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philo test.docx

One normative ethics analyzes why are actions considered as right or wrong
Answer is false
It is a philosophical science which asks on how things arise among others
answer cosmology
It is in the philosophical science where, among others, the question what makes a right conduct
right? Is being asked
answer ethics
it is a type of ethics that prescribes what is the right thing to be done
answer is normative ethics
he declared that questions are more important than answers for answers will later become
Answer is Karl jaspers
it is that which asks on what human beings know and how would they know
Answer epistemology
It is that which implies correct application of knowledge
answer is wisdom
it is that branch of philosophy that investigates and the underlying principles of all things that
answer is ontology
It is where ethics in early Greek tradition is related to
answer is good life
it is being investigated and studied in philosophy
answer is beings
get this a Greek word that is literally understood as soul or mind
answer is psyche
it is that specific philosophical branch that investigates on the world, man's mind, and God
answer is special metaphysics
The question on what is good is treated specifically in ethics
answer is false
the moral issue on abortion will only be understood in metaethics
answer is false
morality is a theory regarding what is right and wrong action
answer is false
metaethics commands every human being what ought to be done and avoided
answer is false
X he claimed that logos is the underlying principle of all that is
answer is Heraclitus
it is not philosophical science which Aristotle called as the foundation of philosophy
business ethics is a branch of ethics
ethics tells students on what they ought to do and follow the right way
files false
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it is a philosophical science where the structures and limitations of knowledge are properly
it implies the individuals desire to acquire knowledge and apply it correctly
love of wisdom
But this where known first philosopher came from
it is in this tradition wherein ethics is related with doing what is right
judeo Christian tradition
it is in this study where one can know how to make a good reasoning
it is that ethical type that regulates what needs to be done and what needs to be avoided
normative ethics
they are the people who are concerned with individual moral problems such as abortion and
euthanasia among others
It is where pythagoras migrated and founded the pythagorean Brotherhood
he coined the term theodicy
he was the first to declare that wonder is the only beginning of philosophy
quiz 2
The following are degrees of voluntariness except
it is not which is present in a human act that is wild in itself
direct voluntariness
it is not voluntariness that is present in the human act of not doing what one is ought to do
it is human acts quality which makes the agent does the act out of his own choice
Virtual voluntariness is present in an act done as a result of a former elicited actual intention
it is how one calls on a human act that the agent indirectly willed
voluntary in cause
one of the following are types of human acts in reference to their complete cost as human acts
commanded and elicited
a directly will human act is called voluntary in itself
Without consent the agent's intention is not a true one
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the following are kinds of human acts in relation to the dictates of reason exexcept
voluntariness simply implies doing an action freely
Voluntariness is blank when the doer off the act intends and wills it fully
it refers to a kind of human act that starts from the will and ends with it
Without freedom an app will still be called human act
a human act always proceeds from man's deliberation
through for me but false for Sir
it refers to the free wills satisfaction for every fulfilled intention
an action is called actos humanos if the following are present in it
voluntariness for Sir but all of the other three choices for me
It is present in a human act performed which stands in agreement with the formerly unrevoked
actual intention
habitual voluntariness
the agent is responsible for the evil effect of course he directly will when
all of the other three are present
it is a kind of voluntariness present in the wish of the agent to do something other than what he
is doing with dislike
quiz 3
Circumstances which are not gravely evil make the bad act partially good and partially evil
cheating during exams is performed from an with fear
it refers to that which does not agree with the norm of morality in any of the moral
Bad act
a morally invincible ignorant person will always face the impute ability of his actions
an act performed under affected ignorance excuses the agent from responsibility
it is a degree of ignorance where the agent is unsuccessful and removing it due to UN
persevering effort
simply vincible
singing is morally evil when the singer is out of TuneIn doing it
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indifferent acts must agree on the agents motive and the circumstances for which they are done
for them to be called morally good
it is that ignorance which accompanies an act that would've been then even if ignorance did not
concomitant ignorance
it is that which is considered primarily and looking into the morality of any human act
the object
it is the effect on an evil act when the agent performs it for an evil end
becomes worse
indifferent human actions are by themselves if they're good or bad
An act done with fear is a voluntary act
they are those whos rightness and wrongness are known not by themselves but by the end of
the agent and the circumstances that surround them
in different acts
stealing milk and the grocery to feed a one month old baby is in no way a moral act
it is an ignorance which follows up on an act of the will
consequent ignorance
antecedent passions make human acts less human
It is a type of fear when human actions are done because of it
from fear
an intrinsically evil act needs to disagree with the agent's motive and the circumstances for it to
be truly an evil act
it refers to ignorance of the nature of the act as forbidden
ignorance of fact
The acts performed by an insane agent are human acts
It refers to the approximate basis of the rightness and wrongness of a human act
human reason or conscience
it refers to the final subjective end of every human act
perfect happiness
they are the basis of morality four acts that are neither good nor bad in themselves
motives and circumstances
the agent is not responsible for his acts when consequent hatred enables him to perform certain
It refers to what naturally the act tends to
end of the act
a vincibly ignorant person has less responsibility on his actions
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it is the judgment of human reason in recognizing the eternal law in every human act
it is a type of concupiscence which comes into action even without the command of the will
morality is described as the agreement and disagreement of an act with reason
The morality of an act may increase due to the agents goal and the circumstances
human acts are good if by themselves they are already good
it implies the lack of intellectual knowledge in men
negative ignorance
one can be excused from responsibility of his acts done from fear
It is that determinant which describes how the human act is performed
circumstance of manner
one cannot be made fully responsible for the effect of an act done by antecedent horror
a Catholic experience is negative ignorance when she does not know her faith's holy day of
they could affect the important characteristics of human acts and so make them less human
vincible ignorance and antecedent concupiscence
It refers to the understanding of morality as the relationship of the human act with its norm
definition of morality
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