Uploaded by Zeus Tristan Dulce Main

Craniotomy Journal Review: Insights & Reflections

PHINMA University of Pangasinan
College of Health Sciences
Name: _________Zeus Tristan D. Main___________________
Date: ______February 15, 2022___
Year/block/group: _3BSN04___ Hospital/area: ____R1MC__________ Clinical Instructor:__Mr. Edberg De Guzman
Title of Journal Reviewed: Craniotomy
Reaction: (300=500 words)
______Craniotomy, this intricate procedure has piqued my interest for quite a while now. This journal
assigned by our clinical instructors was my “last push” to delve deeper about craniotomy. The article that I’ve
read provided everything I need to know about craniotomy; including its overview, indications,
contraindications, equipment needed and proper technique in performing it. Reading it was sort of fun, I’ve
acquired tons of new knowledge which I hope I can apply in the actual healthcare setting. But still, I can’t wrap
my head around the idea of craniotomy. I mean, they’ll remove a portion of your skull, “bone flap” that’s what
the article referred to it. It’s quite nerve-wracking – just thinking about it. Nonetheless, if I were to assist
surgical procedures, I would like to assist on this one.
I also noticed whilst scanning through the article, craniotomy has its equal share of risks and complications.
Looking at its sheer amount gave me the chills, I immediately imagined myself assisting in this procedure – it’s
quite gut-wrenching if I say so myself. The medical surgical ward is not for the faint of heart, that’s why I need
to develop my tolerance with regards to these kinds of procedure. Needless to say, I suppose the benefits of
craniotomy outweighs all the risk that’s why it’s widely-used in the surgical setting.
The article also suggested that before the advent of craniotomy, many patients that today are treated daily.
This line removed all my skepticism about the procedure, in turn, boosting the urge to assist in its procedure.
In conclusion, the article that I’ve read has been a roller coaster of emotions, just as my claims throughout this
paper suggests. I really had fun while learning the concept, the article was absolutely informative and concise.
It won’t bore you with technicalities and is newbie-friendly. It’s commendable, I actually ought to recommend
it to my peers who wants to expound their knowledge about craniotomy.
University of Pangasinan
PHINMA Education Network
College of Health Sciences
Name: _________Zeus Tristan D. Main___________________
Date: ______February 15, 2022___
Year/block/group: _3BSN04___ Hospital/area: ____R1MC__________ Clinical Instructor:_Mr. Edberg De Guzman
Reflection to Journal Reviewed: (300=500 words)
_______A surgical procedure that involves exposing a portion of the brain by removing a portion of the skull,
that’s what craniotomy is. This complex procedure can attend to multiple conditions including brain tumors,
aneurysms, arterio-venous malformations, subdural empyema, subdural hematomas, and intracerebral
hematomas. As I was reading, I can’t help but think to myself, how in the world is this possible? The surgical
scene has really evolved through the years. It’s quite reassuring to know that some brain conditions that has
caused deaths in the past can be treated today, thanks to this procedure.
_____To be honest, I was quite skeptical with regards to this procedure. I used to think that the survival rate
of this procedure is low. But I was wrong. Its benefits outweigh all the risk. When performed correctly, it can
be a literal life-saver. Well, that’s quite neat. I really want to assist on this kind of procedure. I want to
experience it first-hand. Great expertise with anatomy and physiology is crucial in this procedure, I guess I
need to get a refresher with my AnaPhy if I really want to be involved in this kind of procedure in the latter
part of my career. Familiarizing the special equipment utilized is a must, too. I really need to equip myself with
skills and knowledge so that I can render an exceptional level of care to my patient. I really wish that our
hospital duties will commence anytime soon. I’m not confident with my skills. I really need to acquire crucial
_____The article got my gears grinding for the majority of its parts. It’s quite amazing to know that intricate
procedures like craniotomy can easily save a life. I’ve come across several realizations whilst reading – all of
which are beneficial to my career/profession. It also gave me a glimpse of what’s occurring within the walls of
the surgical room. I really am glad that I came across this article since it has brought not just knowledge, but