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AC Creative Best Practices: Ad Assets & Dimensions Guide

AC Creative Best Practices
Required assets & dimensions
Text Asset Coverage
▢ 5 x Short text assets (5 lines, 30 chr) *Important
▢ 5 x Long text assets (5 lines, 90 chr)*Important
Video Asset Coverage
▢ Landscape Video - 16:9 Ratio*Important
▢ Portrait Video - 2:3 Ratio*Important
▢ Square Video - 1:1 Ratio*Important
Image Asset Coverage
▢ 1200x1500*
▢ 1200x1200*
▢ 1200x628*
▢ 200x200
▢ 320x400
▢ 600x314
4:5 (New!)
New file size
*Recommended Size
Best Practices
Text Assets: Headlines & Descriptions
Have a clear Call to Action e.g. “Protect your device”, “Install Now”, etc. reflecting the
Speak to your audience - what language do they use, what language is the app listing in?
Make sure each line can stand by itself and conveys something different, since they
form an ad from up to three of them
Keep at least one text idea shorter than 20 characters to avoid truncation on properties
like Gmail
Be relevant - by mirroring the user’s end goal
Use full stops and proper punctuation to avoid confusion when Text Assets are shown
one after another.
Utilize maximum character count and diversify keywords to add more contextual data to
search bids.
Don’t be afraid to use multiple sentences in one description in order to maximize
character count.
Video Assets
There is no perfect video length. Upload videos between 15-30 seconds
Portrait video is the optimal handheld experience. Conversion rates are generally
higher than landscape.
Music is great, particularly when it’s upbeat or action-oriented. But don’t rely on it. If a
user’s sound is off, make sure your content is visually appealing
Make it locally relevant. Localize content or use subtitles.
Lead with the benefit. Focus on the problem your app solves or show people using it.
Lead with the benefit. Focus on the problem your app solves or show people using it.
AC Creative Excellence
Best Practices
Image Assets
Showcase your product. When size permits, give the users a sense of the app
experience by using engaging and relevant images taken directly from your app. For
example, you can use product images from your shopping app or menu screens from
your music library.
Chunk your text. Users don’t read ads, they skim them. Break up any large blocks of
copy into small, easy-to-read sections.
Don’t fear empty space. Leveraging negative space in your layout can create smooth
transitions between elements and a clear visual hierarchy.
Vary your content. Upload different variations of the same asset. For example: image
ads for a travel app with the same size but different cities/countries depicted.
Make it official. Include the Google Play and App Store badges along with your app logo
to give the ad heightened credibility.
Keep it simple. Many image ads will need to stand out in busy web pages, so only
include the elements that are crucial to conveying the message. Keep your layout clean,
easy to read, and avoid unnecessary decorative elements and phrases.
Design Fundamentals
White Space
Provide stability and
structure to a design while
placing emphasis on
desired elements. This can
come in the form of
symmetrical or
asymmetrical presentation
and is often dictated by
the size of the ad format.
Adjust the space between different
elements in order to strengthen the
connection of related messages.
Close proximity indicates that items
are connected or have a relationship
to each other.
Use white (or negative)
space to make a direct
message or call to action
stand out above the rest of
the design.
Align elements in a
visual and readable
arrangement. This
strengthens the
connection between
related design
elements and
ensures a polished
presentation of your
Repeating elements in a design
can be visually appealing to the
user and strengthen the delivery of
your message.
Use strong contrast
between design
elements to make
important elements
stand out and get
noticed. This is
important for UAC
assets that appear
in contexts like
online stores or
applications where
there are a lot of
competing visuals.
“ACi for Retail Early Insights” Summary
Our new Early Insights report provides online video creative guidance for retailers to
drive app downloads. We reviewed 3.4K video assets used by leading Retail brands in
Google’s App Campaigns for Installs. Here is what we found:
Step 1: Start with the app
Introducing the app is key to contextualizing the ad
for your consumer, especially compared to other
communications they may see from you in the
Marketing ecosystem.
The objective of this particular video asset is app
installs, so let’s “set the stage” early on in the ad by
bringing your app front and center in whatever
visual treatment works best for your brand and
creative idea.
Le Bon Coin
Step 2: Spotlight either a “use case” or a “showcase”
Our findings show that both people-led “use cases” as
well as product-led “showcases” can perform well -the key is to simplify by choosing only 1x approach
per asset, and then executing it well.
If you choose “use case”, try to 1) have
on-screen talent talk directly to the viewer, and to
2) use the opportunity to highlight specific
scenarios vs. generic mobile use footage.
If you choose “showcase”, try to 1) focus on a
“less is more” approach to your product edit, and
to 2) spotlight discounts when relevant.
Step 3: Optimize for peak performance
Now that you have your core visual content down, it’s
to make sure your assets are optimized to drive those
Your review checklist should include:
● Is my CTA strong enough?
● Am I being efficient as possible with my video
● Am I taking advantage of all available campaign
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