot and yaw damper and interrupts AP TRIM DISC CONTROL WHEEL STEERING GA switch (go-around)—The GA switch, which is on the throttle, disengages the autopilot and selects the flight director takeoff (on ground) or go-around (in air) mode. If an approach procedure is loaded the switch activates the missed approach when the selected navigation source is GPS or when the navigation source is VOR/LOC and a valid frequency is tuned. The GA switch is on the throttle. MEPT switch—The MEPT switch on the each control wheel is used to command manual electric pitch trim. The composite switch has left and right sides. The left side is the ARM contact and the right side controls the DN (forward) and UP (rearward) contacts. Pressing the MEPT ARM switch disengages the autopilot, if currently engaged, but does not affect yaw damper operation. GO AROUND MEPT SWITCH Figure 16-51. Additional AFCS Controls 16-28 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.1 16 AVIONICS CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL Table 16-8. AFCS MODES MODES SELECTED CONTROL PRESSED FLIGHT DIRECTOR ACTIVATED VERTICAL LATERAL FD key (pilot-side) Pilot-side Pitch hold (default) Roll hold (default) AP key Pilot-side Pitch hold (default) Roll hold (default) CWS button Pilot-side Pitch hold (default) Roll hold (default) GA switch Pilot-side Takeoff (on ground) Go-around (in air) Takeoff (on ground) Go-around (in air) ALT key Pilot-side Altitude hold Roll hold (default) VS key Pilot-side Vertical speed Roll hold (default) VNV key Pilot-side Vertical path tracking* Roll hold (default) NAV key Pilot-side Pitch hold (default) Navigation** ARP key Pilot-side Pitch hold (default) Approach** HDG key Pilot-side Pitch hold (default) Heading select * Valid VNV flight plan must be entered before VNV key press activates flight director. ** The selected navigation receiver must have a valid VOR or LOC signal or active GPS course before NAV or APR key press activates flight director. The MEPT ARM switch is used to acknowledge an autopilot disconnect alert and mute the associated aural tone. Manual trim commands are generated only when both sides of the switch are operated simultaneously. If either side of the switch is active separately for more than 3 seconds, the MEPT function is disabled and PTRM is displayed as the AFCS status on each PFD. The function remains disabled until both sides of the switch are inactivated. FLIGHT DIRECTOR Flight director mode annunciations appear on each PFD when the flight director is active (Figure 16-52). Flight director selection and autopilot and yaw damper statuses appear in the center of the AFCS status box. Lateral modes appear on the left and vertical modes appear on the right. Armed modes appear in white and active modes appear in green. LATERAL MODES The flight director provides pitch and roll commands to the AFCS and displays the commands on the PFDs. When the flight director is active, the aircraft can be hand-flown to follow the path shown by the command bars. Maximum commanded pitch (–15°, +20°) and roll (22°) angles, vertical acceleration, and roll rate are limited to values established during AFCS certification. The flight director also provides autopilot commands. Initially pressing any key listed in Table 16-8 (when the flight director is inactive) activates the pilot flight director in the listed modes. Pressing the FD key again deactivates the flight director and removes the command bars on all displays. The FD key is disabled when the autopilot is engaged. Revision 3.1 AFCS Status Box ARMED AUTOPILOT YAW STATUS DAMPER STATUS VERTICAL MODES ACTIVE ACTIVE MODE FLIGHT DIRECTOR REFERENCE INDICATOR ARROW SELECTED ALTITUDE VERTICAL SPEED REFERENCE Figure 16-52. PFD AFCS Display FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 16-29 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 16 AVIONICS Table 16-9. FLIGHT DIRECTOR VERTICAL MODES VERTICAL MODE Pitch Hold Selected Altitude Capture DESCRIPTION Holds aircraft pitch attitude; may be used to climb/descend to the Selected Altitude Captures the Selected Altitude CONTROL ANNUNCIATION REFERENCE RANGE (default) PIT * ALTS REFERENCE CHANGE INCREMENT -15° to +20° 0.5° Altitude Hold