Cebu Travel: A Girl Scout's Adventure in the Philippines

It has always been my dream to go in different places even just around Iloilo with my friends, but my
parents' income won't let me since it is spent only for important matter inside the house and school.
Never did I expect in my life that I would get to experience travelling because of my love in joining
campings at school. Last seven years, I was given the chance to spend also seven days of adventure,
bonding, learning, and exploring the Queen City ofq the South, Cebu, with my fellow Girl Scouts. It was
an impulsive decision made by my parents because it was also the time when an earthquake occurred in
Bohol left thousands of infrastructures broken and its adverse effects extended in some parts of Cebu
including our destination. Despite everything, God still allowed my dream to happen.
From Santa Barbara, we took a 1-hour travel by jeep going to Fort San Pedro. While carrying heavy loads,
we transferred in a bus going to the other side of the port where the ferry of Trans Asia is waiting. After
we are all set, the engine started ready to leave Iloilo. Simce it was my first time travellung over the sea
for many long hours, I cannot control the dizziness lingering all over my head. Good thing that my
mother advised me to bring Bonamin, a medicine effective for reducing it. We slept in a 2nd Class
Airconditioned room with other girls coming from variuos places in Iloilo City. Out of boredom, I went
out the room and witnessed the meeting of sea with the night sky. Adding more to the vibe was the cold
breeze embracing all of me. Twelve hours and thirty minutes have passed and finally, we arrived safely
in Cebu! I was shocked because we were welcomed by Badjaos swimming under the ferry asking for a
coin. What was even more shocling was that they were storing the coins we throw inside their mouth.
The moment we stepped down on the grounds of the port, we then took a 20-minute travel going to our
last destination, the Camp Marina.
Getting ready for a week-long escapade, we pitched our tents and rested the whole afternoon. On the
first day until the fourth, we just spent it for activities in Girl scouting such as adventure games,
socialization activities, camp fire, disco, and closing program. On the fifth day onwards, it is where our
tour started. First stop, the temple built by Cebu's sunstantial Chunese Community, Taoist Temple. The
temple is located at Beverly Hills Subdivision, in Lahug, Cebu City. We reached there through a taxi and
the driver was so kind to us talking about his job and how beautiful Cebu City is. The place was so
peaceful and it will not cause you to pay for a fee. Just bear in mind that you have to observe silence
when you enter because it's a place for worship. After taking some pictures, we tried burning Chinese
incense since it is believed by Chinese that it can be a form of prayer or warding off bad luck. I highly
recommend this place if you want to take some time for self-reflection because the overall vibe of the
tenole was just so amazing.
Our second stop was where the battle between the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan and
Mactan Island chieftain Lapu-Lapu happened, Mactan Shrine. Inside was a 20-meter bronze statue of
Lapu-Lapu depicting the history happened in the place. It was built in hinor of their natuve leader LapuLapu because he was the first Filipino to have repelled the European aggression. We continued roaming
around the place and I really felt a deep feeling of realxation beacsue it was an open field where we can
hear loud sound of wind creeping all over our body. Surrounding the shrine are souvenir shops that sell
different kinds of souvenirs starting from ukelele, keychains, t-shirts, pins, and accessories. There are
also fresh seafood restaurants inside the shrine and has clean comfort rooms.
Few meters away from the shrine is the Magellan's Cross with a painting showing Magellan erecting the
cross. Sadly, we cannot stay inside for a very long time and take pictures because of the earthquake
happened on that time. It was under renovation because of the cracks and maybe the debris would fall.
Lastly, completing the whole tour, we went to Basilica Minore del Santo Niño de Cebu. It's just a short
walk going there from Magellan's Cross. The church may look very old, but the faith of Cebuanos still
remained. The church was also not new to hardships because the earthquake caused some of its debris
to fall and since it was built many years ago, bamboos served as its support. We then brought a candle
for just 2 pesos and offered prayer for safety of everyone there. It was a big church with big hearts of
people bound to preserve the culture and history all of them have shared.
Time really went so fast. The seventh day came and it's our time to leave Cebu. I will always look
forward to the memories I created on this historic province with many hospitable Cebuanos and new
found friends from Aklan and Antique. This opportunity has opened a lot of doors for me to lnow myself
more and be responsible of my own self because my parents were not with me. Without my love in
joining campings, I could've lost this chance. On our departure, I sighed because I do not know if when
wil I come back again, but what I am sure of was I brought with me different stories of the people and
places. "................"