Uploaded by Christian R. Decelis

Multiple Intelligences: Rizal Reflection

Christian R. Decelis
February 21,2020
Mr. Marimla
An ability to learn things, solve problems and apply such learnings to life; this is known as
intelligence. Each and every one of us attain different intelligence. Whether it lies upon logical
reasoning, kinesthetics, intrapersonal well-being, visual, interpersonal communication,
naturalistic, music and etc. This intelligence is what makes us unique. It is what makes us who we
are and special to anyone. We were made with our own capabilities and specialties that hopefully
each and every one of us could use in a positive and effective way.
Just like how known people today makes the most out of their intelligences, there are
people who attain more than one specific intelligence that provide them to think productively and
fruitfully upon life, arriving decisions and perspective. Without going far, our national hero, Dr.
Jose P. Rizal is said to be one of them.
Dr. Jose P. Rizal indeed shown a great set of intelligence known not just upon the movie
we watched but also upon everyone passionately studying his mere life. As a hero, authentic doctor
of ophthalmology, naturalist, a sociable citizen, linguistic and etc., surely, he does have multiple
intelligence embodied to him. Multiple Intelligence is divided into different types. The following
includes Logical: scientific and mathematics skills, Linguistic: rhetorical, grammar and literature,
Kinesthetics: bodily movements and activities, Music: genres and instruments, Intrapersonal:
connection to oneself, Interpersonal: social communication, Visual: art appreciation, masterpieces,
Naturalist: making great use of the nature and surroundings, Spatial: formulating phenomena ahead
and visualization and Existential: the human existence. The following attains different
characteristics and field of interest all with equal reputation. To be explain within this essay is
some of the seen multiple intelligence Rizal has in the movie portrayed by Mr. Albert Martinez.
First, Rizal obviously beholds a logical intelligence. From his knowledge in medicine, it
shows that Rizal beholds technical skills and capabilities. He engaged into experiments into fields
of botany, zoology, ophthalmology, mathematics, sciences and geography. Ever since he was a
child, he has a curios mind into the world processes and nature. He was also said to have high
proficiency when it comes into Chemistry and Physics as said to his studies in Ateneo. Same goes
to his studies in UST wherein he shows excellency into some of his subjects relating to
ophthalmology and medicine.
Second intelligence Rizal has is the linguistic intelligence. From all of the literature Rizal
has wrote surely it embodies his passion and skills when it comes into rhetoric and linguistics. He
has excelled knowing 26 different languages from all of his expenditures inside and outside of our
country. He knows dialects within the most rural parts of the country. Rizal also engaged into
translating texts and messages into Spanish, English, Filipino, German and etc. He is very critical
especially when it comes into literature writing. We all know some of his notable works such as
the Noli Me Tangere, El Filibusterismo, editions of La Solidaridad, poems, poetries and narratives
he wrote a decades ago. He had his power with a pen and it gradually causes the freedom of our
very own country; a very literate man indeed.
Third, Rizal has shown the intelligence in interpersonal communications. Rizal was known
into making good communication within his co-leagues. Rizal was part of numerous communities
that he had joined from all of his expedition. From the group of scientists, he had meddled when
he was abroad, his community in Dapitan in which results into people loving him and coining him
as the savior of Philippine phenomena and existence before, his family, constituents, patients and
students. He surely is genuine when it comes into building relationship within his community. He
was influential before especially for the Filipinos and on his take when it comes into fighting the
hardship under the Spanish colonization. He surely knows how to lead, talk, influence,
communicate and makes the people understand.
Last intelligence that Rizal had is on his spatial abilities wherein he executed his skills
when it come into imagining and putting his ideas into life. Given in Dapitan, he showcases his
skills in Engineering as he made effective water ways for the society. He also made Dapitan out
from the dark as he also made lightworks towards the whole community. He also created schools
and hospitals for the needy that became really beneficial for his whole community in Dapitan. He
also is engaged into creating business enterprises perfect for harnessing money for daily needs. He
also presented a giant map of the Philippines taught and open for public. Lastly, he also teaches
fisherman’s and farmers into weaving and hammock that is perfect upon giving them job to be
busy on and life to look upon on.
Given with all of this intelligence and still it doesn't end there, Rizal surely embodies a
very ideal and holistic example of a notable individual to gain and attain into positivity multiple