Holds current Altitude Reference ALT Key ALT nnnnn FT Vertical Speed Holds aircraft vertical speed; may be used to climb/descend to the Selected Altitude VS Key VS nnnn FPM -3000 to +2000 fpm 100 fpm FLC Key FLC nnn KT 80 to 175 kt 1 kt VNV Key VPTH ** ALTV Holds aircraft airspeed in IAS while Flight Level Change, IAS Hold aircraft is climbing/descending to the Selected Altitude Vertical Path Tracking VNV Target Altitude Capture Glidepath Captures and tracks descent legs of an active vertical profile. Captures the Vertical Navigation (VNV) Target Altitude Captures and tracks the SBAS glidepath on approach Glideslope Captures the tracks the ILS glideslope on approach Takeoff (on ground) Disengages the autopilot and commands a constant pitch angle and wings level on the ground in preparation for takeoff Go Around (in air) Disengages the autopilot and commands a constant pitch angle and wings level while in the air GP APR Key GS TO 7° GA 7° GA Swith * ALTS is armed automatically when PIT, VS, FLC, TO, or GA is active, and under VPTH when the Selected Altitude is to be captured instead of the VNV Target Altitude. ** ALTV is armed automatically under VPTH when the VNV Target Altitude is to be captured instead of the Selected Altitude. The aircraft has two flight directors, each operating within the integrated avionics system. Only one flight director is active (selected) at a time. Flight directors can be switched by pressing the XFR key. Both PFDs display the selected flight director, indicated by an arrow pointing toward either the pilot or copilot side, in the center of the AFCS status box. The arrow for the selected flight director also appears beside the XFR key. Table 16-9 relates each vertical mode to its respective corresponding controls and annunciations. The mode reference displays next to the active mode annunciation for altitude hold, vertical speed, and flight level change modes. 16-30 The NOSE UP/DN wheel can be used to change the vertical mode reference while operating under pitch hold, vertical speed, or flight level change mode. The increments of change and acceptable ranges of values for each reference using the NOSE UP/DN wheel are listed in Table 16-8. Table 16-10 relates each lateral mode to its respective control and annunciation. The CWS button does not change lateral references for heading select, navigation, back course, or approach modes. The annunciations described in Table 16-10 (listed in order of increasing priority) can appear on the PFDs above the Airspeed and Attitude indicators. Only one annunciation can occur at a time, and messages are prioritized by criticality. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.1 Table 16-10. FLIGHT DIRECTOR LATERAL MODES LATERAL MODE Roll Hold Low Bank Heading Select Navigation, GPS DESCRIPTION CONTROL ANNUNCIATION Holds the current aircraft roll attitude or rolls the wings level, depending on the commanded bank angle (default) Limits the maximum commanded roll angle BANK Key Captures the tracks the Selected Heading HDG Key Captures and tracks a localizer signal for backcourse approaches Navigation, VOR Enroute Capture/Track NAV Key Navigation, LOC Capture/ Track (No Glideslope) Backcourse Capture/Track Captures and tracks a localizer signal for backcourse approaches Approach, GPS Captures and tracks the selected navigation source (GPS, VOR, LOC) BC Key Approach, VOR Capture/Track ROL * Takeoff (on ground) Disengages the autopilot and commands a constant pitch angle and wings level on the ground in preparation for takeoff 22° 15° HDG 22° GPS 22° VOR 22° Capture 10° Track LOC 22° Capture 10° Track BC 22° Capture 10° Track GPS 22° VAPP 22° Capture 10° Track LOC 22° Capture 10° Track TO Wings Level GA Wings Level APR Key Approach, LOC Capture/Track (Glideslope Mode automatically armed) MAXIMUM ROLL COMMAND LIMIT GA Switch Go Around (in air) Disengages the autopilot and commands a constant pitch angle and wings level while in the air * No annunciation appears in the AFCS Status Box. The acceptable bank angle range is indicated in green along the Roll Scale of the Attitude Indicator. The GFC 700 limits turn rate to 3 degrees per second (standard rate turn). AUTOPILOT AND YAW DAMPER