Interest Rate Risk Measurement: Full Valuation & Duration

Introduction to the
Measurement of Interest
Rate Risk
by Frank J. Fabozzi
PowerPoint Slides by
David S. Krause, Ph.D., Marquette University
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Chapter 7
Introduction to the Measurement of
Interest Rates
• Major learning outcomes:
– Quantifying the amount of risk affected by
changing interest rates
– The two approaches to measuring interest
rate risk:
• Full valuation
• Duration/convexity
Approaches to Measuring
Interest Rate Risk
• There are two approaches to measure interest rate risk:
full valuation approach and duration/convexity approach.
Full Valuation Approach to
Measuring Interest Rate Risk
• The full valuation approach involves revaluing a
bond position (every position in the case of a
portfolio) for a scenario of interest rate changes.
• The advantage of the full valuation approach is
its accuracy with respect to interest rate
exposure for a given interest rate change
scenario—accurate relative to the valuation
model used—but its disadvantage for a large
portfolio is having to revalue each bond for each
Full Valuation Approach to
Measuring Interest Rate Risk
• Exhibit 1 shows the most basic valuation
approach to understanding the impact of
changing interest rates for a bond or a bond
– It assumes a single interest rate for all periods
(remember that this method is only valid with a flat
term structure; however, in this case it is easier to use
and demonstrates the point about interest rate risk).
Full Valuation Approach to
Measuring Interest Rate Risk
Full Valuation Approach for
Measuring Portfolio Interest Rate Risk
• Exhibit 2 shows the basic full valuation approach
to changing interest rates for a bond portfolio
with a parallel shift in the yield curve.
Full Valuation Approach for
Measuring Portfolio Interest Rate Risk
Parallel and Non-Parallel Shifts
in Interest Rates
Original Curve
Full Valuation Approach for Interest
Rate Risk (Non-Parallel Shift in Yields)
• Exhibit 3 shows the basic full valuation approach to
evaluating changing interest rates for a bond
portfolio with a nonparallel shift in the yield curve.
• This approach of examining the change in price
and yield works fine; however, it is quite time
consuming and it would be useful to have a single
measure that could express the amount of interest
rate risk for a single bond or a bond portfolio
without having to compute the full valuation of each
– That’s where the duration measure plays a role.
Full Valuation Approach for Interest
Rate Risk (Non-Parallel Shift in Yields)
• Check spreadsheet
Bond Price/Yield Relationship
• The characteristics of a bond that affect its price volatility
– (1) maturity,
– (2) coupon rate, and
– (3) presence of any embedded options.
• The shape of the price/yield relationship for an option-free
bond is convex.
• The price sensitivity of a bond to changes in the required
yield can be measured in terms of the dollar price change
or percentage price change (Exhibit 4).
Bond Price/Yield Relationship
General Properties Concerning the
Price Volatility of Option-Free Bonds
1. Although bond prices move in the opposite direction from
the change in yield, the percentage price change is not
the same for all bonds.
2. For small changes in yield, the percentage price change
for a given bond is roughly the same, whether the yield
increases or decreases.
3. For large changes in yield, the percentage change is not
the same for an increase in yield as it is for a decrease in
4. For a given large change in yield, the percentage price
increase (with falling rates) is greater than the percentage
price decrease (with increasing rates).
General Bond Properties
• Property 1. In response to a given change
in yield, the percentage change in the
value of all bonds is not the same.
– This is because the convexity of all bonds is
not the same.
– Longer maturity, for example, increases
– Lower coupon increases convexity.
General Bond Properties #1
General Bond Properties (cont’d)
• Property 2. For a very small change in the
yield, the percentage gain and loss is
approximately the same.
– If the yield change is very close to the original
yield, the price-volatility relationship is close to
– The curve is approximately symmetric close to
any one point.
General Bond Properties (cont’d)
• Property 3. For a large change in the yield,
the the percentage gain and loss is not the
– Farther away from the original yield, the pricevolatility relationship is not symmetric.
