Highlights of AVU Open Education Resources and Teacher Education Programs Mrs E M Balogun Teacher Education Officer-NTCF sponsored African Virtual University, Nairobi, Kenya ABOUT AVU The African Virtual University (AVU) www.avu.org is a Pan African Intergovernmental Organization has been signed by 15 African Governments. AVU OPEN EDUCATION RESOURCES An Open Educational Resource Portal OER@AVU launched in 2011. Available at http://oer.avu.org Developed by 12 Universities in 10 African countries Available in English, French and Portuguese Free to use, can be modified and contributions to enrich the resources are expected. Has 219 textbooks of Mathematics, Sciences, teacher education professional, ICT skills and ICT integration in education all course content developed by African Academics. Textbooks uploaded on a social network Scribd http:www.scribd.com/african virtual university Videos posted on You tube http://www.youtube.com/user/avu.org OBJECTIVES OF AVU OERs Increase access to quality Education and innovative use of ICT Develop and share OERs which are relevant to Africa’s development Create and improve an African based OER library Facilitate adoption of OERs in the AVU network. BENEFITS OF OERS Expanded access to learning Easy to distribute at no cost Augmentation of class materials Enhancement of regular course content Quick circulation Less expense for students Continually improved resources AVU TEACHER EDUCATION (TE) PROGRAM Educational Support Services Development Services: developing content, developing OER, AVU capacity enhancement program (ACEP),Setup/ Upgrade ODEL centers, Research and development and Quality Evaluation OBJECTIVES OF TE PROGRAM To strengthen the capacity of the AVU To deliver and manage quality ICT integrated education and training opportunities in Participating Institutions. Expansion from 10 African countries in the Project phase I to 21 African countries in the phase II. The AVU OER and TE programs can enhance Availability of Higher Education which is currently 8%. Potential to absorb much of the demand for Higher Education without building more campuses Access to quality content Supplementing and improving instruction delivery CONCLUSION ACTION POINTS The AVU believes that NUC must be the first point of call to reach the universities Organize a workshop in your organization and invite AVU for a presentation Provide ICT facilities for your institutions to be able to access the OERs Enact a training program on basic ICT skills for all staff. Provide basic infrastructure for the ODeL center. THE END THANK YOU FOR LISTENING