Labs: T2DM: HBA1c-8.5 HTN: 145/96 Wt. 108kg Meds: T2DM: Metformin 1000mg bid, HTN: lisinoprilhydrochlorothiazid e 20mg/25mg qd, and HDL: atorvastatin 40mg qhs. NKDA. Mr. Cepeda is admitted with sudden onset of facial droop, slurred speech, and right sided weakness Outcomes: 1. Pt will teach back 3 exercises to promote condition. 2. Pt will have resources available to use appropriately 3. Pt. will perform self-care activities within level of own ability Med Hx: T2DM dx 2013, HTN dx 2007, and HLD dx 2011. No recent hospitalizations Surg Hx: None Family Hx: Father deceased at 65yo from ischemic heart disease; 45yo brother HTN. Social Hx: Tobacco use ½ PPD for 35 years. Alcohol use 4-6 six beers every Friday night. Bus driver for DOE. No regular physical activity for many years. Does not follow any special diet. DX: Ischemic Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) Obstructed arterial blood flow and oxygen to the brain due to thrombus formation or hypoperfusion related to decreased blood volume or heart failure. Epidemiology: Every year, more than 795,000 people in the United States have a stroke. About 610,000 of these are first or new strokes. About 185,000 strokes— nearly 1 in 4—are in people who have had a previous stroke. About 87% of all strokes are ischemic strokes, in which blood flow to the brain is blocked. Risk Factors: High BP, Heart Disease, Smoking, Diabetes, Obesity, Overconsumption of alcohol, gender, genetics Prevention: Exercise, decrease or stop smoking, limit alcohol intake, bp maintenance meds Etiology: Mr.C has T2DM, HTN, Obesity, smoking history, HLD which will damage blood vessels and increase the chances of stroke that will lead to CVA. Physical inactivity Increased Weight Tobacco Usage Nursing Dx: Self-care deficit r/t Neuromuscular impairment as evidenced by Extremity weakness Nursing Mgmt: 1. Assist but promote independence 2. Positive feedback. 3. Provide selfhelp devices Activation of RAAS Nicotine S/S: Right sided facial sensation is decreased to pinprick, R sided facial droop, Gag reflex absent, Uvula deviation to the left Right Upper Extremities 0/5; Right Lower Extremities 2/5 Obesity Vasoconstriction Increased RBP4, Lipolysis, IL-6, Leptin and decreased Adiponectin Increase Cardiac Output Increased BP Clot Formation Clot Travels Increased Resistin S/S: Polyuria and Polydipsia Decrease Insulin Secretion Hyperglycemia Hypertension Labs: Blood Glucose - 102 Nursing Dx: Impaired verbal Communication r/t neuromuscular impairment and loss of oral muscle tone as evidenced by dysarthria Nursing Mgmt:1. Ask the patient to follow simple commands, repeat simple words or sentences. 2. Point to objects and name them. 3. Promote communication Occlusion of the left internal carotid artery Glomerular Damage BUN: 20 Perfusion images showed a large region of hypoperfusion of the left MCA territory Neurological damage S/S: bruit in left carotid artery