NAME: ____________________________________ 1. Which of the following is an example of the fruit type Achene? (a) cherry (b) pineapple (c) mustard (d) sunflower 2. An example of dry indehiscent fruit is a ____ (a) pod (b) caryopsis (c) follicle (d) capsule 3. The fruit of Ficus is a/an _____(a) sorosis (b) syconus (c) aggregate (d) cypsela 4. Mango is a drupe in which the mesocarp is _____ (a) fibrous (b) stony hard (c) thin and fleshy (d) fleshy and edible 5. Banana is a _____(a) cremocarp (b) drupe (c) parthenocarpic berry (d) capsule 6. The edible part of a tomato is __________ (a) epicarp (b) pericarp and placenta (c) mesocarp (d) thalamus 7. The fruit of samara has a _____ pericarp. (a) hairy (b) winged (c) woody (d) fleshy 8. Jackfruit is a multiple fruit formed from ____ (a) single ripened ovary (b) inflorescence (c) flower with many free carpels (d) flower with many partially fused carpels 9. The small projections on the surface of the pineapple fruit represents persistent __ (a) styles (b) stamens (c) calyx (d) bract 10. A dry fruit that can break into several parts each containing one seed is a _____ (a) capsule (b) legume (c) follicle (d) schizocarp 11. What type of placentation is seen in sweet pea? (a) marginal (b) axile (c) basal (d) parietal 12. A true fruit is formed from _____ (a) a fertilised ovary (b) a fertilised ovary and other floral parts (c) an unfertilized ovary and other floral parts (d) a fertilised ovary and calyx 13. The type of placentation found in tomato fruits is _____ (a) parietal (b) free central (c) axile (d) marginal 14. Which of the following is an example of a caryopsis? (a) cashew nut (b) combretum (c) millet (d) pea DATE: ____________________________________ 15. An example of a dehiscent fruit is ____ (a) crotalaria (b) tomato (c) mango (d) orange 16. The term caryopsis is used to describe a fruit in which the ____ (a) testa and pericarp are separate (b) seed and endocarp are fused (c) testa and pericarp are fused (d) seed coat and fruit wall are impermeable 17. A fruit formed from a single flower having several free carpels is _____ fruit. (a) a multiple (b) a dry indehiscent (c) a simple (d) an aggregate 18. A dry indehiscent fruit containing one seed and having a hairy pappus is described as a/an _____ (a) caryopsis (b) cypsela (c) samara (d) achene 19. The pineapple fruit is best described as ____ (a) aggregate, succulent and indehiscent (b) aggregate, succulent and dehiscent (c) multiple, succulent and indehiscent (d) multiple, succulent and dehiscent 20. The following are dry indehiscent fruits EXCEPT ______ (a) achene (b) cypsela (c) caryopsis (d) schizocarp 21. Which of the following fruits is a capsule? (a) mango (b) coconut (c) apple (d) okra 22. Follicle fruit usually dehisces along ____ (a) ventral suture (b) dorsal suture (c) both sutures (d) only one of the sutures 23. Dry fruit that breaks up into many single seeded parts is ____ (a) achenial (b) capsular (c) schizocarpic (d) follicular 24. The indehiscent single seeded parts of schizocarps are called ______ (a) cremocarp (b) mericarps (c) exocarps (d) cocci 25. Fruit of groundnut is ________ while fruit of okra is ______ (a) capsule, berry (b) pod, capsule (c) capsule, pod (d) berry, capsule 26. Dry fruit formed from bilocular superior ovary and dehiscing into two valves from base to the apex is a/an _________________ Numzy@fruits2022/23 NAME: ____________________________________ 1. Which of the following is an example of the fruit type Achene? (a) cherry (b) pineapple (c) mustard (d) sunflower 2. An example of dry indehiscent fruit is a ____ (a) pod (b) caryopsis (c) follicle (d) capsule 3. The fruit of Ficus is a/an _____(a) sorosis (b) syconus (c) aggregate (d) cypsela 4. Mango is a drupe in which the mesocarp is _____ (a) fibrous (b) stony hard (c) thin and fleshy (d) fleshy and edible 5. Banana is a _____(a) cremocarp (b) drupe (c) parthenocarpic berry (d) capsule 6. The edible part of a tomato is __________ (a) epicarp (b) pericarp and placenta (c) mesocarp (d) thalamus 7. The fruit of samara has a _____ pericarp. (a) hairy (b) winged (c) woody (d) fleshy 8. Jackfruit is a multiple fruit formed from ____ (a) single ripened ovary (b) inflorescence (c) flower with many free carpels (d) flower with many partially fused carpels 9. The small projections on the surface of the pineapple fruit represents persistent __ (a) styles (b) stamens (c) calyx (d) bract 10. A dry fruit that can break into several parts each containing one seed is a _____ (a) capsule (b) legume (c) follicle (d) schizocarp 11. What type of placentation is seen in sweet pea? (a) marginal (b) axile (c) basal (d) parietal 12. A true fruit is formed from _____ (a) a fertilised ovary (b) a fertilised ovary and other floral parts (c) an unfertilized ovary and other floral parts (d) a fertilised ovary and calyx 13. The type of placentation found in tomato fruits is _____ (a) parietal (b) free central (c) axile (d) marginal 14. Which of the following is an example of a caryopsis? (a) cashew nut (b) combretum (c) millet (d) pea DATE: ____________________________________ 15. An example of a dehiscent fruit is ____ (a) crotalaria (b) tomato (c) mango (d) orange 16. The term caryopsis is used to describe a fruit in which the ____ (a) testa and pericarp are separate (b) seed and endocarp are fused (c) testa and pericarp are fused (d) seed coat and fruit wall are impermeable 17. A fruit formed from a single flower having several free carpels is _____ fruit. (a) a multiple (b) a dry indehiscent (c) a simple (d) an aggregate 18. A dry indehiscent fruit containing one seed and having a hairy pappus is described as a/an _____ (a) caryopsis (b) cypsela (c) samara (d) achene 19. The pineapple fruit is best described as ____ (a) aggregate, succulent and indehiscent (b) aggregate, succulent and dehiscent (c) multiple, succulent and indehiscent (d) multiple, succulent and dehiscent 20. The following are dry indehiscent fruits EXCEPT ______ (a) achene (b) cypsela (c) caryopsis (d) schizocarp 21. Which of the following fruits is a capsule? (a) mango (b) coconut (c) apple (d) okra 22. Follicle fruit usually dehisces along ____ (a) ventral suture (b) dorsal suture (c) both sutures (d) only one of the sutures 23. Dry fruit that breaks up into many single seeded parts is ____ (a) achenial (b) capsular (c) schizocarpic (d) follicular 24. The indehiscent single seeded parts of schizocarps are called ______ (a) cremocarp (b) mericarps (c) exocarps (d) cocci 25. Fruit of groundnut is ________ while fruit of okra is ______ (a) capsule, berry (b) pod, capsule (c) capsule, pod (d) berry, capsule 26. Dry fruit formed from bilocular superior ovary and dehiscing into two valves from base to the apex is a/an _________________ Numzy@fruits2022/23 NAME: ____________________________________ DATE: ____________________________________ 1. Numzy@fruits2022/23