TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE 2.0 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 2.1 2.2 3.0 SUBSTATION BUILDING 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 General Fire Hazard of Oil-Filled Equipment Transformers Outdoor Installation of Oil-Filled Transformers Oil-Filled Capacitors Oil-Filled Reactors Structures and Supports Oil/ SF6 Cable Termination (Sealing End) CABLES 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 6.0 Location Construction Fire Resistance Ratings Equipment Layout Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) System Emergency Exits Fire Exit Hardware Fire Detection and Alarm System Fire Suppression Systems OIL-FILLED EQUIPMENT 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 5.0 General Safety Practices General Fire Hazard of Cables Cable Installation Practices Cable penetration Fire Stops, Fire Breaks and Coatings MISCELLANEOUS HAZARDS 6.1 6.2 Batteries Combustable Materials TESP11921R0/MSC Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 2 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD 6.3 7.0 TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 Heating Equipment SAFETY AND FIRST AID EQUIPMENT 7.1 7.2 First Aid Equipment Safety Equipment 8.0 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS 9.0 SYSTEM TESTS & ACCEPTANCE 10.0 TYPE OF DETECTING & ACTUATING MEANS FOR VARIOUS AREAS 11.0 BIBLOGRAPHY TESP11921R0/MSC Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 3 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD 1.0 TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE 1.1 This Standard provides the guidelines for fire and loss prevention requirements in the design of substation facilities. 1.2 The objectives of this Standard are: 1.2.1. To specify the fire and loss prevention requirements of substations and incorporate the fire protection system, fire alarm and detection systems applicable to substations. 1.2.2. To incorporate safety requirements in the overall building design of substations. 2.0 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 2.1 General The design of a substation shall incorporate and ensure the safety and protection features of the substation, such as substation shielding, insulation coordination, surge protection, relaying, grounding, fire protection system, fire detection and alarm system and other protective systems and devices intended to ensure the reliability of the substation. 2.2 Safety Practices 2.2.1 2.2.2 Physical Layout a. Pipes, pull boxes, stands and operating platforms shall be located in areas not normally used as paths by operators. b. Substations classified as "Vital" per TES-S-101 (SSD) shall have a clear zone per TES-S-101.02 (SSD/1) and TES-S-101.03 (SSD/2). Safety and Maintenance Clearances Safety and maintenance clearances for electrical equipment shall be per TESP-119.08. 2.2.3 Lighting and Receptacles Exit and emergency lighting, security perimeter, gatehouses, check points and yard lighting in the substations, lighting accessories and power receptacles shall be designed in accordance with TES-P-119.25. TESP11921R0/MSC Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 4 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD 2.2.4 2.2.5 TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 Fencing and Boundary Wall a. Substation fencing and boundary walls shall comply with the requirements of TES-P-119.19. b. The perimeter fence/boundary walls shall be provided with warning signs "Danger High Voltage with Bones and Skull" conforming to standard drawing SE-036809 and "Danger High Voltage Keep Away" conforming to standard drawing SB-036084 on each outer periphery side of the fence and at every 36 meters. Where the length of one side of the boundary wall/fence exceeds 36 meters, such signs shall be installed equidistant from the corner posts. In addition, such warning signs shall be installed at the gate(s) of the substation perimeter fence. Shielding To minimize the exposure of direct lightning strokes on substations and substation equipment, shielding shall be provided per TES-P-119.07. 2.2.6 Grounding A permanent protective grounding system designed per TES-P-119.10 shall be installed in the substation. All equipment and non-current carrying metal parts of the fire detection and alarm system shall be grounded. Insulated grounding conductor shall be colored green with yellow stripes with size per TES-P-119-10. 2.2.7 Fault-Sensing and Interrupting Devices The proper relaying or fault-sensing devices in combination with interrupting devices shall protect all circuits and equipment. The combination of devices used shall isolate the fault before any further and more serious problems occur. 2.2.8 Marking and Identification of Equipment All fire fighting equipment and facilities, hydrants and associated piping, substation electrical and mechanical equipment including auxiliary devices shall be properly marked, labeled and/or color coded for correct identification. Color coding where applicable shall be in accordance with SES-H-001.01. The space behind the wall mounted portable fire extinguishers shall be painted with post office red color. TESP11921R0/MSC Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 5 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD 3.0 TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 SUBSTATION BUILDING 3.1 Location All the substation buildings shall be located such that sufficient clearances as recommended in NFPA 70 are maintained between the potential fire risks (oil-filled transformers, oil-filled circuit breakers, neighboring plants) and substation building. Any credible fire from any potential fire risks shall not involve or affect the operation of equipment within the substation building. 3.2 Construction 3.2.1 General The substation buildings (control buildings, switchgear buildings) shall be of fire resistant construction equivalent to Type I-(443) construction as defined by ANSI/NFPA 220. Each room inside the substations such as control room, GIS room, switchgear room, battery room, telecom room, etc., are to be considered as fire compartments. 3.2.2 Vital Installations Substation buildings in facilities designated as "vital installations" by the High Commission on Industrial Security (HCIS) shall be constructed in accordance with TES-S-101.11 (SSD/9), Building Housing Vital Equipment. Vital is further defined by HCIS as “any piece of equipment vulnerable to sabotage, in or connected with a vital installation, where destruction or damage would result in unaccepatble interruption of the installations services”. 3.3 Fire Resistance Ratings 3.3.1 Fire Rated Walls or Partitions Fire rated walls or partitions (walls designed to divide an area or building into fire zones separations/fire-compartments for the purpose of containing the spread of smoke or fire within the building) shall have a minimum fire resistance rating of 3 hours as established in accordance with the test procedure of ANSI/NFPA 251. 3.3.2 Fire Doors Fire door assemblies shall comply with the requirements of ANSI/NFPA 80 and UL 63. The fire resistance rating of fire doors shall be certified by fire tests conducted by an accredited test agency acceptable to SEC such as the Underwriters Laboratories Inc. and Factory Mutual Research Inc. The fire TESP11921R0/MSC Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 6 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 resistance of fire doors shall be classified in accordance with ANSI/NFPA 80 and shall have the same fire resistance rating (3 hours) to that of the building walls. Fire exit doors shall be provided with heavy duty door closers of approved type. 3.3.3 Security and Emergency Exit Doors in Vital Installations Security doors and emergency exit doors in substation buildings designated as buildings housing "vital or sensitive equipment" shall comply with the requirements of TES-S-101.09 (SSD/7) and shall have the same fire resistance rating (3 hours) to that of the building walls. 3.3.4 3.4 Fire Stops and Seals a. All penetrations through fire rated walls or partitions, floors, ceilings and exterior walls by piping services, electrical cables, cable ducts, conduits and similar installations shall be sealed by approved materials or fire stops with a fire resistance rating equal to or greater than that of the floor, wall or ceiling. b. All penetrations and conduits shall be sealed by approved material to prevent the transfer of smoke, flammable gases or vapors from one area to another. c. Fire stops used for cable penetrations through fire rated floors, walls or partitions shall meet the requirements of ASTM E814 or UL 1479. Equipment Layout The physical arrangement of equipment housed within a substation building shall be in accordance with the guidelines of TES-P-119.19, with emphasis on equipment clearances, working space, maintenance space and ventilation. The guidelines on the installation of substation equipment established in Part 1 of the National Electrical Safety Code, ANSI C2, and in Part III of the Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC) shall be observed where applicable. 