– The curve is not symmetric over a large range.
General Bond Properties (cont’d)
• Property 4. For a given change in yield,
the effect on price of a decrease in yield
is greater than for an increase in yield.
– If the yield goes down 1%, then the increase
in price is greater than the decrease in price
from the yield going up 1%.
– The slope of the curve is ‘strictly’ increasing.
– The convexity of the curve is the reason for
this effect.
General Bond Properties #3 and 4
Less Convex Bond
Highly Convex Bond
General Bond Properties
• The explanation for properties 3 and 4 come from the
convex shape of the price/yield relationship.
– As can be seen in the graph below, (Y4 – Y3) is a larger change in
yield than (Y2 – Y1,) yet the price change, (P4 – P3), is smaller
than (P2 – P1).
Logic Behind Properties 3 and 4
• As yield increases (decreases), the slope of the price/yield
curve decreases (increases).
• As yield increases, bond prices fall, but this is tempered by
the decline in slope of the curve.
Convexity or Slope of the
Price/Yield Curve is Important
Greater slope
Smaller slope
Original Yield
Price Volatility of Bonds with
Embedded Options
• The price of a bond with an embedded option
consists of two components:
– Value of an option-free bond
– Value of the embedded option
• The most common types of embedded options are
call (or prepay) options and put options.
• Call bonds have a region of the price-yield
relationship that displays negative convexity.
Price-Yield for a Callable Bond
• Part 1: The price-yield for an option-free
bond is convex:
Price-Yield for a Callable Bond
• Part 2: A call option has the following effects
on the price of the option-free bond:
– At high interest rates, the call option has almost
no value (very unlikely to be exercised).
• The price behaves at this point like an option-free
– As interest rates decrease, the call option takes
on negative value because it is more likely to be
• The price behaves at this point differently than an
option-free bond
Price-Yield for a Callable Bond
• Price-yield for a call option:
– At lower yields, the call option has increasing negative value to the
investor  this will result in a negative convexity region in the priceyield relationship.
Price-Yield for a Callable Bond
Combining these, the price - yield relationship for a
callable bond is shown in Exhibit 12 and below:
Option-free bond
Area of negative
Callable bond
Price-Yield for a Callable Bond
• At high interest rates, the prices of callable
and option-free bonds are approximately
the same.
• As interest rates decrease, the price of a
callable bond increases at a slower rate
than does an option-free bond, due to the
increasing negative value of the call option.
Convexity for a Callable Bond
• ‘‘Negative convexity’’ means that for a large change in interest rates,
the amount of the price appreciation is less than the amount of the
price depreciation.
– Option-free bonds exhibit positive convexity.
• ‘‘Positive convexity’’ means that for a large change in interest rates,
the amount of the price appreciation is greater than the amount of the
price depreciation.
• A callable bond exhibits positive convexity at high yield levels and
negative convexity at low yield levels where ‘‘high’’ and ‘‘low’’ yield
levels are relative to the issue’s coupon rate.
• At low yield levels (low relative to the issue’s coupon rate), the price
of a putable bond is basically the same as the price of an option-free
bond because the value of the put option is small; as rates rise, the
price of a putable bond declines, but the price decline is less than
that for an option-free bond.
Price-Yield for a Callable Bond
• Convexity
– Option-free bonds have positive convexity
through their range
– Below y* (in Exhibit 12) callable bonds have
negative convexity
• This means that (contrary to an option-free
bond) the absolute change in price is less as
interest rates decline than when they rise.
Exhibit 12. Negative and Positive
Convexity of a Callable Bond
Option-free bond:
positive convexity
Callable bond at the call range: negative convexity
Valuing a Callable or Putable Bond
• A great advantage in analyzing bonds with
embedded options is that it is possible to separate
the value and characteristics of the bond from
those of the option.
