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IB PYP Authorization Action Plan Template

Chart 3: Action plan
Schools are required to use this template in planning their submission for authorization. It is organized according to the headings of the Programme standards and practices.
School objectives will be defined considering the IB requirements for authorization to offer the PYP, as stated in the document Guide to school authorization: Primary Years Programme.
Add rows as necessary.
A: Philosophy
The school’s educational beliefs and values reflect IB philosophy.
Date to be
Person/group responsible for
achieving this objective
Budgetary implications
Evidence of achievement
or of progress towards
achievement of the objective
School community
demonstrates an
understanding of, and
commitment to, the
Leadership and
Pedagogical leaders will
attend IB training in order to
implement programmes with
On going
Leadership and faculty
Registration at IB training
Registration documents
School places importance
on language learning,
including mother tongues,
host country language and
other language.
Leadership and
Pedagogical leaders will
attend IB training and
language development
training in order to
implement programmes with
fidelity and meet IB
language requirements.
On going
Leadership and faculty
Registrations for various
professional developments as
Registration documents
School implements
programmes as inclusive for
all students.
Leadership and
Pedagogical leaders will
attend IB training in order to
implement programmes with
Leadership and faculty
None at this time
Programme of Inquiry display board
and lesson planning and
collaboration documents provided to
IB Coordinators by faculty.
B: Organization
B1: Leadership and structure
The school’s leadership and administrative structures ensure the implementation of the Primary Years Programme.
School developed
governance and leadership
that supports the
implementation of the
ACT leaders are elected
yearly and CLT leaders are
elected every two years.
School developed policies
and procedures that support
the programmes.
Date to be
Person/group responsible for
achieving this objective
Budgetary implications
Evidence of achievement
or of progress towards
achievement of the objective
Head of school, IB coordinator and
None at this time
Review CIP goals set for the 20152016 school year
Head of School, Assistant Principal,
IB coordinator, and CLT
None at this time
Student and teacher handbooks and
PBIS procedures to support policies
and procedures
B2: Resources and support
The school’s resources and support structures ensure the implementation of the Primary Years Programme.
Date to be
Person/group responsible for
achieving this objective
Budgetary implications
Evidence of achievement
or of progress towards
achievement of the objective
School ensures that
teachers and administrators
received IB recognized
professional development.
Pedagogical leaders have
been registered for IB
Training over the summer.
Additional teachers will be
registered throughout the
Leadership and faculty
None at this time
Registration documentation
Student schedule allows for
the requirements of the
programmes to be met.
Leadership and pedagogical
leaders will ensure that the
master schedule allows for
appropriate time for
programme implementation
Leadership and pedagogical leader
None at this time
Master schedule document
C: Curriculum
C1: Collaborative planning
Collaborative planning and reflection supports the implementation of the Primary Years Programme.
Date to be
Person/group responsible for
achieving this objective
Budgetary implications
Evidence of achievement
or of progress towards
achievement of the objective
Collaborative reflection and
planning addresses the
requirements of the
Planning and collaboration
time will be scheduled
throughout the school year
in order to facilitate
reflection of the curriculum.
On going
Leadership and faculty
None at this time
Meeting agendas and sign-in sheets
Collaborative planning and
reflection addresses vertical
and horizontal articulation.
Planning and collaboration
time will be organized in a
manner that allows for
grade levels to meet
horizontally and vertically.
On going
Leadership and faculty
None at this time
Meeting agendas and sign-in sheets
Collaborative planning and
reflection ensures that all
teachers have an overview
of students’ learning
Planning and collaboration
time will be scheduled
throughout the school year
in order to facilitate
teachers’ understanding of
all students’ learning
experiences across grade
On going
Leadership and faculty
None at this time
Meeting agendas and sign-in sheets
C2: Written curriculum
The school’s written curriculum reflects IB philosophy.
Date to be
Person/group responsible for
achieving this objective
Budgetary implications
Evidence of achievement
or of progress towards
achievement of the objective
The written curriculum is
comprehensive and aligns
with the requirements of the
Planning and collaboration
time will be scheduled
during the summer, at the
beginning of the school
year, and throughout the
school year in order to
ensure alignment of district
curriculum with the
requirements of the
On going
Leadership and faculty
None at this time
Programme of Inquiry display board
and lesson planning and
collaboration documents.