3.5 Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) System 3.5.1 Duct System The HVAC duct system shall comply with the applicable requirements of NFPA 90A, SMACNA (Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractor’s National Association), related specifications and drawings. The HVAC ducts, air terminal devices, accessories and supports shall be constructed of non-combustible or fire resistant materials. Duct insulation and insulation adhesives shall have a flame spread rating of not greater than 25 and a smoke developed rating of not greater than 50 when tested in accordance with NFPA 255. TESP11921R0/MSC Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 7 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 3.5.2 HVAC Equipment Shutdown The HVAC control system shall be designed to shutdown the air conditioning equipment and close all motorized fire/smoke dampers in case of fire, in conjunction with the operation of the fire detection and alarm system per TES-B-106.01 and TES-K-100. Upon restoration of panel to normal condition, the associated auxiliary systems of the HVAC equipment shall be automatically operated again. Approved photoelectric type duct smoke detectors with built in sampling tubes shall be installed in both the main supply and return ducts of the air handling unit to initiate signals for the automatic shutdown of the air conditioning unit and closure of smoke/fire dampers in case of fire. The operation of the duct smoke detectors shall be supervised by the fire protective signaling panel. For non-ducted return air system (plenum type) the return air duct detector will be omitted provided adequate number of ceiling-mounted smoke and heat detectors are installed in the HVAC equipment room. 3.5.3 TESP11921R0/MSC Fire Dampers a. All HVAC ducts penetrating fire rated walls, floors or partitions shall be provided with UL listed/labeled fire dampers in accordance with ANSI/NFPA 90A. b. For protection of openings in walls, partitions or floors with fire resistance ratings of less than 3 hours, fire dampers shall have 1-1/2 hours fire protection rating. c. For protection of openings in walls, partitions or floors with fire resistance ratings of 3 hours or more, fire dampers shall have a minimum 3 hours fire protection rating. d. In substations, motorized combination fire and smoke dampers shall be installed in the main supply and return duct penetrations including the return air grille openings on all adjacent fire rated walls of the HVAC mechanical room. Combination fire and smoke dampers shall comply with UL555 and UL555S. e. All other duct penetrations and openings for louvers and grilles in fire rated walls and partitions shall be provided with fusible link operated fire dampers with fusible link rating of 71˚C. Fire damper shall comply with UL 555. f. The duct penetrations shall be sealed on both sides of the wall with 10 gauge galvanized steel sheet metal enclosure. Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 8 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD 3.5.4 TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 Removal of smoke after fire The exhaust air shall be moved directly outside, without re-circulating to other sections in the building by controlled ventilation. Natural or mechanical ventilation for the removal of products of combustion should be provided in control rooms, switchgear rooms, GIS rooms, battery rooms, basement of switchgear rooms & GIS rooms, etc. Panels or sky windows or any other approved methods in exterior walls / roof of the room under protection, which can be opened remotely from approved locations may be used. Such windows and panels and their control shall be clearly identified. Smoke purging fan shall be provided to forcibly remove smoke / Clean Agent gas out of substation building, with selector switch installed at a readily accessible location outside the protected area. Label /instruction that read as follows shall be provided: OFF Position ON Position - 3.6 Normal Setting To be set only by concerned personnel after a fire incident or when extinguishing period is reached. Emergency Exits The substation building emergency exits shall be designed in accordance with NFPA 101. In areas classified as high hazard such as cable basement, at least two (2) exits (exit stairs) shall be provided. Doors for emergency exits shall comply with the requirements of clause 3.3.2 or clause 3.3.3 as applicable. 3.7 Fire Exit Hardware Any door as a means of egress including door in the battery room shall be fitted with UL listed/labeled fire exit hardware as per the requirements of NFPA 80 and NFPA 101. 3.8 Fire Detection and Alarm System 3.8.1 General All substation buildings in both attended and unattended substations shall be protected with a complete installation of fire alarm system. The fire detection and alarm system shall be designed in accordance with TES-B-106.01, and NFPA 72. The system shall be complete with fire protective signaling panel, automatic fire detectors, manual fire alarm stations, visual and audible alarm indicating devices, associated circuits, data printer, warning signs and ancillary equipment. All materials and equipment of the fire detection and TESP11921R0/MSC Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 9 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 alarm system shall be listed or approved by an accredited testing organization acceptable to SEC. The detector shall operate from a DC battery system, with specified voltage, continuously charged from the mains, which shall be capable of emergency operation for 48 Hours. The automatic detectors shall be of plug-in type with separate base and sensing unit. LED type lamp shall be provided in the base which will operate when the detector has been activated. The lamp shall remain on until the system has been completely reset. LED provided for ceiling void this shall be installed in the suspended ceiling and for floor void detectors it shall be installed on the wall near the detector at the height of 2m. In addition mimic panel shall be provided on the wall near the fire protective signaling panel with each detector’s location clearly identified. Care should be taken to protect the detectors from close proximity of air flow from ducts. Detector shall be installed not less than one meter from air diffuser as per NFPA72. The type of detectors used for the fire protection system shall be per TES-B-106.01, Adequate number of detectors shall be provided in each room, floor and ceiling voids. Heat Detectors for transformer protection shall be fixed temperature type. Rating shall be 90˚ C and to be installed not more than 30cm above protected equipment. For other areas, fixed temperature heat detectors shall be entirely electronic in operation and have a thermistor as ambient temperature sensor to be fully resettable. Detector temperature rating shall be approximately 57ºC. When Combination of Fixed-Temperature and Rate of Rise Heat Detectors are used the fixed temperature element shall be independent of the rate of rise element. The rating for the fixed temperature element shall be 57ºC. All elements shall be resettable and entirely solid state. Adequate special detectors as required for air-conditioning system shall be provided accordingly. 3.8.2 Fire Protective Signaling Panel Fire protective signaling panel shall conform to 90-TMSS-01. The panel shall be provided with a mimic display. Layout drawing and riser diagram showing the loops and zones and summary of the operating instructions shall be posted besides the fire protective signaling panel in a frame protected with clear glass. TESP11921R0/MSC Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 10 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 The panel shall be manufactured from rust proof sheet metal finished stove enamel designed to prevent ingress of moisture or dust within the enclosure (IP 54 as per IEC 60529 ). It shall be surface mounted in the control room. The panel shall be arranged to indicate the zones where the alarm is actuated and shall be of illuminated type, incorporating all necessary buzzers, signaling relays, etc. Each room of the building is to be indicated separately as individual zone with spare zones provided. Combination of two or more locations in one zone is not allowed. The panel shall be of modular construction using solid state electronics and fitted out for as many zones as required for the substation. Each zone shall be provided with signal zone module. All standard facilities shall be available in the panel and include but is not limited to the following: • • • • • FIRE FAULT SYSTEM FAULT SUPPLY FAULT SYSTEM FAULT : : : : : Indication for Each Zone Indication for Each Zone Short Circuit Open Circuit Ground fault Appropriate control switch to facilitate operation shall be provided for isolation switch, Alarm Test, Reset, Lamp Test, Alarm Silence, etc. All zone designations shall be marked on the control panel in Arabic & English. The location and extent of each zone shall be clearly shown on a plan or mimic diagram placed close to the panel & enclosed in a glass or unbreakable transparent plastic fronted frame. A simple Operating instruction of the fire alarm panel, both in Arabic & English, shall also be provided placed close to the panel as above. All fire protection equipment are to be shown on the plan. Provide wiring diagram inside the panel. 