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Dissertation Outline: Chapter 3 Methodology

• Chapter 3 – Methodology
• Start this chapter by telling the reader how this chapter links to the Literature
Review and what they are going to learn from this chapter
• You can start the main body of this chapter with the definition and importance
of research methodology. Then you can discuss about the definition and types
of research processes/procedures. For example, the steps suggested by
Saunders et al. (2011) in Research Methods Onion are shown in the following
Source: Saunders, M. N., Saunders, M., Lewis, P., & Thornhill, A. (2011) Research methods for
business students, 5/e. Pearson Education India
Dissertation Outline (…continue)
Chapter 3 – Methodology
• For each and every step define and discuss some of the important options and then
identify the suitable one with the justification. Basically you need to identify which
one (in each step) is most suitable for this study and justify your choice.
• Sampling: sampling method, sample size? Must be theoretically justified
• Data collection and analysis: methods (e.g. focus groups, interviews, survey)?
Must be theoretically justified
• End this chapter by telling the reader what they have learned from this chapter
and how it links to the Findings chapter