Business Research Methods SESSION 1 BY Muhammad Faisal Sultan t Professor (Khadim Ali Shah Bukhari Institute of Tec The Nature of Business and Management Research Research is defined as careful Topic/Unit 1 consideration of study Research Defining regarding a particular concern or problem using scientific methods. According to the American sociologist Earl Robert Babbie, “Research is a systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict, and control the observed phenomenon. It involves inductive and deductive methods.” “Research is essentially an investigation, a recording and an analysis of evidence for the purpose of gaining knowledge.” It can generally be defined as a systematic method of finding solutions to problems. (Robert Ross) When NOT To Conduct Research When there is a need spontaneous response of When there is no data or need of manipulation of data When cost is higher than he benefit When ethics sacrificed When the benefit is not for masses When the conduction is against law When the is for short period of time Reference: Saunders Lewis and Thornhill . are getting Types of Research With Respect to Nature BASIC RESEARCH (Search) APPLIED RESEARCH With Respect to Significance THEORATICAL RESEARCH STATE OF ART RESEARCH PERVASIVE RESEARCH With Respect to APPLICATION ACADEMIC RESEARCH PRAGMATIC RESEARCH With Respect to Time Horizon CROSS SECTIONAL RESEARCH LONGITUDNAL RESEARCH Reference: Sekaran & Bougie “Research Methods for Business” Sunders, Lewis, Thornhill & Baristow “Research Methods for Business Students” Scientific Method and Its Use in Research Reference: Saunders Lewis and Thornhill . Use of Software in Research FOR PRIMARY DATA SPSS (Software Packs for Social Sciences) on Primary Data mostly AMOS (Analysis of Movement of structure) for SEM Based analysis SMART-PLS for skewed and smaller data sets for SEM Based Analysis Reference: Saunders Lewis and Thornhill . FOR SECONDARY DATA Starta E-Views (Econometrics Views) FOR QUALITAITVE DATA N-Vivo THANK YOU