• Callable (putable) bond price
= straight bond price –(+) call (put) option price
• Putable bonds have a lower positive convexity
than an option-free bond
Price/Yield Relationship for a
Putable Bond
Convexity of Putable Bonds
Putable bond: smaller
positive convexity
Convexity of Mortgage-Backed Bonds
Higher prepayment risk at low
interest: negative convexity
Lesser prepayment hence
“extension” risk: negative convexity
Mortgaged-backed bonds
Duration – The Other Approach to
Analyzing Bond Price Volatility
• Duration is measure of the approximate
price sensitivity of a bond to interest rate
– It is the approximate percentage change in price
for a 100 basis point change in interest rates.
• It is the first (linear) approximation of the percentage
price change.
• To improve the duration approximation, an
adjustment for “convexity” will be made. This is
known as the duration/convexity approach.
Calculating Duration
Fabozzi’s Equation (1)
• Duration = (V- - V+) / 2(V0)(Δy)
– Where
• Δy = change in yield in decimal
• V0 = initial price
• V- = price if yields decline by Δy
• V+ = price if yields increase by Δy
– Example
• Δy = .002, V0 = 134.6722, V- = 137.5888, and V+ = 131.8439
• Duration = (137.5888 – 131.8439)/2(134.6722)(.002) = 10.66
• Duration - It can be thought of as the price
sensitivity of a bond (or a portfolio of bonds) to
changes in interest rates.
• A zero coupon bond that matures in n years has
a duration of n years
• A coupon bearing bond maturing in n years has
a duration of less than n years, because the
holder receives some of the cash payments prior
to year n.
• Duration is a first approximation of a bond’s price or a
portfolio’s value to interest rate changes.
• To improve the estimate provided by duration, a
convexity adjustment can be used.
• Using duration combined with a convexity adjustment to
estimate the percentage price change of a bond to
changes in interest rates is called the duration/convexity
approach to interest rate risk measurement.
• Duration does a good job of estimating the percentage
price change for a small change in interest rates but the
estimation becomes poorer the larger the change in
interest rates.
Duration for Bonds
with Embedded Options
• For bonds with embedded options, the problem with using a small
shock to estimate duration is that divergences between actual and
estimated price changes are magnified by dividing by a small change
in rate in the denominator of the duration formula; in addition, small
rate shocks that do not reflect the types of rate changes that may
occur in the market do not permit the determination of how prices
can change because expected cash flows may change.
• For bonds with embedded options, if large rate shocks are used the
asymmetry caused by convexity is encountered; in addition, large
rate shocks may cause dramatic changes in the expected cash flows
for bonds with embedded options that may be far different from how
the expected cash flows will change for smaller rate shocks.
Modified and Effective Duration
• Modified duration is the approximate percentage change in a bond’s
price for a 100 basis point change in yield assuming that the bond’s
expected cash flows do not change when the yield changes.
• In calculating the values to be used in the numerator of the duration
formula, for modified duration the cash flows are not assumed to
change and therefore, the change in the bond’s price when the yield
is changed is due solely to discounting at the new yield levels.
• Effective duration is the approximate percentage change in a bond’s
price for a 100 basis point change in yield assuming that the bond’s
expected cash flows do change when the yield changes.
• Modified duration is appropriate for option-free bonds; effective
duration should be used for bonds with embedded options.
Modified and Effective Duration
Modified and Effective Duration
• The difference between modified duration and effective
duration for bonds with an embedded option can be quite
• Macaulay duration is mathematically related to modified
duration and is therefore a flawed measure of the
duration of a bond with an embedded option.
• Interpretations of duration in temporal terms (i.e., some
measure of time) or calculus terms (i.e., first derivative of
the price/yield relationship) are operationally meaningless
and should be avoided.
Error in Estimating Price
Based on Duration Only
Error in estimating price based
only on duration
Actual Price
Tangent line
Implications of Tangent Line
Duration Approximation
• Duration is good for estimating the impact of small
interest rate changes.
• It is not as accurate for large interest rate movements.
• The duration estimate is less accurate, the more
convex the bond price/yield relationship.