OPERATION The autopilot and yaw damper operate the flight control surface servos for automatic flight control. Autopilot controls the pitch and roll attitudes based on the flight director commands. The pitch autotrim provides trim commands to the pitch trim servo to relieve any sustained effort required by the pitch servo. Autopilot operation is independent of the yaw damper. The yaw damper Revision 3.1 reduces Dutch roll tendencies and coordinates turns. It can operate independently of the autopilot and can be used during normal hand-flight maneuvers. Yaw rate commands are limited to 6º per second by the yaw damper. Flight pitch and roll commands to the servos are based on the active flight director modes. The yaw servo provides yaw dampering. The servo motor control limits the maximum servo speed and torque. The servo mounts have slip clutches, which allow the pilot to override the servos in case of an emergency. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 16-31 16 AVIONICS CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 16 AVIONICS Pressing the AP key activates the autopilot, yaw damper, and flight director (if not already active). The flight director engages in pitch and roll hold modes when initially activated. Pressing the YD key engages the yaw damper independently of the autopilot, if not already engaged. To manually disengage the autopilot either push the AP key on the mode controller, the GA switch or the MEPT ARM switch. Manual autopilot disengagement is indicated by a 5 second flashing yellow AP annunciation and a 3 second autopilot disconnect aural alert (Figure 16-53). Figure 16-53. Manual Autopilot Disengagement Pressing either the AP DISC switch or the YD key manually disengages both the yaw damper and the autopilot. When the yaw damper and autopilot are manually disengaged, both the AP and YD annunications turn yellow and flash for 5 seconds and a 3 second autopilot disconnect aural alert is generated (Figure 16-54). Yaw damper disengagement is indicated by a 5-second flashing yellow YD annunciation (Figure 16-55). Figure 16-55. Automatic Autopilot and Yaw Damper Disengagement Automatic yaw damper disengagement occurs when autopilot disengagement is caused by failure in a parameter also affects the yaw damper. The yaw damper can remain operational in some cases where the autopilot automatically disengages. A localized failure in the yaw damper system or invalid sensor data also can causes yaw damper disengagement. HAZARD AVOIDANCE Hazard avoidance instruments aid situational awareness and provide advisory information with regard to potential hazards to flight safety associated with: • Weather Figure 16-54. Yaw Damper Disengagement °° GDL 69A XM® satellite weather (Optional) Pressing either the MEPT ARM switch or the AP DISC switch cancels the autopilot disconnect aural alert. Pressing AP DISC also cancels the flashing AP annunciation. Automatic autopilot disengagement is indicated by a flashing red and white AP annunciation and by the autopilot disconnect aural alert. Both indications continue until acknowledged by pressing the AP DISC or MEPT ARM switch. Automatic autopilot disengagement occurs because of: °° GWX 68™ airborne color weather radar (Optional) °° L-3 STORMSCOPE® WX-500 series II weather mapping sensor (Optional) • Terrain avoidance (TAWS) • Traffic °° Honeywell® KTA 870 traffic advisory system (TAS) XM SATELLITE WEATHER® • System failure • Stall warning (YD also disengages) The XM Satellite Weather® data provides information for avoiding hazardous weather. Do not use XM weather information to penetrate hazardous weather. • Inability to compute default FD modes (FD also disengages automatically) XM Satellite Weather® is provided through the optional GDL 69A, a remote data-link satellite • Invalid sensor data • Yaw damper failure while both are engaged 16-32 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.1 receiver. Graphical weather information and associated text is displayed on the MFD and on the PFD inset map. The GDL 69A can also receive XM Satellite Radio® entertainment services. Both weather data and entertainment programming operate in the S-band frequency range to provide continuous