Written curriculum identifies
the knowledge, concepts,
skills, and attitudes to be
developed over time.
Planning and collaboration
time will be scheduled
during the summer, at the
beginning of the school
year, and throughout the
school year in order to
ensure alignment of district
curriculum with the
requirements of the
On going
Leadership and faculty
None at this time
Programme of Inquiry display board
and lesson planning and
collaboration documents provided to
IB Coordinators by faculty.
Written curriculum
incorporates relevant
experiences for students.
Planning and collaboration
time will be scheduled
during the summer, at the
beginning of the school
year, and throughout the
school year in order to
ensure alignment of district
curriculum with the
requirements of the
On going
Leadership and faculty
None at this time
Programme of Inquiry display board
and lesson planning and
collaboration documents provided to
IB Coordinators by faculty.
Written curriculum promotes
students’ awareness of
individual, local, national,
and world issues.
Planning and collaboration
time will be scheduled
during the summer, at the
beginning of the school
year, and throughout the
school year in order to
ensure alignment of district
curriculum with the
requirements of the
On going
Leadership and faculty
None at this time
Programme of Inquiry display board
and lesson planning and
collaboration documents provided to
IB Coordinators by faculty.
Written curriculum is
informed by current IB
publications and is reviewed
regularly to incorporate
developments in the
Planning and collaboration
time will be scheduled
during the summer, at the
beginning of the school
year, and throughout the
school year in order to
ensure alignment of district
curriculum with the
requirements of the
On going
Leadership and faculty
None at this time
Programme of Inquiry display board
and lesson planning and
collaboration documents provided to
IB Coordinators by faculty.
C3: Teaching and learning
Teaching and learning reflects IB philosophy.
Date to be
Person/group responsible for
achieving this objective
Budgetary implications
Evidence of achievement
or of progress towards
achievement of the objective
Teaching and learning
aligns with the requirements
of the programmes.
Leadership and faculty will
attend IB recognized
training to ensure alignment
of curriculum with the
programme requirements.
Leadership and faculty
Attend IB Recognized Trainings
Programme of Inquiry display board
and lesson planning and
collaboration documents provided to
IB Coordinators by faculty.
Teaching and learning
engages students as
inquirers and thinkers.
Semesterly, Monthly, and
Weekly collaboration and
planning among leadership
and teachers.
Leadership and faculty
None at this time
Programme of Inquiry display board
and lesson planning and
collaboration documents provided to
IB Coordinators by faculty.
Teaching and learning
builds on what students
know and can do.
Pre-assessments will be
completed in order to gather
data and plan for scaffolding
and differentiated instruction
Leadership and faculty
None at this time
Programme of Inquiry display board
and lesson planning and
collaboration documents provided to
IB Coordinators by faculty.
Teaching and learning
differentiates instruction to
meet students’ learning
needs and styles.
Data collection and analysis
will be conducted in order to
specify the type and degree
of differentiation needed for
Leadership and faculty
None at this time
Programme of Inquiry display board
and lesson planning and
collaboration documents provided to
IB Coordinators by faculty.
Teaching and learning
fosters a stimulating
learning environment based
on understanding and
Semesterly, Monthly, and
Weekly planning and
Leadership and faculty
None at this time
Programme of Inquiry display board
and lesson planning and
collaboration documents provided to
IB Coordinators by faculty.
C4: Assessment
Assessment at the school reflects IB assessment philosophy.
Date to be
Person/group responsible for
achieving this objective
Budgetary implications
Evidence of achievement
or of progress towards
achievement of the objective
Assessment at the school
aligns with the requirements
of the programmes.
Leadership and faculty will
attend IB recognized
training to ensure alignment
with the programme
Leadership and faculty
Attend IB recognized training
IB registration documents
The school has systems for
reporting student progress
aligned with the assessment
philosophy of the
Leadership and faculty will
attend IB recognized
training to ensure alignment
with the programme
Leadership and faculty
Attend IB recognized training
IB registration documents
The school analyses
assessment data to inform
teaching and learning.
Weekly planning and
collaboration meetings will
be used to analyse data and
plan accordingly.
Leadership and faculty
None at this time
Currently hold weekly Grade Level
Meetings and 9 week data