3.8.3 TESP11921R0/MSC Remote Signaling System a. The fire protective signaling panel shall have the provision for remote signaling of fire alarm/fault signal through an interface connection with SCADA RTU/IFC provided in the substation. b. The fire alarm system shall also be provided with a tele-alarm device (automatic telephone call transmitter) that will facilitate the automatic transmission of fire alarm signals through the installed substation telephone line. The tele-alarm device (automatic telephone call transmitter) shall be designed/manufactured for heavy industrial applications, provided with a digital voice and data messaging system, and will provide for automatic repeating of alarm up to five locations through an internally incorporated automatic telephone number dialer. Additional details shall be coordinated with SEC. c. Any fault in the system shall be shown on the panel by means of an amber light. Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 11 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD 3.8.4 TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 Data Printer 220/127 V AC data printer shall automatically print all incoming alarm and trouble status and faults received by the fire protective signaling panel with date and time of receipt. The printer shall be capable to print 264cps, 80 columns. A steel enclosure with lockable, clear glass-front per Figure 21-1 shall house the printer and paper. The printer and paper shall be placed on a withdrawable shelf inside the enclosure for easy access. 3.8.5 Extent of Detection a. The fire alarm system shall provide for an extensive detection of fire and smoke in the substation building and shall cover the following applicable areas which shall be assigned with dedicated fire zones. i. Switchgear Room/GIS Building (69kV to 380kV voltage ratings) ii. Switchgear Room (34.5kV to 600V and below) iii. SCADA, Relay and Control Room iv. Communication Room v. Cable Basement vi. Battery Room vii. HVAC Equipment (Mechanical) Room viii. HVAC Main Supply and Return Ducts ix. AC/DC Distribution Room x. Workshop xi. Offices xii. False Ceilings xiii. False Floors xiv. Cable Trenches xv. Corridors and Staircases xvi. Any exceptions to the above requirements shall qualify for exception in accordance with NFPA 72. xvii. Oil Filled Transformer Area xviii. Fire Pump Room xix. Auxiliary Transformer / RMU Area xx. Cylinder Room for Gas Extinguishing System. TESP11921R0/MSC b. The fire and smoke in the areas described in clause 3.8.5.a shall be detected by a combination of detectors as explained in clause 10. Fire alarm system equipment located in the battery room shall be explosion proof and suitable for classified (hazardous) locations. Duct detectors shall be wired in a separate zone. c. Smoke detectors installed at the switchgear room (69kV to 380kV) shall be located such as to allow safe maintenance while the switchgear is energized. Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 12 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD TESP11921R0/MSC TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 d. Automatic fire detectors shall be addressable type and suitable for wiring in class A circuit. It shall be diagnostic type and compatible with the microprocessor based control and indicating equipment and shall comply with the requirements of TES-B-106.01. Automatic fire detectors shall be self-protected against electro-magnetic interference for protection against false alarm. Each detector can be isolated from the system for maintenance purposes without affecting the entire zone. e. Manual alarm call points shall be provided at several convenient points located in the natural path of exit, so that alarm can be given by operating personnel independently of the automatic system. The travel distance for manual call point shall not be more than 30m. These shall be Pull Station type and the word ‘ FIRE ALARM’ in Arabic & English engraved. The color of these alarm points shall be Red. Manual call point for a particular zone shall be connected on the same circuit as the detector being provided for the zone. Mounting height shall be 1.4m. from finish floor level. f. Manual fire alarm stations shall also be installed at all basement stairs, exit doors The manual stations shall be addressable/diagnostic type. The same shall be weather-proof, when installed outdoors. g. Outdoor type, weatherproof alarm horns with rotating beacon or flashing indicators shall be installed at the main entrance/sides of the building at a height of 4000mm from finished grade level. Indoor audible alarm devices shall be dome type alarm bells, minimum 150mm diameter gong, with strobe light finished in red stove enameling, installed at a height of 2500mm from the finished floor level or 300mm below false ceiling and shall be capable of producing continuous ringing as required. At least one alarm bell shall be provided per fire compartment. Bells shall be distributed and connected in at least 2 alarm circuits. The sounders at any point in the building should produce a minimum sound level of 65dB. h. Flashing indicators activated simultaneously with the alarm bell, shall be provided for concealed fire detectors or normally closed areas such as battery room, HVAC room, communication room, basement entries and as required per TES-B-106.01. i. One flasher having diameter not less than 100 mm shall be installed on a 1.5 meter pole above the highest portion of the building of the substation and facing in front of main road. It shall have red flash light visible enough to be noticed even during day time for identification by the Civil Defence Force. The height of the flasher shall be less than that of lightning arrestor. The flasher shall get actuated from fire protective signaling panel on the actuation of fire detection. Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 13 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD j. TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 All wiring for fire protective signaling systems shall comply with Article 760 of the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70 and ANSI/IEEE C2. Acceptable wire systems are: k. 3.9 i. Mineral insulated copper-sheathed cables (MICC) conforming to BS 6207:Part 1, 2.5 mm² cross sectional area. ii. PVC-insulated copper conductors per 11-TMSS-10, 2.5mm² cross sectional area in rigid steel conduits, painted red when exposed, and in PVC conduit when embedded in wall/ceiling. EMT shall not be used. Note Conductor size 1.5mm² may be used provided it supplies loads that do not exceed its ampacity. All wiring for fire protective signaling systems running outside the building shall be installed in SEC approved direct-buried conduit. Fire Suppression Systems 3.9.1 General If specified in scope of work / technical specifications, switchgear and control buildings in substations classified, as "Vital" facilities shall be protected with fixed fire extinguishing, suppression systems for both attended and unattended substations. The type of fire suppression system and the extent of the protection to be provided shall depend on the following considerations: o o o o o o Value of the Protected Equipment Safety to Operating Personnel Nature of Fire Hazard Compliance with HCIS, local and national safety codes and regulations Criticality of one station for system operation Location of the nearest fire station For substations not categorized as "Vital", the requirements for fixed automatic fire extinguishing system, for areas of high cable concentration such as cable basement and for rooms or areas containing high value equipment, shall be determined and specified in the project scope of work based on feasibility study. Halon 1301 or Halon 1211 extinguishing systems are not acceptable. TESP11921R0/MSC Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 14 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD 3.9.2 TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Extinguishing System Carbon dioxide is a noncombustible