reception capabilities at any altitude throughout North America. XM Satellite Radio® services are subscription-based. For more information on specific service packages, visit: The weather data link page in the map page group is the primary map for viewing XM weather data (Figure 16-56). The map page is the only map display capable of showing information for all available XM weather products. To focus radar scanning on specific areas, sector scanning offers pilot-adjustable horizontal scan angles of 20°, 40°, 60°, or 90°. A vertical scanning function helps analyze storm tops, gradients, and cell buildup activity at various altitudes. The radar has the following features: • Extended sensitivity time constant (STC) logic that automatically correlates distance of the return echo with intensity, so cells do not suddenly appear larger as they get closer. • Weather attenuated color highlight (WATCH™) helps identify possible shadowing effects of short-range cell activity, identifying areas where radar return signals are weakened or attenuated by intense precipitation (or large areas of lesser precipitation) and cannot fully reflect the weather behind a storm. • Weather alert that looks ahead for intense cell activity in the 80–320 nm range, even if these ranges are not being monitored. MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE LEVEL Figure 16-56. Weather Data Link Page GWX 68™ Airborne Color Weather Radar The optional GWX 68™, is a 4-color digital pulsed radar with 6.5 kilowatts of output power. It combines excellent range and adjustable scanning profiles with a high-definition target display. The pulse width is 4 microseconds on all ranges except the 2.5 nm range. The GWX 68™ uses a 1 microsecond pulse width at this range to reduce the target smearing on the display and for better target definition at close range. The aircraft uses a 12-inch, phased array antenna, fully stabilized to accommodate 30º of pitch and roll. Revision 3.1 The maximum permissible exposure level is a zone in which the radiation level exceeds the US government standard of 1 mW/cm2. It is the semicircular area of at least 11 feet from the 12-inch antenna (Figure 16-57). All personnel must remain outside of this zone. With a scanning or rotating beam, the average power density at the MPEL boundary is significantly reduced. When evaluating various target returns on the weather radar display, the colors denote precipitation intensity and rates shown in Table 16-11. Table 16-11. PRECIPITATION INTENSITY LEVELS WEATHER MODE COLOR INTENSITY APPROXIMATE PRECIPITATION RATE (IN/HR.) BLACK <23 DBZ <.01. GREEN 23 DBZ TO <32 DBZ .01-0.1 YELLOW 32 DBZ TO <41 DBZ 0.1-0.5 RED 41 DBZ TO <50 DBZ 0.5-2 50 DBZ AND GREATER >2 MAGENTA FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 16-33 16 AVIONICS CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 16 AVIONICS Table 16-12. TAWS OBSTACLE COLORS AND SYMBOLOGY MPEL BOUNDARY TAS SYMBOL DESCRIPTION No threat traffic Proximity advisory (PA) 11’ FOR 12” ANTENNA Traffic advisory (TA) Traffic advisory off scale Alerts are issued when flight conditions meet the parameters set within TAWS software. Figure 16-57. MPEL Boundary TERRAIN AWARENESS AND WARNING SYSTEM The TAWS increases situational awareness and aids in reducing controlled flight into terrain (CFIT). The TAWS provides visual and aural annunciations when terrain and obstacles are within the given altitude threshold from the aircraft. The displayed alerts and warnings are advisory only. TAWS satisfies TSO-C151b Class B requirements for certification. Class B TAWS is required for all Part 91 aircraft operations with six or more passenger seats and for Part 135 turbine aircraft operations with six to nine passenger seats (FAR Parts 91.223, 135.154). For proper operation, TAWS requires a valid terrain/obstacle/airport terrain database and valid 3-D GPS position solution. TAWS uses yellow (caution) and red (warning) to depict terrain and obstacles with heights greater than 200 feet above ground level (AGL) relative to aircraft altitude. The colors adjust automatically as aircraft altitude changes and represent terrain, obstacles, and potential impact points. 