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HABSN MSN 377 Course Calendar FALL 22 FINAL revision

Loyola University Chicago
Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing
Hybrid MSN 377: Adult Health II
Course Calendar & Assignments
Fall 2022
Harding, M. M., Kwong, J., Roberts, D., Hagler, D., & Reinisch, C. (2020). Lewis’s medical-surgical nursing:
Assessment and management of clinical problems (11th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
Pre-Class Readings/Assignments
Week 1
 Introduction to the course
 Endocrine Problems
Module 1
Chapter 49: 1143-1158, 1161-1167, 1168-1169
 Acute Kidney Injury
Module 2
Chapter 46: 1059-1065, 1079-1080
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
 Disorders of the Liver and Pancreas
Module 3
Exam I
 Female and Male Reproductive
System Disorders
Module 4
 Multiple Sclerosis
 Myasthenia Gravis
 Guillain Barre
Module 5
 Spinal Cord Injury
 Brain Tumors/Surgery
 Head Injury/ICP
Module 5
 Pneumonia
 Pulmonary Embolism
 Pulmonary HTN/Cor Pulmonale
 Chest Trauma
 Chest Tubes
 Chest Surgery
 Pleural Effusion
Module 6
Exam II
Modules 4 & 5
 Acute Respiratory Failure/ARDS
Artificial Airways and Mechanical
Module 6
Exam III -Module 6
Study Guide Chapter 49
Study Guide Chapter 46
Chapter 43: 978-989, 992-996
Study Guide Chapter 43
Chapter 53: 1241-1245
Chapter 54: 1254-1268, 1272-1273
Chapter 58: 1366-1371, 1377-1379
Chapter 60: 1424-1425
Study Guide Chapters 58 and 60
Chapter 60: 1403-1420
Chapter 56: 1318-1323, 1300-1318
Study Guide Chapters 56 and 60
Chapter 27: 503-509, 532-534
Chapter 27: 534-537
Chapter 27: 522-530, 531
Study Guide Chapter 27
Does not include Week 7 material
Chapter 67: 1588-1603
Chapter 65: 1548-1562
Study Guide Chapters 65 and 67
Chapter 31: 667-676
Chapter 32: 695-696
Week 11
Cardiac Diagnostics
Hypertensive Crisis
ADHF and Cardiomyopathy
Module 7
 Cardiac Dysrhythmias
 Dysrhythmia Therapies
Module 7
Chapter 34: 734-751
Chapter 36: 794-797
Chapter 65: 1537-1547
Study Guide Chapters 31, 32, 34, 36 and 65
Chapter 35: 754-764, 766-768
Chapter 35: 768-773
Study Guide Chapter 35
Week 12
Acute Coronary Syndrome
Inflammatory and Valvular Heart
Module 7
Chapter 33: 717-731
Chapter 36: 778-793
Study Guide Chapters 33 and 36
Chapter 68: 1605-1611, 1620-1621
Week 13
Exam IV (all students 12:00 p.m.)
Module 7
Study Guide Chapter 68
 Emergency and Disaster Nursing
Module 8
Week 14
 Burns
 Shock / SIRS / MODS
Module 9
Week 15
Week 16
Final Exam (Cumulative)
New material: Modules 8 & 9
Monday, December 12th
Time to be determined
Course Calendar is subject to revision
Revised 8/22 THB
Chapter 24
Chapter 66
Study Guide Chapters 24 and 66