gas which can penetrate and spread to all parts of a fire, displacing the oxygen. It does not conduct electricity and can be used on energized electrical equipment. Electrical equipment rooms that are not very large and that have few openings can be protected by portable CO2 fire extinguishers. When used, however, caution shall be taken not to allow carbon dioxide to spread through openings or ventilation ducts into areas normally occupied by personnel. Carbon dioxide in high concentration may cause unconsciousness and death. Consideration shall also be given to the potentially detrimental effects of carbon dioxide on electronic and highly delicate electrical equipment. Portable carbon dioxide fire extinguishers shall be installed to protect switchgears and rooms or areas containing oil-filled equipment. Carbon dioxide total flooding system, where applicable, shall be in compliance with SES-B-003. Where practicable, local applications of CO2 fixed system shall be installed in lieu of a total flooding system. Refer to SES-B-003 for guidelines. Carbon dioxide local application systems shall comply with the applicable requirements of Chapter 3 of NFPA 12. The system shall include carbon dioxide storage bottles/tank, fully charged, cylinder valve, refrigeration unit if required, discharge heads, mounting brackets, automatic and manual carbon dioxide release controls, high pressure manifolds, piping and nozzles, audible an visual alarms and safety monitors. Provision shall be made on the site for the storage of spare set of Carbon Dioxide cylinders totalling 20% of the complete site installation requirement or al least sufficient for the largest single hazard or group hazards that are to be protected simultaneously with carbon dioxide system, whichever is greater. The spare cylinders shall form a part of the initial supply. The system shall employ continuous protection. The amount of carbon dioxide required for main supply shall be at least sufficient for the largest room to be protected. The quantity of the reserve supply shall be equal to the main supply. Both primary and reserve supply shall be permanently connected to the piping and arranged for easy changeover. The initial discharge shall be followed by an extended discharge at reduced flow. There shall be time delay between initiation of alarm signal and discharge to permit evacuation of personnel. Dry runs shall be made to determine the minimum time needed for persons to evaluate the hazard area. TESP11921R0/MSC Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 15 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 A means of testing the shutters shall be provided. If the carbon dioxide is stored in reachargeable cylinders under pressure, the cylinders shall have a capacity of 45 kg each and shall be suitable for a working pressure of 136 bars. The cylinders shall be safely rated for a maximum ambient temperature of 60˚C within the carbon dioxide rooms. Each cylinder shall have a safety rupture disc designed to burst at a pressure of 150bars. A check valve shall be incorporated between each cylinder and common manifold to allow the removal of one or more cylinder from the group without rendering the system inoperative. The manifold shall have a rupture disc rated for 152 bars. The pipe lines intended for carbon dioxide system shall be galvanized, and it shall be hydraulic tested to a pressure 50% higher than working pressure of the system. Weighing devices shall be arranged in the carbon dioxide room, to allow the vertical weignment of the cylinders. A trolley or trailer shall be supplied for moving carbon dioxide cylinders at site. 3.9.3 Clean Agent Extinguishing System Extinguishing by Clean Agent per NFPA 2001 shall be used wherever applicable with prior approval from SEC. The following aspects shall be considered when the Clean Agent system is used. Clean Agent design shall be based on 7.5% at 20˚C. No correction factor shall be applied. The Clean Agent shall be achieved in the vicinity of all equipment or area to be protected within one minute after the end of the initial discharge and the concentration shall be maintained with no appreciable dilution for at least 10 minutes. In addition to the concentration requirement, additional quantity of agent shall be provided to compensate for openings that could not be closed, forced ventilation or other specified conditions, which would affect the extinguishing efficiency. The total quantity of Clean Agent shall be calculated from the risk dimension including floor voids and ceiling voids. Clean Agent valves shall be of differential pressure design and not require an explosive / consumable device to operate them. Solenoid valve shall be of re settable type. Disposable type is not acceptable. TESP11921R0/MSC Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 16 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 Manual operation of the system shall be possible through the extinguishing control panel. Motorized fire dampers operating on the first alarm shall be provided to seal off room openings, i.e. air return ducts or exhaust, if any in conjunction with the operation of the detection system. Clean Agent system shall be provided with 100% reserve cylinder and accessories. Functional test using N2 shall be carried out for Clean Agent cylinders and accessories. All mimic drawing showing the layout of the system and operation instructions are to be fixed beside the extinguishing system control panel in the room under protection. Cross zoning method of installing detectors shall be applied. Floor void detectors shall be provided with sign on the floor tiles. Clean Agent protected areas shall be provided with the following. • Lock-off panel (auto-manual switch, 3-way status indicators, and manually operated dual action type release station) shall be provided on main entrance to protected area. • Bulb type status indicator (auto-manual discharge) with 4cm x 4cm lens located above the main door in the protected area. Each 11kV/13.8kV/33kV/34.5kV switchgear basement shall be designed with separate Clean Agent system. Only one extinguishing control panel with multiple extinguishing modules shall be provided. Each module shall have a volt free fire and fault contacts and to be used for one protected area. A separate Clean Agent cylinder room shall be constructed, with safe access to facilitate for a possible manual and mechanical actuation of the system. The room shall be air-conditioned supplied from substation central air conditioning system. Clean Agent protected areas shall be fully compartmentalized. Motorized duct dampers working simultaneously with the first alarm of fire detection system shall be installed. Automatic door closure shall be provided. Schedule 40 ERW to ASTM A53 Galvanized Pipes and Galvanized threaded fittings shall be provided. Grooved coupling for pipes 100mm diameter and above shall be utilized TESP11921R0/MSC Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 17 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 For floor void mounted detectors, a mimic panel shall be provided on the wall near the fire protective signaling panel with each detector’s location clearly identified. All equipment and fire extinguisher shall be UL listed / FM approved except the following. Gas extinguishing control panel, lock off panel and fire extinguisher having approval other than UL listed / FM approved shall be used only with SEC approval. o Extinguishant and lock-off panel – equivalent listing required. o Pipes and fittings – conformity with international standards. o Fire extinguisher – locally manufactured and SASO approved. Equipment summary showing make/brand, listing/approval, quantity, mode, number of equipment, etc., shall be provided. Basic diagram/layout of proposed system shall also be provided. After installation, all system pipe work shall be blown free from swarf and debris using compressed air, nitrogen or carbon-dioxide before the system is commissioned, to verify that flow is continuous, and the piping and nozzles are unobstructed. All the tests shall be carried out in the presence of SEC Representatives. All Clean Agent piping shall be tested pneumatically as per NFPA. After the test, all Clean Agent cylinders shall be filled. Note: If the actual discharge of Clean Agent is not recommended by NFPA, an alternative NFPA approved method to check the integrity of installation shall be conducted. 