16-34 TAWS alerts typically use a CAUTION or a WARNING severity level, or both. When an alert is issued, visual annunciations are displayed and aural alerts are simultaneously issued. Table 16-13 shows TAWS alert types with corresponding annunciations and aural messages. TRAFFIC ADVISORY SYSTEM The traffic advisory system (TAS) aids in detection and avoidance of other aircraft. TAS uses an onboard interrogator-processor and the Mode S transponder for the air-to-air traffic data link. Nonthreat advisory (white diamond)—Indicates that an intruding aircraft is greater than 1,200 feet relative altitude or the distance is beyond 5 nm. Proximity advisory—Indicates that the intruding aircraft is within 1,200 feet and 5 nm range, but is not considered a threat. Traffic advisory (TA)—Indicates potentially hazardous intruding aircraft. Closing rate, distance, and vertical separation meet TA criteria. Traffic advisory off scale—Appears as a half TA symbol at the relative bearing of the intruding aircraft. The traffic map page shows surrounding TAS traffic data relative to the aircraft current position and altitude, without base map clutter (Figure 16-58). FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.1 16 AVIONICS CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL Table 16-13. TAWS ALERTS SUMMARY ALERT TYPE EXCESSIVE DESCENT RATE WARNING (EDR) REDUCED REQUIRED TERRAIN CLEARANCE WARNING (RTC) PFD/MFD TAWS PAGE ANNUNCIATION MFD MAP PAGE POP-UP ALERT AURAL MESSAGE PULL UP PULL-UP “PULL UP” TERRAIN - PULL-UP “TERRAIN, TERRAIN; PULL UP, PULL UP” OR “TERRAIN AHEAD, PULL UP; TERRAIN AHEAD, PULL UP” PULL UP OR TERRAIN AHEAD - PULL-UP TERRAIN AHEAD - PULL-UP IMMINATE TERRAIN IMPACT WARNING (ITI) REDUCED REQUIRED OBSTACLE CLEARANCE WARNING (ROC) PULL UP OR TERRAIN - PULL-UP OBSTACLE - PULL-UP PULL UP OR OBSTACLE AHEAD - PULL-UP OBSTACLE AHEAD - PULL-UP IMMINENT OBSTACLE IMPACT WARNING (IOI) REDUCED REQUIRED TERRAIN CLEARANCE CAUTION (RTC) PULL UP OR OBSTACLE - PULL-UP REDUCED REQUIRED OBSTACLE CLEARANCE CAUTION (ROC) “OBSTACLE, OBSTACLE; PULL UP, PULL UP” OR “OBSTACLE AHEAD, PULL UP; OBSTACLE AHEAD, PULL UP” “OBSTACLE AHEAD, PULL UP; OBSTACLE AHEAD, PULL UP” OR “OBSTACLE, OBSTACLE; PULL UP, PULL UP” CAUTION - TERRAIN TERRAIN “CAUTION, TERRAIN; CAUTION, TERRIAN” OR “TERRIAN AHEAD; TERRIAN AHEAD” OR TERRAIN AHEAD TERRAIN AHEAD IMMINENT TERRAIN IMPACT CAUTION (ITI) “TERRAIN AHEAD, PULL UP; TERRAIN AHEAD, PULL UP” OR “TERRAIN, TERRAIN; PULL UP, PULL UP” TERRAIN OR CAUTION - TERRAIN CAUTION - OBSTACLE TERRAIN OR OBSTACLE AHEAD CAUTION - OBSTACLE “TERRAIN AHEAD; TERRAIN AHEAD” OR “CAUTION, OBSTACLE; CAUTION, OBSTACLE” “CAUTION, OBSTACLE; CAUTION, OBSTACLE” OR “OBSTACLE AHEAD; OBSTACLE AHEAD” OBSTACLE AHEAD “OBSTACLE AHEAD; OBSTACLE AHEAD” OR “CAUTION, OBSTACLE; CAUTION, OBSTACLE” TERRAIN TOO LOW - TERRAIN “TOO LOW, TERRAIN” ALTITUDE CALLOUT “500” NONE NONE “FIVE HUNDRED” EXCESSIVE DESCENT RATE CAUTION (EDR) TERRAIN SINK RATE “SINK RATE” IMMINENT OBSTACLE IMPACT CAUTION (IOI) TERRAIN PREMATURE DESCENT ALERT CAUTION (PDA) OR DON’T SINK NEGATIVE CLIMB RATE CAUTION (NCR) Revision 3.1 TERRAIN OR TOO LOW - TERRAIN FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY “DON’T SINK”* OR “TOO LOW, TERRAIN” 16-35 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 16 AVIONICS OPERATING MODE TRAFFIC ADVISORY, AIRCRAFT IS 400 FEET BELOW AND CLIMBING TRAFFIC, OUT OF RANGE ALTITUDE MODE Figure 16-59. Stuck Microphone Alert EMERGENCY CHANNEL LOADED AUTOMATICALLY Figure 16-60. COM Tuning Failure quency (121.500 MHz). Depending on the failure mode, a red X can appear on the frequency display (Figure 16-60). NON BEARING TRAFFIC (SYSTEM IS UNABLE TO DETERMINE BEARING), DISTANCE IS 8.0 NM, 1,100 FEET ABOVE AND DESCENDING PROXIMITY TRAFFIC, 1,000 FEET ABOVE AND DESCENDING Figure 16-58. Traffic Map Page Aircraft orientation is always heading up unless there is no valid heading. Map range is adjustable with the RANGE knob from 2 to 40 nm, as indicated by the map range rings. The traffic mode and altitude display mode appear in the upper left corner. STUCK MICROPHONE If the push-to-talk (PTT) key is stuck, the COM transmitter stops transmission after 35 seconds of continuous operation. An advisory