• The tangent line (duration approximation) always
underestimates the actual price.
• This only works for option-free bonds.
Interpretation of Duration
• Don’t make this out to be ‘rocket science’
– While duration is the first derivative of the bond’s
price/yield function, it is simply a measure of the
approximate percentage price change for a 100 basic
point change in interest rates.
• It is possible for two bonds to have the same
duration, but different convexity and to behave
differently across large interest rate changes.
Portfolio Duration
• The duration for a portfolio is equal to the market-value
weighted duration of each bond in the portfolio.
• In applying portfolio duration to estimate the sensitivity of
a portfolio to changes in interest rates, it is assumed that
the yield for all bonds in the portfolio change by the same
• The duration measure indicates that regardless of
whether interest rates increase or decrease, the
approximate percentage price change is the same;
however, this is not a property of a bond’s price volatility
for large changes in yield.
• None of the previous price-volatility
measures capture the non-linearity or
curvature of that relationship.
– These measures are only approximate.
– These measure are only good locally.
• We need an additional factor to capture the
curvature of the relationship.
Pricing Error and Convexity
Pricing error due to
Convexity Adjustment
• A convexity adjustment can be used to improve the
estimate of the percentage price change obtained using
duration, particularly for a large change in yield.
• The convexity adjustment is the amount that should be
added to the duration estimate for the percentage price
change in order to obtain a better estimate for the
percentage price change.
• The same distinction made between modified duration
and effective duration applies to modified convexity
adjustment and effective convexity adjustment.
Convexity Adjustment for a Bond
with an Embedded Option
• For a bond with an embedded option that
exhibits negative convexity at some yield
level, the convexity adjustment will be
Convexity Adjustment
• The formula for the convexity adjustment to the
percentage price change is:
C times (change in the yield) squared times 100
C x (Δy)2 x 100
• Where C is the change in price not explained by duration
• Remember that: Duration = (V- - V+) / 2(V0)(Δy)
– Where
Δy = change in yield in decimal
V0 = initial price
V- = price if yields decline by Δy
V+ = price if yields increase by Δy
Calculating Convexity for a 200
Basis Point Change
• C = (V- + V+ - 2(V0)) / 2(V0) (Δy)2
– Where
Δy = change in yield in decimal
V0 = initial price
V- = price if yields decline by Δy
V+ = price if yields increase by Δy
– Example
• Δy = .002, V0 = 134.6722, V- = 137.5888, and V+ = 131.8439
• C = (131.8439 +137.5888 – 2 (134.6722) / 2(134.6722)(.002)2
= 81.95
• Convexity Adjustment = 81.95 x (.002)^2 x 100 = 3.28%
Calculating Duration for a 200
Basis Point Change
• Duration = (V- - V+) / 2(V0)(Δy)
– Where
Δy = change in yield in decimal
V0 = initial price
V- = price if yields decline by Δy
V+ = price if yields increase by Δy
– Example
• Δy = .002, V0 = 134.6722, V- = 137.5888, and V+ =
• Duration = (137.5888 – 131.8439)/2(134.6722)(.002) =
• 200 basis point change would be:
– 2 x 10.66 / 100 = -21.32%
Calculating the Price Change for a
200 Basis Point Change
• Estimated change for a yield going from 6% to
– Estimated change using duration = -21.32%
– Convexity adjustment = +3.28%
– Total est. percentage change = -18.04%
• Estimated change for a yield going from 4% to
– Estimated change using duration = +21.32%
– Convexity adjustment = +3.28%
– Total est. percentage change = +24.60%
Price Value
of a Basis Point Change
• The price value of a basis point (or dollar
value of an 01) is the change in the price of
a bond for a 1 basis point change in yield.
• The price value of a basis point is the same
as the estimated dollar price change using
duration for a 1 basis point change in yield.
Yield Volatility
• Yield volatility must be recognized in
estimating the interest rate risk of a bond
and a portfolio.
• Value-at-risk is a measure that ties together
the duration of a bond and yield volatility.