3.9.4. Gas System Status Unit For rooms provided with automatically operated gas extinguishing system, gas system status unit as mentioned below shall be provided: a. Gas System Status Unit/Lock off panel (Outdoor) This unit shall be provided on main entrance and shall include the following: i. Auto-manual selector switch Provide auto/manual selector switch to select the gas extinguishing system in auto or manual mode of operation. Operation of this unit in manual mode shall send signal to local annunciator panel as Clean Agent/gas in manual mode’ and to Power Control Centre / SCADA as ‘Fire system Faulty’. TESP11921R0/MSC Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 18 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 Instruction label shall be provided beside the unit as given below: Prior to operation of this unit please inform Power Control Centre. Operation of this unit will send a signal of “Clean Agent/gas system in manual mode/Fire system faulty” to substation annunciator panel. Before leaving substation, ensure that this unit is in “Auto” mode and reset annunciator panel in Control/Relay room. ii. System Status Indicator Provide bulb type system status indicator with each size of lens approximately 4 x 4 cm. This system status indicator shall indicate the system as: • • • iii. Auto Mode Manual Mode Gas released Gas Release Unit (Electrical) Provide electrically operated dual action pull station type gas release unit. Operation of this unit shall bypass the system’s auto mode and initiate the release of gas. Prior to gas release, all Air handling Units (AHU) shall trip. b. Gas System Status Unit (Indoor) This unit shall include system status indicators with same features as mentioned above. This unit shall be installed in a suitable location, preferably preferably above door, inside the protected area. Size of lens shall be minimum 4 x 4 cm. 3.9.5 Portable Fire Extinguishers Approved portable fire extinguishers conforming to 90-TMSS-03 and NFPA10 shall be adequately provided in the substation building, but not be limited to the following areas. The number of units shall be governed by individual conditions. In general, suitable type and numbers of extinguishers shall be provided at a distance not greater than 20 meters from any likely hazard. TESP11921R0/MSC a. Battery Room b. HVAC Room and Mechanical Room (i.e. pump room, if available) c. Workshops and Offices Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 19 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD d. Switchgear Rooms e. Communication Room f. Control and Relay Room g. Cable basement h. Security Gate House (if available) TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 In attended and unattended substations, portable fire extinguishers shall be provided in all areas protected with fixed fire suppression systems. By utilizing the “abort switch”, the discharge of the extinguishing agent from a fixed system can be stopped if the fire source is located rapidly and is extinguished by means of portable fire extinguishers. Class A fire extinguishers shall be provided for office areas. Portable fire extinguishers intended for use involving electrical equipment, or Class C fires, shall employ nonconductive, clean-type extinguishing agent. The selection and distribution of portable fire extinguishers shall comply with NFPA 10. Class B fire extinguishers shall be provided in all other areas not served by A or C type extinguishers. Unit sizes shall be appropriate to the area and type of hazard under consideration. The tenderer shall include list showing areas, sizes, types and numbers. The fire extinguishers shall be located near entrance and exit doors and along the normal path of travel. They shall be visible and readily accessible. Fire extinguishers shall be mounted on the wall with its top not more than 1070 mm above the finished floor. At least two (2) wheeled type minimum 50 kgs Class ABC fire extinguisher shall be provided in the substation yard, where oil-filled equipment are present and the extinguisher shall be protected by a shed. Flooring under the shed shall be of concrete; and the three sides of the shed shall be provided with walls made of G.I. sheets. For protection against cable fires, stored pressure or external cartridge operated multi-purpose dry chemical (Class ABC) fire extinguishers shall be provided. TESP11921R0/MSC Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 20 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD 4.0 TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 OIL- FILLED EQUIPMENT 4.1 General The presence of oil-filled electrical equipment in a substation such as transformers, reactors and switchgear equipment require special considerations for their location, spacing and fire protection. 4.2 Fire Hazard of Oil-Filled Equipment Due to the high temperatures, that can be produced by an electrical fault, or by an external fire that may engulf oil-filled equipment, the insulating oil may cause a fire hazard when provided in electrical equipment. Hence, every possible means shall be taken to install oil-filled equipment outdoors, away from other equipment and substation building. 4.3 Transformers Transformers generally contain the largest quantity of combustible substance located in a substation. Therefore, special attention shall be given to their location, relaying and fire protection. Installation of oil-filled transformer inside the substation building is not permitted. 4.4 Outdoor Installation of Oil-Filled Transformers The following safeguards shall be applied to the outdoor installation of oil-filled transformers. One or more of these safeguards shall be applied according to the degree of hazard involved. 4.4.1 Oil Containment The spilled oil from a ruptured transformer tank shall be collected and confined to prevent the spread of fire to other areas or equipment. Various types of holding pit designs are presently in use by the Utilities. The area below and surrounding the oil filled-equipment is used as a collecting pit. Pits shall be designed so that the collected oil and water will not weaken the equipment foundations. The most common designs include those listed below: a. TESP11921R0/MSC Oil Retention Pit or Oil Catch Basin: The foundation of the oil filled equipment is designed in the form of an open rectangular box with the oil filled equipment placed on concrete pier. The rectangular concrete box below the oil filled equipment is designed to hold 100% of the equipment oil, with the top surface of the oil at least 500mm below the top of the retention pit foundation box. The space around the rectangular foundation box shall be used as a part of retention pit oil catch basin by providing interconnection piping to keep the depth to a minimum. Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 21 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 A metallic grating with wire mesh and gravel over it shall be installed at 200mm below from the top of the foundation. Alternatively, any other improved civil work shall be employed with the approval of SEC concerned department. A sump with checkered steel cover and suction pipe is constructed within the retention pit/catch basin. Pipes from the retention pit/catch basin towards the sump shall be provided. A permanent sump pump shall be installed to remove collected rain water. The pump shall be manually operated in attended and unattended substations. For transformer rated above 100 MVA, if the rectangular concrete box below the oil filled equipment is not designed for 100% of the equipment oil, the pit shall be connected to the holding tanks of sufficient capacity, through inter-connected pipes, where free flow of oil/water is possible from the pit to the holding tank. b. Holding Tanks: Water and oil may be piped from a pit to a holding tank or pond where the oil is separated naturally by gravitational force. The oil is then removed with a skimmer. All materials used in the construction of pits, drainage pipes and holding tanks shall be non-combustible materials that are capable of withstanding the thermal shock of the oil fire followed by the cooling effect of the water. They shall have adequate mechanical strength to withstand any traffic or equipment handling loads to which they may be subjected. The retention pit/catch basin, holding tanks and piping shall be sized to handle the maximum amount of oil available and the quantity of water that may be used in fire suppression system. 4.4.2 Barriers When the design and size of the containment facilities utilized are inadequate, it may be necessary to install some form of barrier to protect other substation equipment or neighboring properties. These barriers shall be totally constructed of non-combustible materials, such as concrete blocks, bricks, steel sheets and reinforced concrete, and designed to withstand the thermal shock of the largest credible fire to which they may be subjected. 