• Choose an egg and answer the question. • If you give the incorrect answer, another team can raise their hands to answer. • If you get it right, you will get a MYSTERY BOX. • The mystery box is good or bad. • You can keep it or give it to another team. • During the game you can get or lose points but can never go below 0. MYSTERY BOX PRIZES LOSE 100 GET 100 STEAL 100 LOSE 1/2 LOSE 200 GET 200 GET 500 LOSE ALL 1 2 8 9 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Something went a little wrong. Press the home button and try again. H O M E A religion based on the teaching of Muhammad. Give it or Keep it? H O M E Get 100 Where was Muhammad born? Give it or Keep it? H O M E Lose 100 What is a bazaar? Give it or Keep it? H O M E LOSE 200 What is shari'ah and what is it based on? Give it or Keep it? H O M E GET 200 Who were the first four caliphs? Give it or Keep it? H O M E STEAL 100 How many years did Muhammad received messages from Allah? Give it or Keep it? H O M E LOSE ½ YOUR POINTS Name some contributions that Muslim doctors made to the field of medicine? Give it or Keep it? H O M E GOLDEN EGG GET 500 What three things that Wha women could do in Islamtic cutlure? Give it or Keep it? H O M E STEAL 200 What are the defining features of Muslim art? Give it or Keep it? H O M E GOLDEN EGG GET 500 What were the three uslim Empires? Give it or Keep it? H O M E M LOSE 100 Who took control of India after the Moguls lost power? Give it or Keep it? H O M E GET 100 What was Muhammad job before he became a prophet? Give it or Keep it? H O M E STEAL 100 How did the Sunni and Shia differ? What beliefs did they share? Give it or Keep it? H O M E GET 100 What led to the downfall of the Ottoman empire? Give it or Keep it? H O M E GET 200 What is an oasis? Give it or Keep it? H O M E LOSE 100 What did the first four caliphs who ruled have in common? Give it or Keep it? H O M E GET 100 What were men's role in Islamtic society? Give it or Keep it? H O M E LOSE 200 What was the name of the book that helped diagnose diseases and how they spread? Give it or Keep it? H O M E GET 200 Who is the most famous character in Arabic literature? Give it or Keep it? H O M E STEAL 100 What two ways did the Islamic 12345679x12 world help change the way business was done? Give it or Keep it? H O M E GET 200 What is the 4 Quran? Give it or Keep it? H O M E LOSE ½ YOUR POINTS What groups held the greatest power in Muslim society? Give it or Keep it? H O M E LOSE 100 What is a astrolable? Give it or Keep it? H O M E LOSE ½ YOUR POINTS What is a mosque? Give it or Keep it? H O M E TERRIBLE PIG LOSE ALL YOUR POINTS What are the five pillars of Islam faith? Give it or Keep it? H O M E GET 200