Uploaded by Patricia Hawes

Personal Finance & Economics Class Syllabus

We will ... learn how to navigate financial
decisions we must face and to make
informed decisions related to career
exploration, budgeting, banking, credit,
insurance, spending, taxes, saving,
investing, living independently, and
We will ... develop financial literacy skills
and understand economic principles to
provide the basis for responsible
citizenship and career success.
We will ... develop personal finance
skills, study basic occupational skills
and concepts in preparation for entrylevel employment in the field of finance.
This course is a graduation
The purpose of high school
business courses is to
students for higher
education and/or transition
to the workplace. College and
work environments are built on
an understanding of mutual
I will ... conduct myself according to
the belief that everyone has value,
including myself, my peers, and my
I will ... respect my myself, my peers,
my teachers, school property and
personal property
EVERY Class: (please bring)
Student Device
A good attitude
I will ... be present and on time to class.
I will ... obtain any and all make up work
should I miss class.
I will ... turn in make up work in a timely
manner according to the make up work
Late work will be accepted for full credit up to
one week after a unit has concluded. Late work
received during the next unit will earn a max of
After that, the max grade is a 50%.
Make-up work protocol: It is the student’s
responsibility to check Schoology and check-in
with Mrs. Hawes to receive instructions on any
missed assignments and to answer any
questions the student may have.
A points system will be used for grading.
Assignments and activities vary in the number
of points possible.
Please check StudentVUE/ParentVUE for
graded assignments and point values.
Assignments will be loaded daily in
Schoology. This is where you will
find any supporting resources and
class materials.
Grades will be posted in STUDENTVUE every
Friday Progress Reports will be sent out monthly
I will ... bring my computer to every class,
charged and ready to go.
I will ... only use my devices (computer, cell
phone, airbuds, headphones, etc.) when
instructed by Mrs. Hawes.
Office Hours: 8:30 am - 4:40 pm
I will respond within 24 hours
to any email or phone correspondence Monday
thru Thursday. Friday thru Sunday will receive a
response by the following Monday.
Appointments can be made before or after
school or during my planning periods. Please
email me to set up a time to meet.
Come join DECA. DECA prepares
emerging leaders and
entrepreneurs in marketing,
finance, hospitality and
management in high schools and
colleges around the globe.
You will get to compete in events,
travel, and have fun!
Come join FBLA to devlop an
understanding of what it means
to lead, learn the fundamentals of business
principles, demonstrate the ability to use
technical skills to solve problems, and
compete in a fun environment to earn
scholorships and create post-graduation
career plans.
Please sign below to
Please sign below to
signify that you have
indicate that you have
read the course syllabus
read the course syllabus
for Mrs. Hawes' class,
for Mrs. Hawes's class and
You will keep it in your
that you will help your
folder, and will be
student be accountable
responsible for the
for the information.
information throughout
the year.
If you have questions
about the course or your
student’s work, please do
not hesitate to contact
me; email is the best way
to reach me quickly. See
the front of this sheet for
my email address. .
Student´s signature
Parent´s signature
Student's name printed
Parent´s name