4.4.3 Separation The separation of oil-filled transformers from other equipment and buildings shall be in accordance with the following guidelines: TESP11921R0/MSC a. Separation of Large Transformers from Buildings: Transformers containing 1890 liters or more of insulating oil shall be at a minimum distance of 3m from any building, in addition to the fire rated coating given to the wall as per clause 3.3.1. b. Separation Between Large Transformers: Large oil-filled transformers of rating 5MVA and above, shall be separated by a concrete fire wall, Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 22 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 having a minimum 4hour fire resistance rating. The transformer shall be separated from the wall with at least 3m of clear space. In special cases where 3m clearance is not possible due to space constraint, the clearance shall be as defined in tender document. c. Fire Walls: The height of a fire wall shall not be less than 0.3m above the height of the transformer tank and its oil conservator (if applicable), transformer bushings, pressure-relief vents. The fire wall shall extend at least 0.6m horizontally beyond the line of sight between all points on adjacent transformers. The height of the fire wall shall not be less than that required to break the line-of-sight from any point on the top of the transformer tank and its oil conservator (if applicable) to any adjacent transformer bushing and surge arrester mounted on the transformer. 4.4.4 Mechanical Protection of Outdoor Transformers The protection of outdoor transformers in substations classified as "vital facilities" when installed in exposed location shall comply with TES-S-101.12 (SSD/10). 4.4.5 4.5 Transformer Fire Detection and Alarm Systems a. The fire detection and alarm system for the outdoor power transformers shall consist of cross-zoned “rate anticipation heat detectors” and shall be rated 30°C higher than the highest recorded ambient tempereture in the area, listed for outdoor application. b. The installation of all components of fire detection and alarm system shall be in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 72 and TES-B-001. Oil-Filled Capacitors Power capacitors containing an appreciable amount of flammable liquid shall be installed outdoors with fence enclosure or on elevated structure of at least 2.4m high above adjoining ground level for personnel safety to prevent accidental contact with exposed energized parts, terminals, or buses associated with them. They shall be located minimum 3 meters away from any building, not of fire resistive construction. In special cases where 3m clearance is not possible due to space constraint, the clearance shall be as defined in tender document. 4.6 Oil-Filled Reactors Reactors containing an appreciable amount of flammable liquid shall be located outdoors with fence enclosure to protect the personnel from accidental contact with energized parts. The installation of oil-filled reactors shall comply with Article 470 of NFPA 70. TESP11921R0/MSC Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 23 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD 4.7 TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 Structures and Supports Structures supporting disconnect switches shall be kept as low as possible when they are placed near oil-filled equipment to avoid the extreme high temperatures caused due to fire at the upper levels. Any essential structure or support that may be subjected to an oil fire shall be constructed of steel rather than aluminum. 4.8 Oil/SF6 Cable Termination (Sealing End) In GIS substation facilities/buildings the Oil/SF6 cable termination (sealing end) shall be located 3m away from any building, not of fire resistive construction. In special cases where 3m clearance is not possible due to space constraint, the clearance shall be as defined in tender documents. 5.0 CABLES 5.1 General The selection and installation procedures of power and control cables in substations shall comply with the guidelines outlined in TES-P-104, TCS-P-104, TES-P-119.20 and TES-P-119.29. 5.2 Fire Hazard of Cables 5.2.1 Low Pressure Oil Filled (LPOF) Cables An LPOF cable fault resulting from insulation breakdown can rupture the cable sheath thereby releasing the pressurized oil. A high fault arcing that follows the insulation breakdown can ignite or burn the oil. Since the oil in the LPOF cable system is maintained under pressure, burning oil can spread over a large area creating intense fire and heavy damage to neighboring substation equipment or facilities. To safeguard against fire hazard, LPOF cables used to feed indoor GIS in substations shall be installed and terminated outdoors including oil reservoirs and associated devices. The oil/SF6 cable termination shall be of leak-proof sealing end design. 5.2.2 PVC and XLPE Cables When PVC or XLPE insulated cable is exposed to fire, the insulation may burn and can generate smoke and corrosive fumes. Smoke can obliterate escape routes and could impair the ability to fight the fire. When materials such as PVC burns, chlorine is driven off which when combines with water forms hydrochloric acid. This acid can attack the contact or relays, electronic TESP11921R0/MSC Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 24 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 circuits and wiring terminations, and can prolong the substation restoration time. Where emission of corrosive fumes in any fire may damage electrical/electronic equipment, or present a health risk, XLPE insulated cable is preferable although it burns more readily than PVC. PVC is inherently flame retardant but emits acid fumes when it burns. 5.3 Cable Installation Practices 5.3.1 General The cables used in substations should not propagate a fire. 5.3.2 Underground conduit system is the preferred method of installation for critical power and control cables. Critical power and control cables are cables whose loss would render the emergency shutdown and the fire protection or alarm systems inoperative. Cable installations subject to vehicular load, such as road crossings, shall be in concrete encased (either steel reinforced or any other suitable reinforcement method) ducts or conduits. The pull boxes shall be located and constructed in a manner as to prevent the entry of flammable liquids that can possibly ignite the cables. Consideration should be given to the installation of fire stops where the cables enter and leave pull boxes, and where the cables leave the conduit system. 5.3.3 Cable trenches shall be constructed in a manner as to prevent the entry of any combustible liquid, such as insulating oil, that can possibly ignite the cables. Trench covers shall be fire retardant. Fire stops or fire breaks shall be installed when the trench enters into the building and/or from one room to the other room or from one floor to the other floor. 5.3.4 Cable Basements Walkthrough cable basements are normally used where there is a large number of cables. If the cables used are flame retardant, the separation distances given in ANSI/IEEE 384 are acceptable. If the cables are not flame retardant, or the proper separation cannot be achieved, a fire resistive barrier or shield shall be used between the trays, or a fire retardant coating shall be applied to the cables. TESP11921R0/MSC Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 25 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 Proper ventilation shall be provided for the cable basement (exhaust and supply) using automatically controlled exhaust fans in fire rated ducts with provision for mechanical operation. 5.3.5 Cable Trays When a cable tray passes through a firewall or vertically through building floors, the cables shall be sealed with multiple cable transit (MCT) or approved equivalent. Circuits in the cable spreading area should be limited to control and instrumentation functions, and to those power supply circuits and facilities serving the control room and instrument systems. Power supply feeders to equipment and control room distribution panels shall be installed in conduit or enclosed metallic raceways, or other suitable enclosure. Cable penetration fire stops shall be installed where sleeves or tray penetrations are used beneath control panels or other panels. Special attention shall be given to the installation of fire stops on vertical cable runs since they will propagate fire more readily than horizontal runs. 5.4 Cable Penetration Fire Stops, Fire Breaks and Coatings 5.4.1 Cable Penetration Fire Stops Cable penetration fire stops shall be installed to prevent fire propagation along a cable system through a fire-rated wall, floor, or floor-ceiling barrier while maintaining the integrity of the fire barrier through which the cable system penetrates. 5.4.2 Cable Fire Breaks When the cables used do not meet the flame propagation requirements of ANSI/IEEE 383, fire hazard can be minimized by utilizing fire breaks. Cable fire break can be achieved by coating a 3m section of the cables with approved fire retardant coatings, or equivalent fireproofing tapes. Cable fire breaks shall be installed in cable trays or open raceways at intervals not exceeding 6 meters. 