alert appears on the PFD indicating that the microphone is stuck. The COM1 MIC or COM2 MIC key on the audio panel flashes as long as the PTT key remains stuck (Figure 16-59). COM TUNING FAILURE PFD FAILURE If PFD1 fails, COM1 and NAV1 display a red X on both remaining displays. NAV1 is unavailable. COM1 automatically tunes 121.500 MHz, but the frequency is not shown. The COM1 emergency frequency is available to both the copilot and pilot (Figure 16-61). If the MFD fails, COM2 and NAV2 display a red X on the remaining PFD display. NAV2 is unavailable. COM2 tunes 121.500 MHz, but the frequency is not shown (Figure 16-62). The COM2 emergency frequency is available to both the copilot and pilot. AUDIO PANEL FAILURE If a failure occurs in the audio panel, a fail-safe circuit connects the pilot headset and microphone directly to the COM1 transceiver. Audio is not available on the speaker during fail-safe operation. If a tuning failure occurs in either COM radio, the radio automatically tunes to the emergency fre- Figure 16-61. Frequency Section of PFD2 Display After PFD1 Failure 16-36 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.1 16 AVIONICS CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL Figure 16-62. PFD1 Dispaly After PFD2 Failure REVERSIONARY MODE The red DISPLAY BACKUP button selects the reversionary mode (Figure 16-63). LIMITATIONS For specific information on limitations, refer to the FAA-approved (AFM). EMERGENCY/ ABNORMAL For specific information on Emergency/Abnormal procedures, refer to the FAA-approved AFM. Figure 16-63. Display Backup Button Table 16-14. CAS ANNUNCIATIONS MESSAGE SPD NOT AVAIL Revision 3.1 DESCRIPTION Indicates that the “SPD” button was pressed on Autopilot Mode Control Panel FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 16-37 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 16 AVIONICS QUESTIONS 1. The two GDC 74A air data computers supply information to which instruments? A. Standby airspeed indicator, standby altimeter, and standby attitude indicator B. PFD attitude indicator and horizontal direction indicator C. PFD airspeed indicators, altimeters, and vertical speed indicators D. MFD XM weather information system 2. The BARO MIN setting on the PFD is: A. The height above ground level for the minimums of an approach B. The desired altitude at which the aircraft levels when climbing to a selected altitude C. The desired altitude at which the aircraft descends when reaching the minimums of an approach D. The decision height altitude or minimum descent altitude on an approach 3. If the pilot PFD fails, the MFD and copilot PFD: A. Automatically goes into reversionary mode whether or not the reversionary button on the audio panel is pressed. B. Automatically go into reversionary mode on the pilot PFD but not the copilot PFD C. Either reversionary button on the pilot or copilot audio panel must be pressed D. Are blank and the pilot must declare an emergency and land the aircraft immediately 5. The CWS button on the control yoke: A. Momentarily disengages the autopilot, but leave the servos engaged B. Momentarily disengages the roll and pitch servos, but not the autopilot C. Disengages the yaw damper D. Discontinues the pitch mode of the autopilot 6. The PLAY key on the audio panel allows: A. Playback of the previously recorded 2.5-minute block of a received audio transmission B. Playback of the last audio transmission on the No. 2 NAV C. Receipt of the last PA request from the passengers D. Playback of the XM radio song that is being uploaded 7. While operating the GWX weather radar system on the ground, ensure that: A. The gain is calibrated properly B. The radar system has been tested C. The No. 2 COM is set to the ATIS D. No one is within 11 feet of the radar antenna if the weather is activated while on the ground 4. When the pilot chooses a lateral or vertical mode on the mode controller, the AFCS status box indicates: A. Green for standby and white for active B. Magenta for standby and white for active C. White for standby and green for active D. Both white for standby and for active 16-38 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 3.1 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CHAPTER 17 OXYGEN SYSTEMS CONTENTS INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................ 