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Arduino ESP8266 IoT Development with Proteus

Arduino ESP8266 IoT development platform with Proteus
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Home  IoT  Arduino ESP8266 IoT development platform with Proteus
Arduino ESP8266 IoT development platform with Proteus
Author - ee-diary
 October 12, 2022  3 minute read
IoT(Internet of Things) refers to connecting devices, sensors, actuators, machines called things to the
world wide web computer network. IoT platform refers to physical hardware, software application
technologies used for the development and processing of the IoT application. Here it is illustrated how
one can use Proteus as IoT development platform. Proteus is electronics embedded design software
which can be used for PCB design and circuit simulation of circuit. It also can be used as a IoT
development platform. It is illustrated here a simple example of LED control using web application buil
with Proteus. A user can click on the LED button to switch on or off a physical LED. The LED can just be
replaced with a motor switch, valve etc that is turned on or off using the front panel LED switch button.
As such the example used here can be used to prototype physical hardware and software quickly for
making Industrial IoT application.
Internet of things companies begin with idea implementation of hardware prototype and software
simulation on electronics design software like Proteus. First virtual hardware implementation is
performed on schematic editor. In this case, a physical LED is connected to Arduino Uno and for WiFi o
internet connectivity we have used here ESP8266-12E WiFi module. Using visual designer project in
Proteus we can create the following circuit diagram.
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Arduino ESP8266 IoT development platform with Proteus
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10/12/2022, 10:54 AM
Arduino ESP8266 IoT development platform with Proteus
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In visual designer, we add the ESP8266 IoT peripheral using the Add IoT Peripheral option from the
project tree. We also add the virtual LED using the Add IoT Peripheral. How to do this was illustrated in
the tutorial Proteus Visual Designer tutorial - LED Blink. These peripheral are automatically on the
schematic. Then on the schematic drawing, the LED is connected to the pin 7 of Arduino Uno. The
ESP8266-12E module is connected to the Arduino using the transmit and receive pins. Now this the
embedded system circuit for this tutorial.
Once the hardware circuit implementation prototype is completed we then need to create web
interface and then write the program for the LED switch on and off using button on the web interface.
The IoT web application program is build using the Proteus visual designer and the program is
compiled using the visual designer compiler.
First we have to create the web application interface. Here the web interface consist of just a button
which when pressed and unpressed the LED connected to the Arduino will turns on and off. The web
interface is created using the Add IoT Control in visual designer. The tutorial Temperature Logger with
Proteus IIoT platform explains in details how to make web interface in the visual designer. The following
shows how the web interface looks like when completed.
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Arduino ESP8266 IoT development platform with Proteus
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Once we have made the IoT web interface we next have to write the program for our IoT monitoring
system. In visual designer we write the IoT application using the flowchart programming tool. Here we
just show the flowchart program for turning on and off the LED which is below.
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Arduino ESP8266 IoT development platform with Proteus
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Once we have the flowchart we can then compile the program. If the program is successfully compile
we can then run simulation if it works as expected. The following video shows the simulation.
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Arduino ESP8266 IoT development platform with Proteus
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IoT and IIoT development platform with Proteus
The video shows that when the simulation starts, the web interface with the button is available at the
url http://localhost:8000 which opens within the proteus software. When the button is pressed the LED
will turn on and when it pressed again the LED is turned off. We can also open the same url in google
chrome browser on PC or mobile phone to get the same effect. So we can control the LED using wifi
connection which shows that this is a working IoT connectivity for the LED control.
So here a simple IoT application using visual studio and IoT builder in proteus was illustrated which is
useful for IIoT service development. We can also add other IoT devices like humidity and temperature
sensor and show the data on charts which is useful for monitoring IoT devices that is useful in industria
internet of things service development.
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Temperature Logger with Proteus IIoT platform
Arduino ESP8266 IoT development platform with Proteu
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Arduino ESP8266 IoT development platform with Proteus
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