6.0 MISCELLANEOUS HAZARDS 6.1 Batteries The storage batteries installation shall be in accordance with TES-P-103.04. TESP11921R0/MSC Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 26 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD 6.2 TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 Combustible Materials The use of combustible materials shall be avoided in the selection of desks, filing cabinets, storage boxes, display boards, building insulation, air conditioning duct insulation and mounting boards. 6.3 Heating Equipment Heating equipment such as space heaters, open type room heaters, etc., shall not be used in the control buildings unless the design, installation and electrical supplies are deemed suitable. Clearances for heat producing appliances shall be adequate to minimize the risk of igniting adjacent combustible materials. 7.0 SAFETY AND FIRST AID EQUIPMENT 7.1 First Aid Equipment All substation buildings shall be provided with first aid box located in the control room. Posters outlining emergency treatment for electrical shock, cardio pulmonary resuscitation and artificial respirations shall be provided. One folding type stretcher shall also be provided in the control room. 7.2 Safety Equipment 7.2.1 Battery Room Safety equipment and devices for personnel protection, safe handling and proper maintenance of batteries shall be provided in the battery room per TES-P-103.04 and TES-P-119.19. 7.2.2 Life Support Equipment Life support equipment in the substation buildings shall be provided to minimize hazards to personnel under abnormal operating conditions. Self-contained breathing apparatus of 30 minutes capacity shall be provided in the control room near the entrance/exit door and/or in rooms or areas normally occupied by personnel. It is also required that self-contained breathing apparatus be made available for the operator's use in rooms or areas protected by fixed fire extinguishing system utilizing an agent that could cause a breathing hazard. The self-contained breathing apparatus shall be stored in a box mounted on the wall. The storage box shall be marked with "SELF-CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS" written both in English and Arabic languages. TESP11921R0/MSC Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 27 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD 7.3 TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 Signs Adequate fire/safety warnings in the form of signs, labels, decal placards or other markings shall be installed in all locations where it requires visual alertness against degree and nature of hazard(s) which can cause injury or death. Signs shall also be provided for precautions or evasive actions to take and directions for eliminating the hazard. All fire/safety warnings shall be per “Safety Signs and Warning Devices Special Manual # 65-110” issued by Industrial Security Department and shall be written in both Arabic and English. 8.0 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS When specified in project SOW/TS, general hydrant system for outside areas shall be provided as mentioned below: The water supply for general hydrant system shall be from reliable fire protection supplies. Such system shall be as follows: A- Pressure tank/fire pump shall be used for 132kV S/S and below. B- Horizontal fire pump shall be used for 380kV substations. Water supply shall be enough for the next operation to have an established fire protection while waiting for replenishment. A reliable method of replenishing the supply shall be provided. An underground concrete tank suitable for the system is desired, in accordance with Civil Projects Division requirements. The underground water tank shall be sized for a minimum occurrence of 10 minutes discharge time. The bidders shall submit the suitability calculations for both systems (Pressure Tank & Fire Pump) for the size of the underground water tank for satisfactory fire protection of the areas under protection. SEC shall have the sole discretion to choose either of the proposed systems. When pressure tank is used, it shall be pressurized by two compressors each capable of delivering not less than 20cft per minute (0.57m3/min) and shall be provided with pressure relief valve. See NFPA22, Standard I for Water Tanks for Private Fire Protection. Compressors shall be provided with automatic and manual start/stop selector, safety valve and capable of working alternately during operation. 8.1 Piping System The piping system is connected to the water tank through an automatically actuated valve which initiates a pump running to supply through a specific gravity valve the flow of water. Pipe shall be galvanized type, Schedule 40, ASTM-A12 or equivalent and exposed parts painted red. TESP11921R0/MSC Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 28 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD 8.2 TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 Fire Pumps Pumps shall be listed for fire protection use and chosen on the basis of water supply available. The electrically driven fire pumps shall be connected to a reliable power source. a) Centrifugal fire pumps Horizontal pump with positive suction (electric and diesel split case) shall be used to supply the pressure to drive the water from, the water tank through a low level located specific gravity valve. Each of the fire pumps and their respective drive shall be separate and independent independent units. Each pump shall be capable of delivering not less than 150% of its rated capacity at a discharge pressure of not less than 65% of the rated head at the rated capacity. Each pump shall be capable of delivering the water demand on the largest single fire risk and an additional of not less than 25Qgpm hose allowance. Pump capacity shall be determined through hydraulic calculation on this basis. The shut-off pressure of each pump shall not exceed 120% for split case pump. Horizontal fire pumps shall have positive suction head vertical turbine pumps shall be used when positive suction head is not possible due to space constraints. Negative suction for horizontal fire pumps is not allowable in any case. Fittings and accessories shall be complete as recommended by NFPA 20. b) Jockey Pump Pressure maintenance pump shall be electric motor drive and with rated capacities not less than any normal leakage. The controller shall start the jockey pump when the fire main pressure drops 10% and stop the pump when the pressure exceed the normal pressure by 10%. 8.3 Controllers and Drivers All controllers and pump drivers shall be listed. Controllers shall be marked "Fire Pump Controller" and shall show plainly the name of the manufacturer, the identifying designation and the complete power ratings. All electrical connections shall be supervised. There shall be individually controlled hydrant valves (7 bars minimum pressure) fixed in suitable operational positions at ground level enabling all points of the substation to be covered. The minimum number of hydrant valves to be provided shall be four. The hydrants (150mm diameter) shall have 2 x 65mm.dia outlets and one 100mm diameter pumper connection, model Kennedy K-81 or equivalent. Further this hydrant shall be fitted with cast iron end caps with blind ends, the caps TESP11921R0/MSC Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 29 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 being attached to the valves with an approved substantial chain. One female instantaneous coupling shall be provided. Near each hydrant, provide one Foam generator hose cabinet & Hydrant hose cabinet with the following details and accessories (one each required). 8.4 8.5 Foam generator hose cabinet (yellow finished) a. Foam branch pipe b. Angle valve 65mm diameter c. Inline indicator d. Suction line e. Hose yellow in color, 65mm diameter & 30m. Long f. Fiber glass foam concentrate tank with 136liters. AFFF 3% concentrate g. Shut-off valve Hydrant hose cabinet, finish in signal red and shall include following accessories, one each. a. Adjustable type fire hose nozzle, 65 mm diameter b. Crow bar c. Fire Axe d. Adjustable Hydrant wrench e. Hose 2 x 65mm dia., 15m length with instantaneous coupling Note: Hose in a/m cabinet shall be of best quality light synthetic fiber mildew and bacterial attack, and shall offer protection against acids, alkalis & oils. Each hose shall be supplied with light alloy instantaneous couplings in accordance with the requirements of BS 336. The hose cabinets shall be painted with two coats of red paint and marked ‘FIRE’ in white block letters. 