17-1 OXYGEN SYSTEM............................................................................................................. 17-1 Description.................................................................................................................... 17-1 Components................................................................................................................... 17-2 Controls and Indications................................................................................................ 17-2 Operation....................................................................................................................... 17-2 LIMITATIONS...................................................................................................................... 17-2 EMERGENCY/ABNORMAL.............................................................................................. 17-2 QUESTIONS........................................................................................................................ 17-4 Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 17-i 17 OXYGEN SYSTEMS Page CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Title Page 17-1. Oxygen Lever and Gauge...................................................................................... 17-2 17 OXYGEN SYSTEMS 17-2. Oxygen Duration Chart......................................................................................... 17-3 Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 17-iii CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 17 OXYGEN SYSTEMS CHAPTER 17 OXYGEN SYSTEMS INTRODUCTION This chapter describes the components, controls, and indications for the oxygen system on the Cessna Grand Caravan EX. GENERAL An oxygen system provides the supplementary oxygen necessary for continuous flight at high altitude or for use in the event smoke or other toxic/ noxious fumes are detected in the cabin. OXYGEN SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Passenger models of the aircraft have a 117- cubic foot oxygen bottle and 2, 10, or 17 oxygen ports, depending on the model. Cargo models have a 51-cubic foot oxygen bottle and two oxygen ports, with the option for the 116.95-cubic foot bottle. Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 17-1 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 17 OXYGEN SYSTEMS COMPONENTS OPERATION Oxygen Cylinder Oxygen Duration Oxygen is supplied from a cylinder in the tail cone and is reduced from cylinder pressure to operating pressure by a regulator on the cylinder. A remote shutoff valve control lever in the overhead console above the pilot and front passenger seat controls an oxygen shutoff valve, which is part of the regulator assembly. In order to make optimum use of the aircraft and oxygen system, it is important that the pilot understand the capabilities of the system as well as the duration of the oxygen supply. The oxygen duration chart is used to calculate the oxygen use time remaining in the system. The chart shown is for a 51 cubic-foot-capacity oxygen system. Oxygen Outlets/Masks The pressure reading is taken from the gauge on the oxygen control panel in the cabin ceiling above the pilot. Locate the pressure on the left side of the chart, and then follow the line over to the right until the appropriate altitude line is encountered. From that point, follow the vertical line to the bottom of the chart, and then read the time in hours. In the cargo models of the aircraft, two oxygen ports are in the cabin ceiling–one each outboard of the pilot and front passenger seats. In the passenger models, additional ports are adjacent to each aft passenger ventilating air outlet. The standard masks are partial rebreathing masks with vinyl hoses and flow indicators. The pilot mask has a microphone for using the radio when using the oxygen system. Oxygen Pressure Gauge For example, with an oxygen pressure reading of 1,100 psi at an altitude of 15,000 feet, the oxygen duration for one person is 4.2 hours. If more than one person is using oxygen, divide the time derived