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First day of class activity

#1536. Anticipatory Set Lesson for First Day of
History Class
History, level: Middle
Posted Wed Jan 26 22:19:48 PST 2000 by Ivie Mida (imida@voyager.net).
University of Detroit Mercy, Detroit, Wayne
Materials Required: Posterboard, markers, overhead projector, blank transparencies
Activity Time: One class Period
Concepts Taught: Why are you required to take this class?
Anticipatory Set Lesson for First Day of a History Class
Author: Ivie Mida
Subject: History
Title: Why are you required to take this class?
Appropriate for grades 8-12
OVERVIEW: History is study of the past so that one can learn about their position in the present. In
other words, "How did I get here?" In order to understand how a person has arrived in the place
and setting that they are in, it is important to learn about the events and situations that have
shaped and influenced our community, society, and human condition.
PURPOSE: The intent of this activity is to introduce students to the meaning of history and its
importance. The students will examine why society how history plays an essential role in our lives as
responsible citizens. Through formerly acquired skills of research and inquiry, students will learn new
skills of recall, discussion, consideration, collaboration, and investigation. The activity can also serve
as an introduction to exploring major eras in history, identify persons demonstrating various degrees
of virtue, and examining choices in cause and effect relationships.
OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to:
1. State the reasons as to why a history is an essential element in understanding ourselves.
2. Enable the student to relate to past events so that a greater understanding of the past in relation
to the present may take place.
3. Draw upon personal histories that have shaped the person they are today.
4. List essential concepts used in learning history.
5. Identify the skills of inquiry when studying history.
1. Secure Learners Attention -- Teacher will ask students why they think history is an important
enough topic that it warrants studying. Teacher will list students' answers on the board. Next
teacher will list on board major world issues that are presently occurring based on student
2. Establish Learners Interest -- Students will then be required to recall issues and events that took
place the year they were born, when there parents were their age, and when their grandparents
were there age. Responses will be listed on board or overhead. Students will then be assigned as
homework the writing of a cause and effect paragraph on how the events discussed has affected
their own lives.
3. Transmit Your Learning Expectations -- The class will separate into small groups to examine a
quote (one for each group). From the quotes, each group will create a list of Guidelines that will be
used as the defining objectives of the class. These "guidelines" will be posted within in the
classroom as reminders of why one studies history. One guideline will be chosen from each group.
The quotes used are as follows:
A. History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte
B. The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.
-- Winston Churchill
C. History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once they have exhausted all other
--Abba Eban
D. History has been a continuous exercise in creative problem solving.
-- Michael J. Gelb
E. In times like these, it is helpful to remember that there have always been times like these.
-- Paul Harvey
4. Teach From Prior Learning -- While still in groups, students will brainstorm the skills required in
following these guidelines, these will also be posted in the classroom.
MATERIALS NEEDED: Posterboard, Markers, Chalkboard, Overhead and blank transparencies
TYING IT ALL TOGETHER: Finish with a continued discussion of "How did I get here". Clarify cause
and effect paragraph assignment. Encourage students to share assignment with parents and
relatives to get a better understanding of the past events that have shaped their lives.