9.0 SYSTEM TESTS & ACCEPTANCE Upon completion of work and prior to provisional and final acceptance of the installations of any system, the system shall be subjected to all tests required by the appropriate NFPA standards, in the presence of SEC Representative. TESP11921R0/MSC Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 30 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 The actual heat test of at least one thermostat detector per protected area, aside from the recommended test procedure by the manufacturer for transformer fire protection system, shall be conducted. 10.0 TYPE OF DETECTING & ACTUATING MEANS FOR VARIOUS AREAS The type of detecting and actuating means, for the various areas of the substations and the required type of protection shall be in accordance with the table below: TESP11921R0/MSC Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 31 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 Table 1 FIRE DETECTION AND PROTECTION SYSTEMS AND FIRE PREVENTION REQUIREMENTS FOR SEC SUBSTATIONS AREA TYPE OF DETECTING AND ACTUATING MEANS TYPE OF PROTECTION SWITCHGEAR AREAS/GIS BUILDINGS Fire Detection and Alarm System. A combination of optical and ionization smoke detectors in 1:1 ratio. In 69kV Air Insulated Switchgear room, each cubicle, by one (1) ionization smoke detector Important areas, cable runs Very Early Warning Smoke Total Flooding or Local or cable spaces in subDetection System application of CO2 /Clean stations classified as "vital Agent Fire Extinguishing facility" System. Cable trances inside substation shall have CO2 flooding OFFICES Fire Detection and Alarm System. A combination of optical and ionization smoke detectors in 1:1 ratio AC/DC ROOMS Fire Detection and Alarm System. A combination of optical and ionization smoke detectors in 1:1 ratio AC/DC Room protection if Very Early Warning Smoke Total Flooding or Local substation is classified as Detection System Application CO2 or Clean "vital facility" Agent Fire Extinguishing System AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT Cross Zone Ionization and CO2 or Clean Agent Fire ROOM including the interior Optical Smoke Detectors or Extinguishing System of control panel, if substation Very Early Warning Smoke is classified as “vital facility” Detection System CABLE BASEMENTS Fire Detection and Alarm System. A combination of optical and ionization smoke detectors in 1:1 ratio Cable Basement protection Total Flooding CO2 or Clean Very Early Warning Smoke if substation is classified as Agent Fire Extinguishing Detection System "vital facility" System TESP11921R0/MSC Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 32 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 Table 1 (Continued) FIRE DETECTION AND PROTECTION SYSTEMS AND FIRE PREVENTION REQUIREMENTS FOR SEC SUBSTATIONS AREA BATTERY ROOMS TYPE OF DETECTING AND ACTUATING MEANS TYPE OF PROTECTION Combination of Intrinsically Safe and Explosion Proof Flame and Heat Detector Battery Room protection if Combination of Intrinsically substation is classified as Safe and Explosion Proof "vital facility" Flame and Heat Detectors Total Flooding CO2 or Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing System COMMUNICATIONS ROOM Fire Detection and Alarm System. A combination of optical and ionization smoke detectors in 1:1 ratio Communications Room Very Early Warning Smoke Total Flooding or Local protection including Detection System Application CO2 or Clean interior of vital control Agent Fire Extinguishing panel if substation is System classified as "vital facility" CONTROL ROOMS Fire Detection and Alarm System. A combination of optical and ionization smoke detectors in 1:1 ratio Control Room protection including interior of control panels if substation is classified as "vital facility" HVAC EQUIPMENT (MECHANICAL) ROOMS Very Early Warning Smoke Total Flooding or Local Detection System or by Smoke Application CO2 or Clean Detectors Agent Fire Extinguishing System A Combination of Smoke and Heat Detectors in 1:1 Ratio HVAC Equipment Room A Combination of Smoke and Total Flooding or Local if substation is classified as Heat Detectors in 1:1 Ratio Application CO2 or Clean "vital facility" Agent Fire Extinguishing System Main Supply and Return Approved Photo-optical Type Air Ducts Duct Smoke Detector TESP11921R0/MSC Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 33 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 Table 1 (Continued) FIRE DETECTION AND PROTECTION SYSTEMS AND FIRE PREVENTION REQUIREMENTS FOR SEC SUBSTATIONS AREA TYPE OF DETECTING AND ACTUATING MEANS SECURITY GATE HOUSES Ionization or Optical Type of Smoke Detector TOILETS Ionization Type of and/or Heat Detector OUTDOOR TRANSFORMERS Heat Detector WORKSHOPS (Where fixed equipment is installed ) Fire Detection and Alarm System. A combination of optical and ionization smoke detectors in 1:1 ratio TYPE OF PROTECTION Smoke Refer Clause 4.4.3.a – Para. 2 Workshop protection if substation is classified as "vital facility" Very Early Warning Smoke Total Flooding or Local Detection System or smoke Application CO2 or Clean detector Agent Fire Extinguishing System SCADA AND RELAY Fire Detection and Alarm ROOMS System. A combination of optical and ionization smoke detectors in 1:1 ratio SCADA and Relay Room Very Early Warning Smoke Total Flooding or Local protection if substation is Detection System Application CO2 or Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing classified as "vital facility" System FALSE CEILING SPACES Fire Detection and Alarm System. A combination of optical and ionization smoke detectors in 1:1 ratio FALSE FLOORS TESP11921R0/MSC Fire Detection and Alarm System. A combination of optical and ionization smoke detectors in 1:1 ratio Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 34 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD 11.0 TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. TES-S-101, Safety and Security 2. TES-S-101.02, Security Fence 3. TES-S-101.03, Category II Fence 4. TES-S-101.09, Security and Emergency Exit Doors 5. TES-S-101.11, Building Housing Vital Equipment 6 TES-S-101.12, Protection of Vital Equipment 7. 11-TMSS-10, Power and/or Control Cable, Cu or Al Conductor, 600/1000V Rating 8. 71-TMSS-5, Normal Weight Ready-Mixed Portland Cement Concrete 9. TES-B-106.01, Fire Alarm Systems 10. SES-B-003, CO2 Total Flooding systems 11. TES-H-001.01, Paint Color Codes and Standards 12. TES-K-100, Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning System 13. TES-P-104, Underground Cable and Wire Standards 14. TCS-P-104, Underground High Voltage Cable Installation Standards 15. TES-P-103.04, Storage Battery Installation 16. ANSI/IEEE C2, National Electrical Safety Code 17. ANSI/IEEE 383, IEEE Standard for Type Test of Class 1E Electric Cables, Field Splices, and connections for Nuclear Power Generating Stations 18. ANSI/IEEE 384, IEEE Standard Criteria for Independence of Class 1E Equipment and Circuits 19. ANSI/IEEE 980, IEEE Guide for Containment and Control of Oil Spills in Substations 20. ANSI/IEEE 979, Guide for Substation Fire Protection 21. ASTM E814, Standard Test Method for Fire Tests of Through Penetration Fire Stop 22. NFPA 10, Portable Fire Extinguishers TESP11921R0/MSC Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 35 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 23. NFPA 12, Standard or Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems 24. NFPA 70, National Electrical Code 25. NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code 26. NFPA 80, Standard for Fire Doors and Fire Windows 27. NFPA 90A, Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems 28. NFPA 101, Code for Safety to Life from Fire in Buildings and Structures 29. NFPA 220, Standard on Types of Building Construction 30. NFPA 251, Standard Methods of Tests of Fire Endurance of Building Construction and Materials 31. NFPA 255, Standard Method of Test of Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials 32. NFPA 2001, Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems 33. UL 63, Fire Door Frames 34. BS 6207, Specification for Mineral-insulated Cables 35. UMC, Uniform Mechanical Code 36. UL 555, Standard for Safety Fire Dampers 37. UL 555S, Standard for Safety Leakage Rated Dampers for use in Smoke Control Systems 38. UL 1479, UL Standard for Safety Fire Tests of Through Penetration Fire Stops TESP11921R0/MSC Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 36 OF 37 TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING STANDARD TES-P-119.21, Rev. 0 STEEL ENCLOSURE OPENING FOR PAPER ENTRY 450 mm 450 mm 450 mm 1000 mm 450 mm WITHDRAWABLE SHELF FOR PRINTER WITHDRAWABLE SHELF FOR HOLDING PRINTER PAPER WITH PULLING HANDLE LOCKABLE FRONT CLEAR GLASS DOOR NOTES 1. 2. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS. PRINTER POWER SUPPLY AND DATA CABLE SHALL ENTER FROM THE BACK SIDE OPENING. THERE SHALL BE OPENING IN THE TOP SHELF FOR PAPER ENTRY. Figure 21-1 : Steel Enclosure with Withdrawable Shelf for Fire Alarm Printer and Paper DWG # TE-1921-0100-00 TESP11921R0/MSC Date of Approval: June 24, 2008 PAGE NO. 37 OF 37