above by the number of persons using oxygen. The oxygen gauge has two colored arcs and a colored line to indicate oxygen pressure. The yellow arc indicates 0 to 300 psi. The green arc indicates 1,550 to 1,850 psi. The red line indicates 2,000 psi or greater. Refer to the Pilot’s Operating Handbook and the FAA-Approved Aircraft Flight Manual (POH/ AFM), Section 9 for more information about the oxygen system operation. CONTROLS AND INDICATIONS LIMITATIONS Oxygen cylinder pressure is indicated by a pressure gauge on the overhead console, adjacent to the OXYGEN OFF-ON lever. For specific information on limitations, refer to the FAA-approved (AFM). EMERGENCY/ ABNORMAL For specific information on Emergency/Abnormal procedures, refer to the FAA-approved AFM. Figure 17-1. Oxygen Lever and Gauge 17-2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 2.2 17 OXYGEN SYSTEMS CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL (51 CUBIC FEET CAPACITY) NOTE: OXYGEN DURATION IN HOURS = TOTAL HOURS DURATION NUMBER OF PERSONS Figure 17-2. Oxygen Duration Chart Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 17-3 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL QUESTIONS 1. The oxygen system controls are: A. In the overhead console. B. On the instrument panel. C. On the center console. D. On the left sidewall switch and CB panel. 17 OXYGEN SYSTEMS 17-4 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Revision 2.2 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL 18 MANEUVERS AND PROCEDURES CHAPTER 18 MANEUVERS AND PROCEDURES The information for this chapter is available in the Client Guide. Revision 3.3 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 18-i CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CHAPTER 19 WEIGHT AND BALANCE 19 WEIGHT AND BALANCE Please refer to the FAA-Approved Pilot’s Operating Handbook or Aircraft Flight Manual (POH/AFM) for information reguarding this aircraft’s weight and balance. Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 19-i CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CHAPTER 20 FLIGHT PLANNING AND PERFORMANCE Performance is calculated using a combination of charts and tables in the Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) and the Aircraft Performance Manual. 20 FLIGHT PLANNING AND PERFORMANCE The takeoff and landing performance data is found in Section V—Performance of the AFM. Revision 2.2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 20-i 21 CREW RESOURCE MANAGEMENT CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL CHAPTER 21 CREW RESOURCE MANAGEMENT The information for this chapter is available in the Client Guide. Revision 3.3 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 21-i CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL WALKAROUND WALKAROUND The Walkaround has been replaced by the Caravan 208 G1000 Pictorial Preflight and the Caravan EX Pictorial Preflight available electronically in FlightBag. Revision 3.3 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY WA-1 CARAVAN 208/208B/EX G1000 PILOT TRAINING MANUAL APPENDIX ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS CHAPTER 2 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. C 8. C CHAPTER 3 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. D CHAPTER 4 1. C 2. A CHAPTER 5 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. D 7. A CHAPTER 6 No Questions Apply CHAPTER 7 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. A 6. A Revision 3.2 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. D D B B B C CHAPTER 8 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C CHAPTER 9 No Questions Apply CHAPTER 10 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. B 9. A CHAPTER 11 1. D 2. A 3. A 4. C CHAPTER 12 No Questions Apply CHAPTER 13 No Questions Apply CHAPTER 14 1. A 2. C 3. C CHAPTER 15 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. B CHAPTER 16 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. D APPENDIX CHAPTER 1 No Questions Apply CHAPTER 17 1. A CHAPTER 18 No Questions Apply CHAPTER 19 No Questions Apply CHAPTER 20 No Questions Apply CHAPTER 21 No Questions Apply FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY APP-1